Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Part One of the Silver Aliance Trilogy ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The S.A.T. presents....

The golden age of all living beings, what really happened 5000 years ago. Part one of the S.A.T. (Silver AllianceTrilogy)

Chapter : Prologue.

Authors Notes... Well here you are peoples, I've finally gotten off my ass and started putting together the first part of this strange trilogy that my friends and I have going. Now you all get to see just what made the Sennen Hanyou the most feared pranksters in the entire universe, and what we were all like as kids. You'll see the origins of Saberwyn, find out who the heck the Elysion Knights are, and discover what exactly happened to turn us all into youkai. Cheers!

Disclaimer: Seeing as this is a first chapter and all I'd better have one of these in here. This is very upsetting for me to write. Anyway, here goes. I do not own GundamWing, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sailor Moon, CardCaptor Sakura, Inuyasha, Lord of the Rings, Red Dwarf, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, and any other random things that may come into mention in this or any of the other SAT stories.


(Atalanta's POV)

The moon kingdom, heart of the silver alliance. What was once a powerful, peaceful and prosperous place is now little more then a collection of blood-soaked ruins.

A lone figure wanders through the rubble. She is female. Once, she may have been beautiful, but it is hard to tell under the blood and dirt that coats her. She doesn't care anymore, anyway. You can only just tell that her hair was silver, and the remains of a ball gown hang off her body in tatters. She is limping, one arm wrapped around her midsection, only just hiding a bleeding gash from view. She is no one. She is me.

Who am I, you ask? I was once the eldest daughter of Queen Selenity of the moon and Pharaoh Yami of Egypt. I was once married to King Heero of Elysion. I was once a member of the infamous Sennen Hanyou, the millennium half-breeds, the greatest pranksters in the universe.

Now? Now I am little more then a Queen without a kingdom. As I wander what is left of my childhood home, I stare numbly at the dead bodies of my loved ones. I can feel the tears running down my face, but they mean little to me. My friends, my family, all of them are gone.

All of a sudden, I find the body of my husband, Heero. He is still barely clinging to life, lying in a pool of his own blood. The sword of Jadeite, the blade of the beast who caused all this, still sticks out of his side.

"Heero!" I screamed, running over to kneel by the side of my husband, taking his hand in my own.

"Ata...lanta..." he rasps, blood dribbling down his chin. He is slowly dying, before my very eyes, but there is nothing I can do. There was nothing I could do.

"It's me, Heero. Please don't leave me here," I whimpered, nuzzling my cheek up against his. "You promised we would be together forever. You promised."

"Looks like...I'm going...to have...to break...that promise," he replied, the effort causing him to cough up blood.

"No...I don't want to be alone. Ai Shiteru, Heero!" I cried, kissing the hand I held.

"Ai Shiteru, Atalanta...I'm...sorry..." With those last words, my husband was dead.

"NO!" I screamed to the lifeless sky.

I am Atalanta. I am alone.


Author's Notes: Here you go minna, not very big but it's only a prologue. For those who want translations, Ai Shiteru means 'I love you' and minna means 'everyone' in Japanese.
