Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Aoitsuki Yurai ❯ Tranqs Cause One Hell of A Hangover ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
<Font face="verdana">Disclaimer: All the Yu Yu Hakusho characters belong to Yoshihiro Togashi. All the original characters and stuff belong to me! <Br>
A/N: YAY! I got Ran! ^_^ Arigato Kia-chan! She'll be a lot of help when I start slacking off. *hugs the ferrygirl* I've decided to stick with the expanded format. It really is easier to read! I'll adjust the other chapters when I have the chance. Whoo! What a chapter the last one was. Believe me, things don't exactly calm down in this one either. We get to find out WHO the traitor was, who they're working for, and what the heck happens.<Br>
One reader said Ryuka might be the traitor. She isn't the traitor, but I admire your attempt at guessing.. *sweatdrops* You're the only one who did. So kudos to you for your attempt. You might be getting the weird feeling about Ryuka because she still has secrets she has not told. ^_^ Some of those secrets won't be told until the next story o.O() Anyway! Please Enjoy, read, and review! <Br>
* * * * * * * *<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Kouken snarled a bit as he opened his eyes to figure out what happened and had to rub his eyes to clear the blurry vision. His ears twitched a bit as he heard birds twittering and the smells of breakfast wafted in from the kitchen, making the wolf demon wake up more. He glanced around the room and saw no sign of inhabitants, except for a sleeping Hiei on the love seat. Kouken felt an aching heaviness in his limbs as he stood up, trying to stretch out the kinks in his muscles, but with a groan, the demon sat back down to rub his neck.<Br>
"Dammit..." He muttered, all memories of the other night flooding back into his head, "Now I remember why I have a headache. Those fucking scientists got hold of my sister..." He started to growl a bit.<Br>
"AH! I see you're awake," said Ryuka, wandering with an apron on and a bowl in her hands, "I'm making bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Want any?"<Br>
Kouken's stomach growled in response. "I think it speaks for itself."<Br>
"C'mon in the kitchen," laughed Ryuka, walking back into the kitchen, "Hey Hiei! I made some pudding and jello for you."<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The sleeping Jaganshi immediately woke up and ran into the kitchen with his demon speed. Kouken followed the fire demon, chuckling at the sight of Hiei eating a large bowl of Jello as the wolf demon sat down at a small table. Ryuka placed a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of him with a glass of milk. She got herself a plate of food before sitting down to eat with the other two and a silence passed between all of them for a few minutes. After eating, Kouken looked at Hiei and Ryuka, his tail swishing from side to side behind him and the girl, glancing at him, seemed to read his mind.<Br>
"I know what you're thinking, kid," said Ryuka, setting down her fork, "You want to find Shinzui. Well, there's one problem. We don't know where she is."<Br>
"I know, but I can't sit around like this," muttered Kouken, glaring at the table, "Those bastards have her!"<Br>
"How do you think fox boy feels?" asked Ryuka, sighing, "His mom said he's been really down since he came home last night." She rested her head on her hand. "Where ever those scientists took her, we'll find them... I hope. I wonder how she's feeling..."<Br>
* * Somewhere in a Lab * * <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Footsteps and voices roused Shinzui from her dreamless sleep and upon opening her eyes, found a familiar sight of a white ceiling. Glancing around at her surroundings, she was faintly reminded of the cells in the labs she saw in science fiction movies. She was in a corner cell with two solid concrete walls behind her and to her left and two thick, clear plastic walls to her right and in front. There were two doors in the cell, one in front obviously lead out of the cell and the other was on the concrete wall to her left. As Shinzui sat up, her head seemed to spin and once it had passed, she got up to inspect the other door. It lead to a small bathroom with a toilet, sink, shower, and a vent that filtered out any stenches. <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Shinzui turned around and looked at the cell in front of her with a very angry look on her face. The cot she was laying on was attached to the wall and there was a desk and chair in another corner. Her eyes narrowed when she saw a few assistants fiddling with some computers and she had to sit down on the cot when a wave of dizziness washed over her. Feeling drowsy again, Shinzui lay down and stared out at the rest of the lab, wondering what would happen next when she saw three familiar people walk in. She started growling when she recognized them as the three scientists and when they looked over at her, she glared at them with hatred in her eyes.<Br>
"Well, the girl's awake," said Yamai, smirking at her, "Did you have a nice sleep? I hope that tranq isn't having any side effects."<Br>
"Shove it, baldy," snarled Shinzui, focusing her glare on him, "Go stick your head in a ball shiner at the bowling alley and see if you can make that head look like something other than a old potato."<Br>
"You little..." started Yamai in a snarl, ready to attack, but he was stopped by Baikin.<Br>
"Calm yourself," said Baikin, "She's the one who's at our mercy."<Br>
"Get near me and I'll throttle you," growled Shinzui, crossing her arms.<Br>
"We could flood your cell with sleeping gas," said Gaidoku, sneering, "Or we could tranq you again." When the girl didn't say anything he continued. "We have a few experiments we need to do to you today."<Br>
"Hell no!" exclaimed Shinzui, sitting up quickly, but dizziness overtook her again and she had to lay down, "Aw, dammit..." <Br>
"I see the new tranq we used on you gave you a bit of a headache," sneered Yamai, seeing her actions.<Br>
"It's more like a hangover, schmuck," muttered Shinzui, putting a hand over her eyes with a groan.<Br>
"So you've experienced hangovers before?" asked Baikin, raising an eyebrow at the girl.<Br>
"None of your business, old fart," snorted Shinzui, giving him a cold look.<Br>
"Will you cooperate with us like a good girl?" asked Gaidoku.<Br>
"When there's a dessert called Lemon Cheesy Poof," replied Shinzui, "Then I might consider it." <Br>
"There is one called that," stated Yamai, chuckling, "It's quite good, too."<Br>
"Damn," muttered Shinzui, "Lemon and Cheese are two words that should never be put together." She was silent for a few seconds, her eyes glazed with thought. "Ok... I've considered it." She paused again.<Br>
"What's your answer?" prompted Baikin, getting impatient.<Br>
"My answer is...." answered Shinzui, pausing again, "No." With that short word, she rolled over and stared at the wall.<Br>
"Ok, then we'll tranq you again," said Gaidoku, shrugging and signaling to the assistants to get the tranq guns.<Br>
"If you let anyone in here," growled Shinzui, "I'll break open a can of whoop ass on them."<Br>
"Just gas the damn cell," said Yamai, rolling his eyes, "That's easier."<Br>
"Alright, have it your way," said Baikin, pulling a nearby lever.<Br>
"Crap..." said Shinzui, hearing the hiss of the vents as a fine stream of blue smoke seeped in, "This is bad karma points for you three." She got up, coughing, and tried to escape to the bathroom, but found it lock. "Dammit.." She started coughing more and eventually gave in, collapsing on the cold floor.<Br>
"Take her to the training room," ordered Gaidoku, pointing to the assistants, "Then we'll see what she can do."<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The assistants put on gas masks, went inside, and picked Shinzui up to carry her to a room covered in a strange white tile. They set her on the floor and poked her arm with a syringe full of a strange orange liquid. The assistants retreated to a door that lead to a control room that monitored what went on in the other room and locked the door. After half an hour, Shinzui stirred and was able to sit up without any ill effects. She glanced around at the tile and raised her eyebrow. As she stood up, her surroundings flashed and a bat demon appeared in front of her. <Br>
"What the hell?!" exclaimed Shinzui as the bat demon attacked her, "Where did this thing come from?!" <Br>
"This technology is called Holo-Training," said Yamai's voice over an intercom, "It was developed by a former partner of ours."<Br>
"Is this what my dad tinkered with in his spare time?" asked Shinzui, kicking the bat demon in the chest.<Br>
"Your father isn't former, yet," said Yamai, laughing a bit, "It was actually your <i>mother</i> that tinkered with this."<Br>
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Shinzui, stopping what she was doing, "M... My mother?!" Her pause was broken by her scream when the bat demon slashed her across the arm with his claws.<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Shinzui snarled and glared at the demon, her eyes changing from blue to blood red in anger. She suddenly felt a power surge up through her body as a silver aura flared to life around her and she felt a memory tug at her mind. Shifting into a fighting stance she didn't recognize, Shinzui started making several gestures with her hands and leapt up into the air. The scientists watched in awe as her silver aura started gathering around her hands as she continued to make the gestures. <Br>
"Wolf Berserker!" snarled Shinzui, striking out at the demon with her energy covered hands.<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The girl seemed to only dash around the bat demon, making swiping motions with her hands and when she stopped, it looked like she missed. The bat demon crumpled into a heap of dead flesh with slash marks all over its body and a dripping sound reached Shinzui's ears. She looked down and saw blood all over her arms and hands. Blood that matched the color of the demon's and when she blinked, her eyes had returned to normal. Breathing heavily from the unusual attack she used, Shinzui turned to stare at the mangled corpse that was staining the white tile. <Br>
"What power..." breathed Gaidoku, staring at the girl, "Imagine what we could do if we harnessed that power!"<Br>
"It seems to be instinct for her now that her other half has surfaced," said Baikin, "Gentlemen, we have our specimen."<Br>
"Yeah, well our specimen just fainted," snorted Yamai, "Her body must not be used to using the energy."<Br>
"It's the first day and already a breakthrough," squealed Baikin in excitement, "We'll have to be more rough tomorrow though."<Br>
"Don't squeal like that," muttered Gaidoku, "You sound like a school girl."<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Shinzui was taken back to the cell, placed on the bed, and locked in with a cart of food as well as a first aid kid. Before leaving, one of the assistants bandaged her arm and any other wounds she had acquired from the bat demon. It was dark when the girl woke up and immediately she set to taking a shower, washing the blood off her arms and face. After she finished, the girl bandaged her wound again, and grabbed some food from the cart to eat. Wearing her slightly ripped and blood-stained pajamas, Shinzui drank the water, some cold soup, and ate the crackers. When she was finished, the girl just sat there, staring at her hands as a strong feeling of despair filled her heart. She crawled over to the farthest corner and sat there with her knees drawn to her chest. After wrapping her arms tightly around her legs, hugging them, she buried her face into her knees and started crying. <Br>
"What am I going to do?" she sobbed quietly, "I have no means of getting out of here..."<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;This was the scene that Shinzui found herself in the next few days, fighting in the Holo-Training room, passing out, and then waking up hours later in the dark to shower, bandage wounds, and cry in the corner. As Ryuka and the gang searched high and low for any sign of where the lab could be, Shinzui was slowly losing hope. The girl soon reached the state where dark circles developed under her eyes and had received several injuries from her fights. One night, the girl sat in her corner crying, when the sound of footsteps reached her ears and upon raising her head, she discovered Toraeru in front of the door. <Br>
"So, this is what you've become," said Toraeru, concern etched in his eyes, "At least you're docile right now... Master won't have much trouble with you then."<Br>
Shinzui's eyes widened when she heard these words. "Y...You're not human... Ar...Are you?" <Br>
"No," snickered Toraeru, looking very pleased with himself, "I'm a demon working for Master Koumori."<Br>
"I... I won't go anywhere!" stuttered Shinzui, scrunching against the wall, looking absolutely terrified.<Br>
"Oh, but you will," laughed Toraeru, starting to cut the door with a strange tool, "Koumori will be very happy to have you back."<Br>
<i>Damn...</i> thought Shinzui in desperation, <i>I need help... Someone! Anyone!</i> <Br>
<i>Stop thinking so loud,</i> came a familiar male voice.<Br>
<i>H... HIEI?!</i> exclaimed Shinzui in her thoughts, <i>Is that you?!</i><Br>
<i>Who are you and how am I picking up your thoughts? </i>asked the fire demon, <i>I can usually only pick up on the thoughts of people who I... know...</i> The Jaganshi trailed off with a note of confusion.<Br>
<i>I guess I've thought loud enough for you to pick up on it...</i> said Shinzui, trying to sort it out, <i>It's me! Shinzui! Am I doing this or are you?</i><Br>
<i>My Jagan eye is picking up your thoughts,</i> replied Hiei, <i>It's created a short link between our minds until I end it. Where are you? Why were your thoughts screaming out like that?</i><Br>
<i>In some lab! </i>replied Shinzui, feeling her hope grow a bit,<i> Toraeru's here! He's.... He's working for Koumori! I don't want to be taken to that bastard!</i> <Br>
<i>Calm down,</i> said Hiei in an unusual soothing tone,<i> I can probably find you, just create your spirit energy. You can't quite control it, so your aura usually flares up enough to locate you.</i><Br>
<i>Alright, but please hurry!</i> said Shinzui, sounding frightened, <i>Toraeru's almost cut through the damn door! </i>She put her hands together and started to summon up her energy, but to her surprise as the familiar aura surrounded her, a silver barrier appeared as well. <i>Whoa... A barrier appeared...</i><Br>
<i>Not surprising,</i> said Hiei, <i>Your instincts are telling you to be defensive. I have a lock on you... I'll get Ryuka, Kouken, and Kurama. Botan's bound to feel your energy, too. She'll rouse the others.</i><Br>
<i>Ok... Please, hurry... </i>said Shinzui, <i>I don't know how long I'll hold up.</i> Silence followed her last words and she figured Hiei was on his way.<Br>
"Well, well, well," said Toraeru, poking at the barrier, "Looks like you've learned this defensive maneuver." Olive green energy wrapped around his fists. "Let's see how long it'll last." He started punching at the barrier, causing Shinzui to let out a scream of terror.<Br>
"What's going on?!" exclaimed Yamai, rushing to the scene.<Br>
"Do you people live and sleep here?" asked Toraeru, glaring at them.<Br>
"Yes, we do," replied Baikin, walking in, "It's the best way to keep track of our research and our specimens..."<Br>
A bat demon crashed down through the ceiling, landing in front of the scientists, "Looks like we're here to ruin your work." Several other demons landed behind him. "Kill them all." <Br>
"Yes, Master Koumori," said the demons in unison and all at once, they lunged at the assistants and scientists. <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;As all the chaos was happening, Hiei was speeding towards the scene with Ryuka, Kouken, and Kurama. Ryuka quickly called Botan in case she hadn't felt the energy flare and told her to get the others. The whole group met in front of the building where the lab was and broke through the doors to race inside. When they reached the lab, they found the room splattered with the blood of the assistants and scientists, who now lay dead on the ground, disposed of in various ways. Koumori had dismissed his gang to kill anyone else in the building and he was watching Toraeru still trying to get rid of Shinzui's barrier, which was greatly weakened.<Br>
"Well, the rescuers have arrived," laughed Koumori, looking at them, "Sorry kids, but this prize is mine at last." <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Shinzui let out a shriek as her barrier broke and the group was able to see her. Her image was quite different from when they had last seen her and at the time, she looked like a helpless, frightened child. Her blood-stained pajamas had been reduced to tattered shorts and the sleeves were missing from her shirt. Her face was pale and covered in sweat from the effort of keeping the barrier up. She shook as Toraeru stared at her with a mixed set of emotions in his eyes, but a shout from Koumori made him look up.<Br>
"Toraeru, pick the girl up and bring her here," commanded Koumori, making a gesture with his hand. <Br>
Torearu looked from the bat demon to the shaking girl beside him and shook his head. "No... Not this time, Koumori. I had a good life watching over this kid and keeping track of her during her first job."<Br>
"Are you defying me, Toraeru?" asked Koumori, narrowing his eyes.<Br>
"Yes," replied Toraeru, glaring at him, "I want you to leave and never bother this girl again."<Br>
"Like I'll listen to a snake like you," growled Koumori, "Fine, I'll just take her myself!" He snarled and went to grab Shinzui, but was knocked back by a blast of olive green energy.<Br>
"You're out-numbered, bat," said Toraeru, brandishing a fist, "Your gang's left already because you said after they killed every employee in the building, they could leave. By the sound of it, they're gone."<Br>
"Damn you, snake!" yelled Koumori, standing up, "You get your peace for now, but I'll come back... You won't be able to watch the girl forever." With that, he leapt up through the hole in the ceiling, and left.<Br>
"You're right, Koumori," muttered Toraeru, "I won't be around forever. I have to leave now." He looked at the group. "Watch Shinzui. She's been through more than she remembers. I don't want her to get tormented by that bat demon again." Before the group could say anything, he vanished in a flash of olive green light.<Br>
"These people seem to just pop in and out of places don't they?" said Ryuka, rolling her eyes and saw her friend go limp against the wall, "Shin-chan!" She ran over and looked over the girl's body. "Damn! What have they done to her?!"<Br>
"They've had her fighting non-stop," replied Botan, looking through some files, "They're using some sort of Holo-Training room." <Br>
Yusuke peered over her shoulder and saw something. "That's Shinzui's mom!" He pointed at a picture of the same woman that was in Shinzui's photo album that he saw. <Br>
"She developed the Holo-Training room," read Botan, staring at the paper, "Wow... Shinzui comes from an interesting family."<Br>
"We'd better get out of here before the authorities come to investigate all the loud noises from this place," said Ryuka, walking over and prodding a shocked Kouken and Kurama in the side, "Stop gawking at the scene. Kurama, pick Shinzui up, and Kouken, help Botan collect those files!"<Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;The two demons did so and the group soon marched out of the building into the cover of the trees with Shinzui and the files. They all made it back to Ryuka's house with out a single problem and Kurama was told to put Shinzui in her room. The dragon girl cleaned and bandaged Shinzui's reopened wounds and dressed her in new pajamas as Botan used the computer in the family room to look at the disk files. When Ryuka returned, she sat down next to Botan to see what they had found and was shocked to see the videos of Shinzui fighting in the Holo-Training room. <Br>
"Wolf Berserker!" yelled the Shinzui on the video as she belted out the attack on the bat demon. <Br>
"I can't believe she used that attack," said Ryuka, staring at the screen, "She hasn't used that since... Well, since the days that she no longer remembers." <Br>
"I can't believe any of the attacks she's used," said Hiei, watching Shinzui throw a tidal wave of her energy at a large, hulking monster, "But that 'Wolf Berserker' attack is the only one she's named so far."<Br>
"They all have names, but that might be the only one she remembers right now," said Ryuka with a sigh, "Things are going to get complicated." She looked at the Jaganshi. "Do you think you and some of the others can teach her to take control of her energy? When she gets better that is. It would really come in handy for her."<Br>
"That's a good idea," said Kuwabara, "I can teach her my awesome Spirit Sword technique." He flashed a proud grin.<Br>
"That actually wouldn't be a bad idea," said Ryuka, looking at him, "That's a fairly simple form of spirit energy."<Br>
"So much for your awesome technique," laughed Yusuke as Kuwabara's proud grin faded to a look of shock. <Br>
"Shut up, Urameshi," snorted Kuwabara, sitting down with a huff.<Br>
"If you all want to head home, you can," said Ryuka, yawning, "But you can stay here and do more research if you want." <Br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&a mp;nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone agreed to stay and do the research, but they took a break for some sugar, caffeine, and protein, so they'd stay awake. After several hours of reading the files, watching the videos, and checking the statistics, some of the group retired to bedrooms. The rest of the group just fell asleep on the floor, couch, or chairs. The whole house was quiet while everyone slept, but a window opened in Shinzui's room as Toraeru poked his head in and looked at her.<Br>
"Sleep well, Kodoku," said Toraeru fondly, "You're safe with these people. My part is done for now, so I must leave. I hope someday you'll remember and understand why I did all this for you." After patting the girl on the head, he disappeared out the window, closing it behind him and wondered off into the shadows.<Br>
* * * * * * * * <Br>
WHOA! Craziness! Yeah, as you can see.. Toraeru knows Shinzui in various ways. He's looked after her since she was a kid and he knew her when he was doing demon work. Oh yeah! I did some guess work with the whole Hiei and Shinzui mind talking. I think Hiei can do that... o.O() But I'm not 100% sure! ^_^() Yeah, Wolf Berserker is MY attack, I kinda developed it a long time ago for a character in my original series that is kinda dead now o.O() <Br>
** While Ryuka talks strategy with people, Shinzui gets a visit from her mysterious dream person and she is taught a few things.<Br>
** YAY! Heart-to-heart talks with people! But who does Shinzui have to talk to and what will the talks do? <Br>
** Botan disappears for a short while, but comes back with information that will mean more problems!<Br>
Curious? Stay tuned for our next episode of Aoitsuki Yurai!!!!<Br>
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