Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Dance of The Chuunin ❯ Caught ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Dance of The Chuunin

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

By: AlwaysHiei


AUTHOR NOTE (IMPORTANT): Before you read this chapter, Please, read this.
I have attempted to make this less confusing by putting the persons disguises name in parenthese after the persons actual name.

EXAMPLE: For Hinata, it will say: Hinata (Sakura). For Sakura it'll say, Sakura (Hinata), Naruto it'll say, Naruto (Sasuke) and then Sasuke (Naruto).

I hope that it helps. If it does, then, tell me in a review, so I'll keep it up.

Thanks, HarvestMoonFan24 for the idea!

Now, on with the story! ^_^


'I really need to avoid Ino and Neji.' Hinata (Sakura) thought, as she walked about, wondering how she should continue with her pursuit of Naruto. As she did this, she accidentally ran into Rock Lee.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lee." Hinata (Sakura) said while bowing.

"That's quite all right, er..." Lee began, but, he couldn't tell who it was. 'This person LOOKS like Sakura, but, she also looks like Neji's cousin, Hinata... Hm... Oh! I know who it must be!' "Hinakura-San!"

"Um, what?" Hinata (Sakura) asked, confused. Who the heck was 'Hinakura'?

"I said, Hinakura-San!" Lee explained. "Your name!!"

"Uh..." Hinata (Sakura) was confused as to what she should say. Her plan was to act like Sakura, but, people didn't really believe her disguise. 'Should I let him think that I'm "Hinakura"?'

Before she could answer, Kiba and Tenten approached.

"Hey, Lee!" Tenten called as she walked with Kiba to the duo.

"Hey, Hinata!" Kiba called to his teamate.

Hinata (Sakura) immediately noticed that they were holding hands.

"Hello, Tenten, Kiba-San! Are the two of you enjoying your youthful date?" Lee asked.

"Yeah." Tenten replied. "Um... Hinata..? Why's your hair pink?"

"Why are you wearing contacts?" Kiba asked.

"What ARE you tow talking about?" Lee interupted. "I do not see Hinata-San anywhere! This is Hinakura-San!"

"Right, Lee." Tenten replied, rolling her eyes before turning back to Hinata (Sakura). "So? Why's it pink?"

Hinata (Sakura) opted for keeping her disguise. "I was born this way."

"Not that I ever saw you as a baby, Hinata, but, I seriously doubt that. I mean, A HYUUGA with PINK hair? NATURAL pink hair? That'd be hilarious!" Kiba replied.

"I'm not a Hyuuga." Hinata (Sakura) defended. "My last name's 'Haruno'."

"RRiigghhhttt, Hinata, right." Tenten said, laughing. "Are you planning a joke on your family or something?"

"No, of course not!" Hinata (Sakura) replied. "Please, quit calling be Hinata!"

"You're related to Sakura-Chan?" Lee suddenly asked. "That's wonderful! You're so lucky, Hinakura-San! Someday, we'll be related too. I'm going to marry Sakura when we're older!!"

"Speaking of Sakura, I think I see her right over there, Lee. Go ask for a dance." Kiba lied, pointing in a random direction.

"Is she really there?" Lee asked as he quickly scanned the crowd. "I don't see her, but, I'll take your word it!"

And, with that, Lee dashed off to find any sign of pink hair.

"So, seriously, Hinata. Why are you trying to act like Hinata?" Tenten asked, seriously.

'I guess there's no choice. I have to tell them.' Hinata (Sakura) thought defeatedly. "You see, guys, Well... The reason that I'm dressed like this is because... I've always secretly wanted... to have pink hair." 'More like, NEVER wanted!'

"... Why?" Tenten asked.

"Because, pink is such a wonderful color." Hinata (Sakura) explained. 'Not.'

"Then why do you always say that you hate it?" Kiba asked.

"Because, I always felt embarassed." Hinata (Sakura) confessed. ' Yeah, right!'

"Oh, okay." Tenten sortive accepted Hinata's (Sakura) answer. "I mean, It's just a surprise. You've never really worn pink, and, Neji and Kiba say that you always say how much you dislike the color."

"Yeah, but, It's fine that you never meant it." Kiba said.

"I'm glad you think so. Now, you two should go dance together." Hinata (Sakura) said as she pushed the couple onto the dance floor.

Once she thought the two were dancing, she quickly left the area.

'I defintely need to avoid Ino, and Neji!' Sakura (Hinata) as she wandered around the dance area. While she did this, she accidentally ran in Gai, who was one of the dances chaperones.

"Oh, s-s-sorry!" Sakura (Hinata) said as she got up.

"It's fine, it's fine! I'm glad neither of us are hurt, um..." Gai was saying. 'Who os this? It sortive looks like Hinata-San, but, also like Lee's girlfriend Sakura... Hm. Oh, I know it must be-' "I'm going to guess that your name is Hanabi-San!"

'What? How in the world did he get 'Hanabi' out of my disguise? What a complete idiot!!' Sakura (Hinata) thought. 'Oh well. I'll go along with it.' "Y-yes, I a-am." 'Seriously, how did he get HANABI? She doesn't have blue hair, she doesn't stutter! She's a confident person. Besides, she isn't even a chuunin!'

"Haha! I am correct, as always!" Gai yelled jubilantly.

"What're ya yelling about Gai?" Anko said as she and Kakashi approached the duo.

"And why is your hair blue, Sakura?" Kakashi asked, curiously.

"What are you talking about, Kakashi? I don't see Sakura anywhere!" Gai said. "Your eyesight must be going!"

"Right, Gai." Kakashi replied, shaking his head. "Sakura, why are you wearing white contacts?"

"Are you trying to look like a Hyuuga or something?" Anko asked.

"Whatever do you mean by 'trying'? She IS a Hyuuga, clearly. This isn't Sakura, it's Hanabi, by the way!" Gai explained.

"Gai, I think Rock Lees spotted you and is already starting to yell 'Gai-Sensei'. Don't keep him waiting!" Anko lied, making Gai immediately run in the direction she was pointing, crying 'LEE!'.

"Well then, now that he's gone, why are you wearing contacts and why's your hair blue?" Kakashi asked, again.

'Well, since he's not gonna let me go easily...' Sakura (Hinata) thought before replying with, "Well, you see sensei, I've always wanted to.... be a Hyuuga."

"Why?" Anko asked.

"Because, I just have. I've always wanted that." Sakura (Hinata) explained.

"But, Sakura, you always are saying how much you 'hate Neji' because 'He's such a jerk' and everything." Kakashi said.

"I guess I was lying. I've always thought of him as a dear, dear, brother of mine." Sakura (Hinata) said, dramatically.

"Then why--"Anko began, but was cut off by Sakura saying, "You guys are such a cute couple. Why not go dance?" Before pushing them onto the dance floor and leaving.


Hey, thanks for the reviews!

I know, it was a short (And rather pointless) chapter and all. Sorry!

So, votings still available, and, the sand ninjas might come, too.

Please, tell me if the parenthese thing helped.

PLEASE, REVIEW!! Reviews are my motivation to update so quickly. The more I get, the quicker I update!

