Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Decided Bride ❯ His Confused Heart ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 16 ~ His Confused Heart

It was about 10:30 pm as he closed the door to the barn, and made his way to the gates. The guards smiled and greeted him as he passed. He smiled in return, although it wasn't exactly a genuine smile. He walked to town, lost deep in thought.

I don't get it. I just don't get it. Why? Why am I drawn to this woman? The King and Queen would be furious if they found out. I'm here for a different purpose, to find out about the princess.

He ran his hand through his hair. Why did I not kiss her though? Clearly it would have only been part of the lesson. She…she wouldn't be interested in me outside the lessons anyhow.

He quickened his pace slightly. She would have probably been mortified if I had tried to kiss her with any real feelings, not just as a teaching tool. She's just too damn innocent!

He let out a deep sigh. That's it, that's why I couldn't kiss her. Maybe that's also why I'm falling…he cut his thought off. No, I can't even go there. She's a pretty girl, nothing more.

He felt himself shiver. A pretty girl who can't ever find out how I've almost fallen for her.

Darien looked up at the night sky, up at the earth. He knew that Malachite would be contacting him soon to take news back to the royal family back on earth. Truth was, he didn't have much to report. He hadn't even seen the princess yet. However, he could still feel Usagi's hips beneath his hands, her palm resting gently on his face, the intoxicating smell of her hair, that trusting look in her eyes, knowing he wouldn't push her too far. It's that look that made me pinch poor Jasmine.

He smiled to himself at that thought. I can't believe I was actually scared of pushing her too far…to possibly hurt her. He shook his head to get the thoughts out. He needed a clear head. And yet the memory of her delicate hands clinging to him was not helping.

It took him very little time to reach Motoki's tavern. He entered the warm room, surprised to see how empty it was. Only a few groups of people sat at the various tables, drinking, talking and eating. He saw Naru talking to a family at one of the tables, and she waved at him as soon as she saw him. He smiled at her before she returned to the conversation she was having with the woman of the group.

Darien came over to the bar where Motoki was filling out some papers. "Why the melancholy look, my friend?" Motoki asked as soon as Darien had sat down and slumped over the counter.

"It's nothing," Darien mumbled.

Motoki smiled and pulled out a mug from under the counter, filling it with warm cider. "Somehow, I don't believe you," he said as he handed the steaming brew to the man in front of him. Darien inclined his head as a thanks as he accepted the warm vessel. He took a half-hearted sip before he placed the mug on the counter between his hands and stared into its liquid depths. Motoki leaned over the counter. "Rough day at the palace?" he asked.

Darien shook his head, then paused, and nodded slowly. "I guess you could say that," he said.

Motoki nodded his head. "How are you liking the stables?" he asked.

Darien shrugged his shoulders and looked up at Motoki, willing his face to look a little more cheerful. "I'm really enjoying it actually. The other stable hands are good men, and the Master of Horse seems very good as well."

Motoki nodded in agreement. "He is wonderful. Usagi praises him a lot," Motoki replied. As soon as he spoke the name Usagi, however, Motoki saw a noticeable change in the body language of the man. Darien seemed to slump over ever so slightly more, his eyes became downcast, and he gripped his mug tighter. He looked up again almost immediately though, and took on a cheerful tone.

"I met one of the Senshi today. Mina, the princess from Venus," he said, trying to bring the conversation away from the object of his thoughts.

Motoki nodded slowly, noticing the sudden change of subject. "Ahhh yes, Mina. She's a wonderful person," he said.

Darien nodded. "She seemed very kind," he said.

Motoki smiled. "She is. That girl has a heart of gold. She and Usa-uh-the Princess are very close. They're cousin," he said with a grin, and he noted a sparkle of interest enter Darien's eyes.

"Really? How close?" he asked.

Motoki shrugged. "The Queen's brother is Mina's father. I do know that the two girls are quite similar though." Darien was sitting up strait now, listening to Motoki's words. "They are both kind, although Serenity is more of a prankster than Mina. Also a little shorter," Motoki said, and chuckled at the last statement. "All of the Senshi are taller than Serenity. She hates that. For some reason she can't stand being the shortest of them."

"How short is she? You make her sound as though she were a dwarf," Darien asked.

Motoki hesitated for a moment. "She, well…..I guess you could say she's about Usagi's height." Darien lost his straightness again at the mention of Usagi. Motoki quickly continued. "There isn't really anything unusual about Serenity, save for the fact that she is unbelievably beautiful." He could swear that he saw Darien's lips twitch.

"Really?" Darien asked a little teasingly. "You think so, do you?"

Motoki felt his cheeks warm up a little. "Well, uh, yes. It's not like I have feelings for her, but yes, she is beautiful. No one can deny it, not even her brother. Ok, he would deny it, but only jokingly."

Darien chuckled. "What is she like though?" he asked.

Motoki sighed. "It's hard to describe her, you would have to know her. She's very unique." Darien was now wearing a slightly puzzled look on his face, but he didn't ask any more questions. He saw Motoki look up as he heard the door close.

"That's the last of them," Naru called out to him from the other side of the now-empty tavern. "Do you want me to lock the door on the way out?"

Motoki nodded. "Yes, thanks Naru. Have a good night," Motoki replied.

"Sure, thanks Motoki, you too. Good night Darien," the red head called back. Darien nodded his head towards her as she exited, leaving behind only a soft click of the lock turning. Motoki straitened up and started to dry some of the mugs that were sitting on the counter and putting them back under the counter.

He was determined to find out what was bothering Darien, and he had a pretty good idea how to start. "So, now that you're working at the palace, have you had a chance to see Usagi around at all?" He knew he had hit the right nerve, because Darien took on a reserved pose again.

"I've seen her a few times," he said, not volunteering any more information than that.

"And?" Motoki prompted.

"And what?"

"What did you talk about?"

Darien sighed. "Horses. I met up with her and Mina earlier today, and just with her later in the evening when we were training one of the horses. Oh, and once last night."

Motoki dried another mug. "So what's the problem?" he asked.

Darien shot him an exasperated look. "What makes you think that there's a problem?" he asked.

Motoki shrugged his shoulders. "Each time I mention her, you look depressed."

Darien looked back down at his mug. "Motoki, there's nothing to tell. I've been continuing the lessons, she's been learning, there's no more to it than that." he mumbled.

Motoki stopped drying the mug in his hands. "Well, you didn't tell me that before. How have you been continuing the lessons?" he asked, a hint of laughter lacing his voice.

There was a moment of silence before Darien spoke. "I've been helping her be comfortable around men, just as we were doing before. She's improving, although she still isn't comfortable with being in close contact with a man." He glanced up and noted with some amusement the horrified look on Motoki's face.

"In close contact…what have you been teaching her!" Motoki cried out.

Darien almost chuckled. "Relax Motoki, I haven't laid a hand on her in any inappropriate way."

Motoki visibly relaxed. "Then why…"he began, but was cut off.

"Motoki, I said there is nothing to tell," Darien said calmly. Motoki shut his mouth, although not with any intentions of stopping his interrogation. Darien, however, wanted no more questions. He quickly finished the cider and stood up , taking the mug in the direction of the kitchen. He came back a few moments later with the mug cleaned out.

"Thanks for the cider Motoki. I should really get to bed. Big day tomorrow, with some of the Royals arriving from other planets." Motoki was tempted to stop him, but decided against it. He would continue his questioning when Darien was in a slightly better mood.

Darien walked upstairs to his room, fell into bed, and tried to sleep. Sleep did not come easily for him though, and when it did, his dreams were filled with a certain blonde-haired goddess. Safe to say, he did not sleep well.

I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honour belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.