Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Riazen's Story ❯ To Kindle A Fire ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6
To Kindle A Fire
______I DON'T OWN YYH_______________________
Once Kurone landed on the rough dirt of the forest floor and Youko caught his breath he yelled, “Kurone! I could'a taken them down! Why did ya have to spread those stupid bat wings and do that?!” Kurone rolled his deep blue eyes.
“You think I would have just let you hit a girl? It's not right,” Youkos partner replied.
“They started it,” mumbled Youko. “Anyway, lets go find something to eat before I turn to skin and bones than wither away to hell.”
“Right, we can go to the `Demon Bandit Campout Meeting',” said Kurone a flicker of excitement flickering through his eyes. Youko raised an eyebrow.
“What is the `Demon Bandit Campout Meeting'?” he asked. Kurone grinned.
“Is it true? The greatest most legendary bandit in all of Demon Plane has no idea what-so-ever in his thick head what the `Demon Bandit Campout Meeting' is?” Youko looked confused.
“No, I do not,” he said.
“It's a meeting…” Kurone started
“Well I figured that much out, smarts,” said Youko leaning up against a tree out of boredom. Kurone sighed.
“Listen will you? Anyway it's a meeting that all the great bandits hold once a month. There is food, drink, music, a bomb fire, and girls. Well, I guess it shouldn't really be called a `meeting' because there are no speeches or anything like that. It's just an opportunity to see people you haven't in a while or to make new allies or rivals.”
“Fine, our only chance at stealing something tonight was ruined by those idiotic girls so I guess it's a good chance to relax.” Said Youko yawning, and so the two set out to the forests' clearing where the meeting was usually held.
They were immediately met by to large and muscular demons standing outside the circular clearing. While approaching, Youko studied the pair. One was about 7ft. He had frisky black hair and reddish skin. His black beady eyes rolled around in their sockets. The other was slightly bigger than the last. His skin was green and had black hair that matched his partners. He has two long yellow fangs hanging from his mouth…Youkos thoughts were interrupted when the first guard said,
“I need your names and something to prove your not spies.”
Youko smirked at this and then, nodding to Kurone he jumped high in the air. Pulling out the rose he kept in his hair he yelled,
“Rose Whip!” Then the petals flew off of the rose all over the ground and the stem became larger, about ten feet. The thorns grew too, as well as becoming razor sharp; Youko thrashed the whip to some trees cutting them in half, and then swiftly landed. The guards backed away frightened and one timidly said,
“Go right in Youko sir.”
Youko and Kurone ventured into the camp. It was a large space with tents surrounding it like a border. When one looked around he could see old friends talking and small children, the oldest looking about 13 (but in real demon years 106) playing and laughing. There were about five young girls (about 17-10 in human appearance; but real age is unknown) were dancing around a huge fire. They were wearing pink and blue tank tops and jeans that were cut into short-shorts. The large fire about four feet tall and three feet wide burned with vicious flames, the smoke seemed to reach the dark blue sky that was dotted with brightly shining stars. The sounds of children laughing and adults talking seemed so far away as Youkos mind drifted off into his own little world.
Youko, as a young boy stood by the bathroom sink reaching for his mothers' medication that she had asked him to get. He almost had it when he felt something hard hit him on the back of the head and smash on his skin into hundreds of pieces. Blood trickled down his neck as he cried out in pain. When he turned he realized it was his mother new boyfriend…that hit him on the head with a beer bottle. Youko stared into the cold black eyes of the man standing in front of him, then his mother walked in behind the man. The last thing he saw was them both laughing, and the smell of alcohol before passing out.
<Flashback ended>
The first time his `loving parent and parents boyfriend' hit him. After snapping out of the trance-like memory he saw that nearly an hour passed. He also saw that a young girl was standing next to him. At first he didn't know who she was but then realize it was Lila and her `sister' that had beat them to where they planned to steal. She, now realizing who he was gave him a grin that said `I know I'm better, you don't have to tell me'. Youko glared; and then screams and yelling filled the air. The two looked up to see what was happening and were shocked to see `bounty hunters' running in with powerful weapons and shooting everybody in their reach. Youko, Lila, Kurone, and Leslie, Lilas' `sister' ran from the forest. Youko was confident as he ran, he had outrun their kind before, and it was not hard. He thought that his escape was already made, until he felt an arrow pierce his back, poison filled his veins as he fell sprawled onto the ground. He could feel his energy leaving him. Blood spilled onto the rich dirt of the forest floor. His best friend, Kurone turned and stared, so did Lila and Leslie. Will they help me? Or just leave me to die? Wondered Youko. Kurone watched the bounty hunters start to close in. He closed his eyes and turned is back on his partner trying to get the image of his long gone partner from his head. Kurone, who had been Youkos friend for so long…was abandoning him to death! No! I…I'll die! I've become paralyzed! Kurone! Please! I'll die! Help me…
Me: Okay people, work with me here! I need more reviews! *Gets down on knees* Please! Oh, screw this! *Picks up a mop and holds it like a sword* either review, or I refuse to write the next chapter and all my readers will suffer the long and painful torture of suspense! Ideas, comment, and heck…even flames are welcome.