Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Some Things are Best Left Alone ❯ Cheerful Reunion ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Some Things are Best Left Alone

Chapter One: Cheerful Reunions
By: Aoiko
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The sun was setting peacefully behind a large, secluded mansion. A small breeze rustled some yellow leaves off of the trees. A small creek bubbled in the near distance. The lake shimmered in the brilliant reds and oranges of the sunset. The air was cool and crisp. It was an all around perfect autumn afternoon.

None of this was noticed by the five rowdy teens crammed in a mini van with hopes to make it to their destination alive, or at the very least, sane. It was a long trip from the city and all were anxious to stretch their legs. Or get away from the other passengers.

"Ryo! Touma touched me!"
"Did not! 'Sides, you touched me first!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Look, there's Nasuti's place! Now BEHAVE! Don't make me put you in separate corners!"

Touma and Shu pouted as any and every attempt to amuse themselves was shot down by Ryo. It had been like that for the entire trip. Not that they should blame him, but they would, could, and did anyways. The uncomfortably small van pulled up to the house and the occupants spilled out.


Seiji had somehow dozed off halfway through the trip, but still had yet to escape the bulk of the madness ensued by the two energetic warriors. Shin had just put on his head phones and blared the Disney tunes as loud as his ears could stand, and then some. The five Troopers, suffice to say were happy to be at their destination. So as the fall sun sat the five energetic boys ran towards the door. Nearly running over poor Nasuti, but, hey, what are hunks for? Nasuti got a hug from each and many pleasant greetings. "It's been a while Nasuti" smirked Seiji smoothly. At that Touma and Shu started out in the old time-honored obnoxious song. "Seiji and Nasuti sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S…uhh…I! N-G! " They were whacked for it by Shin. The others laughed as Touma and Shu chased Shin around the yard.

"So," asked Nasuti giggling, "Would you guys like to come in?" When they nodded or shouted their affirmatives she lead them inside. "You guys can use your old rooms. I left them as they were when you left," said Nasuti. "Thanks," Ryo thanked her for the group. Shu vanished, but was probably in the kitchen with Shin hot on his heals. The other three Troopers went to get their baggage they had brought, leaving the others' in the trunk. "Three whole months here! Can you believe it? I never though my folks would agree!" commented Touma. "Yeah, I had to do major extra work, but it's worth it!" agreed Ryo. Seiji had no comment as usual.

Dinner, as usual was informative. "Did you know a cockroach can live for two weeks after losing it's head?" asked Touma needlessly. He knew they didn't know that. And they knew that too. He also knew that they knew that he knew that they didn't know that. But they didn't. But all was fork-given, and fork-gotten Nasuti made a mental note to talk to their parents about letting them see movies like "Mystery Men". Because there just WASN'T enough beer in the world.

Shu stepped out side after dinner. It had been great-Shin had once again out done himself! Shin's food just kept getting better and better every time he ate it. Thinking of his best friend mage him smile. Shin was really a cool guy. Nice, smart, well liked…Shu shook his head. It was no secrete that the others got along better with Shin than with him. Shin took care of them; he was just the brute strength. Ryo was the leader, and Seiji and Touma were the brains and common-sense. Of course they all were more liked. Nasuti even treated them better then him. They just didn't want to admit it. And that was just fine with him. If they could pretend than so could he! He was used to this anyways-people befriending him only because he was an excellent fighter.

Shu stopped himself. The guys weren't like that and he knew it. All he was doing was wallowing in self-pity. They were all liked equally by each other. Some of them connected with each other easier. Like Seiji and Touma. Or him and Shin. And Nasuti was just being a weird girl. Shu was too caught up in his musings, and self-pity to notice the shadow that followed him (no not his own!).

"Hey! Where did Shu go?" asked Ryo, "We're gonna play a board game!" Seiji looked up from where he was reading the business section of the newspaper and drinking warm tea. "I thought I saw him go out side after dinner." Ryo was just about to reply when they heard Shu scream.

Shin and Touma were just finished setting up the living room table for a mind boggling game of Candy Land.
They were now arguing whether or not Candy Land was the best choice. Touma had had his heart set on a rousing game of Chutes 'n' Ladders. Shin had wanted to beat them all at poker, but had finally decided that Candy Land may be the best. choice Then they heard Shu scream.

Seiji, Ryo, Touma and Shin ran out side calling their sub-armor forth to absolutely nothing. There was no trace of Shu any where. Not even blood. They paired off to search the woods, the only place he could be, more effectively. Shin went with Seiji and Touma went with Ryo. They found nothing.

Shu on the other hand had found quite a lot. He had turned to find Rajura behind him. He had screamed loudly. Rajura had just laughed creepily. The other two Masho he had had no clue were there had managed to surprise him from the side. Which was where the attack had come from. From the side. The combined effort of the three Masho made his capture pitifully easy. And their laughter sounded through the night like a couple of raptors who had just brought down a large dinosaur thing. So he had found himself lying on a platform chained down with Kayura cackling at him. He had also found that this experience was most definitely not pleasant. Well, Kayura was cute. But her laugh was not. Neither was being tied down, not like this anyways. Shu made a mental note to never participate in bondage of any kind as he attempted to extract himself from the unpleasant situation. It was no use. Kayura's laughter wasn't helping either.

He laid there for what seemed like hours, but was probably not. Then Naaza came in with some potion and forced it down his throat. The other all snickered as he did this. Then they set him free. He blinked as he realized he was back out side Nasuti's mansion. It was dark. And he felt like shit. He stumbled towards the front door clutching his stomach. What ever they had gave him was making him VERY sick. As he reached the steps he emptied his stomach out on the aforementioned steps. Which was leaving a very icky mess that some one would have to clean up. Through the nausea and dizziness he hoped it wasn't him who was stuck with the job. One of his friends must have heard him retching because they opened the door and dragged him into the closest bathroom.

He had ultimately found being captured by crazed Masho had been entirely disagreeable

"His puking won't effect anything will it?" asked Anubis as they watched from afar. Naaza looked towards him. "Huh? Of course not! The potion was already absorbed into his body by then. The sickness is just a delightful side-effect." Anubis had a disagreement about upchucking enemies being delightful , it was rather…unpleasant in his mind, almost disagreeable. But he kept his mouth shut and looked forward to the upcoming months. Another round of insane laughter ensued.

The Troopers, however were not in such high spirits.


A couple weeks later Shu had stopped up chucking all over everything. But he still felt a little nauseas, and tired. Whatever he had been given was still a mystery. The Masho had been laying low since Shu's return, a blessing everyone was thankful for. But how long this blessing would last, was unknown.

The weeks turned into a month. Shu was getting sick again. Theories were flying as to what was causing it, each more insane than the first. They decided to have a meeting of sorts to decide what to do.

"I still don't see how anything could remain in his system that long," remarked Seiji. "Maybe it's unrelated," hoped Shin. "Maybe he's pregnant," joked Touma. They all grinned or snickered at the remark. "Maybe he should see a doctor," subjected Nasuti. Thus ended the meeting as Nasuti set up an appointment. Nasuti, being a close friend of the doctor, managed to get an appointment in for tomorrow.

The next day Shu and Nasuti set off for the doctor's. Shu was nervous to say the least. He had never been so scared. What could possibly be wrong with him? What had those damn Masho done to him? The doctor examined him and took some blood samples. "Well," the doctor said, "from what I can tell, you're a healthy teenager. I can't figure out what's wrong. Perhaps something will come up in the blood tests." Nasuti paid the bill and they went back home. "Maybe it IS nothing, Shu. We're probably over-reacting," Nasuti consoled Shu. "Maybe…" Shu replied as his mind wandered somewhere off in space. What the hell was wrong? He knew SOMETHING was wrong. He could feel it.

So, next week, when the blood tests were to come in, he was considerably antsy. Every time the phone rang he was the first to answer. Shu was beside himself with worry. Of course, none of this prepared him for THE call.

"I'm WHAT?!?"
"Well the tests show…"
"Well the tests are fuckin' WRONG!!!!"
"We rechecked them several times."
"We can't do that."
"Why not?"
"It's against policy, besides they aren't wrong"
"Well…it must have gotten mixed up with someone else's!"
"We didn't have any other patients tested that extensively that day."
"You aren't serious."
"Yes, actually, I am."
"I'm a boy."
"Oh? I hadn't noticed."
"I'd like you to come in the earliest possible date. How's Monday? At…three?"
"See you then!"

Shu hung up the phone. And resisted the urge to puke again. Nasuti came into the room. "So?" she asked. Shu glanced at her and then the ground. "So, what?" She crossed her arms. "So, what'd the doctor say?" She tapped her foot impatiently. "Uh…they're not sure. They want me to come back Monday," Shu lied. Nasuti nodded and went to tell the others. He certainly hoped the doctor was wrong. There was no possible way for a guy to get pregnant. It's like, an unspoken law, or something. Girls get pregnant if you don't use protection. But guys don't. Besides, he'd never done anything with or without protection. "Damn warlords!" he silently cursed. What if it was true? No, that was not possible. Unbenknownst to him, but knownst to us (HA! Guess THAT quote!) it was (unless you skipped most of this chapter and the last, than you don't know).

The more Shu thought about his…predicament, the more it almost made sense. Or perhaps it was the Doritos and the fact it was 3 AM. Sure, he was sick a lot, which was kinda like morning sickness. He was tired, a lot. So was his mom when she was pregnant with his youngest sister. Or maybe that was because there was four other kids she had to take care of…Shu shook his head. He needed to stop eating the chips. Now that he thought of it he could've sworn there was leftover pizza from last night. He ran towards the fridge. Sure enough there was. There was only three pieces left. Not bothering to even heat it up he finished off the pizza. To engrossed in the cold pizza he failed to notice someone come down the stairs.

"Whacha doing still up?" asked Touma. He was still dressed, but looked like he could use a few days of sleep. "Hungry," offered Shu in explanation. Touma nodded. "Anything left?" he asked. Shu shrugged his shoulders. Touma started to go through the cabinets. Upon the discovery of the Doritos he pulled up a chair and sat next to Shu. Shu decided to be kind to the archer, "I wouldn't eat those." Touma looked the bag over. "Did the expiration date pass?" he asked looking for the elusive date. Shu shrugged. "Beats me…" he trailed off, deciding against telling him the exact reason why. Touma raised his eyebrows, but nodded anyways and put back the chips.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked instead. "Not really," Shu responded. He stared at his empty plate. "Talking usually helps. Besides two heads are better than one!" Touma winked as he said this. Shu blinked, "What's that supposed to mean?" He was starting to get confused; what do heads have to do with talking? He was really beginning to regret eating those chips. Touma shrugged, "Not a clue. But you shouldn't let things bottle up. Getting depressed about stuff isn't fun." Shu nodded in agreement. They sat in silence for a while. "I'm not really sure if talking would help in this situation. " Shu finally said. He was always a bit self-conscious around the bearer of Tenku when he was serious, and didn't want to show any weaknesses. None that he hadn't shown in the first place. Touma just looked at him and said, "Spill." Shu shook his head. "I'm goin' to bed. Talk to me later." He walked up the stairs only stopping once to puke.

The next day was relatively quiet. Seiji got up at five, Shin at six. Shu made his way down soon after following the smells of breakfast. Ryo came down shortly after. Touma didn't come down until eleven, but it was pretty early for him.

Shu started noticing things. Sometimes when he walked into a room everyone would get silent. And then continue talking after he left. He gained some amusement by entering a room, leaving and when the talking started back up entering again. This was able to continue for quite some time before Ryo caught on.

It was after lunch on Sunday when Shu was cornered by them. They had been watching him, and decided they wanted answers. He said he didn't know, but then they brought out some chips he couldn't refuse. They were smart. Too smart. "Spill Shu," Seiji bluntly said. "Do I have to?" asked Shu. "Yes. You know what's wrong. You can tell us!" Shin replied giving the biggest, wateriest puppy eyes he had ever given,. "I really don't know," said Shu. Shin's eyes got even more watery and big so that not even Arago could resist. Shu felt his resolve breaking under such intense cuteness. "I swear! What the told me is impossible so I'm going back tomorrow!" Shin gave Seiji a triumphant look. "What did they say?" asked Seiji ignoring Shin's look. Shu's eyes got wide as he realized he gave them some information he wasn't going to give them. "You can't make me tell you!" He finally shouted childishly. Shin held out another bag of chip's he'd been hiding. "TheytoldmeIwaspregnant!" Shu said as he grabbed the chips and started shoving them in his face. "I don't think I caught all that. Could you repeat it, slower?" Shin said. "They said…I was, uh, pregnant?" Shu slowly said between chips. "Stop joking!" Shin said. Shu looked at the ground, "I'm, uh, not."

"Can you hear anything?"
"How come you get to listen?"
"Cuz I'm the smart one!"

Just beyond the room in which Shin, Seiji and Shu were talking Ryo and Touma were listening. Touma was at the door, while Ryo looked on. "I think Shu said he was pregnant," Touma finally said after much listening. "No way! Guy's don't get pregnant!" Was Ryo's swift reply. "I know that! But he was captured by the Masho. This is almost sick enough to be their work!" Touma replied to Ryo's reply. "Uh, how do you know that?" Asked Ryo. "I read the prologue." Replied Touma. "Really?" "No, it was too boring, and predictable. They just said it now." answered Touma. "Oh, okay," said Ryo.

"Okay so let me get this strait. They captured you and forced you to drink this liquid, and let you go?" asked Seiji. "Yep, that's about it," answered Shu. "Why?" asked Shin. "You think I would know? They're on crack or something!" Shu yelled loudly. Seiji sighed, "Well, if you are you most certainly can't fight. And we need to be careful. We don't even know why they got you pregnant in the first place." Shu looked dejectedly at the floor. "This is a lot of talk considering it ain't possible." Shin smiled, "Why don't you go take a nap. I'll have some food for you when you wake up." Shin lead Shu up into their room, and left him on the bed.

I can't believe it! There's no way! And how the heck am I supposed to sleep? I can hear them talking about me downstairs. At least they waited until I was out of the room. Great. This is just great. Now I can't fight. Man this bites! The great Kongo no Shu is on maternity leave. This is sooo not happening. It's probably a …zzzzzz.

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Notes: A show by any other name is still not owned by me. Try Sunrise. I think they own a few. My comments are in the parentheses, incase you couldn't figure that out (but I know you did cuz I have smart readers, don't I? Whose a smart reader? Whosa smart reader? YOU'RE a smart reader! ) REVIEW!!!