Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ The UnHoly Tournament ❯ Arrival At the Island ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Arrival at the Island; An Unexpected Meeting
The ship arrived late that afternoon. Yusuke and Kuwabara had fallen asleep due to lack of it the previous night. Kurama and Genkai sat in their cabin room thinking about the mystery laid before them and about how fog could possibly cause a disturbance let alone concoct a tournament. Hiei sat on the windowsill bored but with an indifferent look plastered upon his face. The second the boat dock Kuwabara shot up in his sleep. “Mommy, are we there yet?...... Are we there now?...... How much longer mommy?...... I'm bored mommy. ........ Can I have something to eat?........ How much longer?.......... Are we there yet?..........”
Soon Hiei got really annoyed a Kuwabara's mindless sleep chattering. He went up right next to Kuwabara and screamed. “WE'RE HERE YOU BAKA!!!”
Both Kuwabara and Yusuke woke up instantly. Yusuke stretched and yawned. “Hey Hiei, why did you do that?”
“Because the baka human here was talking in his sleep. He kept going on, mommy this mommy that.”
“Oh so you mean like a four year old on a road trip? Yup that sounds like Kuwabara. Impatient and annoying.”
“You can be just as impatient and annoying as he can be.”
“Shut up old woman! I don't remember asking for your position.”
And so the endless word war began. Yusuke vs. Genkai and Hiei vs. Kuwabara. Kurama sat at the table and shook his head. “If the continue bickering throughout the tournament then we will never get anything accomplished.” He thought.
So instead of stopping the voice fights, Kurama simply walked out of the room. Absorbed in their vocal fights the four other spirit fighters did not notice his absence until awhile later.
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Shun sat in his seat looking out the window. Although Seiya had only been able to give bits and fragments of the story Shun had understood most of it. To him it seemed as if there was a being that could control a mysterious and powerful fog. He did not believe that the fog had a life of its own as Seiya had made it sound. Shun looked back into their seating room. Shiryu was reading a book, Seiya had fallen asleep with his mouth hanging open, and Hyoga and Ikki were arguing about something small. Everything was normal. Shun looked back out the window. He could feel the plane descending. “Finally. We're landing.”
A few moments later the plane came in contact with the seawater below. A few minutes later, after half flying, half sailing on the sea the plane officially landed and docked.
About five minutes later the flight attendant walked into a room full of chaos. Hyoga, Ikki, and Seiya were all trying to kill each other, Shiryu was trying to stop them, and Shun was at the edge of the room. The flight attendant walked over to the only saint that wasn't in the fight. “Sir, we have landed at Fogliana Island. Here is your room key to the hotel on the island. There is enough room for all of you there. We would also like to inform you the your manager, Saori Kido has arrived and has checked into her personal room at the hotel. Good luck in the tournament!” She said as she handed the key and walked away.
Shun looked down at the key. “Saori's here?” Shun thought. “ Shiryu I'm heading out, the key to the room at the hotel is on the table by the door.”
Shiryu was only half listening. “Okay Shun.” He said as he ripped Seiya off of Ikki.
Shun put the key down on the table and walked out of the room.
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Kurama walked along the beach shore. He could not figure out what was going on. If he looked out towards the ocean he could see a thick fog shrouded about 150 meters out but then everything. “Weird isn't it? Fog that thick this time of year. Normally there would also be humidity but it's extremely dry.” A young boy with forest green hair wearing a lighter green shirt and white suspenders said.
“Extremely.” Kurama thought he recognized the boy. He looked a great deal like the saint with the dark pink/red armor, but he couldn't be sure.
“Are you one of the Spirit Fighter's sent by Prince Koenma?”
“Yes, but how did you know that?”
“My name is Shun. I am the Andromeda. I'm one of the Bronze Saints sent here by Saori Kido. Since we were informed that you were our worst opponents, if sure you were told the same.”
Kurama was a little shocked. “Could he have come to the same assumption that I did? That it wasn't Koenma or Miss Kido who pinned us against each other but the fog? And how does he know about the fog in the first place?” Kurama thought. “I am Kurama by the way and yes we were told that. Although I do not think that our leaders were the ones who truly told us that. I think the fog implanted the idea in their brains so we would not work together.”
“Agreed. But if I know my friends I think we will have a hard enough time just working with the people within our groups. I believe that not having a grudge against each other would help in with the tension.”
“Yes I believe so too. Once the other members of our formal groups stop bickering we should all meet and talk about what we are going to do. Mind you though, we can not tell Koenma or Miss Kido, for they might still be being controlled.”
“Alright. Meet you here in 2 hours.” Shun asked.
“Right” Kurama replied.
Both boys then departed and walked to their team rooms, where the rest of their groups were already waiting.”