InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Unexpected Love ❯ Awake from this Dream ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~ . o . O . o . ~
An Unexpected Love
Chapter Seven : Awake from this Dream
~ . o . O . o . ~
The words were faint, but he could hear Sesshoumaru's voice as he spoke. "We must seal the first
pact then. It will not hurt you, and neither will I."
Inuyasha's blood stopped. 'The first pact?' Then it was really true. 'They are mating.' What would
he do? How could he stop it when it had already come this far? Fear wrapped itself around his
body as it boiled the blood in his veins. All the hanyou could do was watch, watch as his brother
continued the assault on Kagome. His eyes burning the events into his brain, seeing the waves of
youki and purifying powers merge and collide.
Kagome passed out under the weight of the demonic energy. Although, Inuyasha was amazed that
she had made it until the end. Sesshoumaru's words broke the silence that had fallen. "So this is
what it is like to experience a mating." He looked to the woman, smiling. A light laugh rang out.
Inuyasha dropped to the ground, careful to keep quiet until he was farther away. He would have to
wait until morning before he would be able to get into the castle. Inuyasha would not let
Sesshoumaru turn him away.
~ . o . O . o . ~
The Lord of the Western Lands sat at the large desk, his nose buried in courtly paperwork. It was
frustrating to deal with the petty squabbles of noble blood, especially since they did not like to get
their hands dirty. He sighed as he dropped the stack of parchment. "You can come out now, little
brother. I'm very tired of you lurking about, and stay away from my bedchambers."
The hanyou revealed himself as he stepped out from behind the hanging fabric, his jaw set. "I
came to retrieve my pack." His eyes were cold as he spoke with carefully chosen words.
"Your pack?" he repeated. "Inuyasha, what makes you think that Kagome will willingly go with
you? You have the smell of clay all over you."
"I know she is under your control, I am not blind!" His loud words brought three guards and Jaken
rushing into the room. All stopped, gaping eyes and mouths, to staring at Inuyasha and
Sesshoumaru's skirmish.
Sesshoumaru rose. "Very well then. Jaken, please take Inuyasha to Kagome." The toad blinked
several times before he was able to bow. Jaken simply turned and walked out with the other
"Heh." Inuyasha grunted as he turned and followed Jaken.
Sesshoumaru sat down. So it was as he thought. Inuyasha was working with Kikyou. He sighed.
He had hoped that the dead priestess would overlook the ceremony, but it seemed he had had high
hopes. Kikyou was concerned with how their union would turn out. He guessed that, since she
was tied to Kagome, the dead woman thought she had some say. Sesshoumaru, however, was
going to change her outlook on the situation.
Both Kikyou and Inuyasha were wrong. Sesshoumaru had decided that Inuyasha and Kikyou had
failed Kagome. Both had plenty of chances, and failed every time. This was the last, and from now
on, the duty that Inuyasha had taken upon himself would be passed to the lord. The task of
protecting Kagome had become too heavy for the hanyou. As leader of their clan, it was
Sesshoumaru's duty. The demon sighed again. Inuyasha was causing him way too many
problems. He would have to talk to the hanyou about trying to think about the honor and dignity of
the clan, the family, instead of his own obsessions.
Although the idea of having Kagome constantly around was appealing to the lord more and more,
Sesshoumaru did not want to force the woman into anything that she did not want to do. He would
not be like Inuyasha, or Naraku. He had honor.
~ . o . O . o . ~
Kagome sat humming softly as laughter from Rin and Shippou drifted over into her area of the
garden, which was farthest from the entrance. The woman was braiding the flowers that were
brought to her by Rin. Makoto and Yumi were in between the two groups, pulling up the weeds and
cutting grass. Kagome paused to look at the woman beside her. "Sango, I thought that tomorrow
would be perfect to go hunt for flowers."
The female looked to the sky. "Yes, it seems like the weather here is always nice too."
The garden was indeed unusual as it was a mixture between the castle and mother nature. The
space was available in the royal quarters, the last at the end of the long hall. It was a soltiary oasis
due to the necessary outside elements required for the 'retreat'. There was no roof and three of
the four walls served as a fence, as to show off the surrounding scenery. They were covered in ivy,
hiding their true nature to the scanning eye.
The grass had flourished with the weeds and various wild flowers that littered about, as did the
large willow tree that grew in the corner, the one Kagome currently sat under. The wind lifted the
leafy vines, and Kagome closed her eyes, sighing. This moment was perfect, and she felt so alive
and wonderfully happy that she thought she might die.
She suddenly realized that she could be happy here with Sesshoumaru. He had promised her visits
to see her family, so she would never be completely cut-off. Kagome saw a chance for happiness
and wanted to take it. "Sango, can I," she paused. How could she say this? "Um, can I ask you
The woman turned to face her, nodding her consent. Kagome looked toward Makoto to see if the
hanyou was far enough away so that she may not hear her already embarrassing situation. Her
voice dropped lower as she began. "It's about what happened last night with Sesshoumaru." She
blushed, and tried to hide it; she was too afraid to even speak the necessary words.
The door suddenly opened, banging against the rocks placed near the entrance. The sound echoed
around the open space, startling everyone. Rin ran to Kagome's side as Makoto and Yumi inched
their way toward their mistress. Kagome's eyes landed on the form that filled the doorway. "It's
Inuyasha," she whispered, setting the flowers in her lap aside as she stood. "Inuyasha? I can't
believe you finally came back," she cried, rushing to him. Overjoyed that he was alive and okay,
tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked. When she reached his side, Kagome was roughly
pushed away and she stumbled to the ground, tripping on the tail of her kimono.
"Keep your hands to yourself. Now you're nothing but a demon's whore." Kagome's shocked face
could only stare at him as he continued. "When are you gonna wake up from this little dream you
got going on?"
"Inuyasha?" she whispered as she tried to move to him.
"Inuyasha!" Sango's voice broke the stare he had focused on Kagome. The taijiya was beside the
younger female in an instant. She had produced a knife that had been hidden, somewhere. "What
is the meaning of this? You have no right to judge her! You abandoned us, left us here. Where
were you Inuyasha?"
"I had come to get my pack, but I can see that it was all for nothing. He has infected all of you."
Makoto and Yumi were instantly at Kagome's side. "Lord Sesshoumaru has not infected anyone,"
Yumi spoke vehemently.
Inuyasha stared at the human, then at the hanyou that stared him down. He huffed and turned
around. "Look what the hell he has you wearing? It really is disgusting. His scent all over you. It
makes me sick. And this pathetic piece of land." His voice faded down the hall as he moved away,
laughter following his echoing footsteps.
Kagome's hand flew to her mouth as she tried to hold back her sobs and the pain that now coursed
throughout her body. She failed and the miko quickly ran from the room, turning the opposite
direction from Inuyasha, and disappearing into the depths of the castle.
Kagome stumbled down the dark hall, occasionally tripping on the edge of a rug or her own feet.
She had not known that he would act so harshly toward her. Had he simply disregarded her
existence? She suddenly felt strong arms encircled her before Sesshoumaru's voice filled her ears.
"It is I Kagome. Shhh, what is the matter? You're crying and your kimono is dirty, what did
Inuyasha do?"
Kagome sighed. His words held a truth that she could not deny. She was living in a dream world.
"I-I don't th-think," she sobbed out.
Sesshoumaru pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back and trying to console the woman to the best
of his abilities. He lifted the light female into his arms and headed to their rooms. A familiar
environment would calm her down faster, and then he could send for Seika and the others.
The shoji door shut behind the couple and Sesshoumaru set his mate down on the lounge couch in
the fore-room. "Kagome, I want you to tell me the truth. I will know when you are lying to me. I
can tell you are physically hurt."
Her head shot up to see his eyes. "What-what do you mean?"
"Do you take me for a fool, my pet?" he smiled a little. "I am not here to hurt you, only help."
Kagome sighed and took a deep breath. "Yes, I know. Well, Inuyasha surprised everyone and
when I went to speak to him, he became angry." She moved her gaze to the wall. "He pushed me
and I fell. He shouted some angry things and then left."
Sesshoumaru had to steady himself when he heard that Inuyasha had actually hurt the girl. He
never thought that the hanyou would go this far. It was much more dangerous than he originally
thought. A tap on the door stopped Sesshoumaru before he could speak to her. "Enter."
The door slide open and Jaken slipped in. "Lord Sesshoumaru, Makoto and Yumi are waiting for
you outside. I have sent for Seika. The taijiya and children are in the library under guard."
"Very good. Come and sit until I have calmed Kagome." He turned to her and picked her up,
moving her into the bedchambers. He had a hunch that she was still with-holding information.
Makoto and Yumi could fill him in on the recent events. He would, however, send a healer in to
double-check on her. Sesshoumaru was not happy that Inuyasha had touched her.
He laid her on the bed, covering her body with a light blanket. "I will be back shortly." He brushed
her hair from her eyes as she fell under his spell, sleeping deeply. He returned to the fore-room
and began his questioning.
~ . o . O . o . ~
The skies were calm as Kagome and Sango sat waiting for the others to arrive. A hot
spring, credited to relieving stress and pain, sat in front of them. Small smooth rocks
littered the beach as the grass seemed to soften around the body of water. Large
boulders cut part of the lake off, giving the different sexes a natural curtain in which to
enter and exit. Kagome sighed heavily. "It just seems so hopeless Sango. I know that
Sesshoumaru-sama is angry with Inuyasha."
"Please calm yourself, Kagome. If Sesshoumaru-sama sees you upset again he will put
you back to bed." Which was exactly what the demon had done earlier that day.
"Yes, please don't remind me." She glanced to the trees. "I had not realized that
Sesshoumaru-sama was that protective." There was another pause. "Do you think he
will kill Inuyasha?"
"Only if he persists in aggravating the situation," a deep voice spoke from behind them.
They turned to see Sesshoumaru, with Miroku and the children following closely. Shippou
and Rin ran to Kagome as they neared.
"Do not worry, Kagome. Inuyasha will come to his senses." Miroku stated with a
confidence that the young girl lacked. "I am afraid that Kikyou may be the one
responsible for his recent behaviors. This is not the Inuyasha that I know."
Sango nodded. "Yes, I must admit that I have to agree. Even if he does not truly love
you, Kagome, Inuyasha would have never hurt you or said those things." She put a hand
on her shoulder. "Be confident that he is still your friend if nothing else."
Kagome locked eyes with Sesshoumaru. "What the monk said was true. Kikyou is not
pleased with our union. But I will not break my promise to you." She blushed but
nodded at his declaration. "Now come, let us enjoy the waters."
~ . o . O . o . ~
The garden's atmosphere was filled with the sweet song of birds and hum of grasshoppers. The
weather was comfortable with the clouds blocking most of the May heat. Three days had passed
since the incident with Inuyasha. Everything seemed to stop for Kagome, even time.
Sango's words drifted to Kagome's ears. "You have done such an amazing job, Kagome-chan. I
can really see the improvement in Rin."
"Yes, but Sesshoumaru-sama insists that I teach her only the youkai courtly etiquette. However, I
feel that it would be cheating Rin and that we should teach her both. After all, nothing is wrong
with that. She could grow to be an important ally between youkai and humans, maybe bridge the
gap between the two." Kagome turned her gaze to the girl and fox demon. "Between hanyous and
humans like Rin, and you and Miroku, we could have peace."
"That is true, but you must also include yourself, Kagome-chan." Sango smiled at the younger
Kagome shook her head. "No, I can't. I'm not from this time. I haven't had to live the life that
you, or anyone else here, have been forced to. I am the lucky one." She hung her head. "I can
escape when I wish. I am a coward. Inuyasha was right. I have to wake up from my dream.
There are still shards to find." Her whispered words stung the girl beside her.
"Kagome, how can you say that? You were risking your life for others when you could have simply
walked away, and in the process have been dragged in. You have been through just as much as
we have."
"You say that but in the end, the truth is that it is all my fault. I brought the Shikon jewel back and
then I shattered it." She deeply sighed. "Sometimes it feels as though Naraku has already won,
but that he refuses to let this game end."
"Kagome-chan, what's wrong? I have never seen you so down before." Sango's face was etched
with worry and concern for her friend.
"I don't know." She replied quietly. Her eyes were still locked onto the playing children. Rin
stopped and began waving. Kagome waved back, smiling slightly. The girl bent down and
gathered the bundle of flowers she had acquired, then came running their way.
Sango noted her actions as they interacted. It was a little frightening to see her friend so
depressed. The taijiya wondered what it could be, and then had thought that maybe there was
more stress between her and Sesshoumaru than before. 'What with Inuyasha refusing to leave.'
The wind drifted over the two as Rin dropped the flowers onto the ground between the women.
"Look, Nee-chan. I found these out in the fields." The girl held up three different flowers by the
stems. "There were so many colors and I didn't know which one was your favorite, so I picked all
of them."
"They are all very nice Rin," she replied as she took them from her. "Thank you. And you
managed to keep your kimono clean. Seika will be very happy about that."
Rin smiled. They knew that Seika would always scold the child because of the grass stains.
Kagome had found a way to teach the girl how to play and keep her kimono clean. The miko also
explained that there were different types of 'playing', and that was why some grown-ups got angry
when her nice kimonos were dirty.
"Nee-chan, can you teach me more now?"
Kagome laughed. "You want me to teach you now?" Rin nodded. "Well, what is it you want to
The girl thought a moment. She had learned speech, manners and being clean, but what else was
there? "I dunno know, Nee-chan."
"Well, we still have table manners. And I must teach you how to address youkai of high-class."
Kagome inwardly winced at that one. She would have to learn that as well. "Okay, table manners
it is." She reached for Rin's hand and rose. "Sango," she spoke as she turned around, "please
excuse me. I guess I must attend to some of my duties." She smiled as she emphasized the word
but continued. "Would it be too troublesome to meet you here later?"
"Of course not, Kagome-chan."
"Good, then we shall meet an hour before dinner." Kagome walked out with Rin in tow.
The two spent the next few hours in the dinning hall, as the miko patiently taught the
Sesshoumaru was drawn to the sound of their laughter and stood hidden for several
minutes, silently observing the two human females interact. Before he could act, Yumi
appeared and spoke with Kagome, who then left. Sesshoumaru's interest was sparked as
he instantly wondered where it was she was going.
~ . o . O . o . ~
Kagome had completely lost track of time and rushed to the garden. She found Sango
under the tree, patiently waiting on her. "Sango," she shouted and waved as she ran to
greet her friend.
"Kagome-chan, you didn't have to run. It's so hard in those kimonos." Sango looked
down at hers, she never understood why women liked these confining garments.
"No, no, it's fine," she breathed lightly. Kagome sat down beside the woman. There was
a short silence before Kagome spoke. "These past few days have been so weird. Do you
think Inuyasha can be freed from Kikyou's spell?"
"No one knows but we must still have hope Kagome-chan." Sango placed a hand on her
arm. "I'm sure it will all turn out well in the end."
"Yes, I suppose."
Another long silence hung in the air before Sango finally asked the question that had
been on her mind for several days. The taijiya would have to approach it very delicately.
"Kagome-chan, is everything okay between you and Sesshoumaru-sama?"
"I don't know." She stared at the ground. "He seems to be getting weird too. I'm not
sure how to explain it and I can't bring myself to ask him."
"Kagome-chan, you two will soon be mated, you must not be afraid to ask him. He will
not hurt you, so you have nothing to worry about."
The woman nodded at her comment. Sango was right. There was nothing that she
should be afraid of, especially when the subject was Sesshoumaru. He had already
proven that he would not hurt or abandon her. After all, it was probably just the mating
that was effecting him. She sighed lightly as her eyes drifted up to the sky. Every night
they reinforced her seal. Kagome wanted to believe his words; that with every exchange
of blood, the seal strengthens and the stress of coupling would be much easier on her.
The fact that Sesshoumaru thought that much of her truly touched Kagome's heart. But
the truth also remained that, in the end, she would find out if he was lying.
"Kagome-chan?" She turned to look at Sango. "Kagome-chan, why don't you just ask
~ . o . O . o . ~
The dinner went well and Sesshoumaru praised Kagome's teaching skills as he had watched Rin eat
carefully for the first time. The woman blushed and spoke about how the child was easily taught.
Inuyasha huffed at their exchange. Sesshoumaru shot him an icy glare as the hanyou rudely
excused himself. The group retired to their quarters shortly after.
Sesshoumaru and Kagome entered their quarters. The woman hung on his arm as he guided her
to their sleeping chambers. From the conversation that he had heard earlier, Kagome seemed to
still hold some fear of him. The demon could tell that it was bothering her. "Kagome, tell me what
is wrong."
She fingered the cloth on his arm, not sure how to word her concerns. "I'm worried about
Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru-sama," she put emphasis on his title so that he would take pity in her
He turned to peer into her eyes. "What is it that bothers you?"
She bit her lip and squirmed under his scrutinizing gaze. "Well, he isn't acting himself."
Sesshoumaru touched her cheek and she blushed. "I would think it was obvious to you
already, Ka-go-me," he whispered into her ear. She shivered but did not move away,
instead she simply waited for him to continue. "He is under some spell that Kikyou
placed upon him. She sent him here to spy on us and I shall let him. I have nothing to
hide." Kagome gasped slightly at his words. She was unable to speak as thousands of
thoughts clouded her mind. "However, Inuyasha would not have succumb to such a spell
if there was nothing for it to latch onto. He has a hate in his heart for both of us now
Kagome. Our contract is known to him, and I would be lying if I said that it did not
bother him."
That particular information made Kagome sick. She had given up on him, moved on and
now, the suspicions that she had had all along were true. Too late. It was too late. Out
of all those times, he had only expressed interest in Kikyou. Kagome could only come to
the logical assumption that she too should move on. "But I don't understand." She was
He moved to her side and kissed her deeply. "It doesn't matter anymore. You are
mine," he spoke as he began removing her clothing.
Golden eyes watched the two interact. Inuyasha's anger was boiling inside of him as
Kagome flushed bright red. Sesshoumaru was fondling her nipples, bringing them erect
with his talented tongue. Her hands moved to grab handfuls of silky silver hair, not
letting him move when he attempted to stop. There was a light chuckle at her actions
before the demon's hands moved to hold her in place, dragging her down as he
positioned himself over her.
"Maru," she moaned as he intently licked her. He growled into her as he heard her speak
the pet name. His beast roared at the delicate sound of her voice. He growled again;
she purred his name and grabbed fists of his hair trying to keep him close.
He untangled her hands and deeply kissed her, cutting his tongue so that she could
digest the blood. He could feel the two mixing and broke the contact to move to her
core. His youki would limit her movements, and when the second seal was in place she
would sleep. Sesshoumaru looked forward to the day that she would remain awake after.
~ . o . O . o . ~
Finally got seven done! Yay! >,< Marcia gets the credit for beta-reading - she's
wonderful! Thanks for reading, please review.
An Unexpected Love
Chapter Seven : Awake from this Dream
~ . o . O . o . ~
The words were faint, but he could hear Sesshoumaru's voice as he spoke. "We must seal the first
pact then. It will not hurt you, and neither will I."
Inuyasha's blood stopped. 'The first pact?' Then it was really true. 'They are mating.' What would
he do? How could he stop it when it had already come this far? Fear wrapped itself around his
body as it boiled the blood in his veins. All the hanyou could do was watch, watch as his brother
continued the assault on Kagome. His eyes burning the events into his brain, seeing the waves of
youki and purifying powers merge and collide.
Kagome passed out under the weight of the demonic energy. Although, Inuyasha was amazed that
she had made it until the end. Sesshoumaru's words broke the silence that had fallen. "So this is
what it is like to experience a mating." He looked to the woman, smiling. A light laugh rang out.
Inuyasha dropped to the ground, careful to keep quiet until he was farther away. He would have to
wait until morning before he would be able to get into the castle. Inuyasha would not let
Sesshoumaru turn him away.
~ . o . O . o . ~
The Lord of the Western Lands sat at the large desk, his nose buried in courtly paperwork. It was
frustrating to deal with the petty squabbles of noble blood, especially since they did not like to get
their hands dirty. He sighed as he dropped the stack of parchment. "You can come out now, little
brother. I'm very tired of you lurking about, and stay away from my bedchambers."
The hanyou revealed himself as he stepped out from behind the hanging fabric, his jaw set. "I
came to retrieve my pack." His eyes were cold as he spoke with carefully chosen words.
"Your pack?" he repeated. "Inuyasha, what makes you think that Kagome will willingly go with
you? You have the smell of clay all over you."
"I know she is under your control, I am not blind!" His loud words brought three guards and Jaken
rushing into the room. All stopped, gaping eyes and mouths, to staring at Inuyasha and
Sesshoumaru's skirmish.
Sesshoumaru rose. "Very well then. Jaken, please take Inuyasha to Kagome." The toad blinked
several times before he was able to bow. Jaken simply turned and walked out with the other
"Heh." Inuyasha grunted as he turned and followed Jaken.
Sesshoumaru sat down. So it was as he thought. Inuyasha was working with Kikyou. He sighed.
He had hoped that the dead priestess would overlook the ceremony, but it seemed he had had high
hopes. Kikyou was concerned with how their union would turn out. He guessed that, since she
was tied to Kagome, the dead woman thought she had some say. Sesshoumaru, however, was
going to change her outlook on the situation.
Both Kikyou and Inuyasha were wrong. Sesshoumaru had decided that Inuyasha and Kikyou had
failed Kagome. Both had plenty of chances, and failed every time. This was the last, and from now
on, the duty that Inuyasha had taken upon himself would be passed to the lord. The task of
protecting Kagome had become too heavy for the hanyou. As leader of their clan, it was
Sesshoumaru's duty. The demon sighed again. Inuyasha was causing him way too many
problems. He would have to talk to the hanyou about trying to think about the honor and dignity of
the clan, the family, instead of his own obsessions.
Although the idea of having Kagome constantly around was appealing to the lord more and more,
Sesshoumaru did not want to force the woman into anything that she did not want to do. He would
not be like Inuyasha, or Naraku. He had honor.
~ . o . O . o . ~
Kagome sat humming softly as laughter from Rin and Shippou drifted over into her area of the
garden, which was farthest from the entrance. The woman was braiding the flowers that were
brought to her by Rin. Makoto and Yumi were in between the two groups, pulling up the weeds and
cutting grass. Kagome paused to look at the woman beside her. "Sango, I thought that tomorrow
would be perfect to go hunt for flowers."
The female looked to the sky. "Yes, it seems like the weather here is always nice too."
The garden was indeed unusual as it was a mixture between the castle and mother nature. The
space was available in the royal quarters, the last at the end of the long hall. It was a soltiary oasis
due to the necessary outside elements required for the 'retreat'. There was no roof and three of
the four walls served as a fence, as to show off the surrounding scenery. They were covered in ivy,
hiding their true nature to the scanning eye.
The grass had flourished with the weeds and various wild flowers that littered about, as did the
large willow tree that grew in the corner, the one Kagome currently sat under. The wind lifted the
leafy vines, and Kagome closed her eyes, sighing. This moment was perfect, and she felt so alive
and wonderfully happy that she thought she might die.
She suddenly realized that she could be happy here with Sesshoumaru. He had promised her visits
to see her family, so she would never be completely cut-off. Kagome saw a chance for happiness
and wanted to take it. "Sango, can I," she paused. How could she say this? "Um, can I ask you
The woman turned to face her, nodding her consent. Kagome looked toward Makoto to see if the
hanyou was far enough away so that she may not hear her already embarrassing situation. Her
voice dropped lower as she began. "It's about what happened last night with Sesshoumaru." She
blushed, and tried to hide it; she was too afraid to even speak the necessary words.
The door suddenly opened, banging against the rocks placed near the entrance. The sound echoed
around the open space, startling everyone. Rin ran to Kagome's side as Makoto and Yumi inched
their way toward their mistress. Kagome's eyes landed on the form that filled the doorway. "It's
Inuyasha," she whispered, setting the flowers in her lap aside as she stood. "Inuyasha? I can't
believe you finally came back," she cried, rushing to him. Overjoyed that he was alive and okay,
tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked. When she reached his side, Kagome was roughly
pushed away and she stumbled to the ground, tripping on the tail of her kimono.
"Keep your hands to yourself. Now you're nothing but a demon's whore." Kagome's shocked face
could only stare at him as he continued. "When are you gonna wake up from this little dream you
got going on?"
"Inuyasha?" she whispered as she tried to move to him.
"Inuyasha!" Sango's voice broke the stare he had focused on Kagome. The taijiya was beside the
younger female in an instant. She had produced a knife that had been hidden, somewhere. "What
is the meaning of this? You have no right to judge her! You abandoned us, left us here. Where
were you Inuyasha?"
"I had come to get my pack, but I can see that it was all for nothing. He has infected all of you."
Makoto and Yumi were instantly at Kagome's side. "Lord Sesshoumaru has not infected anyone,"
Yumi spoke vehemently.
Inuyasha stared at the human, then at the hanyou that stared him down. He huffed and turned
around. "Look what the hell he has you wearing? It really is disgusting. His scent all over you. It
makes me sick. And this pathetic piece of land." His voice faded down the hall as he moved away,
laughter following his echoing footsteps.
Kagome's hand flew to her mouth as she tried to hold back her sobs and the pain that now coursed
throughout her body. She failed and the miko quickly ran from the room, turning the opposite
direction from Inuyasha, and disappearing into the depths of the castle.
Kagome stumbled down the dark hall, occasionally tripping on the edge of a rug or her own feet.
She had not known that he would act so harshly toward her. Had he simply disregarded her
existence? She suddenly felt strong arms encircled her before Sesshoumaru's voice filled her ears.
"It is I Kagome. Shhh, what is the matter? You're crying and your kimono is dirty, what did
Inuyasha do?"
Kagome sighed. His words held a truth that she could not deny. She was living in a dream world.
"I-I don't th-think," she sobbed out.
Sesshoumaru pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back and trying to console the woman to the best
of his abilities. He lifted the light female into his arms and headed to their rooms. A familiar
environment would calm her down faster, and then he could send for Seika and the others.
The shoji door shut behind the couple and Sesshoumaru set his mate down on the lounge couch in
the fore-room. "Kagome, I want you to tell me the truth. I will know when you are lying to me. I
can tell you are physically hurt."
Her head shot up to see his eyes. "What-what do you mean?"
"Do you take me for a fool, my pet?" he smiled a little. "I am not here to hurt you, only help."
Kagome sighed and took a deep breath. "Yes, I know. Well, Inuyasha surprised everyone and
when I went to speak to him, he became angry." She moved her gaze to the wall. "He pushed me
and I fell. He shouted some angry things and then left."
Sesshoumaru had to steady himself when he heard that Inuyasha had actually hurt the girl. He
never thought that the hanyou would go this far. It was much more dangerous than he originally
thought. A tap on the door stopped Sesshoumaru before he could speak to her. "Enter."
The door slide open and Jaken slipped in. "Lord Sesshoumaru, Makoto and Yumi are waiting for
you outside. I have sent for Seika. The taijiya and children are in the library under guard."
"Very good. Come and sit until I have calmed Kagome." He turned to her and picked her up,
moving her into the bedchambers. He had a hunch that she was still with-holding information.
Makoto and Yumi could fill him in on the recent events. He would, however, send a healer in to
double-check on her. Sesshoumaru was not happy that Inuyasha had touched her.
He laid her on the bed, covering her body with a light blanket. "I will be back shortly." He brushed
her hair from her eyes as she fell under his spell, sleeping deeply. He returned to the fore-room
and began his questioning.
~ . o . O . o . ~
The skies were calm as Kagome and Sango sat waiting for the others to arrive. A hot
spring, credited to relieving stress and pain, sat in front of them. Small smooth rocks
littered the beach as the grass seemed to soften around the body of water. Large
boulders cut part of the lake off, giving the different sexes a natural curtain in which to
enter and exit. Kagome sighed heavily. "It just seems so hopeless Sango. I know that
Sesshoumaru-sama is angry with Inuyasha."
"Please calm yourself, Kagome. If Sesshoumaru-sama sees you upset again he will put
you back to bed." Which was exactly what the demon had done earlier that day.
"Yes, please don't remind me." She glanced to the trees. "I had not realized that
Sesshoumaru-sama was that protective." There was another pause. "Do you think he
will kill Inuyasha?"
"Only if he persists in aggravating the situation," a deep voice spoke from behind them.
They turned to see Sesshoumaru, with Miroku and the children following closely. Shippou
and Rin ran to Kagome as they neared.
"Do not worry, Kagome. Inuyasha will come to his senses." Miroku stated with a
confidence that the young girl lacked. "I am afraid that Kikyou may be the one
responsible for his recent behaviors. This is not the Inuyasha that I know."
Sango nodded. "Yes, I must admit that I have to agree. Even if he does not truly love
you, Kagome, Inuyasha would have never hurt you or said those things." She put a hand
on her shoulder. "Be confident that he is still your friend if nothing else."
Kagome locked eyes with Sesshoumaru. "What the monk said was true. Kikyou is not
pleased with our union. But I will not break my promise to you." She blushed but
nodded at his declaration. "Now come, let us enjoy the waters."
~ . o . O . o . ~
The garden's atmosphere was filled with the sweet song of birds and hum of grasshoppers. The
weather was comfortable with the clouds blocking most of the May heat. Three days had passed
since the incident with Inuyasha. Everything seemed to stop for Kagome, even time.
Sango's words drifted to Kagome's ears. "You have done such an amazing job, Kagome-chan. I
can really see the improvement in Rin."
"Yes, but Sesshoumaru-sama insists that I teach her only the youkai courtly etiquette. However, I
feel that it would be cheating Rin and that we should teach her both. After all, nothing is wrong
with that. She could grow to be an important ally between youkai and humans, maybe bridge the
gap between the two." Kagome turned her gaze to the girl and fox demon. "Between hanyous and
humans like Rin, and you and Miroku, we could have peace."
"That is true, but you must also include yourself, Kagome-chan." Sango smiled at the younger
Kagome shook her head. "No, I can't. I'm not from this time. I haven't had to live the life that
you, or anyone else here, have been forced to. I am the lucky one." She hung her head. "I can
escape when I wish. I am a coward. Inuyasha was right. I have to wake up from my dream.
There are still shards to find." Her whispered words stung the girl beside her.
"Kagome, how can you say that? You were risking your life for others when you could have simply
walked away, and in the process have been dragged in. You have been through just as much as
we have."
"You say that but in the end, the truth is that it is all my fault. I brought the Shikon jewel back and
then I shattered it." She deeply sighed. "Sometimes it feels as though Naraku has already won,
but that he refuses to let this game end."
"Kagome-chan, what's wrong? I have never seen you so down before." Sango's face was etched
with worry and concern for her friend.
"I don't know." She replied quietly. Her eyes were still locked onto the playing children. Rin
stopped and began waving. Kagome waved back, smiling slightly. The girl bent down and
gathered the bundle of flowers she had acquired, then came running their way.
Sango noted her actions as they interacted. It was a little frightening to see her friend so
depressed. The taijiya wondered what it could be, and then had thought that maybe there was
more stress between her and Sesshoumaru than before. 'What with Inuyasha refusing to leave.'
The wind drifted over the two as Rin dropped the flowers onto the ground between the women.
"Look, Nee-chan. I found these out in the fields." The girl held up three different flowers by the
stems. "There were so many colors and I didn't know which one was your favorite, so I picked all
of them."
"They are all very nice Rin," she replied as she took them from her. "Thank you. And you
managed to keep your kimono clean. Seika will be very happy about that."
Rin smiled. They knew that Seika would always scold the child because of the grass stains.
Kagome had found a way to teach the girl how to play and keep her kimono clean. The miko also
explained that there were different types of 'playing', and that was why some grown-ups got angry
when her nice kimonos were dirty.
"Nee-chan, can you teach me more now?"
Kagome laughed. "You want me to teach you now?" Rin nodded. "Well, what is it you want to
The girl thought a moment. She had learned speech, manners and being clean, but what else was
there? "I dunno know, Nee-chan."
"Well, we still have table manners. And I must teach you how to address youkai of high-class."
Kagome inwardly winced at that one. She would have to learn that as well. "Okay, table manners
it is." She reached for Rin's hand and rose. "Sango," she spoke as she turned around, "please
excuse me. I guess I must attend to some of my duties." She smiled as she emphasized the word
but continued. "Would it be too troublesome to meet you here later?"
"Of course not, Kagome-chan."
"Good, then we shall meet an hour before dinner." Kagome walked out with Rin in tow.
The two spent the next few hours in the dinning hall, as the miko patiently taught the
Sesshoumaru was drawn to the sound of their laughter and stood hidden for several
minutes, silently observing the two human females interact. Before he could act, Yumi
appeared and spoke with Kagome, who then left. Sesshoumaru's interest was sparked as
he instantly wondered where it was she was going.
~ . o . O . o . ~
Kagome had completely lost track of time and rushed to the garden. She found Sango
under the tree, patiently waiting on her. "Sango," she shouted and waved as she ran to
greet her friend.
"Kagome-chan, you didn't have to run. It's so hard in those kimonos." Sango looked
down at hers, she never understood why women liked these confining garments.
"No, no, it's fine," she breathed lightly. Kagome sat down beside the woman. There was
a short silence before Kagome spoke. "These past few days have been so weird. Do you
think Inuyasha can be freed from Kikyou's spell?"
"No one knows but we must still have hope Kagome-chan." Sango placed a hand on her
arm. "I'm sure it will all turn out well in the end."
"Yes, I suppose."
Another long silence hung in the air before Sango finally asked the question that had
been on her mind for several days. The taijiya would have to approach it very delicately.
"Kagome-chan, is everything okay between you and Sesshoumaru-sama?"
"I don't know." She stared at the ground. "He seems to be getting weird too. I'm not
sure how to explain it and I can't bring myself to ask him."
"Kagome-chan, you two will soon be mated, you must not be afraid to ask him. He will
not hurt you, so you have nothing to worry about."
The woman nodded at her comment. Sango was right. There was nothing that she
should be afraid of, especially when the subject was Sesshoumaru. He had already
proven that he would not hurt or abandon her. After all, it was probably just the mating
that was effecting him. She sighed lightly as her eyes drifted up to the sky. Every night
they reinforced her seal. Kagome wanted to believe his words; that with every exchange
of blood, the seal strengthens and the stress of coupling would be much easier on her.
The fact that Sesshoumaru thought that much of her truly touched Kagome's heart. But
the truth also remained that, in the end, she would find out if he was lying.
"Kagome-chan?" She turned to look at Sango. "Kagome-chan, why don't you just ask
~ . o . O . o . ~
The dinner went well and Sesshoumaru praised Kagome's teaching skills as he had watched Rin eat
carefully for the first time. The woman blushed and spoke about how the child was easily taught.
Inuyasha huffed at their exchange. Sesshoumaru shot him an icy glare as the hanyou rudely
excused himself. The group retired to their quarters shortly after.
Sesshoumaru and Kagome entered their quarters. The woman hung on his arm as he guided her
to their sleeping chambers. From the conversation that he had heard earlier, Kagome seemed to
still hold some fear of him. The demon could tell that it was bothering her. "Kagome, tell me what
is wrong."
She fingered the cloth on his arm, not sure how to word her concerns. "I'm worried about
Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru-sama," she put emphasis on his title so that he would take pity in her
He turned to peer into her eyes. "What is it that bothers you?"
She bit her lip and squirmed under his scrutinizing gaze. "Well, he isn't acting himself."
Sesshoumaru touched her cheek and she blushed. "I would think it was obvious to you
already, Ka-go-me," he whispered into her ear. She shivered but did not move away,
instead she simply waited for him to continue. "He is under some spell that Kikyou
placed upon him. She sent him here to spy on us and I shall let him. I have nothing to
hide." Kagome gasped slightly at his words. She was unable to speak as thousands of
thoughts clouded her mind. "However, Inuyasha would not have succumb to such a spell
if there was nothing for it to latch onto. He has a hate in his heart for both of us now
Kagome. Our contract is known to him, and I would be lying if I said that it did not
bother him."
That particular information made Kagome sick. She had given up on him, moved on and
now, the suspicions that she had had all along were true. Too late. It was too late. Out
of all those times, he had only expressed interest in Kikyou. Kagome could only come to
the logical assumption that she too should move on. "But I don't understand." She was
He moved to her side and kissed her deeply. "It doesn't matter anymore. You are
mine," he spoke as he began removing her clothing.
Golden eyes watched the two interact. Inuyasha's anger was boiling inside of him as
Kagome flushed bright red. Sesshoumaru was fondling her nipples, bringing them erect
with his talented tongue. Her hands moved to grab handfuls of silky silver hair, not
letting him move when he attempted to stop. There was a light chuckle at her actions
before the demon's hands moved to hold her in place, dragging her down as he
positioned himself over her.
"Maru," she moaned as he intently licked her. He growled into her as he heard her speak
the pet name. His beast roared at the delicate sound of her voice. He growled again;
she purred his name and grabbed fists of his hair trying to keep him close.
He untangled her hands and deeply kissed her, cutting his tongue so that she could
digest the blood. He could feel the two mixing and broke the contact to move to her
core. His youki would limit her movements, and when the second seal was in place she
would sleep. Sesshoumaru looked forward to the day that she would remain awake after.
~ . o . O . o . ~
Finally got seven done! Yay! >,< Marcia gets the credit for beta-reading - she's
wonderful! Thanks for reading, please review.