Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What am I to you? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He lowered himself on the bed about her waist level while watching her chest rise up and down. His gaze moved to her pretty, calm face that wore a sweet smile. She looked so peaceful. He looked to the straps that trapped her to the bed. He wanted to remove them off of her. The Hokage did give him permission.
The sound she made moved his attention back to her face. It sounded so pleasurable, as though she was having a good dream. This made him wonder what she was dreaming.
Her black, long eyelashes made movements but her eyelids didn't open. He looked away and at the breakfast. It lay on the table at the angle of his knee and alongside the bed where she put her head. Her breakfast was cereal, milk, a green apple and orange juice. He didn't know what else to bring her.
She didn't talk to him, at least yet to tell him what she liked to eat for breakfast. He wasn't leaving this room though until she ate everything he brought her. She hadn't eaten anything yesterday. She actually starved herself so the nurses gave drugs as her food. He didn't want his woman to take drugs or to have a nurse give her drugs just because she couldn't eat. He would feed her himself if he had to.
Her eyelids flattered open, slowly, and her light green grass-colored orbs stared at him with confusion before they blinked in recognition. “Naruto, what are you doing here?”
He smiled at her even though she didn't return his smile. “Good morning Sakura. I brought you breakfast but I have to get you up and clean you before you eat.” He went to his feet yawning as though he was the one that had just woken up.
She didn't say anything and that worried him.
He started wishing that she were ranting as she used to a couple of weeks ago. He wanted to know what she was thinking and what was on her mind. He wanted to know if she was back.
She coughed huskily. “I'm hungry,” she told him in a whispery tone with huskiness visible in it.
He chuckled and removed the cuffs off her. “Come here.” He pushed the covers off her. Putting an arm under her knees and the other at her back, he scooped her up in the air. Her warm body leaned against his chest. “I will first clean you up.”
She didn't say anything but just looked into his eyes.
Once he was by the bathroom, he pushed the door open to reveal a bathtub filled with jasmine scented water. He had kept busy when he had found her still sleeping.
“That smells so good Naruto,” she mumbled with her eyes closing.
He frowned at that. The drugs they gave her were still in her system. He really was going to have a talk with the old hag about that. He didn't like it one bit. Anyway, Sakura had said that the water smelled good. He gave her a slow sexy smirk, which he knew made women blush, even though she wasn't looking. “For you Sakura, anything.”
She coughed again and reopened her eyes. “I'm so tired.”
He put her down on the toilet seat before he started taking her hospital gown off her, leaving her only in her underwear and sports bra. “I got you honey. I won't let anything happen to you. I got you.” He tossed the gown in the laundry basket behind him.
She put her arms around herself protectively and her feet curled making herself look even more vulnerable than she already looked.
“I will never hurt you Sakura.” He knelt on one knee before he reached under her knees again and one hand rested at her back. He carried her off the toilet seat and took her to the tub. Bending, he placed her in the warm water.
She arched her neck that it rested on the rim of the white tub. “Why do I feel so weak Naruto?”
He went on his knees and beat at the water that bubbles formed. “Drugs…”
She didn't reply at that but he knew that her eyes were still on him.
He reached into the water and pulled her underwear off her lifting her slightly that her underwear moved to her thighs. He tried to stay focused, and not concentrate so hard, on how soft she felt. He bent her legs, pushed the underwear all the way up to her knees and down through her feet. Taking the underwear, all wet, he placed it on the rim of the tub in front him.
She had her hands in the bathtub, giving herself balance to avoid slipping in the tub.
He had now to take off her pushup bra. Keep your eyes on her face, don't look down. His blue orbs searched her green ones as they searched his back. His calloused hands trailed to the edges of her bra and he pushed it over her breasts. “Put your hands up,” he said. She did so he was able to pull her bra over her head.
He put the bra on top of her underwear before gently brushing his thumb on her cheek.
She crossed her arms over her chest again.
“I'm planning on buying a house,” he started talking to her to distract his mind from the pictures of ecstasy of her and he would be doing instead of this. He grabbed the sponge from the corner of the tub and put it in the bubbly water. “My apartment doesn't have any space anymore and-and there are some things that I need to buy to-to fit into the apartment and I couldn't fit anything in there that I wanted to buy so-so... yeah.” Gosh, he was such a bad liar. He wanted her to come live with him after everything was okay.
He fished for her leg in the water and he scrubbed it with care. He pulled it out of the water wanting not to miss a spot. Then he let it go, got the other and washed it too. “You are going to be okay Sakura. I will make sure of it. You just have to trust me. I know it will be hard but to tell you the truth I'm the only person here that you can trust with all your heart.” He glanced at her after saying that. “Because, I will never hurt you,” he added.
She was so quiet.
The old Sakura would be yelling at him and shouting, complaining.
He looked down and soaked the sponge in the water again. But things had changed. He would never have that old Sakura back. Maybe, but not until she had overcome her pain.
He moved the sponge, this time to her arms. He scrubbed under her armpits and every area on her arms. Right now, he would be blubbering about nonsense but the thing was that he had nothing positive to tell her about himself. His life had negative things only ever since Sasuke left the village.
Moving, he went around the tub to her back. Yeah, life changed for all of them. He finished doing her back and then he put his arm, the one holding the sponge, over her shoulder. “I will let you finish the rest.”
She took the sponge from his hand in slow motion but she just held it doing nothing with it.
He didn't know why he did it but he placed a kiss on her left shoulder before rising to his feet and going around her taking the underwear and bra with him. “I'm going to be by the sink so if you need me for anything just call me.”
He opened the faucets and put her under garments under the water flowing out of the taps.
“How is everyone?” she questioned him softly that he almost didn't make out her voice but Kyuubi's physical traits allowed him to hear every word she had uttered.
However, the words shocked him and excited him. Sakura was getting better and in no time she would be back to being Sakura, his Sakura. He started thinking about her question and he gladly told her how everyone was doing. Kakashi was dating Anko. He had no idea how that happened because Anko scared the day lights out of every man. She should because she had that look that she could cut your balls off in your sleep. He was happy for his sensei though for finding someone that he loved and that loved him back.
Grandma was playing hard to get with the old pervert sensei. It was obvious the two liked each other but they hid it very well or so they thought by acting like friends and Tsunade beating the shit out of the old pervert sensei whenever he said or did something stupid.
Ino owned now her mother's flower shop and she was working on becoming a wedding planner since she was into designing and crap. But what he didn't tell Sakura was that Ino quit her position as a ninja with a detail of not being a ninja type kind of person.
So, anyway, he went on and told Sakura how- she interrupted him though.
“I'm done.”
He looked in her direction to see that she had already rinsed herself and washed her hair. A blush covered his face. She was nude standing there vulnerable. He tried not to look so hard at her womanly curves and avoided lowering his gaze to her- what was he doing? He looked away and at his hands that were squeezing the garments so the water he had rinsed with them would come out.
He put the clothes down on the side of the sink and grabbed a white towel from the towel holder. His eyes moved on their on to her breasts but then he looked back up quickly gulping to meet her blank green eyes. What was she thinking behind that pretty head of hers? He wasn't a pervert. His eyes just… He drew the towel around her beautiful form and lifted her up. She was so light he remembered. It was as though she weighed zero pounds.
He once again tried to ignore how squashy she felt, so soft and tempting.
Reaching the other room, he placed her down on the bed making her sit sideways with her feet touching the floor.
He caught the edges of the towel and dried her long, sexy legs with it and with care.
“What kind of cheerio is that?” she asked out of nowhere.
He looked up at her with wide blue eyes. What? His orbs then traveled to the bowl filled with cheerio waiting for her to devour. He loved those colored ones. It surprised him that she had never seen them before in her life. “They are lucky charms. They…they are my favorite. I didn't know what to bring you so I just brought you that.”
“That is just fine,” she told him. “But, I have never eaten them before. How do they taste like?”
She was talking to him. He opened the drawer under her bed and got a tube of Vaseline out. “The green colored ones taste like green apples and the red kind taste like strawberries but with sugar.”
From the corner of his eyes, he saw her reach for the bowl and pick up a cheerio. He squatted down, looked up directly at her mouth, and saw her tongue flicker out. She placed the cheerio on it before both it and cheerio disappeared in her mouth. She started chewing on the cheerio. Did she know how she looked while she was doing that? She looked hot even with her pink hair all curled up dripping with water.
He opened the tube of lotion and put its cover on the floor before he squeezed a mass from the tube on his palm. Meanwhile, he was watching her expression. He wanted to know if she liked his favorite breakfast meal for future references.
She gulped and licked the corners of the insides of her mouth. “They taste really good,” she mumbled to him.
He nodded his head appreciatively. “They do indeed. How do you feel?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “The shower helped a little bit. I'm not as weak as I had felt before the shower.”
He smiled at her, lifted her leg slowly, and massaged it with the lotion in his hand. He also did the other leg. He smeared her legs with lotion all the way up to her knees. He didn't want to violate her, physically. He knew how that felt, being violated that was. He tightened his jaw in anger.
It was all in the past. The past.
Her beautiful voice called for his attention.
“Yes?” he replied but he didn't look up. He didn't want her to see the pain in his eyes and the betrayal he felt. Sasuke was like his brother, he was like family he had never had but then he went… Do not go there! Drop it now!
She scratched her shin and his eyes followed the movement as he tried to calm himself down. “Are there any cameras in this room?”
That thought never crossed his mind before. He looked around the room, in every corner of the white room. “I don't know.” And he didn't like the fact that he hadn't asked the Hokage for privacy for his woman. He didn't want another man watching her sleep or-or watch her get naked while she was changing.
A deep, animistic growl left his throat. He looked around the room repeatedly before he marched to the closet grabbing for another hospital gown. The camera subject disturbed him. “Can you walk now, Sakura? Or do you want me to help you?”
Some sick pervert might be watching them right now. But, what about the bathroom? What if also there was a camera? Maybe Kyuubi could tell him. He hadn't contacted Kyuubi for a long time.
Long time kit, I have been missed I take.
He rolled his eyes. I have a question.
This place smells familiar.
Glad that you noticed, anyway-
If it has something to do with helping that stupid woman, I'm not going to answer it.
She is not stupid. She is smart and-
Naruto felt the fox close himself off. He tried to reach him again but the stupid fox put some barrier around himself. Ugh! Who needed him anyway?! He called Sakura stupid. Naruto turned from the closet to come face to face with her.
He inhaled in her jasmine scent looking deeply in her orbs. Yeah, her clothes, he handed her, her gown.
She took the attire and left him going to the bathroom.
He watched as the door shut behind her. What was going on, on her mind? He hated to admit it but he didn't like this new Sakura. She was unpredictable and very distant. It showed him that she was hurting more inside than she was letting on.