Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Randomness 101 ❯ Second lesson ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yes I am back on media miner. I've been gone for longer than I thought. But with some prodding I was annoyed into making this chapter.
Disclaimer: All I own is my heart and my head. But they can't pay the rent so… *throws them out the window*
Class: *sits quietly and waiting for the teacher to get there*
Rokonya Amos: *throws door open and crawls to her desk.* Hello class take out your home work and put it on my desk. *passes out*
Kurama: *puts paper on desk* Here you are sensei Amos. *bows, and sits*
Keiko: *puts paper on desk* Are you OK sensei Amos?
Rokonya: Get me my pills from my bag.
Keiko: Ummm…. OK *goes to bag and looks for pills* OK a 44 magnum, a picture of Orlando Bloom, beer flavored gum, purple toeless socks, a book on how to join the Government, and… fish food?
Rokonya: Those are my pills.
Keiko: Oh… OK. O.O
Rest of class: O.O
Rokonya: *Dumps who bottle into mouth* OK so only Keiko and Kurama did their homework, why am I not surprised?
Keiko: Because we always do our work.
Rokonya: Oh so that's it. So Keiko did her list on CD's. So from now on in this class CD's are now mirrors, targets, frisbies, ninja stars, and cheap art when hung on the wall.
Yusuke: *shoots gun* Die stupid CD's!!!!!!!!
CD: *ish shot, and explodes*
Keiko: Yusuke!!!!
Rokonya: Hey pass that over here. *takes gun* Pull.
CD #2: *shatters*
Hiei: Pull.
CD#3: *gets cut into a million pieces*
CD#4: Okay that's we're going on strike!!!
Keiko: Pull!
CD#4: Hey wait… *explodes*
Class: O.O
Keiko: What?? *sits down*
Rokonya: Okay Kurama did his on sugar.
Jin: Where be it?????
Kuabara: Your mother.
Animeangel007: Shut up!!!!! *hits Kuabara over the head with an orange computer* ^^
Hiei: Hn.
AA007: This computer has an online dictionary on it.
Hiei: *glares*
Rokonya: *eats popcorn*
Keiko: Sensei…
Rokonya: Shhhh this is getting good.
Hiei: Baka angel.
AA007: Stupid crossbreed!!
Yusuke: Inuyasha??? *looks up from his Inuyasha manga*
Rokonya: Alright class shut up and sit down. Ok sugar is now an illegal drug, sand, confetti, cheese, and a state.
Class: *looks around suspiciously*
Rokonya: OK class lets just say that it's an over the counter drug that no one knows we have.
Jin: Thank goodness. Hey I found like five bags o sugar in the class closet that's always locked.
Rokonya: How did you get in there?
Purple bunnies: We gave the key to him. We are the purple bunnies and we shall take over the world after the Asians do. And then three hundred years later the Cats shall over throw us.
Rokonya: It's so short. *picks up bunny* Awwwwwwwwww it's so cute.
Girls: They're so cute, they have cute little ears.
Boys: *glare at bunnies*
Kuabara: Kitties are cuter.
Purple Bunnies: *attack Kuabara*
Kuabara: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh AHHHHHHHH!!!!! The PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
Animenightstalker: Ummmmmmmm yes please excuse the long and painful death that Kuabara is currently enduring. So any ways I never thought Yusuke would be an Inuyasha fan, did you??? And wow Keiko shooting that CD. Never saw that one coming. Oh yes so children always remember if you find yourself face to face with an ax murderer either run like hell or be glad you get to die in a bloody mess. ^^ So any ways *looks at watch* Kuabara should be dead and the whole bloody mess cleaned up 3...2...1... now. Oh and he'll be gone for the rest of the story. *presses play button*
Rokonya: So the purple bunnies shall be taking Kuwabara's place in the class. Everyone agreed?
Class: Hell yes.
Kurama: He was becoming an annoyance wasn't he?
Hiei: Stupid human.
Yusuke: He was a good guy, but I'm sure we'll find someone better.
Rokonya: So tomorrow we're taking our field trip to Wal-Mart.
Jin: That sound familiar.
Genki: Oh shut up. We're getting out of class stupid so don't blow it.
Yusuke: Yeah really, don't blow it for us.
Rokonya: So for the rest of the class time I would like everyone to review what we did yesterday.
Bell: Ringgggg!!!!!!!!!
Rokonya: Oh well bring your permission slips, or if your parents don't care about you don't bother. Either way everyone is going.