Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Part of That World ❯ Part of That World ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
         There is one basic reason I'm posting this here - for this note, so LISTEN UP! The inevitable has finally arrived...One New Year's Eve can no longer call mediaminer.org it's home...I don't think I can either. What a betrayal, seeking refuge from ff.n on mm.org, only to be turned away so coldly T_T

         So! I will be posting One New Year's Eve on a site that will hopefully not change its mind (we can't be too sure, these days), www.e-fiction.org. You can find me under the username femba , please look for me there.

         In the mean time, enjoy this: My first (and probably only ever) song parody to the tune of "Part Of That World" from Disney's The Little Mermaid ^-^. I wrote it in school one day...I love writing during class, I get such great inspiration! I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, it's characters, Disney, or the song. I do own this version of it, though.

         Anywho, read, comment, and visit me and One New Year's Eve on e-fiction.org!

         Part of That World

         Look at this stuff

         Isn't it neat?

         Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

         Wouldn't you think I'm the girl

         The girl who's got everything?

         Look at this room

         A mess will unfold

         How much memorabilia can one teen's room hold?

         Lookin' around here you'd think

         Sure, she's got everything

         I've got posters and plushies aplenty

         Life-sized cardboard and cutouts galore

         You want a Hiei pin?

         I've got twenty

         But who cares?

         No big deal

         I want more

         I wanna be...where the bishies are

         I wanna see, wanna see 'em fightin'

         And read their minds with a -

         What do you call it?

         Oh...a Jagan

         Watchin' the show you don't get too far

         Animation's required for interaction

         Ruunin' around with a -

         What's that word again?


         To where they slice

         To where they whip

         To where they kill demons as a day job

         Lookin' for free, wish I could be

         Part of that world

         What would I give

         If I could live out of Ningenkai?

         What would I pay

         To spend a day just with 'the gang'?

         Betcha with them, they'd understand

         Bet they don't discourage their fangirls

         Rabid fangirls

         Sick of normal

         Ready for weird

         And ready to know what the demons know

         Ask 'em my questions and get some answers

         What's a demi-god

         And what's with his pacifier?

         When's it my turn?

         Wouldn't I love

         Love to hold hands with my favorite bishie?

         Outta Ningenkai

         Wish I could be...

         Part of that world