Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Promises ❯ The Past Returns ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

The story I'm about to tell you is true. A story about betrayal, broken promises, and an unwanted orphan.
It was a rainy day when it all started. What a way to bring back thoughts of the past that were not wanted to be remembered. On a dark stormy day when everyone was inside sipping hot chocolate. Everyone that is except that one girl. Her blue eyes might have been filled with tears. It was hard to tell in the rain. Her abnormally blue hair was soaked, for she had no umbrella. She looked miserable, but not because of the rain, but because of a promise broken years ago, because her best and only friend betrayed her. This story is about her and her friend cleaning up the broken glass, the broken promises from their past.
Mokuba Kaiba gazed out the window. It had been raining non-stop for a whole week. He was tired of being cooped up inside. He was tired of the news saying there were to be light showers when there were huge thunderstorms. The wind tossed and turned any loose thing on the ground. Mokuba shivered as his bare feet touched the cold floor. He wandered into the kitchen to ask the cook to make him some hot chocolate. However he was stopped by their maid Nancy on his way.
“Your brother had another unexpected meeting, he won't be back till later,” she told him.
“Typical,” Mokuba muttered under his breath. He continued to walk toward the kitchen. Seto Kaiba, his older brother, owned a huge company called Kaiba Corp. He was always having meetings and coming home really late.
Mokuba went back to the window, this time with a cup of cocoa. It was then he noticed the girl; she was soaked to the bone.
“Who would be outside without an umbrella in this rain?” He thought. He grabbed the umbrella and pulled on his raincoat and boots. He walked outside into the rain. He shivered at how cold it was.
The girl looked up. Her eyes were a bright blue, just like his brothers. The thing that caught his attention the most though, was her long hair. It was light blue. Curious, he walked up to her.
“What are you doing out here in the rain?” He asked.
“I could ask you the same thing,” she replied.
“I saw you through the window, I live across the street. You looked like you needed this,” Mokuba handed her the umbrella.
Her eyes lit up just a little at the thought of someone actually noticing her needs, but she was stubborn and coldly said, “I can take care of myself.” She shoved the umbrella back into Mokuba's hands.
“Yeah, I can see that,” He glared and shoved the umbrella back into her hands and stomped off. “How can she just blow it off like that? I was only trying to help.” He thought. He took of his rain boots and coat then stomped upstairs to his room.
After dinner Mokuba was still angry about what had happened earlier. That's what caused Nancy to ask if something was wrong.
“Is something wrong Master Mokuba?” She asked.
“No,” he answered flatly.
After that she left him alone. Mokuba went to bed early.
Seto Kaiba sighed. It had been a long day. A really loooong day. He had a headache from staring at his laptop screen for so long. He shut the lid to the portable computer and walked outside. It was still gloomy, just as it had been all week. Poor Mokuba was probably restless, being cooped up inside for so long.
He turned to the envelope Roland had left on his desk earlier. It had no return address on it. He finally had time to see what was inside. He ripped the top off and dumped the contents onto the table. Out slid twelve duel monster cards, one of them the Gemini elves. The others were ones he had never seen before. Taurus the brave, Scorpio warrior. They were all Zodiac cards. The cards reminded Kaiba of someone, someone who he had forgotten, and someone he would rather forget again. A painful memory came to him, one from those painful years in the orphanage.
“I really like the Gemini elves, but, why aren't the other Zodiac signs cards?” A young girl whose hair was abnormally blue asked. She was holding the newest duel monster card, Gemini elves.
“Maybe you should write a letter to the creator asking for him to make some more Zodiac cards,” Kaiba heard himself say. His small innocent self.
“Alright,” the girl replied, “I'll do it when I'm old enough to write really well.'
(End Flashback)
Kaiba cringed at the thought of his childhood friend. She had been the only other person besides Mokuba he could trust. But he was blinded by selfishness; they were separated when he and Mokuba had been adopted. He clenched his fists; he broke his promise. He would never do that again. He would apologize. Though she probably could not hear him, he said it anyway, “I'm so sorry, I was blinded by selfishness, I'll never break a promise to you again, Dera.”