Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Les amies Noir ❯ And the silence still remains. ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thank you all that has been reading this story, and thank you all who liked it even more. I hope that I have brought inspiration to you and given you something to look forward to while reading this. I now present, the last chapter of; Les amies noir: Friends of the night.
Les amies noir chapter 20
She looked frustrated at his face. It had an almost smirking look at it. She knew this even if she could not see him. She hadn't seen him since “that” time. Yusuke, Keiko and Shizuru were the only ones that might know what had happened during the first years. Genkai had passed away, but she saw that coming. But when her thoughts landed on Kuwabaras fate she felt her stomach turn and her eyes almost water. After that event Yukina moved back to the Makai, Hiei guarded her from a safe distance and shortly after that Yusuke, Keiko and Shizuru moved as well. So since that time she hadn't known about his state of being. She was a little shocked when she saw him.
-“The past troubling you Botan?” She looked across the table but didn't dare to fix her eyes on him.
-“Well….” She didn't know how to continue.
-“Does not matter. Koenma sent you here for a report?” She nodded quickly. There was a moment of silence between them. The sky outside the window was clouded. And even with the window open the apartment appeared almost pitch black. “Does he want to send out an assassination on me?” Botan shook her head quickly. But she knew that Koenma would have probably liked to do that, but that the laws forbid it.
-“Rekai is not allowed to interfere in the business of….“ Her words were stopping in her throat.
-“The vampires.” He finished her sentence for her. She just nodded at this.
-“So we do not ask for this report because you are…..one of them, we're asking for a report because you are a former…….rekai tantei.” The last words were pressed out harder.
He crossed his legs, folded his hands and let them rest on the table; then he looked strait at her, which forced her too finally look up at him. Botan raised her head, but the dark room and the clouded moon created only a dark silhouette for her to se.
-“Why now?” His voice sounded kinder, reminding Botan of the old times before all of this took place. “All youkais are remaining in the Makai?” He asked the obvious question only to interrupt the blue haired girls train of thoughts.
-“Ye, yes.”
-“No need to be frightened Botan.”
This time she reacted on him saying her name.
-“Kurama.” Her voice sounded more like she was chipping for air. He didn't answer or move an inch.
When Botan arrived in the Ningenkai she was almost startled by the changes in the city that she had played tantei in. Even though Keiko and Yusuke had kept her relatively updated, it was nothing close to describe what it really felt like. Then she felt the portal to Rekai shut behind her quickly. The city grey in front of her, all the same yet all the different. It felt rather horrifying, as if she had moved in time, back to that time when they so desperately looked for him. The past did come back to haunt them in the end.
-“We've always been out there. Koenma is making a rather paranoid decision.”
- (´We've´) Botan felt her stomach turn again.
-“You want something to eat, you look rather pale for a human.”
At first Botan was about to interrupt and point out that she, in fact, was a shinigami, when she remembered that she DID have a human body for this “mission”. That thought made her pull her legs tight close up to her as if she didn't want any part of her to stick out from the chair. Another moment of silence passed.
-“Do vampires eat?”
-“But why?”
-“For occasions like this.” Kurama got up from his chair and walked across the apartment floor.
-“Turn on the light?” Botan shook her head, not convinced if he saw her or not, but she had a feeling he did.
-“But I want something to drink please.”
-“Coffee or tea?”
-“Coffee please.”
Botan continued to stare at the table until she saw a cup of coffee being put out in front of her.
-“How are things with you and Koenma?” She jumped when she heard his voice right beside her ear.
-“So so. I'm not really sure.” She stuttered.
-“I see.” He walked to the other side of the table and sat down again.
-“But you wanted a report?”
Botans mind had wandered not hearing what he said.
-“The Ningenkai has changed a lot in these ten years.” Kuramas voice again.
-“You are………much calmer now.”
-“I was very chaotic the last time I saw you face to face.”
-“You seem more like yourself now but still even more…..”
-“Different I know. But it was a report, my story that Koenma wanted. There are only limited hours till sunrise.” Some silence. Botan didn't manage to focus at all. Her mind was becoming more and more chaotic by the seconds. She didn't want to be here, in this position.
-“Do I frighten you Botan?”
She couldn't answer, her answer was twisted. At first she had been afraid, these ten years she had thought back on Kurama with fear. But did he scare her now? Most surly there was something eerie about him, something creepy.
-“A little” She said after awhile. Surprised at herself how she managed to keep her voice so calm.
-“Like it's suppose to be then.” Botan felt a shiver crawl up her spine.
-“You are having a great problem calming down; if Koenma finds this very precious he should send someone else.” He got up from the table and walked across the room towards the door. Botan heard him open it and then she finally broke from her paralyze and ran after him. She now saw him in the clear light of the staircase and looked him up and down. That black attire she remembered to those bottomless eyes, those long sharp nails and that wild hair. This creature standing in front of her saying that she wasn't good enough, this creature that had killed Kuwabara, this creature that didn't give of the slightest feeling to be human. It enraged her to see him this calm after all that had happened.
-“Do you know what your crime is?! Your crime isn't that you kill every night, your crime is that you stood there!!! You could have done something; you could have convinced them!! You could have told them not to do something like this!! We could have gained time, we could have organized, and we could have beaten them!!!! Now even the youkais are afraid to go to the Ningenkai! Your single crime is that you were silent Kurama!!” Tears flowing down from her eyes like thin rivers. Kurama looked at her, looked into those tearful eyes, eyes filled with fear and rage. His eyes showed nothing; and it was hard trying to feel anything for Botans tear-filled eyes. For a second he actually tried but failed it miserably. Another clear proof that his inside felt nothing. Kine were trustful but oh so fragile, she would most surly break if he came closer, and he had no wishes to come closer. No need to come closer, he felt no need in anything except the vitae of life, and all that mattered in the end was how he was going to get it. Everything else was pale in comparison. It was something small, a footnote on the way to the actual text. Her existence was pale, he could choose to see the veins of her blood if he wanted to, would make her feel more alive then he would ever be. Yet past memories kept him from doing that, leaving his impression of her being a pale doll that was out dated since long. And his precious memory of it kept him from buying a new one.
He turned around ready to get down the many stairs.
-“It can't end like this Kurama!! This can't be the end do you hear me!!? You can't end like this Kurama?!” Her voice drowning in her tears as she saw Kurama jump over the banisters and she heard the heavy echo of when his boots landed on the bottom floor and she heard him walk away. She almost crawled over to the banisters and managed to hang over them, still her eyes crying, the tears didn't seem to stop.
-“You, you can't.” Memories flashing back, she saw him smiling, smiling together with his friends. Telling Yusuke how important school was, trying to get Hiei on the good side of everyone, enjoying time reading with Kuwabara when he had started university. That last thought felt even more painful then the others and the picture didn't seem to leave her mind. It burned just like that picture of the ally when she saw them. Kuwabara dead on the ground and Yusuke paralyzed in fear. “You can't end like this Kurama.” Her voice as good as drowned, even her thoughts appeared unclear to her “It can't end like this, this, this isn't a happy ending Kurama. It can't end when we all hide in pain. It can't end when we all suffer.”
Les amies noir end