Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Legend Guardians ❯ Enter Aqua Dragon ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Callie blinked in confusion as she watched a sky blue light fall from the sky. "I wonder what that is," she said before she heard a crash a few feet a way. Making a quick decision, she ran over to where she heard the sound. When she arrived, she looked around, only finding a smooth, blue stone lying in a small hole. Something about the stone entranced her for she soon found herself reaching for it, only for it to light up and shoot into her chest, causing her to let out a scream before she fainted. When she awoke, she found herself in her room, in her bed. Sitting up, she looked around as she tried to remember what had happened.

"Let's see, I was in the park, sitting on a bench, when I looked up and saw a light falling from the sky. I heard a crash nearby, so I ran over and saw a blue stone on the ground and I reached over to pick it up and then...I don't remember." Her door opened then and her mother walked in. The woman stopped when she saw her daughter awake, then ran over and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, sweetie, we were so worried! You were passed out in the park when you're father found you and he brought you home. You were unconcious for three days. What happened, honey?"

"I don't know," Callie said, running a hand through her auburn hair.

"Well, you just rest today and you can go back to school tomorrow," her mom said before she left the room.

"Oh, that's just great. I was out for three days. I wonder how Kurt is," Callie said before she curled up in her bed and fell asleep. The next day, Callie awoke feeling refreshed and ready to go. She went through her daily routine and got ready for school. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, greeting her parents and sitting down for breakfast.

"Are you sure you feel like going to school today, Callie?" her father asked her.

"Yes, dad, I'm sure I can go," Callie said with a sigh. That was the fourth time he had asked her and, in truth, it was getting annoying. Looking up at the clock, she noticed it was almost time for her bus to come, so she got up, said bye to her parents, grabbed her backpack, and left the house. As she approached the bus stop, she looked over towards the trees nearby and thought she saw a miniature sky blue dragon, but when she blinked and rubbed her eyes, it disappeared.

"That was weird," she mumbled before heading to the bench to wait for the bus. She didn't have to wait long, because two minutes later, her bus turned the corner and stopped in front of her. After the door opened and she got on, she walked to her regular seat, which she shared with her best friend, Sara. When she sat down, Sara started asking her questions, which she answered to the best of her ability.

"Hey, Callie, where did you get that necklace?" asked Sara. Callie blinked and looked down, surprised to see the blue stone from the park hanging from her neck on a chain.

"I've had it for awhile," she lied as her fingers moved to curl around the stone. Sara nodded, accepting her answer, when the bus parked in front of the school.

"You know, Kurt was worried about you while you were gone. He kept asking me if you were okay every day. You're lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend," Sara commented and Callie felt her face heat up.

"Sara..." Callie never got to finish her sentence, because just then, an explosion happened nearby. When the dust cleared, everyone saw what looked like a giant, mutated, green rat. The students and teachers all screamed and ran away. Callie and Sara stood there frozen as the rat looked over at them and began to growl. Just when it seemed that the rat was going to pounce on them, the dragon that Callie had seen earlier flew onto the scene and pounced on the rat, sending the mutated rodent back a few feet. The two girls looked at the dragon in surprise as it floated over to them. The dragon stopped in front of Callie and nudged her hand gently.

"Callie, I think it likes you," Sara said before the group heard another growl come from the rodent as began to stand up. The dragon growled lightly before staring at Callie, it's dark eyes looking up at her with a strange expression. Callie blinked in confusion before the stone around her neck began to glow.

"What in the..." said Callie before the glow covered her completely.

"Callie?" Sara asked in shock as the glow enveloped her best friend before it faded, leaving her in a strange outfit. Her clothes from before were gone, now replaced with a skin tight, white, sleeveless top and shorts, and on top of that was sky blue armor shaped to resemble a dragon. She also wore white, high heeled boots and fingerless gloves. Her hair and eyes were now dark blue. A pair of white dragon wings were now on her back.

"I'm Aqua Dragon, warrior of the east, and I say...leave now!" Callie, now Aqua Dragon, said with a frown. The rat just growled again and pounced.

"I warned you," Aqua Dragon said before calling for her weapon, "Aqua Sword!" A sword with a sky blue hilt appeared in her hand before she jumped up, heading towards the oncoming rodent. When the rodent's claws met with her sword, there was a flash of light that blinded everyone in the area for a few seconds. When the light faded away, Aqua Dragon and the rat were facing away from each other before the rat collapsed to the ground and shrunk, becoming a regular rat that scurried away quickly. The female warrior sighed before she was covered in a sky blue flash of light, and when it vanished, Callie was back to normal. The dragon, who had been floating beside Sara, nodded to her before turning into a keychain, which floated into Callie's hand.

"Callie, what just happened?" asked Sara. Callie looked over to her and blinked. She herself had no idea how to explain this because she had no idea what had just happened.

"I actually have no idea," she said as she massaged her temples. It was going to be a long day. Of course, after what had happened, school was closed until further notice.

"So, how's Joey?" Sara asked, half of her wanting to change the subject, the other half really wanting to know. Callie blinked before she looked over at her relieved.

"He's okay. From what I've heard, he and his parents are planning to come visit us this weekend," Callie replied before looking over at Sara and letting out a sigh. Sara was now blushing and she was staring into space, most likely daydreaming about Joey. With another sigh, she reached over and hit Sara on the shoulder lightly, causing her to snap out of her daze.

"Sorry about that," Sara said with a nervous laugh while Callie just snorted quietly and continued her walk from the bus stop to her house, Sara following quickly. When they reached her house, Callie opened the door and was assaulted with the smell of chocolate chip cookies.

"That smells so good," said Sara as she walked in after her and closed the door. Placing her backpack on the chair near it, she quickly made her way into the kitchen, Callie following at a slower pace. Walking into the kitchen, she saw her mother taking the last tray of cookies out of the oven and Sara drooling as she stared at the other cookies.

"Hey, honey, welcome home. I have to leave in a minute to go to work, so you girls will be home alone."

"That's okay mom, but you'll have to leave us some cookies. I think Sara is about to drown in her drool, " Callie told her mother while looking at Sara, who quickly wiped the drool of her chin and letting out a nervous laugh. Callie's mother only laughed and placed some cookies on two plates before she began to pack the others up. As she was placing the cookies in her car, Sara looked over at Callie and nudged her side, causing her to look at her.

"You will tell me how all this happened, right, Callie?"

Callie only nodded before pulling the keychain form of the dragon out of her pocket. When her mother called her name, she looked over. Her mother waved good-bye before getting into her car and driving off. Sara grabbed her hand and dragged her back into the kitchen so she could have her cookies before she began asking her questions.

"So, how did you find the stone?"

"Well, I was in the park, sitting on the bench, when all of a sudden a sky blue light flew through the air and landed a few feet away. I decided to go see what happened and ran over. When I got there, there was a small crater and inside of it was this sky blue stone. I looked at it and suddenly found myself leaning over to grab it. Then the stone, if I remember correctly, flew into my chest and I passed out. According to mom, dad found me and brought me home. I have no idea how the stone got onto this necklace and it won't come off," Callie explained, lifting the necklace up as a demonstration. Sara watched as the stone lit up and suddenly, Callie couldn't lift it any higher. Callie let the necklace go and it fell back around her neck.

"Wow...so, can you explain how you turned into that cool warrior, Aqua Dragon? You were so amazing!" Sara said with a big smile. Callie only shook her head.

"No idea. When the dragon looked at me, I felt...weird. It was like something had awakened inside of me and the next thing I know, I'm standing there as Aqua Dragon," Callie said, taking out the dragon keychain again. The keychain glowed a soft, sky blue color before turning into the dragon from before.

"Hey, the dragon's back," said Sara. The dragon let out a cute growl before floating over to rest by Callie, who smiled at it.

"This is going to be some adventure," she said, grinning at Sara.