Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Hell Zone ❯ Hell Zone ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hell Zone


Chapter 1.

Serena awoke to pain, burning mind-numbing pain. It hurt to breath, it hurt to move, it just plain hurt. Opening her eyes Serena realized she was not on earth any more; she was in a place that was red, with browns mixed in. (Think of the bad lands on Star Trek.) Getting up despite the pain Serena realized if she moved around she didn't hurt as much. Looking around small lizard creatures flow around diving at small animals and devouring them, only to be eaten seconds later by bigger creatures. Serena gasped in shock, she was in the world she had been try to save hers from. Then Senshi hadn't pulled her to safety! They had let her down! They left her to this harsh environment! No! Her friends wouldn't do that to her, they would search for a way to find and save her.

Serena realized she couldn't stay out in the open she had to find shelter in this harsh world. She picked a direction then began walking; there was nothing recognizable as water or plants anywhere. She kept on walking aimlessly, trying to figure out how she was going to survive in this world, the foul air burned her skin, it was hard to breath with so little oxygen. The only thing she could do was keep on walking hoping to find some kind of shelter.

Serena stopped to watch a flying lizard drop from the sky with an egg in its claws. Serena didn't know why she stopped to watch but she did, she felt a slight pulling. It felt like someone or something was calling out for help, as she moved closer the feeling got stronger, it got to the point were it felt as though someone was crying out in pain and desperation. It took a minute for Serena to realize it was coming from the egg! What ever was inside the egg was calling out to her for help! Serena couldn't just ignore a call for help, she had to help in any way she could. Serena summand her powers as Sailor Moon, then took action.

As quietly as she could she crept up behind the creature took out her scepter and swung it like a baseball bat at the lizards head. SMAK! The lizard went down out cold. It was then that Sailor Moon know test a crack in the shell of the egg, it wiggled and wobbled. Then slowly pieces of the shell began to break away and Sailor Moon could make out body parts of what was inside the egg. A leathery leg, a forearm, then clawed foot. Then she could see the head break free with a long neck attached. Two arms then broke free, and two small wings the egg was now only covering the bottom half of the creature. With a burst of energy it jumped forward on it's front legs and started to shake the rest of the egg off. That was when Sailor Moon realized she was looking at a dragon.

The little dragon ran towards Sailor Moon crying mama. It ran towards her, then past her at a large figure Sailor Moon failed to know test before. Behind her loomed the gigantic form of a full-grown dragon! It looked down at the dracling then at Sailor Moon and nodded its head. The mother dragon was large with black scales with a radish sheen to them, she had large bat like wings designed to catch up drafts to help her fly. Long powerful legs with clawed feet, and powerful arms that were both used for walking and handling things. Her body was that of an English dragon, her neck was long and has a leathery main of spicks down it that ended at her tail. Her head was long probably as big as Sailor Moon was with large teeth meant for ripping and tearing. It reminded Sailor Moon of a crocodile's mouth.

"You have saved my child," stated the dragon.

"Yes I herd it calling," answered Sailor Moon.

"You have now bonded with my child. You will now come with me, I will teach you how to survive in this realm." With nothing left to do Sailor Moon simply nodded and fallowed the mother dragon to its den where she would learn to survive.

~~~~~~~~ In The Senshi realm~~~~~~~~~

"Mina! You were suppose to pull Serena to safety!" cried Rei.

"I was unable to even breath, much less use my love chine. I know I failed, but there is still a chance we can save Serena!" responded Mina.

"What do you mean?" asked Lita.

"Sailor Pluto, of course! She is the guardian of time isn't she? Surly she can help us out some way." Said Mina.

"Of course Trista! She'll have the answers were looking for" said Amy.

"I'm afraid not," said a voice from the doorway. Their stood Sailor Pluto with a grim expression on her face. "This was unseen in the time stream. The place that our princess is in now is called the Hell Zone. It exists in between dimensions and it is always shifting. Once you go into it there is no way out. Our future is now uncertain I can't see what is going to happen, but one thing is clear Crystal Tokyo doesn't exist anymore."

"There has to be a way to save our princess," cried a desperate Rei.

"I'm sorry I don't see a way to find or save our princess" Pluto said calmly.

"Just because you don't see a way doesn't mean there isn't a way. We will find that way, we will find a way to save our princess," stated Lita.

"We won't give up, no matter how long it takes we will find Serena" said Rei.

I was going to write more, but decided that this is a good place to end it. So reviews are welcome, suggestions too. This will be an sm/dbz/? I can't do FY because I don't know enough about the series to write about it sorry. I'm thinking of Star Wars, Star Trek, Gundam Wing, and a few others. So help out and make a suggestion. Please.