Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crescent Mirror ❯ Chapter 5: Dinner ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Crescent Mirror

Author: aaeris17

Rating: PG/PG-13

Author's Notes:

Rheia: thank you!! I hope you keep reading!!

Moonrabbit04: Thank you!! I'm glad you are enjoying the story!!

Brunettemoment25: This chapter is for you!! I love all your comments and encouragement! Enjoy!!

*************Chapter Five******************

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"Announcing their Royal Highness, King Apollo of the Sol and Luster Kingdoms, and Queen Selenity of the Tranquility and Luster Kingdoms," a Page called. Selenity's heart was gripped by a cold panic, *this is it* she furiously thought as she plastered a smile on her face and descended the staircase into the dark, cold, Front Hall of the Wraith Castle. Yet, she was immediately blinded upon reaching the bottom platform. Mirrors, dozens, and dozens of mirrors marked her every move, her every blink of eye.

Selenity froze momentarily, and had to catch herself and maintain the Royal decorum-do not let your fear show. Apollo gave her arm a warm squeeze. *Goddess, please be with me tonight!*

"King Apollo, Queen Selenity, Sir Lawrence, Lady Gaia, and all dear staff of the Luster Castle, welcome to our humble abode," Lord Pharaoh's voice boomed and shattered Selenity's prayers. Apollo almost had to force her into the returning curtsy.

"Lord Pharaoh, Queen Nehelenia, the pleasure is all ours," Apollo replied boomingly.

"Dear sister, how good it is to see you after these many years," Nehelenia tittered as she closed the respectable gap between herself and Selenity and held her arms out to Selenity.

Lawrence had to hold down a gasp as the two half-sisters held each other's arms: the two were mirror images, one light, and one dark. Selenity was as fair as Nehelenia was dark. Selenity winced at the coldness in Nehelenia's grip and she felt the dark desire within Nehelenia. As she stared into those dark violet eyes, she saw many years of bitterness and hatred, all built up into this one night. Selenity wanted to feel more sympathy for her half sister, but something was not quite right. She noted Nehelenia's hair being up in the Tranquility Royal style that had now become Luster Royal style. Nehelenia's horrid birthmark could only quiver in its feeble power. *She does not appreciate me being at my highest power* Selenity thought carefully as she planned her reply.

"Thank you, your Highness," Selenity decided to feed Nehelenia's ego, "You must do me the honor of a tour," she released her arms from Nehelenia's grip and gestured towards all the mirrors, "This Front Hall literally takes my breath away!"

"Perhaps the dinner shall also do so," Lord Pharaoh interrupted the women.

"Dinner is now served!" A Page announced immediately thereafter. Selenity curtsied to Lord Pharaoh and Nehelenia. Apollo led her into the dining room and the other couple followed. Selenity felt their eyes boring into the back of her back.

The dining room was large, occupied by numerous servants, a large rectangular dining table made of black obsidian, and high windows. Selenity noted the unusual placement of the high windows and the murals that took their place on the wall. The lighting in here was darker; she could only catch glimpses of the mural's depictions. She squinted her eyes slightly and bit her tongue to silence a gasp. The murals were battle scenes of the past…the Shadow Wars and their precursors. Apollo flinched ever so slightly and continued with her to their seats as if they had seen nothing.

The couples sat quietly, murmuring polite comments over the seven course meal. Mandatory questions inquired into the health of the associated children. Endymion and Serenity especially were downplayed in achievements and looks whereas Beryl and Diamond were up sold. The two children sat quietly at their end of the table and flushed at their parents' remarks over their achievements. Selenity took particular note of Nehelenia's bragging over Beryl's use of magic. Should not such a young child be bound under the appropriate age to develop such powers? She sensed tension between daughter and step-mother. Poor child, not to have much of a mother figure.

As the courses died down, and not one more morsel could be eaten of the unusually bland, cold food, Artemis abruptly excused himself for a post-meal walk. He politely asked Luna to accompany him. She blushed before excusing herself as well. Selenity sent one arched eyebrow in their general direction as Apollo made a face that explained he knew what Artemis was up to.

"Shall we ladies adjourn to the evening parlor for tea and pastries?" Nehelenia cordially asked as a lady servant washed her hands from the meal.

"Such a way to pass an evening would be most enjoyable, dear Madame," Gaia sweetly acquiesced as she allowed another servant to help her stand.

"Yes, I would love some private girl conversation," Selenity smiled and removed herself from the table without any assistance. Nehelenia frowned slightly at Selenity's dismissal of the Wraith servants.

"Beryl, if you would please inform the kitchen we have adjourned to the evening parlor for refreshments?" Nehelenia called to the small girl who smiled ungratefully at being sent for tea and pastries.

Nehelenia led the way into a more well-lit room that was strikingly contrasted, black and white. The walls, the carpeting, the accents were all white with the furniture being ebony silks and velvets. Even the flowers that were in the room were of the deepest violets and reds. The murals continued in this room and were of a more simplistic nature: tiles of alternating black and white that showed dark nature scenes and astronomical scenes.

Selenity watched Gaia's eyes follow the constellations tiled out. She could not see what Gaia was trying to do.

"So, Selenity, do you mind if I call you Selenity?" Nehelenia interrupted Selenity's thoughts.

"Why, of course," Selenity managed to cover her stammer. Nehelenia smiled, hiding the merest hint of a smirk.

"Tis a shame I have never met little Serenity," Nehelenia began as she sat down comfortingly in a large black armchair, "Nor dear Endymion, I hear that he has become quite the little knight,"

"Yes, Endymion is growing to be quite a good lad," Gaia quipped, "The children are doing quite well, as mentioned earlier,"

Nehelenia cleared her throat, placing a hand to her white neck, "I mention the children again in hopes of endearing myself to the young ones who will one day be my monarchs,"

"Why, to think of little Sere as Queen is quite a shock," Selenity faked a giggle to cover some tension.

"Little Serenity, why, you must be looking for a court for her," Nehelenia stated as maids brought in wheeled trays stacked with fruits, cakes, and little pies. Beryl herself brought in the dainty tray of tea. The maids arranged little bits of all the lovely concoctions on the marble table between the three women. Beryl set the tray down on the tea table, and curtsied to the women. She went to a corner and picked up a simple sampler and begun to work on it.

"As a matter of fact, Apollo and I have settled her court," Selenity answered as she took a silver of apple pie.

Nehelenia sharply looked up from serving the tea, "Really? Excuse me for one second miladies, how shall you be taking your tea?" She politely asked, clearly a bit perturbed.

"A bit of cream and two cubes of sugar, please," Gaia replied coolly.

"Cream and sugar please, I am not a fan of bitter tea," Selenity smiled. Nehelenia returned the smile; yet, Selenity could see the touch of malevolence to it.

"As I recall, Father could never teach you to appreciate tea…as a child you drank milk with honey and lemon," Nehelenia quietly recollected.

Selenity flushed with slight anger and shame. What game was Nehelenia playing at? The two girls had shared no childhood memories-other than jealously and hatred. Nehelenia had never known the love of King Tranquility. Her childhood had been nothing compared to Selenity's.

"Yes, we seem to encounter the same problem with the Princess," Gaia interrupted.

"Oh yes, the Princess Serenity, my previous question, how silly of me to forget!" Nehelenia tittered as she handed Selenity and Gaia their cups of tea, "Serenity's court has been decided than?"

Selenity flushed again at Nehelenia's constant questioning of Serenity, "Yes, we have decided and all have happily agreed that it shall be the Princesses of the four Inner Kingdoms and the four Outer Kingdoms serving as ambassadors for Serenity,"

"That is quite a full court, Selenity," Nehelenia coolly commented.

"Yes, we feel that we have satisfied all the needs for a proper court for the heir of the Luster Kingdom," Gaia put her cup down rather harshly.

"I would have hoped, Selenity, in the spirits of forging a new future and friendship, I would have been considered in this deliberation,"

"My dear Queen, the court has been planned for years now, since the birth of the Princess," Gaia explained.

"I feel that I am much in the dark when it comes to the on goings of a kingdom that I am second in line for," Nehelenia lowered her voice threateningly.

"Now, now, what would you like to be know, your Majesty?" Selenity quickly changed the subject to lighten Nehelenia's mood and prevent Gaia's angry retort. Her temper was quickly about to fray. *How dare she believe she was second in line??*

"It saddens me to see that my own dear Beryl was not included in the court of Luster; I would have hoped it was due to some oversight," Nehelenia stared over the edge of her tea cup.

"You weren't wanted!" Gaia muttered into her cup.

"What?? Weren't wanted…" Nehelenia set down her tea cup in rage and utter shock, "In that case, you best be on your way," Nehelenia angrily motioned to the doors with an open palm.

"No, no, dear sister, you must have misunderstood what I said," Selenity flustered, trying to avoid the tension that was hastening building.

Nehelenia stood up, letting her tea cup shatter onto the floor, "I understand quite clearly, dear sister. MY daughter is not even good enough to grace the court of your brat!!" Nehelenia screamed the last words.

Gaia jumped to her feet, "How DARE you take that tone in the presence of your Queen?!!"

Nehelenia threw her head back and laughed gleefully, "I am Queen here, and Queen in my own right. I no longer need to sweeten up to Selenity in hopes of her restoring MY birthright!" Nehelenia pointed a sharp finger straight at the still sitting figure of Selenity.

"YOU are Queen by marriage and are not worthy of your bastardly birthright!" Gaia cried and stood proudly against Nehelenia.

"You dare to speak?? You are not even royalty! You are NO ONE!" Nehelenia screamed and her arms swept the pastry cart out of her way, closing the distance between her and Gaia.

Selenity felt herself trembling as the angry words grew harsher and louder. Dishes clattered and glasses shattered, why was she so rooted to her spot? Her childhood best friend and half-sister were quarrelling fiercely. Her mind raced through childhood memories of her and Gaia playing happily as Nehelenia angrily watched from her spot, hidden far from the eyes of court. Her best friend should have been her sister, but it was not meant to be.

"You have no power here!!" Nehelenia cooed as she raised her hands above her head, "I AM QUEEN!!"

A gust of wind broke the tension and caused all attention to fall on Apollo and Lord Pharaoh as they glared angrily at the scene in front of them.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??" Apollo bellowed and immediately stood between the three women.

"Your Majesty, the women were having a minor argument….sisters will fight," Pharaoh groveled through his teeth.

Lawrence burst in, out of breath, "A coup, Apollo, it's a trap!" He breathlessly clutched his chest.

"Seize them!" Artemis's voice rang out from behind Lawrence. Suddenly, Luna, and all the other `servants' of the Luster Kingdom poured into the room, in full fighting regalia. Luna held a dagger to Lord Pharaoh's neck and the sweat increased on his neck. He stretched his neck muscles, hoping to move from the sharp dagger.

"Why, Sir Lawrence, whatever is the matter?" Lord Pharaoh squeaked, trying to keep his voice level.

Lawrence regained his poise and pulled his sword out of its sheath, pointing squarely at the heart of Nehelenia, "I suppose you figured you could keep your newly breed army in the dark?"

"WHAT? I never, why, such a thing is absurd, your Majesty. It would be in direct violation of the treaty from the Shadow wars," Lord Pharaoh squirmed.

"In that case, my dear sir, you accuse my knights of lying to me?" Apollo remained squarely in front of Selenity.

"No, no, I am saying that I would never do such a dishonor to your kindness," he emphasized kindness as Luna's grip on his arms became tighter. Selenity had to admire Luna's poise and strength. Nothing gets by her.

"I stand true in my proof that not only have you COMPLETELY disregarded the terms of the treaty allowing the Wraith Kingdom to remain in existence; you have amassed an army of bred creatures to cause a coup-de-tat," Artemis stepped forward and handed a large amount of parchments to Apollo, "These quickly drawn maps will guide you to the dungeons and weapons that King Pharaoh has gathered over the past decades,"

Apollo angrily scanned the parchments and his knuckles grew white with anger.

"It seems that you have been found lying on more than one charge here, Pharaoh," he slowly stated as he nodded to Lawrence and Artemis, "You have forced me to take stricter action,"

A sudden cry was heard from the forgotten Beryl, huddled in a corner with a pillow. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to hide her sobs. Apollo's body visibly softened.

"I have forgotten that despite your highly treacherous actions, you are still somebody's father," Apollo spit out, "I will then spare your life for the sake of your son and daughter. But, I strip you of your title, you are no King, and your wife is no Queen. Your kingdom is now a principality of the Luster Kingdoms, you are nothing but a puppet as you have been your entire life,"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Nehelenia screamed and lunged for Gaia, the person closest to her. A guard lunged at Nehelenia, weapons drawn.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" An even more piercing scream came from Beryl as a dark, streak of light shattered across the room.

The room suddenly went into slow motion as Gaia's hands suddenly held her stomach and collapsed to the floor, letting out all her life breath. Lawrence's wretched cry pierced everyone's soul. The chaos all came to a stand still as a brighter light enveloped the room. All eyes watched Selenity raise her arms towards the sky and lower them. Fear caused everyone in the room to stand in utter awe of the Moon Goddess, the avatar that was their Queen. Selenity finally opened her eyes: violet orbs filled with tears as her body shimmered in the brilliance that was her own being.

She pointed her moon scepter at Beryl, who stood fearful in her corner, "I bind you, dear child; bind you from doing harm against yourself and others. I bind you, Beryl; bind you from doing harm against yourself and against others. I bind you, Wraith Princess; bind you from doing hard against yourself and against others." A warm light wrapped the Princess as she slowly fell to her feet in a comforting sleep.

Selenity let her tears flow freely down her face as she redirected her crescent moon scepter to Nehelenia, "I imprison you, poor sister, imprison in a pane of glass. I imprison you, Queen Nehelenia; prison you amongst your own vanity. I imprison you, Lady Nehelenia, imprison you until your time shatters and your vanity is no more," Selenity whispered tearfully.

Sharp crystals of light grew from the floor where Nehelenia stood, encasing her in impenetrable glass. Her body flattened and grew smaller as the casing swallowed her and fell to the floor in a soft thud. Her voiceless figure could be seen, screaming and angrily beating the glass.

Selenity bent over and carefully picked up the mirror and handed it to Pharaoh, "Let this serve as a reminder of what comes when you do harm to others," she whispered sadly as she turned her back on him and approached a mournful crowed around Gaia.

Lawrence lifted a tear streaked face to Selenity, "Can nothing be done, dear sister, to save her now?" He whispered.

Selenity's face paled as she noticed the peaceful expression on Gaia's cream tinted face. A healthy blush colored her cheeks and her skin felt slightly warm to the touch. More tears rushed down Selenity's face as she collapsed onto the fallen body of her best friend, and dearest sister. Sobs were heard, loud and gasping, Selenity felt pained by hearing them-until she realized those horrid noises were coming out of her mouth. Comforting arms disentangled her from Gaia's still body. She melted, crying, into the group of weeping friends. Her heart was breaking…why, why, why, repeated endlessly through her head.

Selenity was useless as Artemis numbly muttered orders and arranged for their departure. Nothing could tear Lawrence away from the crystal casket that held the sleeping Lady Gaia. Selenity could not face him. She could not save her best friend. She failed…every sign had pointed to her failure and this impending doom. Selenity sent an inaudible soulful cry to Goddess. The world would mourn the loss of Lady Gaia.

Somewhere, in the middle of the darkness of the Luster castle, two souls awoke crying and screaming. There was no one there to comfort them. The poor darlings found each other in the night and waited, patiently for their parents to come home. A dread had fallen upon them, both knowing that something terrible had happened.

Three parents walked in and informed a son he had lost a mother and his life would be changed forever. Two large tears welled up in the eyes that were so like his mother's as he kissed the crystal case that would rest indefinitely in the Tower. No word passed his lips as son and father sat in a sleepless vigil. Unknown to the two men, a small princess also lay awake all night, mourning the loss of her innocence and the loss of her best friend's laughter.

Selenity stayed out on the balcony all night, with Apollo fitfully napping on the lounging couch near her. She stared angrily at the Moon and watched her make her progress through the sky. As the night stars faded, and the Moon stepped back for the Sun to take the glory of the day, Selenity found herself grown and changed. She would wait for the day when Gaia would rise…surely she would rise. Until that day, she will have to keep faith…faith in the Goddess and faith in Setsuna's words that held little comfort: `Keep faith, my dear friend and Queen. She is not lost in vain and will rise again. She will come when you and her children need her the most. Till that day, remember the prophecy….never forget the prophecy…."

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I know this chapter took FOREVER to come out!! I really have SO little time between work and classes. I feel so bad for promising and not showing!! I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and feel free to drop me a line at

PS~ Don't worry, the story does get happier!!