Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ flames of a beginning ❯ chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I would like to welcome everyone to the third installment of my story. I'm really very pleased with how it's going. And I love that I actually have reviews. (squeals) im so happy. ;-) I hope I don't end up disappointing anyone with how the story is going if you have any questions/comments don't hesitate to email me. And to anyone who reviews I promise to reply in my next chapter. Well enough chit chat let me let you get to the story.

Standard disclaimer applies. I own nothing this is just for anyone's reading pleasure.

Flames of a beginning

Chapter Three (Kenshin's point of view)

Kenshin sat cross-legged on the floor just staring at Kaoru. Watching her chest just rise and fall and hearing the shallow uneven breathes that came from her dry parched lips. Nothing came to his mind no memories, good or bad, just nothing. Then Kaoru's unconscious body took in a raspy gasping breath, bringing his mind from the nothing that had consumed him no more than a few seconds ago. He poured some cool water into a cup and put in it some herbs that Megumi told him would help Kaoru heal. Kenshin hesitated in picking up her burnt body, but did it anyway, though with all the gentleness he possessed. He brought to the cup to her lips, held her scalded scalp back, and let the water naturally flow down her throat. Then he ever so slowly laid her body back on her bed.

Kenshin then began to think 'Why? Why would this happen to such an innocent person.' 'How could this happen to his angel, the one he swore would never be hurt while he was around to prevent it.'

It was now that Kenshin decided to speak to Kaoru about his feelings, hoping that maybe she could hear him. "My life was so bleak before I met you. Wandering for 10 years can begin to weigh down on a person's sanity. I thank the Gods everyday that I met you and that you let me into your life. Without you opening up your home with open arms, I would still be wandering a shell of a man possessed by my guilt of my past. You made me realize the true joy of life. You let me experience life as a new man instead of you holding against me my past as a manslayer. Without you I doubt Yahiko, Sano, Megumi, and I would have ever met. You made us a family. You are the glue that holds us together, without you there is nowhere to call home. We all love you. You are the only one of us that shows that love openly, we keep our love hidden because we have been hurt. Nevertheless, you don't care because you know that we love you, I know you do. You took Yahiko and I into your house even though many traditionalists looked down upon you and said you were disgraceful. You have more spirit and heart than anyone I have ever met. So please use that spirit and heart to fight and survive, don't leave all of us without a home."

He released all his pent up emotions as he laid his head upon Kaoru's covered stomach and began to quietly let the tears fall from his eyes. He clutched her mid-drift as he mourned for her injuries and all the "what if's" that had somehow found there way into his head. He didn't want her to die without her, there was no hope for future happiness.

Kenshin did not move from his position on Kaoru's stomach and as the tears began to slow he was swept into a dream where Kaoru was alive and well.

(Yahiko point of view)

Yahiko had decided to stay at the Akabeko until the rain had let up. As soon as it became a drizzle he was on his way back home to see how Kaoru had taken his little surprise. He deducted that to get maximum pleasure out of his scheme he would enter through the back near the shed just to see if she was still in there. As he opened the gate to the yard, his jaw dropped open all he could see was a burnt down shed with little wisps of light gray smoke coming off it.

He began to panic, so he ran inside yelled the first thing that came to his mind, " KENSHIN WHAT IN HECK HAPPENED HERE?? WHERE'S KAORU?"

Kenshin hearing the screaming got up and ran to Yahiko. Yahiko looked at the dry tear streaks on Kenshin's face and thought, 'OH GODS NO!'

"Kenshin please tell me Kaoru is okay. Please!"

Kenshin gave him a look of sorrow, put his arm around the boy, and slowly lead him to Kaoru's room, not trusting his voice to respond. As they approached the room Yahiko got even more fearful because Kenshin was so silent. When Yahiko looked in upon the scene and saw Kaoru looking burnt and half dead, he couldn't handle it, the condition Kaoru was in disgusted him and he ran away from the support of Kenshin and out to the yard.

As soon as he got outside he threw up not being able to handle all that was thrown at him in a short amount of time. When his dry heaves subsided he murmured to himself, " No, No….. No, NO NO NO NO NO NO. This can't be right. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. All my fault. All my fault."

Yahiko was still saying this as Kenshin approached him and put his hand on Yahiko's shoulder and he said softly, "Yahiko, it is no one's fault. No one can be blamed for an accident."

Yahiko shook his hand off and yelled, " NO you don't understand I was the one that locked her in the shed. I was the one who left a lamp lit by the shed. I was the one who caused this. I AM TO BLAME. I HURT THE ONE PERSON WHO TOOK ME WHEN NO ONE ELSE WOULD." Then ever so silently whispered, " I love her like a sister, but I see that you LOVE her and now I bet you and Kaoru hate me. I am an awful person."

Kenshin shocked at hearing this could only shake his head and say, "NO YAHIKO. Kaoru and I could NEVER hate you. Yes you were irresponsible, but this was an accident. If something is done unintentionally, it is an accident. You are not to blame. You are very important to both Kaoru and I, we would never hate you or think you are an awful person. Instead of sitting here and blaming yourself, take this opportunity to take charge and help encourage Kaoru to wake up. Take care of her, make it easier for her to heal. Talk to her, give her something to live for. You will never be turned away from this house. Now Yahiko why don't you go to your room and clean yourself up a bit."

Yahiko being the stubborn boy he is says with words lined in guilt, also hope, "NO. I will go and see Kaoru and talk to her, I NEED to see her and let her know that I am here."

Kenshin nodded and watched Yahiko walk back to the dojo and towards Kaoru's room. 'Let him find his peace, for a boy like him has seen to much tragedy for his age. (10)' And he walked in after Yahiko.

Well, did you like??? I am having soooooo much fun writing this. Let me know how you like, dislike or whatever. REVIEW PLEASE.

And now to respond to the reviews ive gotten up to now.

Willman14 - you are too sweet for your own good. ;-)