Original Stories Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction ❯ Gaia's Furry ❯ Clash of Power the Battle for Ileandrean Begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gaia's Furry
Ultima Key Blade Master 111
Claimer: I own every thing in this story. Nothing is borrowed or ripped off from some one else. However if you want to borrow my characters just ask me. My email address is darianwezel@yahoo.com
A/N: just so everyone knows you are portrayed as my main character so whenever I have point of views I'll just write your POV. “Hyzura and Hykura talking.” Shape shifters can only talk in their own language but people fused with them can understand them.
(You're POV)
“I'm going to take you all down!” I shouted channeling my weapon. “Demon Slayers' Sword.” I shouted as I swung my weapon decapitating ten dark shape shifters. “Devils Twisters!” I shouted twirling my Tangangara and channeling the air around me creating hundreds of bloody flaming tornadoes taking out at least 25 enemies. When I dodged the attack of one I've my enemies I saw Zack taking down some enemies with both of his guns shooting them either in between the eyes or in the heart. After a while I finally found who I had been waiting to see I had just taken down my 900th enemy and there at the far side of the area clapping was Dathon's human form Dygara clapping.
“Bravo you are a lot stronger then you seemed when you tried to channel the lock. You made it seem like you were weaker then me so that you would be able to break the gates without me interfering. Now that I've seen what you can do its time to get this party started.” He said with a smirk on his face.
“You haven't seen anything yet but trust me that is about to change.” I said putting away my weapon and channeling my hand. “Here we go Fighting Style of the Just King move number 27. The Hand of Tanarega.” I said running toward him I jumped in the air pulled back my hand and as I came down I slammed my palm into Dygara's chest. He stumbled backwards holding his chest.
“You were right I hadn't seen anything and I'm sure that I still haven't really seen anything yet. Now moving right along.” He said right before he disappeared. “Pica boo. Shingaro's Fist.” He said slamming his fist that he was channeling into my side. I fell to the ground but recovered after a minute. “Trinomial Bencho Cono!” we both shouted throwing our fists at each other. When they hit the one thing I never wanted to happen happened a clash of power. There was an explosion and we both went sliding back digging our feet in the ground as we did.
Me: hey sorry that this chapter is so short but I just wanted to get the battle started not finish it. Here is what all of the attacks mean.
Hand of Tanarega- Breaking stone hand (literally the hand of god.)
Shingaro's Fist- Fist of the black and red fox
Trinomial Bencho Cono- The ultimate triangular force fist
Hykura: Oh man another cliff hanger
Zack: Keep reading and remember to review.