Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Miracle? ❯ Miracle? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN Well, a fairly angsty Mpreg fic that started off with me wondering why mist expectant fathers are so happy and take the news so well, I didn't want my Aya to be like that so I made this a bit darker. This is quite different but is yet another one of my fics that was written at 3 in the morning so if you have to blame something, blame that.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: -Checks- Nope, still not the owner of Weiss.
Summary: Aya's thoughts about the child he's expecting. Not a happy story, Mpreg, Please R&R
Is it even mine?
It sounds like a ridiculous question but is it? Or is it another of the sub-human creations Omi's psychotic Frankenstein-wannabe brother Masafumi had come up with.
I still don't know how I got into this.
It seemed like a normal mission, no one to kill this time, just one more lab to destroy… but then I got captured.
The others found me afterwards, after what I now know to have been days of searching for me. Though they probably felt they were looking for my corpse by the end.
When they found me they insisted I go to see one of Kritiker's doctors, one of the highly trained members of the medical staff Kritiker keeps on standby twenty-four hours a day for situations just like this.
Well, maybe not exactly like this.
They still don't know how it happened either.
Then again they don't really care, as for as they can tell it's human and it's healthy, that's enough for them, they see death so often this must be a refreshing change.
Omi is ecstatic, bouncing blissful about, between looking at Mothercare catalogues someone has managed to unearth from somewhere. Ken is happy because Omi is happy, it's as simple as that, in his eyes anything that can make his boyfriend smile like that is worth it, especially recently.
Yohji is torn on the other hand between horror this could happen to a man, relief that it isn't him and humour that it ended up being me. There's also something gentler there though. No matter how much he complains about Ken's `brats' I know he's always loved kids. This one is no exception apparently.
Even Manx seems to be pleased, which is a strong indication that Persia has no problems with it. None of them have noticed that I'm screaming inside.
They all seem to be expecting me to be glowing happily, delighted with the idea of motherhood and I give them what they want.
A `wonder' they're calling it, a `miracle'.
I don't care; it's not my miracle.
But it's also not my place to say anything so I just lie here silently. Hating it.
AN Ummm… Well, hopefully not too bad but if it was never mind, I just really needed to get rid of the idea, I might write it again someday - muses - anyway please review.