Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tired of The Day ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tired of The Day

By: AlwaysHiei

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter- 5

As Sasuke was walking to lunch with his friends, he decided to go and check his locker. It sounded odd, but somehow Sasuke knew he should. And when Sasuke thought he knew something, he wasn't about to back down.

So, he told his friends Shikamaru, Naruto, Chouji and Kankurou that he needed to grab something from his locker and that he'd meet Naruto and him at their table.

Sasuke briskly walked to his locker and found exactly what he was hoping for; a small slip of paper taped to his locker. Except, it was pink and looked rather thick. He walked over to the note and glanced at it curiously.

To his dismay, it had the name Sakura Haruno signed on the bottom. 'A stupid love-note from a fangirl...' He pulled it off, only to find another note underneath. This one was orange. Sasuke looked at this one curiously, and saw that it was messily signed "Naruto".

'Well, it isn't a fangirl...' Sasuke thought before actually reading it: "Hey! Sasuke! Remember to meet Shikamaru, Chouji, Kankurou and me for dinner tonight at eight!
This time we aren't going to the ramen stand like usual; We're going to that cafe that the cutey Sakura Haruno works at. I think it's called 'Cafe AlwaysHiei' or something. Weird name, but I think the lady who built it was obsessed over some character named 'Hiei' from some action show.
Just make sure you're there because Shikamaru ordered me to make sure you were, as always!
'Why didn't he just remind me at lunch or after school...? Idiot. At least we're not going to Ichiraku's for once. Then again, He only wants to eat there so he can see that annoying girl Sakura.' Sasuke thought, before pulling that note note off as well. Underneath, he found a plain, notebook paper note. He glanced at this one and saw it had no name.

Taking this to mean it was from who he wanted it to be from, Sasuke took the time to read this:

"I answered because It intrigues me, that you asked.
Though, I wonder what you prefer; The light, or the night?"

Sasuke read the note over again and smirked a little. 'She actually replied...' He then wrote his answer on a small sheet of paper and taped it to her locker on his way back to lunch.

"Hey! SASUKE! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!!" Naruto Uzumaki yelled as soon as Sasuke had gotten his lunch and sat down at their table.

"Quit yelling. And the line for lunch was still long when I got here." Sasuke lied. It was actually quite short by the time he arrived.

"Whatever..." Shikamaru mumbled as he lazily picked at his free school lunch.

"I'm so excited for tonight!!" Naruto exclaimed, jumping up in joy. "I get to see Sakura when we aren't in school!! And she can't punch me if I bother her or something!! But of course you just have to ruin it all, huh?! Why does he have to come, Shikamaru?!! She has a massive crush on Sasuke, and will completely ignore me all night!!"

"Number one, you're both assuming she's working tonight, and that she'll be our waitress." Kankurou began, just trying to get his friend to shut it as soon as possible. "Number two, Sasuke's coming because it's tradition."

"I do so know she's working; I begged Ino to tell me, and she did because she sometimes likes to bother Sakura because of their rivalry thing, and I plan on requesting a seat in her area of work; I asked Ino, and she said that Sakura always works in a certain area." Naruto explained. "And who cares about tradition?! Why have this tradition anyways?!!"

"How troublesome...We would never eat out and go to a movie every week if it weren't for tradition, idiot. Ever since we were all eight we've been doing this every week." Shikamaru pointed out. "And even if the tradition didn't include Sasuke, he'd still have to come because I don't want to have to be the only smart one in the group."


"Shut up and eat." Shikamaru stated.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes. He knew Naruto didn't mean it; Chouji, Shikamaru, Kankurou, Naruto and him had been friends for a long time, and though they argued a lot they were rather close, and cared about eachother. And they'd always eaten out and watched a movie together evey week. Ever since his family had died.

eight years ago.

Sasuke had just turned eight years old. He had been a happier child with a lot of friends and family. His best friends had always been Chouji, Shikamaru, Kankurou, and Naruto, but his favorite person in the world was his older brother, Itachi.

Sasuke was always carefree, and loved playing and all-around interacting with others.

This all ended only a month after he turned eight.

His family was murdered.

Not his entire family; just the main branch of the Uchiha clan. They were murdered when Sasuke's older Itachi had let the murderers into the main house, and allowed them to kill the hundred or so people inside.

This was all a part of the plan; Itachi and the entire branch house had been working together. The branch house wanted Itachi to be the head of the clan, and Itachi himself wanted to be as well. Itachi wanted to be the leader because he wanted power; he liked power. Craved it, even. And to be the head of the most powerful clan in the entire city would certainly bring it to him. He figured that with that kind of power under his control, he could be controling the entire city in a matter of months. And Itachi wanted this power bad enough to kill his father, the current head of the Uchiha. And he wanted it now. Itachi was smart, though. He knew he couldn't kill over a hundred people alone; and he knew he couldn't have their blood on his hands if he wanted his plan for power to work out.

So, he made a deal with the lower branch. You see, it was well-known that the lower branch was not happy with their current lack of power in the clan; they wanted to be in more control of what went on. And Itachi, with this knowledge, was able to convince them to assist in the murder. The lower branch helped Itachi because he had agreed to allow the lower branch more power, were he heir.

That night, over two-hundred adults from the lower branch rushed into the main house and attacked everyone inside. The main house, though they fought back, had no chance of winning due to lack of weapons and being outnumbered.

And everyone from the main house was killed. Everyone who attacked the house left as soon as the deed was finished. The house was completely empty except for two people.

Itachi; the official head of the clan.

And Sasuke; The official only surviving main-house member who didn't plan the whole thing.

Though Sasuke had hid well, and managed to live through the killing with only a few small outside injuries, Itachi was able to find his little brother easily.

Because Sasuke had hid in Itachi's room.

When Itachi walked into the hardly scathed room, he immediately spotted a scared Sasuke on his bed wrapped in his blanket shaking.

"Little brother, it's okay. I'm here." Itachi urged the small boy to go to him.

Sasuke just whimpered. He knew the truth. He knew that the older brother who he looked up to and loved more than anything in the world was the person who did this. Was the person who ruined Sasuke's life.

"Sasuke. Come on out, now." Itachi tried again. He knew Sasuke knew; he was just trying to mess around with his brothers head some before he left.

Before Itachi could say anything more though, he heard the sirens of approaching police and ambulances. Itachi knew he'd have to leave right then, so he grabbed his brother Sasuke by the neck and whispered:

"Little brother. I hope you're happy to be alive. You narrowly missed death. I know you know what I did, and I want you to also know that I am very proud of my achievement and of my new standing in our clan. I'll do my best to lead us into greatness, dear brother, so don't you worry about that. But, if you want to hate me, go for it. If you want to kill me, try it. But if you want to stop me, don't bother. You can prove nothing. I killed no one, so there's no evidence. I only have you and the lower branch left as witnesses; the lower-branch is easily dealt with, and you; I know you don't plan on tattling on me."

Itachi wanted to say more, but heard yelling from police officers coming towards the room, so he put the boy down, walked to the window, turned around, and whispered, "Bye-bye, my dear brother." before jumping out silently. Sasuke raced to the window, but no one was there. In another moment, the door burst open and in rushed some officer's.

"Are you okay, little boy?!! What happened?!!!" An officer yelled.

Sasuke remained silent, still at the window. Though you couldn't see it, there was a single tear running down his cheek. That was the first moment in Sasuke's like when he realized how much he loved the darkness; no one saw that tear in the dark. And Sasuke wanted no one to see it.

Naturally, Sasuke never went back to the remaining Uchiha family. He told everyone who asked why that it would only bring back memories of the lost Uchihas' and that he'd be fine alone. He never said what really occured out of fear.

Luckily for Sasuke, Itachi had failed. The lower branch found out that Itachi had lied about giving them power, and he ended up dead. After that, the lower-branch dispersed and took up whatever clans names their spouses that were married into the clan originally had. No one but the Uchiha ever found out about the truth of that horrid night.

The only Uchiha left was Sasuke. He refused to change his name. He was an Uchiha, and always would be. He vowed to forever carry the name Uchiha in honor of his dead loved ones. No matter how twisted the history of it was.

Sasuke changed, though. He wasn't carefree and happy all the time anymore. He was cold nowadays. But, he still kept his friends. No matter what, they still stuck with him. Which was why they had that tradition; so that Sasuke always knew he had people there for him, and so that he wouldn't have to eat alone every single night in that empty, dark apartment of his.

And though he'd never admit this, he was thankful for this. It was depressing sometimes; to always eat at that tiny table staring across from himself at an empty chair.

After they ate lunch, They all got up to go to social studies.

As they walked, they passed by Hinata Hyuuga who was walking towards her locker.

Sasuke watched as they passed by and Hinata read the note he taped there. After she read it, she put it into her pocket, got another small piece of paper and wrote something down before rushing off to what he figured was his locker. As she ran, she turned around for a second and looked into Sasuke's black eyes.

Though it was only really a split second, to those two, it seemed like they stared into eachothers eyes for ten minutes before Hinata broke the contact by turning a corner.

Sasuke looked forward again and thought, 'Her eyes... They showed such sadness in them...Just like mine...'


Well, Sasuke's past is revealed. I hoped you all liked this chapter. In case you don't already know, Social Studies is another term for history.

Please review!! ^_^
