Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Miracles ❯ Chapter 1 - One little accident ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was just an ordinary day at the Team Rocket Labs. As usual, various high ranking members were helping out the scientists. Two of these members were Butch and Cassidy.

“Yawn! This is so boring! Why are we doing this again?” Cassidy asked in boredom. “Because we are getting paid double and this will look good with the boss!” Butch replied with a smile. Cassidy smiled and said, “ You are so right! Maybe, we will get a promotion!” Butch nodded as Professor Namba came back with their laboratory assignment.

“Ok! I would like you two to work with Professor Ania on the reproduction project! We are trying to test out our new machine and see if we can successfully impregnate a male pokemon!” Namba told them. “Yes Sir!” Butch and Cassidy then walked over to Professor Ania. Ania was one of Butch and Cassidy’s best friends. She worked her way into science after Professor Namba took her under his wing. From there she became one of Team Rocket’s best scientists.

“Hey guys!” Ania greeted them warmly. “Hi Ania! We are here to help you with the reproduction project!” Cassidy said. “Great! I have been trying to impregnate a male pokemon for a while but I am hoping that today is the day!” Ania said.

“Well, what do you need us for?” Butch asked. Ania laughed and siad, “We need one of your pokemon!” “Why?!??!” Cassidy screamed. “ Because our pokemon specimen we have tried out on this machine does not have the right genetic makeup that is possible for this! We have found out that we need a Mightyena or a Sableye for this experiment!” Ania said.

Butch sighed and gave Ania the poke ball that contained Mightyena. “ Will this hurt him and what kind of pokemon embryo are you using?” Butch questioned curiously.

Ania grinned and said, “ No, he will be fine and we are not using a pokemon embryo. We are using a human one because the genetic material in the embryo and the pokemon will level out and increase our success!” She called out Mightyena and placed him into the machine. “ Now, when I pull this switch, the machine will send the embryo that was placed in the machine to Mightyena and place it in his body using shock waves! It will either impregnate him or not! So, here we go!” With that, Ania threw the switch. At first, it seemed to be working. But then…..

The machine started acting up causing it to go into explosion mode. “ OH NO!!! The machine’s gonna blow! DUCK EVERYONE!!!” Ania screamed. “Wait! Mightyena!” Butch screamed. With that, Butch raced back to the machine and climbed in to get Mightyena. “Butch, no!” Cassidy screamed. But it was too late. The Machine blew up sending Butch clear across the room.

“ Butch!” Cassidy screamed as she raced to his side. “ Call the hospital!!!” Ania told one of the grunts. “ Its okay….. I’m fine and Mightyena is as well!” Butch said as he held his pokemon. “Thank goodness!” Cassidy said. “There goes our machine! We will have to build another one!” Ania said sadly. “We are so sorry!” Cassidy said. “ Its ok! Its not your fault! You are dismissed to go back to your room! You will still get paid!” Ania said happily. “Thanks!” Butch said.

With that, Butch and Cassidy went back to their room. They thought that the trouble was over but little did they know that it was just beginning………