Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Princess ❯ Michiru Meets Hotaru ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Five: Michiru Meets Hotaru
Michiru looked at her watch 1:35a.m, `half an hour until they get here.' She stood at gate 24 were Haruka's plane was supposed to land at 2:05am. `I hope Hotaru likes me.' She brushed her hair behind her ear nervously.
“Flight 407 from New York to Tokyo, Japan has arrived.” A female's voice came over the PA system. Michiru took a deep breathe and walked closer to the gate. A couple of people walked out of the gate but not her friend, and then a minute later came the tall blonde tomboy.
“Haruka!” Michiru shouted and waved at her, she looked at Haruka's face; it looked worn out with dark circles under her eyes.
“Hi Michiru,” Haruka had a very small smile on her face although she was very tired.
“Hi,” Michiru smiled as she stepped in front of her. Haruka looked down at the bundle in her arms.
“I'd like you to meet my new daughter, Hotaru.” Michiru's eyes went wide in disbelieve. `She actually adopted her, wow.' Michiru touched the dark fluffy hairs, she couldn't stop smiling.
“Here let me carry your bag.” She slid the bag off of Haruka's shoulder.
“Thanks” whispered Haruka, she felt very tired all of a sudden. The past week she didn't get enough sleep and the flight was very long and exhausting even though Hotaru slept most of the way. The adoption was very stressful and a lot of paper work, her parents didn't help much in encouraging her, they complained that she couldn't raise a child by herself. Haruka looked up into Michiru's beautiful face and saw how happy she was. `I won't raise her by myself; Michiru is here to help me.' Haruka smiled at that thought,
“Come on Michiru, let's go home.”
“She's so cute Haruka.” Michiru stood at Hotaru's new crib that she bought two days ago.
“Yeah, she's a little princess,” Haruka yawned. Michiru patted Hotaru's head softly,
“I better let you get some sleep.” Michiru smiled and left Haruka's room shutting the door behind her. Haruka bent over kissing the little forehead of her new daughter,
“Goodnight princess.” She walked over to her queen sized bed and climbed under the warm covers, as soon as her head hit the pillow she was sound asleep.
Michiru walked over to her bedroom, `its nice having her home,' she put her pyjamas on `it was very lonely here,' she climbed under her blankets. `I finally can have a good night sleep.' A smile lied on her face as she slowly fell asleep.
Haruka rolled over in bed and turned on one of the lamps as the crying interrupted her sleep. She sat up in bed and looked at the clock 4:05am, she ran her hand through her messy blonde hair and walked over to the crib that was by the window.
“What's the matter princess?” She bended over and picked her up in her strong arms. “Are you hungry?” She carried her over to the kitchen and got a bottle of milk in the fridge.
“We'll have to be quite so we don't wake Michiru up.” Hotaru stopped crying as Haruka gave her the bottle. She smiled as Hotaru drank it with greed.
“Is everything alright?” She looked up into Michiru tired face.
“Yeah, she was hungry,” she looked back at her daughter; Michiru stepped closer to them,
“So that's what you look like when your eyes are open.” She stared at her as she finished her milk.
“Do you want to hold her?” Haruka put the empty bottle in the sink; Michiru's tired face went away,
“Can I?” Haruka handed Hotaru to her, Hotaru's eyes grew wide as she realized that someone else was holding her instead of her mother, she stared to scream and cry.
`Oh no, she doesn't like me.' Michiru handed her back to her mother very quickly but not to quick that she would drop her.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare her.” She turned around and ran off to her room before Haruka could say anything. Haruka let out a sigh and tried to clam Hotaru down, she went into her room and put her daughter in her crib after she settled down.
She walked over to Michiru's room and knocked on the door,
“May I come in?”
“It's your house.”
She opened the door and walked into the dark room, in the middle of the room was Michiru's double sized bed, and in the corner sat a rocking chair and a dresser, it was a pretty big room but it didn't have much in it.
“Michiru, are you alright?” She didn't get a response; she took a deep breath and continued, “I thought I told you that this is your home just as much as it is mine but you probably didn't believe me but...” She ran her hand through her hair, “ still is the same as two months ago when you moved in here.” She sat on the bed and leaned her head on her hands which were resting on her knees.
“I hope Hotaru didn't hurt your feelings but she doesn't trust anyone that she doesn't know.” There still wasn't a response, “I hope you give her a second chance to get to know you.” She sighed as Michiru still didn't say anything.
“Goodnight Michiru.” She got up off the bed and went out of the room and closed the door behind her.
“Goodnight Haruka,” a whisper came from the corner of the room, tears streamed down her face as she got up off the floor and walked over to the window, `I never had a real home,' she looked out the window at all the stars and the full moon. She smiled as the last tear fall down her pale skin.