Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Phantom Karasu ❯ Remember me Karasu ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The phantom stood by the door to the bedroom her long black cloak swirled in the slight breeze her red lips stood out against the paleness of her skin. She was as lithe as a panther and just as deadly but now the look that graced her face was one of pain though she bore no obvious wounds. She stood staring at the sleeping figure that lay in the bed in front of her. He was built like a wolf every inch of him radiated power, his silver hair was obscuring his face but she knew exactly what he looked like. Even though she made no sound other than the occasional sob something seemed to wake him opening his mismatched eyes he stared at her and smiled which only quickened the flow of the ignored tears she approached him slowly sat up when she moved to sit on the bed beside him grateful that the darkness hid her tears.
“I am sorry to wake you I just wanted to see you once more.” The phantom's words were quiet, so quiet he almost didn't hear her.
“Don't be sorry dearest one. I missed you. How did your visit to the desert go?” his voice was soft.
“It was enlightening, but I came to tell you that something has happened I must leave soon and there is a chance that I will never see you again so I just wanted to say that I'm sorry no matter what happens in the coming weeks know that I love you and always will the time I spent here I will always treasure. Maybe it will be better if you forgot that we were ever married.” She went to rise but was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist pulling her back down
“No matter what happened no matter what you have done I will always remember you and I will always love you but please don't leave yet.” His voice was pleading in response she whispered to him “I will stay with you for a while but I will be gone by morning” with that she laid down next to him
When the sun had stained the horizon the color of blood a Konoha Shinobi woke to find only a dried black rose surrounded by coal colored feathers as evidence that the phantom had ever existed. His only thoughts were of her …
If you wait for me Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll return and fill that space in your heart