Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Promise ❯ Childhood Saga: How it all began ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

2 Childhood Saga: How it all began.

Summary: A/U & R/B (later on). When the impossible happens, Ryou can't accomplish his promise to `Kura. But for everything is a first time, even Ryou doubts it. See Ryou's childhood through his eyes to complete his promise.


-an extra thought from Ryou-

[extra explanation ... mostly done when `Kura sings]


There are some Japanese words in every chap. For the people who don't know any Japanese words, here's the translation of them who are gonna be seen in this chap;

Ohayo Gozaimasu: Good morning.

Nani: What

Doko ni: Where is...

Hontou ni?: Really? Do you mean that ?

Masaka!: That's impossible! I don't believe this!

Kaa-san: Mommy

Tou-san: Dad, daddy

Iie: No

Kawaii: Cute

Demo: But


Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh isn't mine. I do not own Ryou, Bakura, Ryou's dad, Ryou's mom, Ryou's sister, and the Millenium items.

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“I guess I can start now. It all began that special day, when `he' came home ... and off course that's also the day you and I met eachother.”

I moved -if that was possibly- even closer. Now hope I didn't tell my story for nothing ... I KNOW you could hear me, although it was just an absolutely stupid thought.

“It was early in the morning, and mommy was yelling from upstairs to ...

(((((A.N.:[MAYOR IMPORTANT!!!] The flashback who are coming up right now are the things Ryou remembers from his childhood. In real, he tells this to Bakura, but thinks back at every thought HOW it happened. SO you won't read the story Ryou tells, but DO read the things he thinks)))))

        ~oOo~ Enter flashback ~oOo~

“Ryou-chan! Where are you, sweetie?” I heard my mommy from upstairs. Since I was downstairs, mommy couldn't find me.

“Ryou! Why aren't you in your beddy-weddy? It's only 7:30.”

Nobody knows why I can't be out of my beddy at 7:30, but mommy can... Aw well, I guess parents can do such things.

But before mommy could come downstairs and turn off the TV, I guess I should introduce myself to you all, else you don't know who I am, and that would make things difficult -At least, I think- :

I'm Bakura Ryou, but please call me Ryou. I'm 6 years old, very clever for my age -at least, that's what I think. And since I'm clever, I cannot be wrong!- but also way to small. I don't have friends, but I do have a TV in the living-room... and that's all I need for the rest of my life! My favourite TV-show is `The Morning Show', My favourite film is `The Lion King', and series is `DragonBall Z'. I think this is pretty much everything important, so.....

Oops! I almost forgot! I live in a big house alone with my mommy, since my sister died almost 2 years ago -She was really sweet and pretty! But she's not gone... she's now in heaven, with other pretty angels!!!!-. My daddy isn't here, but will come today for a visit. This is all because of his work. Now he has some project in Egypt. I hope you all know how Egypt looks like, you know, with many pyramids, mummies - those are monsters!!!- and stuff like that. Because he is there almost everyday, he can't come home often. He only comes back to Japan for very special things.

But today he would come, definitely! He wrote in a fancy letter he would come home for Christmas, just like he did the last time I saw him, and that is now exactly 2 years ago.

I guess this is all you need to know.... anyway, I can't tell more now, mommy is coming down.

Hopefully, I can watch today's movie: `Casper, the friendly ghost'. It's about a really sweet ghost! I think I've already seen it more than 15 times, but I like this movie a lot. But it can't beat `the Lion King'. Because mommy wanted to make a bet with me; Every time I would watch `the Lion King', I put another mark on a piece op paper, and if 1000 marks were on that paper, mommy would take me to the toy-store and buy me computer! Once I tried to fake it, but when mommy found out, I had to start over again. My highest number of marks is now `367'... but I've seen the movie more than that.... But `The Lion King' is still my favourite film!!!


Oops... I forgot mommy was coming... guess no more TV for today -_- cuz I was looking TV since 7 in the morning... while it was Christmas-morning.

“Didn't I tell you no TV today!”

Then her voice calmed down. Puppy-eyes are always the best things to come up with in these kind of situations -I told you I was smart!-.

“Ohayo Gozaimasu, almost forgot to wish you Merry Christmas!!!! -I mumbled the same back, but I do think she could understand it- Daddy can be here any hour... Don't you want to look stunning when daddy arrives? Come-on Ryou-chan, I'll help you change your clothes, so daddy can be proud of you!” With that mommy helped me standing up, while I whined a bit, -Farewell Morning show!- and together we walked to our bathroom, to dress me really pretty.


“Ryou-chan! You dinner is ready! Turn off that TV and come here to eat your breakfast.” Mommy yelled from the kitchen.

To bad, not only did I miss the end the Morning-show with the pretty girl saying `GOODBYE!!!!' and then do a pretty trick with cards -I know it's actually magic! I mean, how can a card else disappear?!?- , but now I would also miss the beginning -or, if I needed to brush my teeth and comb my hair, the whole episode- of Pokémon. Luckily mommy made her special toast today! Mostly I would just grab some loops with milk, cuz mommy has no time to make toast for me, but only in weekend and special days -like today!- mommy made toast!

I jumped out of my pretty chair, pushed the button to turn the TV off -after saying to my best friend I would come back... really, TVs are very sensitive!- and ran happily to the kitchen.

I sat down in my little chair with a pillow laying upon it -else I'd be too small to eat something from the kitchen-table-, only to see no toast laying on my plate!

“Doko ni.... Doko ni my toast?!?” I asked nervous while panicking... she didn't forget to make toast, did she?!? This can't be! It's Christmas- morning.... this must be one big mistake!

“Ryou-chan sweetie... no toast today.”



“MOMMY!!!!” I panicked even more, while pouting enormous, not to mention my eyes filled with tears -I don't cry that often.. I'm not THAT childish!!!-.

“Ryou-chan, put that pout away... and make place for a pile of pancakes!!!!!”



Did mommy just said what I think she said?!? Cuz if she said what I think she said, would make my day more than happy than if she said something, which I think she said, but she didn't say, which was incorrectly heard be me, cuz then my day ended right here! -WOW.... tiz sounds complicated!!!!!-

“Hontou ni?” Although I just whispered it, I think mommy could hear me.

“Hai. A whole pile of pancakes, just for my Ryou-chan!”


“Kaa-san!!!!!! This is the most happiest day in my life!!!!! You knew I love pancakes above everything!!!!! I think, no I KNOW, you're the BEST mommy in the world!!!!” I jumped out of my chair and gave mommy a really big hug!!! She's really the sweetest mommy in the whole world!!! I should've never doubted of the fact she forgot to make me something yummy!

After I thought this hug ended, I let mommy go and sat down again, grabbed a fork, and waited for mommy to bring me my whole pile of yummy pancakes!

It only took her seconds to come to the table with a plate full of delicious looking pancakes! If this wasn't heaven, I don't know it anymore.

“There you go. 10 pancakes just for you! And the leftovers you can warm up tomorrow or if you feel like having pancakes again.” Mommy said warmly to me, while smiling sweetly. Then she looked at the clock -I guess she's also waiting for daddy to arrive- and returned making dinner, this time for herself.

But before I forget to yell it::: YEY!!! No loops for me tomorrow! WOOHOO!!!!!!!! I guessed -as I took one pancake a crammed it in my mouth- things couldn't get better than this...

Scrap that... it just did...

        ~oOo~ End flashback ~oOo~

“I guess I was pretty childish around that age. Always watching TV, whining and being the happiest kid on earth if mom Kaa-san made pancakes. Perhaps you can fill in what would make me happy in these days.... I really miss you... but the story hadn't finished yet... no, it just started.. and now comes one of my favourite parts of it all.... Father...”

        ~ oOo~ Enter flashback ~oOo~

“TOU-SAN!!!” I screamed while I ran -still with my mouth full of pancake- toward the door-opening, where my daddy was.

“Ryou-chan!” He cheered back and stopped to pick me up to give me a big hug. Since I just scrapped my happiest moment in my life, I think this is now the happiest moment in my life.. not to mention I've only lived 5 years yet.

I thought this moment could last forever, hugging my daddy -guess what... he still smelled a bit like Egypt! I swear I can smell the sand! Or was that just my imagination?- and silently crying a bit of happiness, but after a few minutes my daddy walked to the table and put me in my chair.

Then he hugged mommy -I didn't look of course... I don't want to loose my appetite- and after that he grabbed a chair and sat down next to my chair.

“Tou-san, we're having pancakes! Do you also want some! They're the best, and I bet that in Egypt you didn't have this yummy pancakes!” I cheered, while eating another pancake.

“Iie, but thanks anyway son. I've already eaten in the plane, so I'm not hungry.” Then he gave me a real father-to-son smile. So I gave him my special son-to-father smile! Only I think mommy didn't like that, since I had still almost a whole pancake crammed up in my mouth, and I was quite showing this... but since it was Christmas-morning, mommy probably wasn't bothered by this.

“Ryou-san, you pick one first. And don't look at the name!” Mommy said to me. We were done eating and brushing teeth. -At least, I needed to do this.. so in the end I missed Pokémon all... but Casper was one thing I wasn't going to miss... I was planning some brilliant plan, which you all can't hear yet! Hahah!-

We were now sitting next to our Christmas-three, and I was finally allowed to unpack my presents! Daddy also brought back some presents from Egypt, so I was double-curious! I mean, Santa had been so nice to give us many presents this year, but daddy also had a present for me from Egypt!!!!

I immediately grabbed the nearest present, and then tried to read what was written on it.. Although I'm just 5 years, I can already read a bit! I told you I was clever!!!

“It says.... RYOU!”

I smiled widely, and opened the present..... A small box appeared, coloured in all possible colours of the rainbow, but I knew what it was!

I saw it once on TV, where 2 boys were playing with it... if you had a real arena, the monster could even come sort-of alive! It's called `Dual Monsters', but the Monster-part wasn't that scary. I mean, I wasn't scared when I saw that tournament, so they're not to scary for me!

“Thank you Santa!!!!!” I cheered while unpacking the cards. I know it was just a beginnings-deck, but I thought it was cool anyway since I never owned a Dual-card before.

Mommy smiled at me, and then said: “I think Santa wants you to learn the game so perhaps you can finally play with someone else for once!”

I blushed a bit... but Santa was right after all. I really needed to make friends for once, but as always I just was way too shy. At school I had a few `friends' -I just play with them... ok, we once worked together at a difficult puzzle, and then they ignored me completely again... and all kids pick on me every day without mommy or daddy knowing this...... but that's not my point-, too bad I was too shy to ask them to come over here. And since nobody asked me to come to their place, I guess that leaves me without friends. But I don't mind it that much, now I have all the time for watching all my TV-shows! And from now on, also every minute of the day for practising this game!

“So son, which cards do you have now?” Daddy asked me, so my thoughts ended immediately.

“emmm.... let me see... I don't know it yet, tou-san, but I'll look.” And I opened the smaller box which contained 39 normal cards and 1 rare.

“I have 39 normal cards... which contains 30 monsters, and 9 magic & spell cards... but they're just common -I
TOLD you I was very clever!!!!! And I knew much of this game by watching many duels at TV!- ... WOW! And here's the best card in my deck, it's a Curse of Dragon! That's a strong card, Tou- san!!!!” I cheered happily and showed daddy my special card.

He gave me a smile, and then said: “You know son, these cards also exist in Egypt. I saw some guys duel there. Maybe one day you can duel also that good as those guys did!”

I nodded happily, while thinking I was gonna practice as much as I could -this didn't mean I would scrap my TV-hours for this- so daddy could be proud of me.

“Ryou, just wait a minute, then I grab my camera and take a picture of you.” Mommy suddenly said, stood up and walked to the corridor. After a moment she came back, carrying the camera, and smiling sweetly at me.

“Smile!” Mommy said, while I hold up the deck I just got. I grinned, before mommy took a picture. Then she put the camera on her lap, and motioned me to grab another present.

After this, some present for mommy came, and some for daddy. I got also a new pretty pyjama, with a bunny on it and a book with pretty pictures!

But in the end, there were 2 presents left... and the best thing was, both were for me!

So first I grabbed the smallest one. I slowly opened it, only to cheer over- active: “YEY!!!! SANTA ROCKS!”

In there was a small pack of Duel-Monsters-cards, only then 10 per pack.... and there were 2 packs in there! That meant I got .... 20 cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me explain this -I'm smart, so I already knew this!-. First I got a big pack of duel monsters, which contained 40 cards, which is a normal beginners-deck. And second I got 2 small pack, which contain other -and sometimes more rarer- cards, and there were 10 in one pack! I think you understand that now!

“Well come-on Ryou-chan. Open the packs! Don't you want to see what's inside?” mommy said to me. She had a good point, so I opened 1 pack.


PRETTY!!!! There were really pretty cards inside... and.... wow...... this card was really pretty... Iie, I mean beautiful! Although it was a magic- card, it was gorgeous!

There was a girl drawn on it, half angel, half devil! And it's called..... cha.... change ... of he... he.... hearts.... change of hearts! -I'm gonna repeat it only one more time.... TOLD YOU I WAS CLEVER!!!!!! I CAN ALREADY READ A BIT!!!!!!!!!! HAHA! ... this doesn't mean I show this at school, cuz then I had to go to the next group... and then I'd be absolutely 100% the best kid to pick on in the class!!!!!!-

“That's a pretty strong card Ryou!” Daddy said while looking at my newest treasure... `change of hearts' of course. Perhaps you didn't know it yet, but daddy knew also a bit of Duel Monsters. I don't know if he or me know more of the game.

“Kaa-san, have you seen my cards yet? Look, I think this is my prettiest one!” And I showed her my `Change of Hearts'. She smiled happily at me, but then asked if I was gonna unpack the second pack, or not. I must have inherit my cleverness from mommy... since we both had always good questions to ask!

“Oops, almost forgot.” I opened the second pack fast, to see a Lady of faith smiling at me.

I looked at the rest of the cards -A magic card which I didn't get was the strongest of them all-, but I thought the Lady of Faith was the prettiest one!

I think I was absorbed into my cards too long, because my daddy poked my back jokefully, so I got out of my daydream -win all tournament, be the best duelist in the world, yadda-yadda-yadda, stuff like that-.

“Like I said before Ryou-chan. Santa didn't give you this present, but I did. I hope you enjoy it!” He had the last present laying in his hands. Although it didn't looked heavy, it was a big box.

YAY FROM DADDY!!!!!!!! -come-on... give him an applause! He knew Santa came, and STILL he brought a present for me! If that isn't sweet, then I don't know it anymore!-

I grabbed the last packed present from his hands, and immediately unpacked it...

Somehow I felt a strange thing... before I unpacked the present... it felt like I already knew what was inside.... Well, almost... Not that I was psycho.... but somewhere I felt this was a very important gift...

-Life is strange!!!!!...... But that doesn't take away I felt that thing...-

But even weirder was, I could swear I could feel a cold wind blowing... in the living-room?! My hair rustled a bit, but my parents didn't see it. All they could see was me, looking scary at the almost unpacked present.

“Come-on Ryou-chan! Unpack your present. It's not going to bite you.”

I hesitated one more moment, to finally rip the paper off the present, to reveal a wrapped-up thing in some papers... which I didn't know yet it would change my life completely.

        ~oOo~ End flashback ~oOo~

“I didn't know back then, you actually bit me once... -luckily you didn't have hydrophobia- so the thing I thought at that moment wasn't really true. But I still think the wind was there. I mean, now real wind.. I think that was you all along... playing a trick with me.... but where was I... O yeah... our first meeting... I didn't `really' met you... but in sort of way.... I think I did...

        ~oOo~ Enter flashback ~oOo~

“It's pretty...” I stared at the golden thing, now laying on my lap.

It looked like a ring and a dream-catcher, mixed up with some gold... and put into one special thing... now laying here. The middle of the ring was separated with a triangle, with in the middle a weird looking sorta eye. Also there were 5 thingies -I dunno how you call it- attached at the bottom of the ring, who would probably dangle happily if it wasn't laying on the floor.

Daddy smiled kindly at me, and mommy was probably quietly wondering if the ring wasn't too heavy for me.

I think minutes passed while I was looking at the golden item. I mean, this was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life! Not to mention I've only lived 5 years.

“When I saw it, I immediately thought `that HAS to be something for my son', so I immediately bought it. But do you like it... if not, I will find something else the next time I go to Egypt.” Daddy said to me. Luckily I wasn't that zoomed out, so I heard everything he said to me.

I finally `woke up', before nodding `no' and returned looking at the thing. Yups! Definitely the prettiest thing I've ever seen... not to mention I've only lived 5 years. And I think I already found a nice place for it! Next to my bed, I can hang it to the wall. And perhaps.... MAYBE.... this is just something like the lamp in `Aladdin and the wonder-lamp'! Then I can wish things and they come true!!!

But my attention got caught again, this time by my mommy.

“Ryou-chan... I will begin making dinner. Perhaps you and daddy can play with those cards you just got?”

Immediately my face changed direction, now to face daddy, and then ask -WITH puppy-eyes of course!-: “please..... Tou-san, do you want to duel me?”

“Sure son.”

Told you puppy-eyes work!!!!! Now for the grand finale!!!! My eyes watered a bit, just before saying `thanks daddy'. AM I SWEET OR AM I SWEET!!!!!! I think my daddy thinks I am right now!!!!!! -YEY FOR ME!!!!!!!!-

Then I grabbed all of my cards and put them on one pile. Then I heard a yell from the kitchen.

“Ryou-chan! Because it's Christmas it doesn't mean you don't have to go outside!”

... IIE!!!!!!!!! NOT THAT!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA!!!!!!!!!!

“Demo.....” I started, but was cut of by none other than daddy.

“No buts mister... mother is right. Fresh air is good for a growing up boy like you. And maybe you have some friends to play with!”

Poor daddy, he doesn't understand my whole point. But I think neither of you do... let me explain -again-.

Mommy thinks I need fresh air every day, so she -sorta- kicks me out of the house for a half an hour. Most then I go to my tree-house, cuz I don't have friends.... And daddy doesn't know this all... especially the point I don't have friends... but it's not that bad.... I always have fun in my tree-house. Then at least I have time to puzzle out if the ring has a magic spirit in it! -like in `Aladdin and the wonder-lamp'... I sure hope it, cuz I want also a genie of the lamp!!!!!-

“Son... do you know how to play this game? Else I'll explain it to you.”

“Tou-san, I saw on TV more than once duels, so I think I already know some basic-rules.... but can you please explain them to me one more time?”

Please don't think I'm stupid, but if this works, I can spend more time with daddy. Since he has to go back to Egypt tomorrow-night, I want to play with daddy every minute of the day! But really, I think I know this game!!!!!

“Sure thing, son!” Daddy answered happily. He showed me a 2 different cards -Change of hearts and Curse of Dragon-, while telling me the difference between a monster- and a magic-card.

Please don't tell daddy I already knew almost every rule.... I just love the thing he's here again.... so DO NOT spoil things for me!!!!!


“And remember... since there's snow outside, I don't want you to go to your tree-house, since it'll be to slippery there for a young child like you. Perhaps there're more boys on the street to play with!”

I nodded well-mannered... this didn't mean I was going to listen to any of her usual words, but that's just a detail.

“And don't throw off your jacket for any reason at all! I don't want you to be sick!” Mommy ended her speech in the usual way, telling me what to do, not thinking of the idea I was clever enough not to do these things.

“Yes Kaa-san. Can I please go now?”

“Of course honey! But don't forget... be home-

“Before dinner,” I ended her sentence, “Yes kaa-san, I won't forget it.”

She kissed my cheek before opening the door, where I was welcomed by 10 million snow-flocks. I smiled from under my scarf -mommy tied it up so you could only see my face higher than my nose- and walked outside.

I looked around once more, before sweetly walking to the street.

I don't think I've told you yet, but my plan -which I couldn't tell you before, since I was scared you'd totally ruin my plan- was working perfectly! Perhaps you know I've told you I wanted to see `Casper, the friendly ghost' today? Well, the movie just started.... and I was outside..... but inside...... I was taping it!!!! And before mommy finds out I'm taping the thing, I'm already inside, and looking at her with puppy- eyes, while hoping she doesn't punish me! Is that a good plan or is that a good plan?!? IT'S NOT A GOOD PLAN! IT'S PERFECT!!!!!!

Smiling at my brilliant plan, I walked around our house in a big circle, before crawling through our hedgerow, and hiding between a tree and 2 bushes, hoping mommy wouldn't look outside, so she would see me sneaking in.

When I thought the coast was clear, I ran to the biggest tree of all trees in our garden, and began to climb into the tree, with help of a ladder. Being in the top, I pushed the trap-door open and stepped into my beautiful tree-house!

-if that wasn't a cool action, then I don't know it anymore-

Although it was a simple tree-house, it was my favourite spot when I had to play outside. It looked like a real house, but there was only one room in my house, and that was a sort of livingroom.

In the middle of the room was the trap-door, but if I was upstairs, I rolled a carpet over it, so it looked more like my own house. In one corner was a huge pillow, big enough for 2 me's to sit in. But since I was always alone, I could completely lay upon it!

In the other corner I had my treasure-box. In there I kept my candy, and some comics. In one corner I could look outside, cuz a window was made there. The curtains were closed right now, cuz else mommy could maybe see me through that window. Now there was only only corner left to tell about. In the last corner mommy made a little desk for me, of course it wasn't a heavy desk, since else the whole tree-house would collapse.

Now I told you what my tree-house looked like, I think I should unpack my thingies. First, I brought my cards, then I wouldn't be bored `till dinner -going back earlier would make me suspicious. If I would stay away very long, then mommy thinks I was a good boy who has friends, and then I would probably get a bigger desert or something like that-.

I put all cards on my desk, after making sure the wind couldn't blow them away. Then I undid the buttons of my jacket, before putting the ring -which hung around my neck- next to my cards.

Then I opened my box, grabbing some leftover-candy and sitting into my pillow, enjoying today.


for 5 seconds.

I was just licking at my lollypop, before I heard some noise. I knew this couldn't be a bird or some other animal, cuz it was spoken language.... only probably some language I couldn't understand. It was too soft to hear what that somebody was doing.

I dived away into my pillow even further.... before listening again. I wasn't that chicken, cuz I dared to keep my eyes open...

.... wait a second.... I looked like.... that someone I heard..... was singing?

But that can't be... no-one is allowed here in my garden, and mommy and daddy don't know I'm here!


IMAGINE:::: A THIEF!!!!!!!! ...... I guess you all -loyal fans- can save me now.... please.... SAVE INNOCENT ME!!!!! I BEG YOU ALL!!!! SAVE ME.... -pretty please-

But the singing didn't fade away, it seemed to become louder by the minute.

WHY do all things go wrong, the only time I do something I'm not allowed to!!!!! I guess this is my own fault, but I hope mommy or daddy would know I'm here, instead of somewhere on the street with other kids!

I sniffed once more, before realizing I started to cry silently... Great! Who-ever that person-thing is, I'm sure it would think I was a complete nitwit!

Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the tree-house -my cards didn't flow away... strange enough- before I realised the singing was now clear to hear for me. It looked like the singing came from up somewhere, instead of somewhere below me.

I even could hear the words what were spoken, but since I was really scared, it took some time to understand those words:


Nemure yo, ii chibi hana! [Go to sleep, you little flower]

Niwa ya makiba ni [When all are sleeping-]

Tori mo hitsuji mo [Even the birds and the sheep]

Minna nemureba [In the gardens and in the fields]

Hoshi wa mado kara [The stars this evening]

Gin na hiraki o [Will pour their silver light]

Sosogu, kono yoru! [Through the window]



Whatever that person was.... I do have to say the song calmed me down.... made me even a bit sleepy...

But when I closed my eyes, I immediately shot them open again. If it wasn't for a hard thing touching my head, I would have probably fallen a sleep.

I looked up, to look into almost the same eyes as mine..... if it wasn't for the brightness. The person somehow managed to get into my tree-house, and was now sitting in the window on my right -which was really dangerous, cuz if you fell off there, you'd probably break something-.

and before my eyes became as large as saucers and I fell into my pillow -completely unconscious- I heard the voice say `boo'. That was the first time in my life everything went blank.........

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Any proper criticism and/or feedback is welcome.