Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ under construction ❯ scorch ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
They were still at the hotsprings, Koenma had conratulated them for catching Kei, but would of prefered him alive.

Ayame was sitting on a shelf listening to 'Vidoll' on her walkman, she went back to the castle type place to find her clothes earlier and was wearing the clothes she had on before she got put in a trance, with her stuffed panda yuki, keeping her eye on the spikey headed kajihenge. Whom was polishing and sharpening his katana in the corner of the room on the floor seeing as there wasn't a window sill.

Ayame suddenly pounced from where she was, accross the room, and onto the porch landing on Kurama. She then got off of him and walked back to the shelf with something stuffed in her mouth. Everyone stared at her like she'd gone crazy. The catgirl then spat a bird out of her mouth and put it down on the shelf while continueing to poke it. As soon as it woke up and started to fly out the room, Ayame took her mp3 off and left it with her panda, then started to chase the bird, everyone, except Miirei and Hiei, watched the cat girl jump around after the small white bird, then looked to Miirei.

''Shes bored,'' Miirei said, answering their questioning stares.

At dinner time, some hostess' in Kimonos came and led them to a large room with a table, that had loads of food on. The Yuu yuu gang sat down on some cushions. Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at the food hungrily, but got whacked on the hand with a spoon by Miirei anytime they made a wrong move.

Yusuke quickly whispered something to Kuwabara, the taller orange haired boy the nodded in conformation. They then both suddenly reached their hands out to oposite ends of the table. Miirei, in a lightning fast movement smacked them both with the back of the spoon, making them both yelp and jump in pain.

While they were all eating, Miirei noticed Ayame. She hadn't eaten anything, and was absorbed in her thoughts, Miirei reached her chopsticks out and picked up a peice of sliced up salmon and popped it into her mouth, chewing it while continueing to think about the nekojin.

''Why aren't you eating?'' Miirei asked once she'd finished her mouthfull.

''No real reason, i'm just kinda full,'' Ayame replied, not taking her gaze off the table.

''How can ya' be full?....... you ain't eat'n anythin','' Yusuke said in between mouthfulls of rice.

''Where did you get that idea?'' Ayame asked monotonously.

Yusuke stopped eating to look at her, he then opened his mouth, and closed it again, he then opened it again, and closed it again. He continued to think for a moment before a sick look came over his face, he then pushed his bowl away.

''Did ya' eat thos birds?'' Yusuke asked, hoping she said no.

''Hn.'' the two toned girl replied knowing what he was thnking, ''How is it any different then you eating fish, beef, or anyother meat?''

''But...'' Yusuke argued trying to think of a reason.

''Besides, i don't know whats happened to the meat here,'' Ayame said breaking her contact with the table, and staring at the wall, ''People could have poisened the meat, or anything,''

A woman in a kimono then came in and kneeled before them, ''How is the food?.

''It's very nice,'' Kurama said with a smile making the woman's face light up, she then turned her attention to Kurama completely, ignoring anyone elses words of praise.

''Are you comfortable enough sir?'' The female youkai said walking over and kneeling down next to the red head, ''I could get you some more cushions if you want,''

''Uh, no, i'm fine, thankyou very much,'' Kurama said with a smile and a sweatdrop.

''Damn Kurama, your like a female magnet, i wonder if women would prefer Youko or Kurama better?'' Ayame mused aloud, grinning cockyly at the red head.

''Who do you prefer? you're a woman,'' Yusuke said with mirth in his voice.

''Don't insult me like that,'' Ayame said hissing then turning her nose up. ''I might of unfortunately been born a female, but i'm still more manly then you,''

''Thats what you think,'' Yusuke said doing a manly pose with his chest out.''Kurama might be a female magnet, but how come he still hasn't attracted you or Miirei?''

''Some of us can hide our feelings better then others,'' Ayame said to Miirei, ''And i don't lust over guys,'' Ayame said turning back to Yusuke who had started to inhale more food.

''So you 'lust' over girls then?'' Yusuke said with a smirk.

''I'm not going to dignify that with a coment,''

''Oh yes!'' the woman that had been trying to flirt with Kurama said jumping up'' i forgot, we have some entertainment for you tonight,''

Yusuke started to smirk, Ayame watched him getting creeped out, he then broke out into laughter, but not the kind of laughter sane people have. Ayame, who was sitting inbetween Yusuke and Kuwabara, moved away from Yusuke into Kuwabara, who took it wrongly and started to hug the disenorientated cat girl, Ayame then let out a scream, punched Kuwabara and Yusuke in the face, then jumped over the table behind Miirei, who was sitting on the other side of the table between Hiei and Kurama.

''What was that about?'' Miirei asked the cat.

''Yusuke was laughing like a loony, and the baka's person got to close to my person''.

Yusuke who was now awake shouted at Ayame then started to smirk again.

''Whats up with the creepy face?'' Miirei asked.

''I've been to one of these kinda' places before,'' Yusuke started with the same perverted grin. ''They have really hot girls in kimonos come in and dance about,''

''Really Urameshi?'' Kuwabara shouted from his place, then looked at the doors infront of him eagerly,''


''I am not amused by your imaturity,'' Kurama said dissaprovingly to Yusuke and Kuwabara.

''Yet you're looking at the door fox,'' Hiei said with a smirk.

The two doors were slid open, and a very feminine boy with light blue hair which came down past his shoulders walked in. His bangs framed his girly face. On his forehead was a silver upsidedown crescent moon. Hhe had striking blue eyes with black slitted pupils. One silver and one black cat ear adorned his head, the latter had four silver hoops in. two black cat tails, one tipped with silver. He was dressed in an elegant kimono made up of many different shades of blue, with a light blue obi.

Ayame quickly stood up and walked over to the window, opened it and jumped out into the darkness.

''Scorch?!'' Miirei asked looking at the boy standing infront of them.

''Mii?'' The boy replied. (Ash: pronounced me-e) ''Was that her?'' he then asked with a sad expression on his face.

''Yeah, whats with that tone of voice? last time you tried to kill her, anyway i'm glad to see you,how long has it been?''

''about 70 years, you've certainly grown up,''

''Heh, i could say the same about you, hows everyone?

''They were good the last time i saw them,''


Everyone had found out that this Scorch guy was Ayame's half brother. The reason she stormed out when she saw him, was because the last time they saw eachother, Scorch found out about Ayame not doing anything when she saw a bunch of theives attacking their father. Instead she ran away. So scorch tried to kill her. Ayame got beat up pretty bad, and shouldn't even of been concious, but she still forced her broken body to move and attack her older brother. Miirei stopped Scorch from delivering Ayame's final blow. Ayame then fainted.

''I put her in bed at the village. But in the night she woke up and left the village, i woke up from the smell of blood, where her wounds had opened back up, and freaked out when she wasn't next to me, so i left the village with her.

''I was overcome with anger that day, i wasn't thinking straight, She was still young, but unfortunately she didn't even remember,'' Scorch said with regret in his tone.

''Yes when i met her, she'd just killed one of her former masters, she didn't even have a name,'' Miirei said adding in her part.

Ayame then jumped onto the windowsill, a low growl erupting from her throat. ''Stop telling others about my past, it's not relevent to my present and future,''

''Singe i'm sorry about-,'' Scorch stood up and started to talk, before his younger sister hissed, extending her claws and showing her fangs.

''If you take a step closer to me, your brains will be displayed on the wall behind you,'' Ayame said monotonously,''Don't bother apologizing, if your here then you must be up for a fight,''

''No, i just came to try and apologize, but if i have to beat you again to make you listen to me, then i shall,''

''Good, once i've beaten you, i'll get my pride back.,'' Ayame said then jumped out of the window, running further into the woods, Scorch, who had taken off his kimono a while a go and was wearing some baggy grey combat trowsers, and a tight black tanktop,with his blue hair slightly spiked up in places, jumped out of the window after her and followed.

When the others found the two nekojins, they were lunging at eachother, slashing through trees, and eachother, they then both landed on the ground panting.

''You've gotten better Singe,'' Scorch said smirking whilst holding onto his bleeding shoulder.

''Says the boy thats dances around in a kimono for a living, and don't address me by that name, i don't deserve it, i don't even remeber what your father looks like,'' Ayame said looking down to the ground with a pained expression on her face.

''He was your father to, you were just to young to do anything,'' the light blue haired boy said in a sympathising tone then realising his mistake.

''Dont patronise me!'' Ayame shouted lunging at the cat boy and digging her fangs into his arm ripping some flesh off, she then jumped backwards, into an animalist stance while chewing and swallowing the flesh she'd just ripped off, she then licked the blood from around her mouth.

''D- d- did she just eat some of his flesh?'' Yusuke stuttered, while gawking at the scene infront of him, Kuwabara had long since fainted.

Ayame then appeared behind Yusuke leaning over his shoulder whilst stroking his cheek with one of her claws.

''Yes, but i still prefer ningen flesh,'' Ayame said seductively then started to laugh, her pupils had now grown so large that you couldn't see any purple.

''Great,'' Miirei sighed ''Shes a real bitch when she goes wild,''

''Pardon?'' Kurama asked not understanding what she meant.

''Well Ayame has this other personality, but it only comes out if shes extremely angry, or is in a life threatening situation,''

Ayame was back lunging at the other nekojin. Scorch doing the same, Ayame now had slashes across her body, ripping her top and shorts, Scorch thought that if he could embarrass her, she would stop, but that plan seemed to have failed. The vicious cat girl was relentless in her pursuit, she didn't pay any attention to her wounds, just kept attacking.

Ayame landed on the ground panting. Her tails started to flick aroung more vividly then before, her fangs then grew over her mouth, her mouth elongating into a snout shape. She then let out a scream, her back then started to grow larger, it then looked as if her skin ripped, before long a large black tiger, with silver stripes going along its body stood there. A silver crescent moon was on the outside of her upper leg. Her scream melted into a roar then ended, she then stood in a challenging position, after a couple of seconds of waiting, she realized Scorch wasn't going to change and let out a couple of roars and deep barks.

The rest of the yu yu gang just stared at her then turned to Miirei. ''Translation,'' Yusuke said.

''Ayame said, 'You dare to insult me by challenging me in that pathetic human shell,'' Miirei said to them.

''Thats like calling half of yourself pathetic, remember you are only a ningen,'' Scorch replied, Ayame then let out more roars and barks, having the rest (except scorch) turn to Miirei.

''She said that the ningen part of her is pathetic, and she may just be a half youkai, but that half is still more of a youkai then he will ever be.''

Scorch then transformed into his beast form,which looked just like Ayame's except bigger because he was a male, and minus the crescent moon, but had the same crescent moon from before on his forehead. They both lunged at eachother, clawing and biting eachother whilst rolling around, each trying to gain dominance.

They then broke off, and started to walk around in a circle, eyeing eachother down, both had large cuts which were bleeding, and both were limping slightly,Scorch more then Ayame. Scorch scuickly rushed towards Ayame and headbutted her in the chest knocking her backward. Ayame got back up and coughed up some blood, she then ran at Scorch, and got under him, biting at his stomach, while hitting him in the face with her tails. Scorch grabbed onto Ayame with all four paws, digging his claws into her.

Ayame then managed to roll over and pull away, ripping her flesh in process, she then jumped into a tree whilst panting. They were both moving slower then usual, blood had started to pour out of their cuts quite steadily, so far it looked pretty even, but Ayame looked like she had the upper hand slightly, with less cuts, and being able to move faster then him, but maybe Scorch was holding back?

Scorch got up. His head started spinning but he shook it off. Ayame jumped off of a tree, then landed on his back, digging her large claws into his back and sides, while biting through the tough flesh on the back of his neck.The large, male tiger, ran around trying to flick her off, and banging her into trees, but soon the pain and loss of blood got to him and he fainted.

Ayame stood over him and pressed her large front paw over his neck. She then lifted her maw up to the the large half moon in the sky, and let out a long, steady howl, she staggered back a bit, then lifted her large paw into the air above his head, with intentions to kill, instead she dropped face first to the ground below, a bit away from her brother. Her body then changed back to her human form. Hiei who had just been watching then jumped out of his tree and threw his cape over her naked form, then walked back to the rest of the group.

Miirei ran over to her long time friend, teardrops falling down her face, she then felt the cat girls pulse, it was slow, but it was there.

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Ash:Woah, storys really stray from the plot when i'm writing, none of this brother crap was meant to happen, it was meant to be christmas, where did this stuff come from? i totally messed up Alex's blueprint type thing, damn i forgot the real word for it, we were learning about it in technology today, damn i have to start listening, its the mp3 players fault, who wouldn't rather listen to the beautifull Due le quartz, then some boring old man that calls you a masochist for playing with your pet cats? Anyway i've sorta lost my train of thought, again ^_^; Well i suppose i prefer voilence, fighting, and gore, to boring, happy, celebrations, you can probably tell my parts form Alex's parts, mine are more violent.

Alex: Where did all that come from?! its meant to be christmas, theres meant to be celebrations, presents, kisses, where did it go wrong? *ripping out hair on the floor*.

Ash: heh heh heh, it sorta' deteriated(sp) when i got my paws on it.

Ash: Anyway, i'm bored, and would like youuu to answer some questions, how old are you? meh, if this sounds perverted then give me your fake age, or say its sounds perverted.

Are you a dude or a girl?

Whos your fave character?

Should i put some people together?

If so, then who?

This will probably be ending soon, should i make a sequal?

Can Kuronue fly? Ya' see, hes got those uber cool wings on his back, are they just to make him look cooler, or can he actually use them?

What do you people think everyone will get everyone for christmas?

Also, i really suck at writing fighting.

Kakkarot45 Hurry up and update! it's nearly been a whole month, crazy onna.

Alex: Thankyou everyone for your reviews. I'm just to lazy to look at the moment.

Ash: Did anyone hear of the terrorist attacks in london? I left the kings cross trainstation 5 minutes before it got bombed. I was taping the people freaking out and the wreckage on my digi cam, but some loser ran past and knocked it out of my hand. I tried to pick it up but screaming people stampeeded over it.

Alex: So she chased after the man and attacked him -_- I had to pull her off him. Then tell him she was mentally retarded.

Ash: Damn right i attacked him. He killed my baby! *sobs*

Hiei: Baka Shoujo. Getting attached to a hunk of metal.

Ash: *grabs Hiei by the neck of his cape* Hunk of metal! HUNK OF METAL! *throws him backwards but keeps his katana* Lets see what you say when i burn this ''hunk of metal'' *summons some blue fire*

Hiei: *flits over and grabs his katana then sheaths it. Trips Ash onto her stomach then stands on her back*

Kurama: *sweatdrops*

Miirei: Fox!

Kurama: *runs*