Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ In the Night Time ❯ One-Shot ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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In the Night Time


The rustle of clothing, the distinctive sound of a jean jacket being ripped, and thrown

"HEY! That was my good jacket!"

"Hmm..that's nice..."

The sound of a man gasping, and then a light slurping sound followed by a chuckle.

"God...D...what did you...."

"All in good time my dear detective...."

The sound of flesh being slapped together in a heated embrace, and the sound of a button
being torn loose from a small hole.


"Shut it..."

The slap of footsteps, and the gracefully walk of slippers as something heavy is deposited
onto a couch.

" so weird..usually I-"

"I look small, but trust me...I am quite the prize I'm told..."

The groan from a man being pulled into a high pitched moan as a zipper is being undone.

"You like that yes?"

"OH GOD! Just...please!"

The wet sound of sucking, and a popping as the same man screams out a single letter in the
epiphany of pleasure.


"Quiet my lion..."

The rushing sound of panting as jeans are pulled away from flesh. The sound of elastic
being snapped away from a body and the small rustles of silk, and velvet being dropped to
the ground.

"Holy god...I..."

"You are very special to be able to be...taken by me.."

The smile in the voice left a chill as the sound of a grunt of a bit of pain made it's way

"Relax my will hurt if you don't..."

"Easy for you to say..."

The smooth long sound of a moaning man keening into a high pitched wail.

"D! CHRIST! Just....god!"

"Hmmm....very nice..."

The slap of skin being pulled away, and hit together slowly, and faster and faster until a
rythme's been established.

"Aaaah! D!"

"Yes....yes Leon..shout for me..."

The racing pump of slapping flesh as a wet slurp of a kiss is heard and the sudden stop as a
scream is heard.


"Leon......God's Leon..."

The steady pulse of breathing followed by a soft murmmer, and then a soft laughter.

"I love you as well Leon..."

"Be quite D..."

The soft sound of laughter, and the sound of love unconditional.