Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Falling ❯ Falling ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Falling
Author: Jan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Other than a kiss, none. Check the pairing for the warning.
Series: Saint Seiya
Pairings: implied Hyoga/Shun

Notes: This is for an LJ community called 15minuteficlets Word #65 challenge. The word of the week is at the end.


When Hyoga first saw him, it wasn’t a favorable first impression. Shun cried almost daily, making him the butt of jokes and on the receiving end of merciless bullying. Even when Ikki was there to ease some of the torment, Shun always appeared as a weak crybaby and Hyoga found it, and Shun, annoying.

But then, they were young. Children cry. A lot. Especially when dealing with the situation they were forced into.

Orphans, the lot of them, all gathered together to begin years of grueling training in the hopes of winning a cloth. All for a man that some despised, some dismissed as crazy and some simply didn’t care.

It was a way out, though. A way out of the loneliness and poverty - the road that stretched before each of the orphans was bleak.

It had to be hard on Shun, separated from living family, the only family he had left. You‘d have thought that Seiya would have been more sympathetic, having been separated from his only family as well. He wasn’t; so focused on his task, so dedicated to winning a cloth to collect on the promise that Kido Mitsumasa would reunite Seiya with his sister.

Shun didn’t have that luxury. Already a sensitive child, probably too sensitive to go into hard training to gain a cloth, the situation was amplified by his separation from his older brother as Ikki went off to Death Queen Island, the place Shun had originally drawn lots to go to.

He cried for two weeks solid. Hyoga did the best he could to ignore it, but it was difficult. The sobs were gut wrenching, even for another 8 year old to hear. Eventually Hyoga knew the best way to make the crying stop was to push aside his first impression and to befriend the young boy, to help find a way to ease his loneliness. Or at least help the other boy toughen up.

A friendship flourished from that selfish beginning. And loneliness eased was doubled.

When Hyoga was in Siberia training, he would lie awake at night wondering how Shun was faring. Did the boy survive his own training? Would he have what it took to claim a cloth and return to Japan? Aching in the need to know what happened to Shun filled his long, cold nights. The soft green hair, the soulful matching eyes always on the brink of filling with tears…consumed by his fantasies of what he wanted to do as his body matured. Friendship deepened into something more, even if it was one-sided and not based in reciprocated reality.

The day Hyoga was called back to Japan for the tournament, summoned by a missive from The Sanctuary to investigate the Saints using their cloths for personal gain, his heart sank. Would Shun be among the number he would have to kill to serve justice? Filled with a mixture of purpose, responsibility and dread, he gathered his cloth and went.

The Crystal Saint was a fair and just Master. Hyoga had been brought up with what was right and fair, trained to see with eyes unclouded by greed or vanity. He made no decision to the course of his action until he had witnessed first hand what this tournament was about.

Spying Shun at the coliseum, Hyoga’s breath caught in his throat. He had managed to win the Andromeda cloth through his training, an indication that he was capable as a fighter. But what stole his heart in that instant was Shun’s beauty. The beautiful boy had grown into a beautiful man.

Sensitivity was still there, matured, shining out of the green eyes as he welcomed Hyoga. Shun was genuinely glad to see him. In that moment, Hyoga knew then there was no way he could kill Shun if it came to that. Not when his body ached to possess him. Not when his heart was filled with the love he missed when they parted.

The smile that accompanied their quiet conversations during the matches was open and real. Every time their eyes met, Hyoga felt himself falling further beneath Shun’s spell. A stolen kiss in the underground passageway when they were alone sealed his fate. Shun didn’t resist, he opened for Hyoga and gave back as much depth and passion as was received.

Pulling away to catch his breath and to gaze down into the open face looking back at him, Hyoga was glad that he disregarded his first impression.


Word #65 is: Impression