Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Element Warriors ❯ The Birth of the Dark and Light Warriors ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AnimePrincess: Hey Yu-Gi-Oh fans! I just created a new fic with the help from my friend Yamishadowcat22. It's called The Element Warriors. It's where Yami and the other developed these great powers. They must protect the world from a great evil. Well I hope you like it. Here is part 1. Enjoy
Title: The Element Warriors
Part 1: The birth of the Dark and Light Warriors
Summary: A long time ago there consisted of 10 elements Dark, Light, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Sound, Ice, Thunder, and Psychic who were sworn to protect the Prince and Princess of magical kingdom. After centuries of dormant the Element Warriors are called upon as they search for the Prince and Princess to once again protect the world from Anzu the sorceress and her evil followers.
(At the Turtle Game Shop)
(In Yugi's room)
Hi, my name is Yugi Mutou; I'm 16 years old and attend Domino High school. I'm 5'3 with multi-color hair that stands up like a 5 pointed star. I have round amethyst color eyes and a child like appearance. Most people consider me a child who's around the age of 10, but my friends know the truth. But speaking of friends one of my closest friends is Yami. Yami is 17 years old who is also attending Domino High school along with me.
Yami is 5'5 with the same multi-color hair like me except he has three extra streaks of blond. He also has narrower eyes than me and they are the color crimson. Most girls, when they see Yami they all go gaga over him but Yami doesn't pay much heed to them and just ignore them. Yami is also very mysterious no one really knows much about him except that Yami really doesn't have any parents so Yami lives with me, my mom, and my grandpa at the turtle game shop. Today, Yami and I are starting our first day at Domino High school and I'm very excited, well not excited about school but I have a feeling something interesting will happen today I just know it.
(End of Intro)
It was a beautiful morning and the start of another beautiful day, and right now the sun was just climbing up over the horizon as it gets ready to start the beautiful morning off. So, as the sun begins to peek out over the boarder it begins to work its way into the bedroom of two teenagers. So, as the sun made its way into the room the younger teenage begins to stir with his blink blurry eyes at the clock. The time read 6:45 in the morning in nice bright red lights causing the teen to jump out of bed before rushing around the room to get his clothes ready for school.
Meanwhile, as the teen raced around the room the other teenager who shared the room was still sleeping peacefully causing the other teen to notice. Ah! I cant believe he's still sleeping like this thought the teen once he was able to done putting a pair of black studded boots, dark navy leather pants, a black sleeveless shirt and a navy blue jacket along with a black leather choker. Once dressed the teen moves to stand next to the other. “Yami, time to get up whines the teen as he begins to shake the older teen.Mmm was all he said.”YAMI! You got to wake up other wise we'll be late the teen tried again.
“Mmm” the teen responded again before turning over on his back. "Ok Yami you asked for it. And with that said the younger teen walked into the joint bathroom only to reappear a few seconds later with a cup of cold water. The young teen reached down and yanked the covers aside and splashing the older teen with the water. "AAHH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR" shouted the older teen as the cold liquid hit him in the face and chest causing him to jolt awake only to gaze into a pair of amused amethyst eyes of the young teen trying hard not to laugh.
“YUGI! What in RAs name caused you do something like that” asked the teen as he wipes some of the water off his face. "Well you asked for it, I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't budge replied the teen who was known as Yugi.”Yugi you know I'm not a morning person replied the other teen who was known as Yami. “Well it can't be helped, for you do remember that we start high schools today don't you or have you forgotten already?” teased Yugi. “Unnn... Do I have to go?” whined Yami. “Yes, now get dressed or well be late” ordered Yugi who was trying not to giggle at Yami's attempt to pout and whine.
“Fine” huffed Yami, as he moves out the bed and starts to get dress in a similar outfit to Yugi's. In the meantime Yugi heads downstairs to grab a bite to eat before heading off to school. Yami was finally done getting dress and was about to open the door when Yami suddenly he goes threw the door and lands on his face; due to him being so tired Yami didn't notice the difference on whether he opened the door or not.. How strange? "YAMI! Are you coming” called Yugi causing Yami to groan before he pushed himself up off the ground and heads downstairs to join Yugi for breakfast. After Yugi and Yami finished their breakfast Yugi's mom hands them both 1000 yen for lunch then gave each of them a kiss on the cheek then watch them head out the door. “Bye Mom” shouts Yugi.
“Bye Ms. Mutou” shouts Yami, as he and Yugi head out the door. “Bye sweeties, see you both after school” calls out Ms. Mutou before she goes to do her chores for the day. “I'm so excited to about what's going to happens today” said Yugi as he walks down the street next to Yami. “I don't care what happens” grumbles Yami as he rubs his forehead from when he landed on the floor. “What's the matter Yami, are you ok?” asked Yugi with concern as he noticed Yami rub his forehead. “I'm ok, Yugi just a small bump from where I hit my head” lied Yami who didn't want to admit that he landed face first on the floor.
“Ok, I hope you're alright” replied Yugi to Yami completely unaware that they were being watched by a pair of cerulean blue eyes. “Hmm, could they be the ones I've been searching for?” whispers the figure as he decides to continue his pursued. So, as the figure follows Yugi and Yami, Yugi gets this sudden feeling that they were being followed so he stops and turns around only to notice no one was there. Odd... I could have sworn someone was following us just a few minutes ago wondered Yugi.
Yami who was ahead of Yugi only to halt as he noticed that Yugi was behind instead of next to him. "Yugi, hurry up other wise we will be late shouts Yami. “Coming” yells Yugi as he takes one final glance in the direction before turning and running up to Yami. Upon arriving next to Yami, Yami looks to Yugi. “What happened back there?” Yami asked. “I thought we were being followed” answered Yugi. “Yugi your being paranoid, there's no one back there, now come on before we get a tardy” teased Yami with a smirk on his face. “I am not paranoid! I know what I felt” replied Yugi with his usual cute pout as he walks with Yami all the way towards school. `Phew... That was close, for a moment I thought I was going to be caught. I have to make sure I'm more careful around them for I sense something powerful from both those teems' thought the figure as he continues to follow them.
A few minutes later Yugi and Yami finally arrived at Domino High only to halt when someone called out to them. "Yo! Yugi, Yami! How's it been” called a Brooklyn act scent which Yugi and Yami both knew all to well. “Joun-kun” both shouted as they turn to greet a teen who was about 5'6, with dirty blond hair, and honey brown eyes. “Hey, are you excited about high school?” questioned Jounouchi. "Yep" replied Yugi. "Your always excited about school aren't you" replied Yami, causing Yugi to once again pout at him. Once Yugi was done pouting he turns back to Jounouchi. "So, Joun-kun, what classroom teacher do you have?” asked Yugi. "I have Mr. Estrada, who you have?” asked Jounouchi. “Me and Yami have Mr. Heim” replied Yugi. “Heim… isn't he the new gym teacher?” Jounouchi asked. “I think so” Yugi replied. “Oh man do you two have it bad” said Jounouchi. Just then the bell rang signaling that school was about to begin so students should be heading to homeroom. “Well have fun you two” said Jounouchi, as he slaps Yugi on the back causing him to lose his balance but only for a second then he and Yami went to their homeroom and Jounouchi to his.
Upon arriving at homeroom everyone takes there assigned seats and luckily for Yugi and Yami, they both got to sit next to each other. So once seated everyone waits for the teacher to enter when suddenly the door opens to reveal a girl with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes who appeared to be 54. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Yugi Mutou, the world's shortest duelist. I can't believe they allowed you to enter High school with your short self. Frankly, I couldn't care less about you. For all I know you cheated or faked your way into High school without anyone knowing about it and frankly you're a loser. Your whiney self should go drop into a river or off a bridge for no one would care said the girl with a sneer causing tears to brim at Yugi's eyes for ever since junior high Anzu Masaki was always picking on him, always talking about him and this time she had really gone over board, cutting Yugi deeply. So, as Yugi fights to hold back his tears, Yami on the other hand was growling under his breath for Anzu had crossed the line with the name calling and Yami had heard enough of it. He couldn't stand by and watch as Anzu hurt his poor little Yugi but before Yami could do anything the teacher entered the room only to notice Anzu still standing.
“Please take your seat, Masaki-san” instructed Mr. Heim. I'll take my seat when I'm good and ready for I'm a cheerleader and a very popular one at that so I'll do what ever I want” exclaimed Anzu. "Your going to find your self serving detention if you don't take your seat this instance” shouts Mr. Heim, causing Anzu to do as she was told but before Anzu could take even the slightest step her shadow suddenly rises up off the ground and grab her by the ankles, causing her to land face forward on the floor. Everyone in the classroom started to laugh including the teacher. Yugi just giggles and Yami chuckled under his breath since he didn't like to laugh out loud unless it's in front of Yugi and only Yugi.
Anzu pushed herself up off the ground only to glare at Yugi when she saw him giggling. Yugi just halt and become silent when he saw Anzu's glare which meant he'd be in more trouble if he kept laughing. Anzu stood up and marched over to her seat which was behind Yugi before glaring daggers at him. Your going to pay for that little Yugi sneered Anzu in her thoughts while the teacher tries to settle everyone down. Once the class was settled down Mr. Heim begins homeroom and starts to talk about some of the policies, dress codes and other things they'll need to know about until the bell rings.
As soon as the bell rung everyone stands up and begins to head to their first class, for Yugi and Yami it was Algebra and luckily most of their friends were in that class. So, Yugi and Yami head towards Algebra class while Anzu begins thinking of a way to get even with Yugi for what happened in home room as she heads off to Economics, completely unaware of the cerulean blue eyes watching her as she stalked off down the hallway. About later that afternoon it was now time for lunch. Yugi and Yami were standing in line getting their lunch. "Yami why don't you try to find us a place so we'll have somewhere to sit when the others arrive” Yugi asked Yami who was waiting for his food to ring up.
"Are you sure?” asked Yami who had already paid for his food and was just waiting for Yugi. “I'm sure, don't worry” Yugi assured Yami. And so with a reluctant nod Yami goes off to find a spot from them to sit and enjoy their lunch. After Yami left, Yugi had just finished paying for his lunch and was about to go over to where Yami was when suddenly Yugi accidentally bumped into a huge, bulky figure causing Yugi to smear his lunch all over his uniform. “Why you little punk; How dare you spill food all over my uniform” growled the huge figure. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it” stuttered Yugi as he tries to apologies mean while Anzu was standing off to the side, enjoying the scene.
You're in for it now Yugi, no ones ever survived after dealing with Ushio thought Anzu. “Sure that's what they all say but for what you just did I'm going have to teach you some manners.” And with that he raises a fist towards Yugi. Yugi quickly shut his eyes waiting for the blow. When he felt nothing he peeked up to see Ushio's fist had stop in mid air. Yugi noticed the shocked look on Ushio's face as he tries and tries to hit Yugi but couldn't reach him. Finally Ushio hit so hard that he was flung backwards on his back as he skidded right out of the cafeteria. Everyone in the lunchroom started to laugh at him while the invisible shield vanish allowing Yami to approach Yugi.
“Are you ok Yugi?” asked Yami in concern. “Yes, I'm fine but I don't have any money left to buy a new lunch Yugi said sadly. “Its ok Yugi, I bought plenty so I'll be more then happy to share with you” offered Yami. "Really” asked Yugi with eyes shining with joy. Yami just nodded his head as he took Yugi by the hand and lead him over to their seat. They began to divide everything equally and began to eat while waiting for their friends to turn up. About half way threw lunch Yugi and Yami were almost finished eating when Jounouchi, Seto, Heila, Yami Heila, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, and Malik showed up. “Hey you guys” called Jounouchi.
“Hey” replied Yami and Yugi in not so cheerful tone. “Whets wrong? Why you both sound so gloomy” asked Malik. Its nothing except Yugi almost got bullied by some bulky guy answered Yami.”WHAT! You mean Ushio?” everyone shouted out at the same time. “That's his name?” Yami asked. "Yes and he's very mean bastard" replied Jounouchi. "I can see that Yami agreed. So with nothing further everyone tries to enjoy a good conversation and the rest of their lunch before heading back to class.
It was now the end of the school hour; Yugi and Yami had said their goodbyes to the others before making their way home. Both of them not making sound as both walked from school. I wonder why Yamis so quiet. Is it because of me or maybe something that happened earlier today during school' wonders Yugi. So, as they head home the figure from earlier today kept following and observing the two teens. “I'm now a 100 percent sure that those two are the ones I've been searching for. They are the light and dark warriors, now I must test my theory” whispers the figure as he follows them home.
About a couple of minutes or so both Yugi and Yami both made it home only to find out that Ms. Mutou and Grandpa Mutou had gone out for a little while and would be home around supper time for they had gone shopping, so Yugi and Yami where left alone. With nothing further both make their way upstairs to the bedroom. Once in the room they flopped down on the bed from a long day of school. But as they relax on the bed, the bedroom window slowly creeks open causing Yugi to sit up and look over his shoulder and jump when he saw who it was standing in their bedroom. "Y-You're the B-Black M-Magician” Yugi stuttered, causing Yami to sit up and notice Black Magician.
“That is correct little one and I've been searching for both of you for a very long time” said Black Magician. “What do you mean you've been searching for us and what do you want” ordered Yami as he pulls Yugi close to him causing a small blush to creep on Yugi's face. “I've been searching for you because you two are the Dark and Light warriors who were sworn to protect the world and to once again revive the Prince and Princess of the magical kingdom, Avalon” Black Magician began to explain.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Light and Dark Warriors? Give us a break you actually expect us to believe this?” doubts Yami who didn't believe one word Black Magician said. “Its true and I'll prove it to you” Black Magician determined as he holds out his hand. Then soft lavender color sphere appeared around his hand and then it vanish revealing black and white crystal pendants. “Here, take these and repeat after me Dark Aura Power and Light Aura Power and then you'll believe me” replied Black Magician as Yami and Yugi both stand up and take the offered crystal pendants before doing as told.
“Dark Aura Power shouts Yami once he placed on the black crystal pendant. He began to transform as black wings wraps around his bare body then opening to reveal a tight skin leather shirt, two black arm bands on both arms for a total of four, two black leather wrist bands one on each wrist, his black leather choker except this time it held the crystal pendant inside it, black leather pants and black boots. What caught Yamis attention was the eclipse symbol on his forehead for it was a half crescent moon with half colored in with black.
“Now your turn” replied Black Magician as he turned to Yugi. So with a nod from Yugi he puts on the white crystal pendant. “Light Aura Power” shouts Yugi as the transformation begins. Pure white wings wraps around his bare body which opened to reveal Yugi in a similar outfit like Yamis except it was white and a star symbol upon his forehead. “Now do you believe me?” Black Magician asked as he looked to the two warriors before him. "You got to be kidding us? We don't know the first thing about being super heroes let alone warriors. What do we do?” questioned Yami.
Don't worry it'll come natural to you” Black Magician pointed out. But just then before another word could be said Yami and Yugi heard a scream, but it was odd because the scream wasn't verbally but mentally causing Yugi and Yami to turn to Black Magician for answers. “You heard that didn't you?” asked Black Magician. “Yes” replied Yugi. "That was a cry for help since you two are the most powerful out of all the elements. You two hold unique powers just like your comrades but I'll explain more on that matter on another giving time, now as for why you heard what you did, is because you're both connected to me. Here I have one more gift to give you. Take these incase there” said Black Magician as he hands Yugi and Yami a small compass type device with their symbol on it. When you opened it, it allows you to contact each other for help.
“Thanks” Yugi and Yami replied as they receive there communicators. “I'll explain the rest to you but for now you two must go and save the ones who are in danger” and with that Black Magician vanished. “WAIT! Where are we suppose to go” asked Yugi, but it was too late Black Magician was gone but just when they thought hope was lost their communicators began to beep which caused them to look to them. It began to show them where the danger was located.
It's at the park” said Yami. “I guess so, so let's get over there.” So with no other words said Yami and Yugi leap out their bedroom window and head for the park. Meanwhile in an old abandoned warehouse a young woman was sitting on her thrown as she looked to the four people before her. “Report” orders the woman who was dressed in a long red dress, a golden choker with red shoes and holding a long staff with a red sphere on it. “Mistress we have baited the trap like asked” replied a girl who was wearing black heel boots, a black mini skirt and a red tank top with a black v-shape choker.
“Very good Miho now let's see if my hunch is correct and Black Magician did manage to locate the dark and light warriors replied the woman from her thrown. “What should we do mistress?” asked a guy with black hair, emerald green eyes who was wearing a red vest, black pants and black boots with a dice hanging from his ear. “Nothing except wait” replied the woman again as she looks to her four generals who were known as Miho, Otogi, Honda, and Dartz. “Of course mistress Anzu” replied to all four before they vanish from sight.
`Perfect my plan wont fail thought Anzu as she waited for her results. Back with Yami and Yugi, they had just arrived at the park where they spotted their friends been attacked by Peten the Dark Clown, Cyber Saurus and Lava Golem. “Yami we have to help them said Yugi who didn't wants to see his friends get hurt. “I know but what can we do” wonders Yami. Believe in your abilities said a familiar voice. “Ok” and with that they jump into action.
"Yo, freaks up here” shouts Yami as he and Yugi stood on top of a tree branch catching the monsters and their friends' attention. “Who are they?” asked Ryou as he moves closer to Bakura. “Don't know” answered Bakura. “How dare you try to harm innocent people? When ever creatures like you are around we will be there to stop you because Dark and Light combine as one to help those in needs Yami declared as he points to the creatures.
But when he did Lava Golem spits lava balls at him and Yugi, causing them to jump as the branch melted. “Eww…” whined Yugi once they landed on the ground completely unaware of Peten doing a sneak attack with its blood lush strike. “Behind you” shouts Malik. “Ah” gasped Yugi as he raised his arm and putting up his shield which destroyed Peten in the process leaving only Lava Golem and Cyber Saurus. “Dark Warrior behind you, Sliver bow and arrows” shouts Yugi as he rose up his hand in the air; the white pendant began to glow and the Silver bow and arrow appeared in his hand. "Sliver shoot!” exclaimed Yugi as aims the arrow at Lava Golem and shoots getting a direct hit which destroyed it allowing Yami to handle Cyber Saurus.
“Thanks Light Warrior now it's my turn, Sword of Shadows” shouts Yami as he raises his hand into the air; his black crystal pendant started to glow and a black sword appeared in his right hand. "Black Laceration!” shouts Yami as he swings his sword down at Cyber Saurus only to see it vanish. "Yami your sword of shadow is a unique sword for it welds the powers of darkness and so hence the name Sword of Shadow” said a voice only Yami and Yugi could here which they knew had to be Black Magician.
So once Yami and Yugi defeated the monsters Anzu's generals appeared before them. "Well, well, well looks like the Element Warriors have been awakened after so long. But don't think you won for this is only the beginning we'll be back” and with that they vanished. After they leave Yugi and Yami turn to the others to check on them. "Are you guys alright?” asked Yami. "We are thanks to you” replied Malik showing his appreciation. “Glad to help” and with that Yami and Yugi turned from sight, jumped into the night sky and headed home.
AnimePrincess: So what you think Yu-Gi-Oh fans? Cool or what. Yugi and Yami having such amazing powers, no worries there going to be lots more to come. Please review and please be gentle.