Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers: The starting of a new generation ❯ Wow! A New Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi Ho Peoples! This is my first Slayers fic, so send helpful reviews.

Legal stuff: I do not own Slayers, however, I promise you that as soon as I can yank that Kopii machine out of the tv, I will make myself (and possibly my friends) a little Kopii Zelgadis. Hee,Hee! ^_^

Da Fic:

It had been five years. Five years of loneliness and sorrow. Lina was alone, and she didn't like it. Zelgadis was the first to go, but that was expected, after all, he was still looking for a cure. Lina knew this and accepted it, even though she saw no point. She always thought that Zelgadis was fine handsome and dashing, even if he was a chimera. She never had judged him on his looks. No one knew where he was.

Then Amelia left. She had received a notice from her father saying she need to return home for "Princess Training." At first, Lina didn't mind the peace and quiet, but then she found herself missing the little justice keeper. She hadn't even sent Lina a letter since.

Finally, Gourry left with Sylphiel. He had been hurt by an unruly dragon during the raiding of a bandits camp. Lina tried with Sylphiel to heal him, but he had to return to his homeland in order to recuperate. After about six months, Lina received a letter from Gourry saying that he was all better, but he was going to stay home. He didn't want to leave Sylphiel and her good food, but Lina suspected that Sylphiel had hinted that if he returned, she would just fireball him. Lina hadn't heard from them since either.

That left Lina alone. No companions, no friends to turn to, no guidence. Several times Lina had gotten letters from her older sister saying she should come home and waitress with her, but Lina knew better. Luna probably wanted to exact revenge for what happened when they were younger (i.e. The tapes Lina made of Luna taking a bath and selling them to make extra money.), so Lina refused, and continued on her journey. Alone. Then after she blasted some robbers and * ahem* "liberated" them from everything they had with them at the time, Lina saw a familiar cloaked figure.

Lina:" Zel? Zelgadis is that you?"

The person turned around and looked for the voice that was calling him. When he saw Lina, his eyes widened, for it was Zelgadis.

Zelgadis:" Lina? I should have known…"

He points to the pile of unconscious men on the trail behind him.

Zelgadis:" …I thought that this handiwork was familiar."

Lina:" So…Zel-kun…how have you been? Any luck on your search?"

Zelgadis:" I've been alright, but noyhing on the search so far…how have you been? Where is everyone?"

Lina's eyes began to get watery.

Lina:" They…left…"

Zelgadis detected the sadness in her voice.

Lina:"So…Zel-kun…these guys won't be out for much longer, and there's a village near by…would you like to grab a coffee or something? I'll tell you everything…"

Lina was relieved when he accepted her invitation. The two walked along quietly towards the village. When they got to the outskirts, Zelgadis pulled up his hood and mask.

Lina:'Why does he always wear those stupid things? He looks fine…in every sense of the word…Wait! There's no way he would ever love a small-breasted little bitch like me…oh well…I can still dream…'

Zelgadis and Lina walked into the inn, and sat at the bar. They order their drinks, and started to catch up.

Zelgadis:" So tell me, what happened?"

Lina:" Well, Amelia had to go back for training not too long after you left…and when Gourry was injured, he went back home…about six months after that he sent me a letter saying he wasn't coming back…when Amelia left, she only left a letter as well…"

Tears began to fall down Linas face

Lina:"…I haven't heard from any of them since…"

At that last comment Lina couldn't control herself, she began to cry. Zelgadis immedeately scooped her in his arms.

Zelgadis:' L-sama, she's been alone for almost this entire time…I won't allow it, she's too beautiful…too beautiful for me…'

Lina:" Oh…Zelgadis…I'm so sorry…it's just, all of my friends abandoned me…"

Zelgadis squinted at that remark

Lina:"Oh, that's not what I meant…I have you, don't I Zel-kun? It's just…I've been so alone, and I guess I feel unwanted…"

With that, Lina fainted, and Zelgadis picked her up. He rented their rooms and put Lina in her bed.

Zelgadis:" Lina, don't ever feel unwanted, I'll always want you…what am I saying…you'd never love a freak like me…I don't deserve it…"

Zelgadis walked out the door, towards his room. Little did he know, Lina was awake, and had heard everything he had said.

Lina:" Oh Zelgadis, do you really love me?"

So, that's chapter one. How did you like it? Give me some suggestions for chapter two, I'm kinda stuck right now.

Arigato Gosaimasu! ^_^

Ja Ne!
