Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Realm Sailor Scouts, A Dream Come True -Book One ❯ Appearance ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Realm Sailor Scouts, A Dream Come True

By Moon Venus-Chan

This is the longest story I've ever typed up. I just make the plot up while I type, also^^;;( Well, not really. I think about what to write for the story before I type). Also, the chapters may seem a little short, but I have lots of things to type, and I want it to keep organized.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, but I do own the Realm Sailor Scouts. But you cannot take them because they are actual people.

Chapter 1: Appearance

All alone.... she is all alone. Her parents went to Vietnam for 3 weeks, her sister is in Irvine, studying. It was summer, so all her friends went on a vacation, well, almost all, it's a coincidence. Her cousins, Andrea And Claire Went on a vacation also, but her other favorite cousins, Jennifer and Julie isn't.

But they live so far away, and her parents aren't home, so they don't come often.

2 days have already passed already, and she hasn't done anything except go on the Internet, watch T.V., do her homework her mom gave her, and practice piano.

She was like bored to death.

Then, something happened one night, a night that changed her personality

including her whole life.

Kristina was in her bed; still awake at 2:06 A.m.She couldn't sleep usually like the other two nights.

But this night was different.

She could feel some kind of energy, but how could she? Was it really easy to feel energy? Sense it, I guess....She thought. She finally chose to ignore it.

She looked to the left of her room. There was a glass door, to the entrance of a small balcony. Up in the sky was pitch black sprinkled with million of stars, shining brightly. And in the center,

was the Moon.

The Moon showing it's brilliant glow, reflected by the Sun. Again, she felt great energy, but coming from the Moon.

Suddenly, as she was looking out the window, she saw a few dark figures she couldn't make out,

jumping really fast followed by another figure and they were shooting each other

with lasers?

She kept on watching they figures, too terrified to move or wonder who they were.

Then the figures seemed to be hit by the lasers. And they

were coming closer.... and closer...and closer and-


They broke through the glass door!!! It was like slow motion.

The mysterious figures...with their backs flying

through the balcony's glass door.... Kristina, covering her eye's and ears

at the same time.... hearing the figure's screaming...

They landed on Kristina's bed with a huge smackdown.

Kristina flicked on the light. What she saw almost made her run like they're was no tomorrow.

She tried to choke out the words"S..Sailor..Star Healer.....??Su-per Sailor...Uranus?

S..s..sailor Ju-pi...ter????"

The torn shredded bloody, by the glass, and the ripped clothes were a horrible sight.

"What?" Sailor Jupiter said.

Suddenly more sailor scouts came in.

"Are you alright?"one of them said.

"Sailor Mercury?!"

"Who are you?!?" Another one said.

"Sailor Chibi moon?!"

"Waitaminute, how you'd know us?"

"Sailor moon?!?!?!"

"The enemy's coming!!" Sailor Uranus And Sailor Pluto grabbed Kristina, and dragged her out of the room.

They rushed downstairs and out the door, too fast that Kristina can't say what they're doing.

The "enemy"was already out in front of the door waiting for the Sailor scouts.

"I won't let you go away of taking the one who will imprison us!!" it yelled, charging the attack at them.

The one who will imprison us?!?!? Kristina thought.

"MARS FLAME SNIPER!!!!"Sailor Mars shot a fire arrow at the monster.

This isn't real…Kristina thought.

"VENUS LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!!!" Sailor Venus threw a heart at it.

It's a dream.... thought Kristina, although she kinda wished it wasn't.


Sailor Moon finished the monster off.

They all turned toward Kristina.


"Were sorry for breaking your glass door," Sailor Neptune said.


"How'd you know about us though?" Sailor Moon said.


"Hello???" Star Healer said.

"...................." Kristina bit her lip.

"Are--"Tuxedo Mask started.

"OKAY!!"Kristina suddenly exploded "Just!…just let me think about something!!"

With that, she walked several steps from them, sat down on the

freezing cement, and stared off into the dark, starry sky.

The scouts just stared*Weird.....*

After what seemed like an hour, Kristina finally stood up.

"I know.... this is the most realistic dream I've ever had! Although it's weird that I've realized that in the middle of a dream.

and you guys and your powers look pretty real..."

"This isn't a dream. We are real, and we're standing right in front of you,"

Sailor Saturn Said.

"Whatever," Kristina gave a nervous shrug.

* * * *