Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Grapes and Flowers ❯ A&O Plus Uniforms ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Budoo pranced into the kendo hall. She was nervous that Saionji, her teacher, could potentially be her real opponent. Does he know I have a ring?
Saionji came from our of a large storage closet. "You're not dressed," he said gruffly.
"Neither are you."
"That's not an excuse."
"You're right, it's not and I shouldn't have said that. I apologize." She bowed forward quickly, with almost sarcastic animation. "I cannot find the girl's locker room."
"There's not one. You can change in the men's."
Gack. "CanIusethestorageroom?" she spouted, perplexed and pointing limply.
Well, she changed for nothing but the practice of changing (which meant dressing with one hand and holding the door shut with the other.) She was lectured by Saionji for an hour and a quarter and then they were finished. Finished? He didn't in Budoo walked around a moment to watch Saionji with some other members. Saionji wasn't fighting but he yelled at one of the members who was to "kill, kill, kill."
Oh, it's one of those sports. At least he's making it one. Maybe this isn't right for me after all. When he's not busy I'll tell him his Thursdays are free..... I shouldn't have gotten the 'tude with him. Bu ***

"Well, tell her she can do that anytime," Budoo laughed. She was still chuckling when she saw the box that had been delivered sitting on her table. "A gift or something, Miss Paso?"
"I don't know," replied her roommate. "Open it and find out."
Lifting the top of the box she saw a suit. A gray deuler's suit.
"Hey," said Paso, "that looks like the outfits worn by the student council....Oh-my-gosh...(dramatic, reeling pause) maybe-you-have-been... electedoneofthecouncil!" She screamed excitedly but Budoo explored the box for a s What's this? A letter. Good. She opened the card. It read--well, she read it actually, cards can't--never mind--:
Come to Dueler's Wood after classes Friday. Wear this to the duel.
No signature.
If I got one and I'm not on the student council, why didn't Utena get one? Where is the Dueler's Wood? "Wear this to the duel."
"The cou-ncil, the cou-ncil, the cou-ncil!" sang Paso.