Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Watching His Back ❯ Watching His Back ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Petshop of Horrors or any of the characters. They belong to Matsuri Akino. I'm not making any profit off this little fan fic (other than regaining the ability to sleep), so please don't sue.
(Takes place after Volume 10.)
I've been with D for a long time.
I mean, let's face it. There aren't too many people out there who want to adopt an animal that looks like a ram, but with the teeth of a shark. And it's not like I'm the nice cuddly type. Most humans I'd rather eat than have to listen to `em talk for even a MINUTE.
GOD! They're annoying.
Or most of `em are anyway. That Chris kid was okay.
I wonder if he still remembers his time with us. That was over 20 years ago now. And now that he's grown up, he probably doesn't care for animals like he used to. Pon-chan disagrees with me on that. (Humans aren't keen on Raccoons either, so she's been with D even longer than me.) She says that it doesn't matter how old someone is - all that matters is their heart.
But anyway, I was saying I've been with D for a long time. And even though it was only months from the time I joined him til the time Chris came, still it was long enough for me to know D pretty well. I've been watching his back as long as I've known him. After all - he watches mine.
So you can believe me when I say that I'm actually glad that Orcot idiot sought us out.
I know, I know. But I just couldn't take it anymore. And even though he's got a loud mouth and he's always smoking those cancer sticks, and even though he's almost a total idiot… he can't be ALL bad. I mean, he's Chris' older brother.
And at the end there, after d's dad had tricked him, I think he acquitted himself pretty damn well. He wasn't graceful about it, but survival is never elegant. And he was more concerned about the rest of the world, and about D, than he was about himself - his own injuries.
Once he was in the real shop, and saw what it really was, the look of longing on his face was something I could finally fully understand about him. Then, D pushed him overboard, and I understood the look of loss I saw in Leon's eyes. It was a mirror image to the look in D's eyes.
Don't get me wrong. I still think the guy is a total idiot. I think he's a moron, and D could do better.
But D doesn't seem to think so.
We left that city. Went to Canada, if you can believe it. Toronto. Set up shop there. I guess D thought he needed a break from the FBI. And even though we've done this so many times before - switched cities and started again - this time, it truly was different. Because D was… like a ghost.
The whole exchange with his father - his father being killed by that Orcot idiot, his father trying to kill off all the humans, D finding out his grandfather was Q-chan, D creating his own son-duplicate and the Count telling him that D's son was HUMAN - that was hard on him, I think. It didn't all hit him right away. But gradually, it began to wear on him.
At the time, I was convinced that was all that it was. I was sure that the Orcot moron had nothing to do with it. The fact that his daily sweets intake was reduced to less than half was a serious concern for all of us at the shop. We talked about it whenever D wasn't around. Pon-chan kept claiming that it was because D missed his adopted human family as much as she did. And I assured everyone that just because Pon wanted Chris to stay with them forever didn't mean that D was as stupid as her.
And after all, that Leon asshat was nothing but a pain. Always coming by and yelling at D. Always convinced that D was behind every incident where some dumbass human got hurt through their own stupidity. So how in the hell could it be that D MISSED that idiot?
That's what I thought.
But about three weeks after we opened shop in Toronto, the police came by to ask about another stupid human that got themselves killed by not paying attention to what D was saying, by being more worried about their own petty little problems to really pay attention to the pet they were picking out.
The officer who came by came in, and D about bent over backwards. Would he like a tart? No? Some tea? No? Cake? Cookies?
The officer, of course, wasn't interested. You could tell he thought D was a harmless eccentric. He smiled condescendingly the whole time he was there. And left as soon as D answered all the questions.
D didn't eat or drink anything for the entire rest of the day. And for the rest of the week, his sweets consumption rate was only 1/10 of normal.
That week sucked.
I mean, imagine a whole week of having Pon-chan give you that I-told-you-so look. But when she's right, she's right.
We all worked together to help D. Got a copy of the paper that headlined the case that the Toronton Officer had come to question him about. We cut it out, folded it so that the reference to the new pet was the first thing to be seen, then mailed it: Detective Leon Orcot, San Francisco Police Department - District 12, San Francisco, CA, USA.
It was less than a week later that there was a knock at the shop door. The count was back up to eating half his normal sweets. But he just didn't smile like he used to. When he heard the knock, he set down his teacup and opened the door wide, bowing and welcoming them to his pet shop.
When he stood back up and actually looked at the detective… Well, Orcot reached out and grabbed his arm to steady him so that he didn't fall over.
Orcot's smile was so radiant then. Like he'd finally found exactly what it was he'd been looking for his entire life. He said, “I'm glad to see you, too, D.” Then he half carried D back to the couch where he'd been drinking his tea, freshened his cup and held it out for him to drink. He patted Pon on the head and said, “Hello again, Pon-chan.” Then he nodded at me. “Totetsu-san.”
“What are you doing here, Detective Orcot?” D asked quietly between sips.
He held out the drawing Chris had made of all of us. “Returning something that I suspect might be important to you.” He set it on the table.
D stared at the drawing for several minutes without saying anything.
Finally, Leon spoke. He said, “I also brought you this.” And he set on the table a pastry box. “Madam See's fruit tarts. Good thing I did, too. It doesn't look like these Canadians have been feeding you lately.” He kinda smiled at the count when he said that - like he wanted to make sure D knew he wasn't being mean or makin' fun of him.
D smiled at that, in spite of himself, I think. Then, he made his face calm and said, “You didn't really answer my question, Detective.”
Leon sat on the edge of his seat. He seemed a little nervous, and I could smell his anxiety. To cover it, he poured himself a cup of tea. “You want to know why I flew all the way across North America just to deliver to you a sheet of paper that I could have easily mailed,” he said, looking off to the side and taking a sip of tea.
He didn't quite meet the count's eyes, when he said, “You've always been a step ahead of me. Why do you think I'm here?”
The count stared at him quietly until Leon looked up and met his eyes. Usually, trying to look into the different colored eyes of the count would make people stutter and look away. But… I gotta say this for the guy, when he looked into the count's eyes, he didn't get nervous - it was more like it made something in him more permanent, gave him some kind or assurance or somethin'.
And the count was the one who looked away.
“Detective Orcot…” he started, but then he broke off.
“You know, D, you could call me Leon.” A hardened police officer for how many years, and he still was able to blush. I was surprised. But I could smell it. I knew what was coming. I gestured to Pon-chan and we left Leon and D alone in the room.
And to make sure they weren't interrupted, I positioned myself at the door to the room. Where I could, you know, make sure Leon didn't hurt D, and I could make sure that no one else interrupted them while they… talked.
As we were sneaking out of the room to give them some privacy, D responded. “Leon.” He seemed to be savoring the name as he said it. Then, his voice got sort of… sheltered. “Leon, you know that I am not blonde.”
The detective cocked his head at him, confused.
“Nor am I female.” The count looked him square in his eyes. “In fact, I'm now a father.”
Orcot set his cup down on the table and leaned toward D. “I remember. I was there.” He folded his hands in front of him on his knees. “As I recall, you're not exactly human either. Is that supposed to matter to me now?”
“You've always liked the blondes and the women. Don't you think…”
“D.” Leon held his hands up in front of himself. “I know what you are. And I know that…” He looked away, embarrassed. “I missed you.” He turned back toward the count. “Don't you think that if I could have gone back to my life, dating the same types of blonde chicas I'm used to dating that I would have done that?” He stood up and started pacing. “Hell! My partner on the force has been practically throwing herself at me for months. You've seen her! She's beautiful. And smart. Except for her trying to get me to date her, she's the smartest chick I've ever known.
“Everyone thinks I'm an idiot. I should date her. I should care about her.
“But since I got out of the hospital…” He'd paced his way over to the other couch, next to D, and now he sat next to him.
“D. I guess… I guess I needed to see you again.” He didn't look at the count. He was looking at his hands.
“You're human, Leon.” He almost spat the word “human”, but he savored Leon's name as he said it. “You heard Grandfather. I'm supposed to avenge my people. I'm not supposed to forgive humans.”
Leon visibly deflated. And he stood up. Still looking down, he said, “I… understand. I'm sorry, D.” He started to walk toward the door.
He'd made it almost all the way there before D muttered, “I'm not supposed to love anyone human.”
He said it really softly. Of course, I heard him clearly. I've got excellent hearing. I am a Totetsu. But I don't really think D expected the Orcot idiot to hear. He did, though.
He stopped cold in his tracks. He turned around and looked back at D. There was a tear track on one cheek. His eyes were wide. Startled. He looked like he was having a hard time believing what he'd heard.
D looked up at Leon. D's face was wet with his tears. “You know, Leon, I know you only killed Father because you wanted to save those innocent of your race. Like Chris.”
The moron had the grace to look ashamed at least. “Thank you, D,” he said quietly.
You know, I gotta tell you, that may be the first time I'd ever heard him say anything quietly.
The count merely shrugged in response. The detective straightened up further, and walked back over to the couch. Stiffly, he sat back down by D. “I'm sorry, D. I… I never wanted to… I…”
D turned and looked at him. His face shone as the light reflected off his tears. “I'm a failure, Leon. I just can't hold every human responsible for what happened to my people. I just can't.”
Leon looked him in the eyes and said, “How does that make you a failure? Wasn't it one idiot human's need for revenge that caused the destruction of your people in the first place?” He reached out and took the count's hand. “The way I see it, that makes you…” he blushed as he said, “better than any of us.”
“Leon.” You wouldn't think that idiot's name could sound so sensual. But that's D for ya.
It drew him in. The next thing I knew, Leon had leaned in and captured D in a kiss.
I'd never seen D kiss anyone before. It made me feel really weird. Like my skin felt all prickly or something. After that night, I decided I'd never watch him kiss anyone again.
But at that time, I was still watching. As they broke for air, D held Leon's shoulders and said, “Leon, you still haven't told me why you're here.” Their eyes locked.
“I'm here because I want my family back, D. I'm here for you.”
At this, D smiled his most radiant smile. He traced one finger along Leon's cheek, who shivered in response. Leon then turned his head and captured the count's finger in his mouth, suckling lightly.
D's eyes twinkled merrily. It had been MONTHS since I'd seen him look happy. Since before we left San Francisco the first time. I was a little disappointed. I was kinda hoping D would let me eat him.

"Do you mean to give yourself to me, or do you mean to take me, Detective Orcot?" His voice was teasing and sensuous, but even so, I was expecting that macho-detective-type to bristle at the question. I was not expecting his response.

In a voice that was both playful and serious, he replied, "In San Francisco, I kept saying I would take you down - one way or another… But that really didn't work, now did it?

"I almost died, you know. But I'm glad… it made… I figured out I… want to be with you. If that means I need to give myself to you, I will."

D tapped his finger to his lip and said, "For how long?"

Orcot scowled at him. "Ya know, this isn't easy for me!"

D smiled and said, "I know. This goes against everything you grew up thinking you were. But I need to know. How long?"

He looked down at the tea set. "As long as you'll… have me," he muttered.

"If I take you, I'll probably want to keep you. I don't think I'll want to let you go." D reached down and picked up his teacup and sipped delicately. "I did miss you as well. Leon." He practically purred the man's name.

That blonde human sat still for a minute. I think he was shivering, though. Then he said, "I thought you might not let me go - if you did, the FBI might find out where you are again. So… I said my goodbyes before I left." He looked up, and D's eyes were wide in shock.

Leon reached forward and pulled the cup out of D's hands and set it on the table. Then he leaned forward and kissed the count on the cheek. He whispered, "We birthed a dragon together, D." He embraced the count. "What's next?"

Okay. I'm not gonna tell you what happened after that. I'd never seen anything like that before - OR SINCE! I stay the hell away from the two of them when they start smelling like that now.

I will tell you that the Orcot-fool was pleasantly surprised that the Count is not built like a human male. I think his quote was, "Oh, thank GOD! I'm NOT gay!" To which the count's laugh actually tinkled (I swear it did. It sounded like little bells!) and said, "Really? You look like you're pretty happy to me!"

And that idiot detective has been living with us at the shop ever since. He actually holds down a job - right now he's working in "Animal Control". He's constantly bringing animals from the local shelter to stay with us, and the Count finds them all good homes.

When we move, it's more difficult - the guy has to quit, and then find a new job. But then, there's always more money, so we actually seem to have an easier start in the next town. And D's eating again. He's smiling again.

One day, maybe the idiot'll slip up and D will let me eat him. Until then, I guess I don't really mind him being around.