Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction


Akuroku Chibi theatre
[A] by: selena281
Non Anime: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: November 24, 2006 15:40 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.7K | Visits: 874
Summary: Chibi!Axel and Chibi!Roxas. How the infamous duo meets.

This is a crack-fic. Written to get the creativity going after excessive writing of The Transience of Memory. The consumption of fermented grapes may have had a hand in this. effervesce read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews

Ad Interim
[T] by: Love-child of Marluxia
: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: October 02, 2006 12:19 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 10.4K | Visits: 561
Summary: In Kingdom Hearts, we followed Sora and found out what happened to Riku and Kairi. In this fic, we follow the other three kids, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, as they search the worlds for a way home, as well as their missing friends.

The Seven Dancing Princesses
[T] by: Celoria
: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: October 01, 2006 10:20 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.9K | Visits: 449
Summary: Rated for safety >_<
¡°But why did he lock them up?¡± little Sora sniffed, ¡°He could¡¯ve just let them go home!¡±

¡°Some men are like that,¡± the woman said softly, ¡°They don¡¯t know how much it hurts, to be lonely.

S read more

His S H A D O W
[T] by: jgame99
: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Drama / Angst | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: September 22, 2006 17:06 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 652
Summary: Riku sits on Destiny Island's beach, thinking of what he's done and contemplating his feelings for the Keyblade master. A one shot. RikuXSora. Shonen-ai. Probably should be A, but T to be completely and totally safe.

Destiny Keys
[T] by: Glacierclaw
: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 16, 2006 21:11 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.1K | Visits: 428
Summary: Sora and Kairi's only son, Kyter, has grown up in Traverse Town after mysteriously being abandoned by them. He has no idea that he is the new Keyblade's chosen one. But when he is attacked by an evil group, he is somehow transported to their world...
Review(s): 1 Reviews

A Confusing Love Story
[P] by: oath2oblivion
: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Self Insertion
Latest Revision: September 09, 2006 14:14 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 14.5K | Visits: 1.5K
Summary: The only thing I can think of writing as a summary is that I've changed alot of things up, but the storyline is basically the same. sweet but not graphic Riku/OC, Roxas/OC, and later, Axel/Namine and Demyx/Kairi.