Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Love Bites ❯ PREFACE ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kaito Venin sprinted through the thick forest in a hurry. Being a creature of the night, Kaito's senses were on the next level of any humans'. He dodged trees, roots, and fallen braches as he ran.
“Why am I even running…? This isn't how it should be…” Kaito thought as he came to a graceful stop. His shoes left skid marks in the scarred earth beneath his feet. Thoughts of the events from that day drifted throughout his mind. He grimaced.
Kaito leaned against an ancient oak tree and sighed as he brushed his semi-long black hair from his piercing blue eyes.
“Her scent was so familiar…I just can't place from where…and those beautiful eyes…”
Kaito bashed his skull against the oak he leaned against. His head left an imprint as he stood back up. He picked scraps of wood out of his hair angrily.
“She's just so…perfect…I never would have thought such beauty existed…not within several decades at least…but she's an exception…” Kaito murmured to himself. He held his sculpted face within his marble white fingers.
Could she be meant for me…?
Kaito continued to run to the dark depths of the forest. Without a destination, Kaito dashed about aimlessly. His black, silky shirt was un-buttoned down to his chest and fluttered as he ran.
“…but if she rejects me? What if she is disgusted by what I am…?” Kaito thought in denial.
Kaito decided that if that be the case, he'd move far away from human civilization and disappear from the public eye completely. He frowned at the thought. His blue eyes glinted in the moonlight as he contemplated some other way to go about this situation.
“Maybe if I approach her in a polite way and try to court her…”Kaito fantasized.
Again, he came to a hurtling stop and stood in silence.
“…she'll be a tough one to crack….this Alinko Vasha.” He smirked before disappearing into the dark underbrush.

…to be continued in chapter one!
