Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Aoitsuki Yurai ❯ New Face, Old Friend ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
<Font face="Verdana">Disclaimer: All Yu Yu Hakusho characters and stuff belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. All original characters and stuff belong to me. <Br>
A/N: Whoo! Another chapter! ^_^ I'm so happy! I've never gotten THIS far on a story and actually kept going or had positive reviews! In our last chapter, Shinzui discovered secrets, Hiei showed up to comfort her, but Tenma came in and made trouble. Then when things looked bad, someone came in to help! Now! The moment you've been waiting for! The chapter where the identity is revealed! WHOO! Enjoy!<Br>
* * * * * * *<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Standing there, with a wooden practice sword resting on her shoulder was a girl about half a head shorter than Hiei. Her raven black hair was tied back in a high pony tail that fell past her shoulders, yet her bangs were a shocking white color. A pair of red-orange eyes, glinting with excitement as a smile spread across her face, were fixed on Shinzui and Hiei. She wore a black outfit that covered her body from shoulders to ankles and on her feet was a pair of black boots.<Br>
"Dressed in black and ready to attack," said the girl, laughing at the astonished expression on Shinzui's face, "Good thing I was practicing my ninja techniques tonight."<Br>
"I can't believe it," said Shinzui, her expression changing to one of joy, "I haven't seen you since last summer!" She gave the short girl a hug and the two high-fived, laughing.<Br>
"Who's this paranoid one?" asked the girl, her eyes resting on Hiei, who stayed silent, "Hmm. Alright then, I'll introduce myself." She walked up to the stunned fire demon and held out a hand. "I'm Ryuka Taiyou. What's your name?" <Br>
Hiei stared at her, but slowly extended his hand to grasp the girl's outstretched hand. "I'm Hiei." <Br>
"Nice to meet you, Hiei," said Ryuka, shaking his hand with a grin.<Br>
"What are you doing here?" asked Shinzui, sitting down with Ryuka under the tree, leaving Hiei to stand there, staring at the new girl, "When and how did you get here?" <Br>
"I got here today and my parents sent me here," replied Ryuka, grinning, "The best part is that I not only came here to see you, but I'm going to go to school here, too!" <Br>
Shinzui's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really! Which school are you going to attend here?" <Br>
"It's some school with a long name," answered Ryuka, tapping her chin as she thought, "Sarayishike or something like that." <Br>
"You mean Sarayashiki?" asked Shinzui, trying to suppress a grin.<Br>
"Yeah! That's the one!" exclaimed Ryuka, laughing, "Do you know of it?"<Br>
"Know of it? I go to that school!" said Shinzui, looking ecstatic, "We'll be classmates!" She high-fived Ryuka again.<Br>
Ryuka's eyes fell on the cut on Shinzui's arm. "That boy doesn't have any sense does he?" She pulled off her black sash and bandaged Shinzui's arm. "But, you're exactly how I remember you. Always a bandage somewhere on your body either from Tenma or from one of your fights with someone else." She and Shinzui chuckled about this. <Br>
"Yeah, those were the days I guess..." sighed Shinzui, closing her eyes.<Br>
"What's wrong, Shin?" asked Ryuka, giving her friend a concerned look, "What's been going on while I've been away?"<Br>
"Lots of things, Ryuka," answered Shinzui, leaning back against the tree, "Lots of things. My father's been getting worse about me, Toraeru's becoming more of a creep than usual, Tenma's still an ass, and well... I've found some things out that..."<Br>
"Shin-chan," said Ryuka, seeing the pain in her friend's eyes, "Don't get yourself down. You have a strong will and you shouldn't let those people make you feel bad."<Br>
"I'm just so confused now," muttered Shinzui, "These books are revealing things that I never knew about myself. I still have the blank spot in my memory and now I have bat demons attacking me."<Br>
Hiei saw Ryuka's eyes widen with slight shock. "Bat... Demons.. That can't be right." Shinzui and Hiei both stared at Ryuka as she said this. "Um... I mean... That can't be right because why the heck would they go after you?" The two pairs of eyes staring at her blinked a bit.<Br>
"Well, the first one was muttering about someone named Master Koumori and the second was the same way, but Kouken..." answered Shinzui, trailing off as she looked at the sky, but a realization hit her, "Wait... Kouken! Kouken! Where are you?!" The dog limped out of the bushes with an injured leg. "Those bastards hurt you!" <Br>
"You still have that dog," said Ryuka, looking surprised, "Hi Kouken!" She smiled as Kouken barked happily and plopped into her lap. "Aw! I missed you, too!" She gave him a pat on the head and pulled he sash from her forehead to wrap it around his leg. "Ah. What would this world do without sashes?" Kouken barked as the two girls laughed.<Br>
"Who knows," answered Shinzui, grinning, "Perhaps we'd all start tying rope around our waists and heads."<Br>
"Heh, probably," said Ryuka, her eyes moving to look at Hiei, "So, you made a new friend at your school."<Br>
"Actually, he's a friend of some friends from my school," answered Shinzui, looking at Hiei, "Hey, Hiei, thanks for listening and helping me out tonight." She smiled at him. <Br>
"It was no problem," said Hiei, still gazing at Ryuka, <i>I've seen this girl before,</i> he thought, <i>But where? </i><Br>
"Shin, if you've been kicked out of your house again, you can come and stay with me," suggested Ryuka, standing up, "We can catch up on what we've been doing this past year."<Br>
"Yeah," said Shinzui, getting to her feet with the books in her arms, "Thanks. I'm afraid of going back to the house right now, but I need to sneak back in and get some things."<Br>
"Hey, if it was normal last summer," said Ryuka, laughing, "It's quite normal right now."<Br>
"Normal?" said Hiei, staring at the two girls, "Does she always get kicked out of the house?"<Br>
Ryuka flash a mischievous smile. "Yep, all the time. She rebels against her father a lot and he can't handle her teenagerness."<Br>
"Teenagerness?" Hiei blinked, slightly confused because he had never heard this word before.
"It's not a real word," said Shinzui, laughing, "But it describes how a teenager is. C'mon, my father should be asleep by now." <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The two girls headed off with Kouken limping beside them, leaving Hiei to walk behind them as he thought about what he was just now learning. They reached the house fairly quickly and Hiei watched as Shinzui climbed up the tree with ease, opening the window after a couple minutes worth of scraping at the edge with her nails. She turned to wink at Ryuka and Hiei before disappearing inside. <Br>
"How often does she do this?" asked Hiei, looking at Ryuka.<Br>
"I'd say once a week or so," answered Ryuka, watching the window, "She can't stand being around her father... Or that creep, Toraeru. Though, usually if she's not storming out in a rage or sneaking out; Her father throws her out."<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The conversation was cut short when Shinzui reappeared in the window with a backpack on her shoulders and she proceeded to climb out on to the branch. She shut the window and descended to the ground within a few seconds. She gave Ryuka the thumbs up, grinning as she walked back to them and the girl nodded, turning to lead them to her house. Shinzui walked beside Ryuka and Kouken beside her, but Hiei trailed in the back, still thinking. <Br>
"So, where is your place?" asked Shinzui, looking at Ryuka as they walked, "Is it an apartment?"<Br>
"Actually, my parents moved me into a house," replied Ryuka, grinning at Shinzui's surprised expression, "They figured I'd have guests eventually, but they also remembered when you'd bunk with me at our house when we had one here."<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The group ended up in front of a middle-sized house that was two stories with an attic. In the dark it was hard to see what color it was, but Ryuka unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a fairly large inside. It reminded Shinzui of a house version of the dojo that the Chikaras lived at. Ryuka flicked on the lights above them and gave them a quick house tour while listing the various things the realty person had told her.<Br>
"Furnished basement, Half is going to be a small lounge area or sleeping area, and the other half will be a training room, with a storage closet."<Br>
Shinzui laughed. "I should've know you'd put in a training room."<Br>
Ryuka grinned at the girl and continued. "A very clean attic with three rooms, one for storage, two for guests." Ryuka rattled off more of the house's assets. "The second floor has two bathrooms and about four rooms, plus an office room. This floor has the kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, an outside deck, and two bathrooms."<Br>
"All that in this house?" said Shinzui, blinking, amazed that her friend had memorized all of this, "It sounds like a huge space in such a little house."<Br>
"It looks little outside," answered Ryuka, smiling, "But it's pretty big inside. My parents wanted me to be able to live here, but... They seemed to believe I'd soon be housing guests."<Br>
"Strange..." muttered Shinzui, thinking, "Your parents do have pretty good intuitions."<Br>
"It's the old Taiyou family intuition," stated Ryuka in an imitation of her father's voice, "Dad always talks about that. Now, let's get you a room and then we can talk." She lead her friend up stairs, past a room that was clearly her own and to a room in the corner. "I think you'll like this one." She flicked the light on to illuminate the room.<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The room had silver-gray carpet, cream colored wall paper covered in red roses in various stages of blooming and green leaves and vines. The bed was tucked against a wall next to a window seat and window. There was a dresser and mirror at one wall, a desk in the corner, and a closet. There was even a little bed for Kouken near the bed. Shinzui grinned at Ryuka as she looked at the other various objects in the room and gave her friend a hug.<Br>
"You know me very well," said Shinzui, smiling, "Thanks for letting me stay here. I've missed you so much since you've been gone."<Br>
"I've missed you, too," said Ryuka, sighing, "You're like the sister I never had, Shin-chan. Now, let's put your stuff in here and go to the family room. I have some instant ramen if you're hungry." She stopped and looked at Hiei. "Do you need a place to room as well?"<Br>
Hiei stared at her in surprise, but recovered quickly, "No thanks. I need to be going home now, though." The words sounded strange to Hiei, but he hid this from the girls.<Br>
"Alright," said Ryuka, walking to the stairs with Shinzui and Hiei behind her, "I'll see you to the door." <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;After Hiei left, the girls settled down to have a long talk as Shinzui tended to Kouken's leg. Hiei wandered in the direction of where he usual stayed, a tree, thinking about the night's events when he ran into something very solid. Staggering back a bit, the fire demon looked up to see a very familiar pair of green eyes, looking down at him in surprise. <Br>
"Hiei, what are you doing out here?" asked Kurama, "I thought you were going to stay in the park."<Br>
"Well, I was there," replied Hiei, yawning a bit, he hadn't realized how tired he was until now, "I stumbled across Shinzui and her dog. She was reading a journal that her father had written and she was... Crying." <Br>
"Did you offer comfort?" asked Kurama with a sly smile.<Br>
"I talked to her," grumbled Hiei, giving his friend a glare, "I looked through one of them. There is more to this girl than we think. She not only has a gang of high school boys after her and bat demons, but now she has scientists looking for her. She was blaming herself for all these things happening to people and trouble showed up."<Br>
"You mean that gang of boys?" asked Kurama.<Br>
"The same ones you, Yusuke, and Kuwabara beat up," answered Hiei, "I fought their leader and I don't think he's normal either." His eyes showed the seriousness of this. "He could keep up with me and nearly... Beat me." He paused a bit at this, plotting vengeance, but then continued. "Then... Another showed up. She beat back all of them..."<Br>
"She?" said Kurama, noticing how his friend's eyes showed a sign of admiration, "Hmm. A girl who you seem to like."<Br>
"Kitsune..." growled Hiei, glaring at the fox, who grinned slyly again, "Yes, another girl. Shinzui's friend, Ryuka."<Br>
"So, you got to meet the girl from the picture," said Kurama, "Where are they now?" He looked around a bit.<Br>
"At Ryuka's house," answered Hiei, "Apparently, she's come to live here and Shinzui's staying at her house for the night."<Br>
"Well, that's interesting," said Kurama, leaning against a fence, "Was there anything else in that book you looked at?"<Br>
"A prophecy that a seer made about Shinzui," replied Hiei, crossing his arms, "I think we should go back tomorrow to talk to them. I know that you, Yusuke, and Kuwabara don't have school." <Br>
"Do you want to research or talk to Ryuka again?" asked Kurama, smiling at his friend, who glared at him, "Alright, alright. I'll call Yusuke and Kuwabara tomorrow and see if they can come. Good night." He walked back in the direction of his home a few houses down.<Br>
"Good night," muttered Hiei, disappearing into the darkness.<Br>
* * * * * * *<Br>
I know, I know, I promised something with alleys and skeevy assistants, but it was getting too long ^_^() So, you get TWO chapters in one posting! Whoo! Yeah! The chapter all together was about twelve pages or so ^_^() There fore it was divided into two chapters. I hope you liked this one. <Br>
** Now here's the alley, cars, and assistants situation.<Br>
** Shinzui's weapon of choice when cornered in an alley.<Br>
** Guess who drops by for a visit and a talk! <Br>
Tune in to the next chapter of Aoitsuki Yurai to find out! <Br>
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