Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Hope of Revenge ❯ Plans and Companions ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6
Plans and Companions
The sun was already setting but it was still to early to retire. Queen Beryl found herself on her balcony, waiting for yet another person to come and speak with her, even though all she wanted at the moment was some peace and time to herself. Such was not the luxury though, and so she waited for that knock on the door.Plans and Companions
She had been in a bitter mood all day, mostly due to the conversation she had shared with Prince Endymion the evening before. More than once she had come close to taking out her deathly anger on one of her subordinates, but she had managed to keep her cool and not slay anyone.
Why did that man have to be so stubborn and irritating? Why did it seem that each man in love with the women of the Moon was next to unbreakable? Beryl sighed, having to admit that she had not yet tried to really break Endymion, only had a conversation with him. That would change soon though. A small smile touched her lips. Yes, he would turn to her yet, and then she would go against the Moon Queen and her daughter with all her might and glory, and they would finally be made to pay for the pain they had caused her.
A knock on the door brought Beryl from her thoughts.
"Enter," she called into the room. She folded her hands in her lap as she gazed out at the vast sky, an orange canvas kissed with hints of yellow and red.
"You called for me, my Lady?" a voice asked from the doorway to the balcony.
Beryl turned her head to look at Setsujoku. "Of course I did," she replied and returned her gaze to the stars. She heard him approaching her chair, though he stopped a good distance away.
"What does your Ladyship require of me?" he asked a little hesitantly.
"I called you here to discuss a few things with you. How is Prince Endymion faring?" Beryl asked, looking at the man standing next to her.
"You spoke with him yourself, my Lady. He is in good health and still resentful. His spirit is strong, and I highly doubt he will be broken easily to do your Ladyship's will." Setsujoku spoke with a confidence that irked Beryl slightly, but she didn't allow that to surface, for the time being at least.
"It does not matter if he will be broken easily or not. He will do my will, by force or by choice," she replied.
"It will most likely have to be by force," Setsujoku pointed out.
Beryl nodded. It would have to be that way. It had taken her years to try and break Setsujoku himself, and eventually she had given up and done things by force. For several more years, though, he had served her loyally and not once tried to escape or defy her.
"Tell me, Setsujoku, would you return home now if I gave you the chance?" she asked with a malicious smile on her face.
There was a moment of silence before the servant answered her. "No, my Lady. I have nowhere to return to."
"Of course you don't," Beryl said smoothly. "Your loyalty lies with me now, does it not?"
"Yes, my Lady," Setsujoku replied. "I would not wish to do anything to displease your Grace."
"I like to hear that. From watching you, I know the truth of your words." She paused, her eyes glittering with malice and glee. "I like to repay loyalty as much as I like to discipline deception. Despite your former sins, I feel that I can use you to a greater extent now than I have before. I have heard many complaints about you, Setsujoku, but those complaints have given me reason to believe that you will be very useful to me. I have heard that you are fairly handy with your sword, though your temper is often to blame for that."
"If the rumors you hear are those where I used the blade to defend myself, then I do not doubt that they would include my lack of patience and control over my own temper. I do not attack in anger if I can help it, only if I need to directly defend," Setsujoku replied to the accusation.
"I don't doubt that, I'm not naïve. I know my men better than some of them know themselves, so I know where they will boast and where they will twist the facts to make themselves look better. It is not in your nature to have a short temper, but in most of theirs it is. Your temper is not what I wish to discuss though, it is the skill with the sword. I want you to start training with it, starting tomorrow, in addition to your other duties. You know where the training hall is, I will meet with you there directly after lunch to explain to you and the others what I want."
"This is a great honor, my lady. I am pleased that I can be of further service to you, but I am an aging man, not a young, spry fellow anymore. I cannot promise the stamina and endurance of your other soldiers." Setsujoku sounded genuinely enthusiastic and hesitant, appreciative and uncertain; that fact pleased Beryl.
"Even if you are older than many of the men who have duties as warriors, you still have skill, which can often times save your life more than the speed and agility of youth alone. Besides that, there are certain things I want you to do that require a more… seasoned man to perform."
"And what would that be?" Setsujoku asked.
"You will be told what to do when the time comes. I want to end this war, and I want to do so soon. You will assist me in doing that," Beryl replied, showing no possibility of an explanation at the current time.
"I am very honored, my Queen," Setsujoku said as he bowed, still feeling rather confused about the situation. He never thought Beryl would want him doing anything more than performing the menial tasks of a servant. He was not a key that would unlock Beryl's victory against the war against the Silver Alliance, yet she seemed convinced that he could certainly play a role.
"You may leave now. I will discuss more of this with you tomorrow when you go to train," Queen Beryl said, dismissing the servant. He bowed once more before turning and leaving the balcony.
Beryl smiled to herself as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the back of her chair. Things would fall into place soon, finally. After so many years she was finally getting the upper hand. Endymion's capture had been carried out so smoothly that even Beryl herself had been more than a little surprised. Now there were a few more captures to do. Her own masterminds and generals were proving to be less than adequate, and she feared that she would have to step in and take over a few more things in the near future.
A soft knock came from the balcony door. "My Queen," a deep voice murmured. I closed my eyes and sighed. My Flavor of the year had arrived.
"What is it?" Beryl asked as her burly bodyguard strolled onto the balcony. Ever since he had brought Endymion to her chamber the night before, Beryl had not been able to help myself and I was comparing the two, now that she had seen them side by side. The man getting ready to massage her shoulders was handsome and strong, otherwise she wouldn't have given him the privileges of being her personal body guard. However, when compared to the Prince of the Earth, he was little more than a piece of coal compared to a glimmering diamond.
"I thought you would be tired," he said as his hands slid over the Queen's shoulders, squeezing gently. "You've had a long day."
Beryl let her head fall and rest on the back of the chair. "I spoke to Setsujoku already. I trust you won't kill the man in his training."
She heard her guard grunt. "If that is your wish, my Lady." Beryl could hear the sourness in his voice, his complete desire to change her mind and allow him to vent his anger on the aging servant.
"You know it is," she replied sharply, then sighed. "I have many plans for him, as well as Prince Endymion. They are my keys to victory. However, I still need my other keys as well. How are the plans going for capturing my new generals?"
"We should be receiving news of the first capture soon. We are hoping to catch both General Malachite and General Jadeite, since they are traveling together from the Moon to the Earth. The others will follow shortly."
"I only hope that they will be as useful to me as they have been to the Silver Alliance," Beryl murmured.
"This is going to be hard on you, draining all of their memories," the guard said softly. "I worry for your health."
"Don't worry about my health, I know my own limits. I won't drain myself that much. I want those men, though, and I want them now. They are very intelligent and important, since they also know the battle strategies of the Silver Alliance. If I can manage to drain their memories without harming those strategies, they will prove to be an even greater asset.
As hard as it was for her to admit it, Beryl was a little unsure of her plan. The technique of memory draining would indeed tax her, and taking the memories of so many men in such a short period of time… she couldn't deny having her doubts about the situation. She had a new way, though, a new method she had been developing over the years. It had been ages since she had used the method taught to her by her mother. That was truly a difficult way of completing the task, one which she avoided with a passion. Now, for the first time, she would try out her own way, and see how much she could handle. Despite these plans, Beryl still hoped that she would be able to win Endymion over without having to wipe his mind.
The thought of Endymion sent a chill down her spine. As composed as she always was, she still found it difficult to keep herself calm when he was in her presence. Not only was he a remarkable specimen on the reports she got of him, but in person he was even more desirable and impressive. Since the first time she had seen him she knew he was the man she wanted and would get. Her lovers could never measure up to the Earth Prince. As much as she hated admitting it, even to herself, she was envious of that young Moon princess. Beryl had all the power, strength, and riches, but Serenity had Endymion. Not for long, though, that would soon change.
She felt a pair of lips brush against her neck and was pulled back to reality. She sighed and tried to focus her mind on the gentle ministrations of her loyal guard, but try as she might, her thoughts remained fixated on Endymion.
"I'm tired," Beryl murmured finally and stood. As she turned, she was met with a pair of glittering, hungry eyes, but she returned the lust and desire with a glare. "I wish to sleep alone tonight."
He was displeased, that much she could see, as he bowed stiffly, the fire in his eyes sputtering out. "As my Lady wishes," he said before turning and leaving the balcony. Beryl waited until she heard the door to her room click shut before entering the spacious chamber. She found herself in a world of reds, blacks, and creams, all combined to form a calming, dark atmosphere. It allowed her to think, to clear her head and have nothing to disturb her but her own thoughts.
She wasn't quite ready to fall asleep yet, so she went and sat in front of the hearth on a plush red sofa. She stretched herself out and gazed into the glowing flames dancing in the fireplace, and allowed her thoughts to return to her tantalizing captive and how to make him forget about the Moon Princess.
"You've been rather quiet all evening," Darien remarked as he and Setsujoku sat, eating their evening meal.
Setsujoku snorted. "Do I always have to be talkative?" he asked dryly.
"No," Darien replied, taken aback slightly by the sharp tone of voice. "It's just unusual for you to be so quiet, that's all."
Setsujoku was quiet for a few more moments as he bit off a hunk of bread and swallowed. "I've had a rough day," he finally said. "I suppose you could say I've been promoted. I train as a soldier now, and the training is rough, though I still perform most of my former duties as well."
"I should congratulate you then," Darien said, though his voice lacked enthusiasm.
"No need to. It's not good news for you, or the Alliance. I am but one man, but I am still one extra man against the Silver Alliance. Besides," he paused, "I am not one to accept congratulations for something I myself do not appreciate nor want."
"Why are you not glad? Is it not an honor to be promoted in such a way?" Darien asked, feeling genuinely puzzled.
"I have my reasons. I do not like war, never have, it destroys too many good things.
The two sat in silence for some time. Unable to bear the tension though, Darien finally spoke. "You told me once you had a wife. What was she like?"
Setsujoku paused chewing, then finally swallowed. "I also recall telling you I don't like to speak of my past."
"You're right, I'm sorry," Darien replied. "Why though?"
"I'll tell you why. I don't like talking about my past because it brings back memories that I don't like. It also reminds me that I lost something, or rather, gave up on something important. I try very hard not to dwell on things I cannot change," Setsujoku replied before resuming his meal silently.
Darien didn't want to push him further, but his curiosity was piqued. Who had Setsujoku been before coming into the service of Queen Beryl? Where was he from? Questions circled Darien's mind as he chewed the coarse bread.
The harsh echoing clatter of approaching footsteps reached the two men's ears and both turned their heads to look at the door. It sounded like three, maybe more, men were coming, and neither liked the sound of that.
"Get your bloody hands off me, I know how to walk myself!" an irritated, muffled voice snapped amidst the clatter, causing all the hairs on the back of my head to stand. It couldn't be! I rose from my chair, nearly making it fall over in the process.
"What is it?" Setsujoku asked as his gaze shot from the door to me.
"I think I know that voice," Darien muttered just as the door swung open and a man was flung onto the floor before the two. His sandy blonde hair was mussed and he was letting out a string of cusses as he struggled to his feet, though without much success since his hands were bound behind his back, but Darien recognized his general instantly.
"Jadeite!" The name slipped from his lips as I dashed to him and tried to help him to his feet.
"You!" the guard snapped, pointing at Setsujoku, "the Queen wishes to speak with you."
The sound of the chair scraping against the stone floor was heard as Setsujoku stood, ready to obey his mistress. He showed no air of friendliness to the two men on the ground as he strode past them into the hallway, before the guard shut and locked the door with an eerie clamor.
"Endymion! What that hell are you doing here?!" Darien wanted to chuckle at the surprise in his faithful friends voice, but the situation simply didn't allow him to do so. Instead, he focused on untying the rope holding Jadeite's wrists together.
"I am a prisoner here, as you are now. What happened?"
"Are you all right? Everyone's been so worried about you, especially Serenity." Jadeite completely ignored Darien's question, but now the Prince's thoughts turned to Jadeite's second statement.
"How is Serenity?" he longed desperately to hear news of his wife, to know that she was all right and still safe and sound.
"She's... she's all right. She was worried about you, but she is safe and sound," Jadeite replied somewhat hesitantly.
"How is she though?" Darien asked again as he finally pulled the bonds off Jadeite's wrists. The General straightened his back and rubbed the soar appendages gingerly.
"She's all right now. For a while after you disappeared she completely closed herself off from the world, but when I left she was starting to pick up again. None of us knew if you were alive or dead. They still don't know."
Darien pointed to the chair that Setsujoku had occupied earlier and sat down in his own seat. "I wish I could send word to them, to Serenity, so she knows not to worry."
"Why are you here, though? What's Beryl up to?"
"I wish I knew. I've been trying to gather information, but I have very little so far. I know she's planning something, and she's confident it will work. I fear that I am somehow a part of those plans." Darien's voice was calm and serious, amplifying the gravity of the entire situation.
"I don't have a clue what she's planning, nor does Malachite even. I think that Beryl has thrown a few more questions into the pot now, though, since her last attack." Jadeite frowned as he spoke, his face stern, his hands clasped on the table before him.
Darien gave Jadeite a puzzled expression. "How do you mean?"
There was a moment of silence as Jadeite stared at his hands. "Her last attack was the one where I was captured. It was strange; Malachite and I were traveling to Earth to deal with some business, and Beryl's force came against us so suddenly and so stealthily we had almost no warning at all. Despite the commotion that occurred, it seemed as if Malachite and I were the main targets. Malachite wasn't captured though, only I was, at least as far as I know."
Darien rubbed his chin. "Why would Beryl be after the two of you?"
"I don't know. Maybe she is madly in love with the two of us," Jadeite exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air and leaning back in his seat. "It makes no sense to me either. We won't tell her anything, and if she wanted information she could have used you just as easily as either one of us."
"Maybe she's hoping to decrease the morale of the Silver Alliance by showing she can capture us. She managed to destroy Pluto, so maybe this is her next step to show that if she really wants something, she'll get it," Darien speculated. It was possible, but there were so many worse things she could do to break the spirit of the Silver Alliance than taking a few men. If anything, this would only cause them to be more determined and unbreakable.
"So what do we do now?" Jadeite asked.
"Nothing. The man that was in here with me, Setsujoku, is a servant that will bring us our food. Besides that all we can do is wait to see what happens, and perhaps plot escape," Darien replied, picking up the stone goblet before him and taking a sip. "But tell me more of what is going on back home. I've been gone too long."
The night wore on as the two men talked, Jadeite telling Darien in a hushed tone all that he had missed since his abduction. Neither was aware of a pair of keen ears listening from behind the door, a pair of feet that they never heard approaching, and a sharp mind taking in all the information they were now revealing.
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I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honor belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.
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I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honor belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.
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