Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ XXX Blood heritage ❯ XXX Blood heritage ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

"Before anyone start reading this story, is a Yugioh and Yu Yu Hakusho crossover.

There may be some grammar mistakes, but I will correct it.


XXX Part 2

"A Golden eye!"

"But Koenma, the golden eye was a legend to all demons, their power will be able to control a world call the shadow realm, but now none seems to exists."

"Not only that, how can one just reappear out of no where, when all it's ancestors have been killed?" Kurama question the young prince.

"I don't know the answer for that, but I once knew a human who gain that power in Egypt." Koenma pulled out a book from his drawers, flipping through the pages in a rapid speed. "Here, he was the pharaoh of Egypt. He was also our first sprit detective, until his father's death."

"Wow. I didn't know in Egypt have detectives like us." Kurama stared at the page. "There's more….." Flipping the page over. "He gave his soul to stop this power, the reason is because his people started to using his power for their own purpose."

"So his people found out his power, started using it and he die to stop his power from flowing." Kurama has his hand under his chin. "Also you are thinking this golden demon is a the next prince of Egypt?" Koenma nodded his head. "You are correct half of it, but the other half is how he or she was able to get into the time line and also the child has demon blood."

"Oh no, the way your saying it is like another `S' class demon was able to travel through time." Kurama groaned. "More like got caught in a time wrap and sent to the pharaoh's time line, and fall for the pharaoh." Koenma explained. Hiei reappear behind Kurama. "Do you know you are taking your own sweet time."

"Sorry Hiei." Turning back prince to continue his conversion, leaving a very sleepy Hiei.

"Hm… May I know what are you two chatting about?"

"Egypt" Returning to their conversion.

`Egypt? Why do that rings a bell?' Hiei though as pictures of a man in gold and crown, kneeing in front of him, with his hands out. `Why are these pictures and dreams popping out of no where?' Shaking the version away.

`First about a baby, now a guy in gold and a crown…….' But his train of thoughts crashed when Kurame told him that he's leaving……. `Maybe I put them a side for now…..'


In Domino city

Ryou Bakura has his own trouble of dreams to deal with.

He was running through the woods, but it seems the plants had move out from his path. `Why am I running? Have I been chase?' Ryou thoughts, he tried to turn around but his body refuses to listen. `If I'm not been chase, what am I chasing?'

He jumped over big bushes as it was blocking his way, as he landed with a thud to see a sliver kitsune with five beautiful bushy tail and golden eyes. "I got you now demon."

To Ryou's left was a hunter with his gun aiming at the trapped kitsune. < Get out of here! > For some reason Ryou was paralyzed at the hunter's glare.

< Speedy! Get out of here! > Still paralyzed Ryou realized that the sliver kitsune's right hind leg was twisted badly, with this left front paws caught in a trap.

< Speedy, Run! > Tears began to flow from the sliver kitsune's golden eyes.


Ryou's paralyzed body somehow unfroze, he turned to see the hunter had loaded his gun and was about to press the trigger. < NO!!! > Ryou's scream and without thinking Ryou jumped in front of the injured sliver Kitsune…..


Ryou's vision landed to the ground, as something was burning in his side, making it very difficult to breath and to stand.


Ryou's eyes trail towards the sliver kitsune before his vision started to fuzzy like a bad television screen…..

He felt his body landed with a loud thud as the bullet had burned into his side. < SPEEDY! > Hearing chains as the sliver kitsune strugglers from its trap.

Then lumping toward him. < Speedy?…. Speedy.. > Ryou felt the sliver kitsune nudging him to get up, but the sound of an empty bullet shell drop to the ground. Ryou sported the hunter has just reloaded a new bullet and took aim.

Again Ryou tackled the sliver kitsune to the ground…………..


This time it hit Ryou hard; he couldn't breath, as there were two bullets in his side that hurt so badly.

/ I can't take this any longer! It's burning and hot…Hot. /

/ Can't breath….. /

// Ryou? Ryou? Hey wake up. //

Staring one last time at the crying sliver kitsune before blacking out…..



"AHHHHH!!!" Ryou fell off his bed. "Bakura…" Lying on the floor looking up at his look alike.

"You all right?" Ryou's eyes nearly pop out. His darker self worried about him. (The sky will drop) "Right now? You could say…. Yes…Why?"

"You were yelling thorough our link with a `No' first, then you said something about can't breath?"

Bakura was Ryou's Yami who never care about his light before. / Why do you care? /

"What! Those dreams of your have somehow affected me!"

"Whatever…." This was the first time Ryou ever snapped at his darker self. // Hope you are ready to run to school…. // As Bakura disappeared into the ring.

`Ready to run to school?' The question puzzled Ryou at first but later found out why…..

I'M LATE!!!!


"Domino High School." Kurama stared at the sheet of paper.

`Transferring me to this school, is it a good idea?' Looking from the paper to the big school. `At least Koenma gave Hiei and me a mission in Domino or I have to chase after the train to get home everyday……'

"Ryou!" Kurama's train of though crashed at the loud call, turned to see who's the caller. A yellow hair boy about the same age as him came rushing with three others. "What did you do Ryou? Dye and tame that spike hair? Also you got contact lance?"

"Err…. Do I know you?"

"What? Ryou, it's me Joey? Joey Wheeler." Kurama shook his head. "I'm really sorry, I don't know anyone name Joey Wheeler." But the blonde hair boy was showing signs that he wasn't going to give up.

"Don't tell me you forgotten what happen on duel island?" This time a brown hair girl asked as she pushed the blonde a side. "Sorry, I never heard this before. I'm…"

Kurama was cut off when someone bump onto him as he and the stranger fell forward. "Sorry, sorry. Are you all right."

A white hair boy with soft spikes stood up bowing repeatedly `sorry' manner. Kurama took a good look at the white boy; he could pass Kurama, as his twins only different were the hair and the eyes.

"Ryou? If your Ryou who is this?" A short boy with wild yet spikes with red highlights and golden bands asked as Kurama picked himself up and dust his uniform a little. "My name is Shuuichi Minamin but please call me Kurama, I', the new exchange student."

"My name is Yugi Mutou, the blonde hair as you know is Joey Wheeler." Pointed to the boy next to him. "This is Tristan Taylor and beside him is Tea Gardner and last but not least, Ryou Bakura."

"Please to meet you."

"Please to meet you too."

But just they were about to get to know each other the bell had to ring…..


[In Class]

"Man, Yugi about that Kurama guy what do you think of him?" Joey asked as he plopped himself onto the chair. "He's a nice guy, I wonder which class he's in?" Yugi answered him.

"But don't you think this is a bit strange?" Tea asked.


"I meant that Kurama look almost alike Ryou, it's like they are twins…." "But Tea, my father told me that I was the only child….. There's no way I have a twin….." Ryou cut in but also pause.

"But now you say it, I got a feeling that something is missing…." Ryou's words were cut short when the teacher steps in.

"Class, we have an exchange student, he is…." The teacher turned to write the exchange student's name as the student walked in.

All the female students falls head over heels for the new student, some of the males also have the same face as well. Only Yugi, Joey, Tea and Ryou. (Tristan is in another class.) were dumb stunned. "Shuuichi Minamino. I hope you people will make him feel comfortable."

"Hello to you my fellow, classmates." Kurama bowed politely towards the love strike class. "Shuuichi please the seat behind Ryou Bakura. Ryou may you…."

"No need of that sir, I've met Ryou on my way to school." As Kurama swiftly move to his new sitting arrangement.

< I'm skipping the class part and into the lunchtime. >

Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan and Ryou were having their lunch on the school rooftop.

The usual Joey and Tristan were pigging out as well fighting over their lunch, Yugi and Ryou tried to break them apart from each other while Tea just sigh in defeat.

"My lunchbox taste better than yours!"

"No Joey! Mind got much better taste!"

"Why you!" Joey abandons his lunchbox to pound on Tristan.

"Joey, please stop fighting." "Yeah Tristan, they are just food." Yugi and Ryou had arm locked both Joey and Tristan. Preventing them from biting each other's head.

"What's going on here?"

All heads turned towards the door to see Kurama look at them with a puzzled expression, holding a glass like bottle. "Hey Kurama? What you got there?" The curiosity caught Joey's eyes like a moth to a fire.

"Oh this?" Lifting the glass bottle to the sun showing the shine blue like liquid splashing side by side of the glass.

"This was one of my project which I've competed in my old school." Opening the sealed bottle, which gave out a very foul smell. `I didn't know it stinks this much…….'

"Whatever it is, it stinks." Tristan who had his nose pinched to block the smell.

"But what do that stuff do?" Tea asked under from her pinch nose.

"Not sure, but I was told that it was unknown if it comes contact to anyone……I don't know if that's true…."

"All come on Kurama, you got to be kidding!" Joey who thought it was a joke, walked up to Kurama. "Anyway how dangerous can it be?" Slapping the red head on the back, which made Kurama fall forward and toward Ryou.

The empty bottle rolled away from the two as all the blue liquid had landed on Ryou, but it also glued onto Ryou like a second layer of skin.

"What the? Get if off!" As the blue liquid started to absorb into Ryou, mist of smokes surrounded the group. "What with this smoke?" "Kurama, what will it do to humans?" Tea asked Kurama in the mist.

"How should I know?" Lied Kurama.

< Ryou's Pov >

`What is this? I'm shrinking…..'

<End Pov>

When the mists cleared, Ryou could see the inside of his school shirt…… `Where's everyone? What with this cloth?' Ryou started to shift his position.

"AH! Something is moving under there!" Ryou mental winces as the voice had boomed in his ears, but carried on moving towards he opening…….

Getting out of his school uniform only to get a hart attack. "Why is everybody so big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




So how did it go? Please Review and the words are PLEASE REVIEW!!!!

Oh, I asked again could someone please tell me what kind of cards did Yugi and Seto uses. If you know please Email me to the_magicwar@yahoo.com (My Partner in crime) or dark_magic_warrior@yahoo.com (Sister's)

Or to play safe the_magic_war@yahoo.com.sg (Mine!)

(If can type it out and sent it to either of these email)

Thank you.