Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Light ❯ 1 ( One-Shot )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Morning Light
by Andromache
an erotic fanfic
Disclaimer: Take heed, copyright gods, and know that I do this for no profit and do not own the characters contained herein unless they are originals.
She brushed her ebony hair until it shone darker than a starless night and wrapped it up in an unconventional bun, leaving four long pieces out. Lulu did not leave these free and bound them with beads at the very ends of her soft, black hair. Inserting adornments into her bun, she inspected her face in the mirror in the travel agency in the middle of the Thunder Plains. She smoothed soft powder over her skin and applied the dark berry lipstick to her full lips that caused her to look so severe and fierce.
Adjusting the decolletage of her dress over her breasts, Lulu nodded her approval at her reflection in the glass and stood up. She brushed her hands over her dark leather dress with its myriad of belts and flower accents. Now that she was done with her appearance, it was time to deal with her psyche.
She made the journey to the Farplane as dutifully as a widow to a grave. Well, after all, she was almost a widow with the death of Chappu, her fiancee. Sometimes it pained her to look at Wakka since the family resemblance was so strong between them. When Tidus arrived in their midst, it was almost too much to bear, but she hid her reaction well with a sharp tongue and insults to cushion the blow to her heart.
The world was safely ensconced in the arms of the Eternal Calm, blissfully unaware of the agony that Lulu had and was still enduring. She couldn't forget about him. That would be a sin, just a little one, but the guilt would eat away at her until she hurried to the Farplane in Guadosalam to offer her apologies for the slight.
She had forgotten Chappu for a moment during the celebration at Luca, and so now she was leaving the agency to prostrate herself to him once again. Lightning struck numerous times beside her feet, but Lulu was too used to this journey and nimbly dodged each deadly bolt. She always knew what the gathering of mist on the ground meant and was amply prepared to jump out of the way. Any creatures she dealt with along the way were dead as soon as she cast a Water-based spell on them.
Entering Guadosalam was depressing. The Guado people were still afraid of the outside world. Maester Seymour had not been the best example of the race, and so they were still a target for hatred from the people beyond the plains in either direction from their town. They looked at her with fearful eyes until she showed no threat to them. They let her pass into the corridor to the Farplane in peace.
She waited outside the entrance until she was sure that she could be alone. Lulu always performed her contrition without an audience. She swept into the Farplane without another thought.
Walking forward to the edge of the rocky platform, she knelt down and called up her memories of Chappu. His spirit appeared as quickly as the bolts of lightning, and Lulu began.
"I'm sorry, Chappu. I forgot about you again. I know I promised never to let your memory stray too far from my thoughts, but I was too caught up in the moment. Nothing is more important than you to me."
During her speech, tears reluctantly gathered and fell from her violet eyes. Her eyes became red-rimmed, and, bowing her head, she wiped them away with the embroidered edge of her right sleeve.
Lulu lifted her head and in a raw, wavering voice, continued, "Chappu, I love - Sir Auron, what are you doing here? Where is Chappu?"
The reserved former guardian remained behind the misty barrier between the living and dead and tilted his head so slightly, giving her a silent exam with his singular eye. After the awakening of the fayth, he had been restored to his appearance when he had died in the Calm Lands ten years ago without the blood, of course. Auron had been rather handsome, if severe and ascetic, when he was younger. He still wore his smoky sunglasses though and covered the scarred socket of his blind eye.
Auron stepped forward, his rich crimson robes flowing as he moved into the realm of the living once again. He craned his head down to look at her bloodshot violet eyes and answered her question, "Chappu was never here."
"What?" Lulu responded angrily. "You're lying!" Her voice was hoarse with pent up tears. Was he saying that she had been wasting her life by visiting the Farplane? She sat back in the dust and put her arms around her knees, staring at her skirt in disbelief.
"I never lie, Lulu. Withhold the truth, yes, but I never lie. What you saw were the pyreflies gathering in sympathy for you and for everyone who comes to mourn here."
"And how do I know that you are really here?"
"Because I can do this." Auron sat down on the ground beside her and at her feet. He put his callused palm on top of her slim fingers and squeezed her hand lightly. "I am still here on this plane, Lulu."
Distracted from her own woes for a moment, Lulu whispered, her curiosity piqued, "Why? Why are you not with Jecht and Braska?"
"Something still keeps me here." He allowed a small smile to creep onto his lips which Lulu could barely see over the massive collar of his clothing. "Those are the rules of the Unsent."
"You know how annoying you can be, right?" she murmured bitterly.
Auron let a soft laugh escape. "Tidus reminded me of that several times."
Changing his tone, he addressed her solemnly, "Move on, Lulu. Chappu already has, and even then he did not forget about you. Do the same for him, and live your life." But don't forget about me either, he amended silently.
She peered over his dark sunglasses at his eyes, discovering that his one working eye was piercing through the facade of control she maintained. He seemed to plead with her that she take his advice, and yet in the same dark pool, Lulu saw an invitation to stay, to share a little companionship and perhaps And so she did.
She leaned into his embrace which he gave without protest, enfolding her in his arms as if she were his welcome lover. The fabric of his coat rustled pleasingly under her cheek as she placed her hand on the leather shoulder piece. Lulu pressed Auron down so that he lay supine on the dust of the Farplane. She cushioned her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of a man that should not be there, spicy and earthy, and feeling the beating of a long immobile heart.
Auron was not oblivious to any of this. Her own heady, intoxicating perfume caught in his nostrils, and he inhaled, her scent making him drunk and dizzy. He had enough sense still to remember to remove his coarse leather glove and cast it to the side. Wrapping his arms around her bare shoulders, the guardian nuzzled her glossy black hair.
Lulu clung closely to Auron, opening his collar so she could get a better look at the strong jawline that was usually hidden by his clothing. She ran her fingers over his rough stubble and smoothed his warm lips which had curved into a contented smile.
"What's that for?" she said, licking her lips.
"Hmm?" Auron answered lazily. He let his hands slip down her back, unlacing her corset with a drowsy look of innocence.
Lulu swatted him, but far from remaining blameless herself, she slid his belts free of their clasps and removed his coat from him. A silken cord of black hair caught her attention. Sitting up, she picked up the tail and tickled Auron's nose with it. He wrinkled his nose like he was about to sneeze and promptly did.
"What's this?" she waved the cord of hair back and forth.
"My hair obviously. Girls liked playing with it, so I hid it." Auron's eye widened in comprehension as Lulu used her nail to tear the leather tie that held it. She never knew that he had this much hair hidden away as a fine, black curtain spread out on her lap. It seemed like it would fall just beneath his shoulders when he stood up.
Turnabout is fair play as the saying goes, and so Auron finished unlacing the complex corset ties and pulled off the stiff garment, laying it on top of his glove. There were more laces that had hid beneathe the corset, and as he began work on them, he bravely ventured to capture Lulu's lips with his own.
A little shocked, Lulu closed her eyes and returned the kiss, removing his upper body armor as she did. She leaned over him and caressed the battle scars that laced his chest. Being a guardian certainly qualified you for hazard pay, she knew, but it seemed that Auron had gone beyond the call of duty on this one. He must have opened his eye and seen the look of anguish that flitted over her features because he pulled his lips away from hers and answered her unspoken question of how: "Yunalesca gave them to me."
She smiled wryly and commented, "I never liked that bitch."
Auron laughed, a sound she'd rarely heard on Yuna's pilgrimmage. Lulu wrapped her arms around his neck, both to kiss him again and touch those rough yet soft lips of his and to allow Auron opportunity to finish unlacing the back of her dress. The garment hung loose on her body, brushing against her sensitive breasts.
He pushed himself up against her, keeping his lips in contact with hers, breathing only her breath as she exhaled into him. She cradled his face in her hands as he hurriedly removed his boots. Lulu felt Auron's breath catch in his throat as she brushed one hand down to tease his heated arousal then tugged at the waistband of his pants. In turn, Auron shifted himself upwards into the palm of her hands, blinding passion tugging at the back of his mind.
He grazed the tips of his calloused fingers over her shoulders and down her back, insistently pulling her dress down to reveal her full breasts which betrayed her own desire with their sharp rosy peaks. Auron pulled his face away from her hands, placed his hands firmly in the delicate small of her back, and lay her down on the ground. He bent his head to her right breast and gently licked her nipple, sucking it and grazing it a little with his teeth. He licked the sensitive skin on the underside of her breast, eliciting an impatient sigh from Lulu.
Auron refrained from asking her what the sigh meant with his only response a feral grin. Lulu glared at him and reached down an ivory hand to tug on his loose silvery-raven hair. Grabbing a handful of his fine locks, she urged his head upwards so she could kiss him, licking his lips with her tongue.
Raggedly, Lulu forced Auron to look at her burning violet eyes. With her other hand, she waved a slim finger in front of his face. She murmured huskily, "Not yet."
His eyebrow rose above the rim of his sunglasses. Auron brushed her hand away and tenderly kissed her lips, her chin, her jaw, her throat. He placed an open mouthed kiss at the hollow of her throat. He whispered with a noticeably mischievious look in his eye, "You have waited far too long."
"The best things take time." She lifted his chin and lowered her mouth to his, forcing his lips open with her slick and hungry tongue. Letting go of his hair, she brushed her fingers down his bare, battle-scarred chest, lightly pinching him. He let a low groan reverberate in her mouth and bit her bottom lip gently in return. Auron gripped her shoulders with one arm and the small of her back with the other, rolling over on his back with Lulu astride his waist.
Her breasts grazed his torso as she drew herself down his body, her pale skin a stark contrast against his darker tone. He drew in his next breath with a hiss when she licked the taut skin above the waistband of his pants which constricted his arousal painfully. Lulu was all too aware of this as her face was flush with the heat of her own desire. She lay her face alongside his shaft as she pulled the waistband lower and lower over his hips, paralyzing him and causing him to writhe under her hands at the same time. Placing kisses lower and lower on his stomach as she inched the clothing off of him, Lulu delighted in the desperate look on Auron's face. He silently pleaded with her to put him out of this taunting, delicious agony.
She slid one finger under the waistband and tugged it upwards, hinting that he should lift himself up. Auron complied, lifting his hips upwards, and Lulu sat back as she pulled the garment down and off of his body completely. She knew it was probably not good form to gauge how endowed the former guardian was, but she snuck a glance anyways. Adequate, she thought. More than adequate, she amended with a lust-filled smile.
Lulu knelt forward and licked a seductive trail up Auron's right inner thigh. It felt like lightning was assaulting his senses as he twisted away from her tongue. She braced his hips with her hands, steadying his body so she could take his heated arousal into her warm, wet mouth. Licking the underside of the shaft, marveling at the salty taste of the skin, Lulu kept her violet eyes locked on Auron's face. He had thrown back his head and was bucking his hips against her mouth. Suddenly, she withdrew her mouth as he started to reach for his climax.
Auron gasped and muttered, "That's not fair." Blackness had already encroached on his vision with the denied esctacy. He took a deep breath and saw Lulu smiling smugly at his feet. She still wore her dress below her shapely waist. He rolled forward and caught her in his arms. Auron roughly kissed her while he dealt with the frustration of all those damned belts. They were easier than he had originally thought, and soon her grey dress joined the pile of discarded clothing. He left her stocking on since they didn't get in the way and were fairly enticing as well. He stroked one hand over her rounded hips and bottom.
He lay back down on the ground with Lulu in his arms, straddling him again. Auron let one hand roam down to the tangle of soft black curls nestled between Lulu's thighs. He felt the pulsing heat with his fingertips and extended a finger to brush the source of the heat. His finger dipped into her moistening folds and inside the silken walls of her being. He stroked his fingertip against her core and was rewarded with a surprised moan out of Lulu's throat. Next, he rubbed his thumb over her sensitive nub and felt her back straighten under the arm that held her close to his body.
She rocked her hips against his hand and felt another finger join the one already inside of her. Lulu gasped as he found a spot that made her shut her eyes and contain a scream that threatened to come out and announce how much she liked what he was doing to her. She felt her thighs clenching around his hand, and a snake of electricity shot up her spine as he brought her closer and closer to her peak. Just as she felt herself reach the edge, Auron stopped his ministrations completely.
"Now it's fair."
The look she gave him was almost murderous. Realizing that he had merely stopped moving his fingers and thumb, Lulu began to rock back and forth to bring herself to that denied climax. Auron relaxed, watching her pleasure herself on his motionless hand with the fascination of a cat watching a bird of paradise. Her breath started to come in quick little gasps, signaling the advent of her climax.
He swiftly removed his hand at the point of climax and just as swiftly buried himself deep inside of her. Lulu gasped at the act, fearing that he was going to deny her pleasure yet again. Perhaps out of fear of what she would do to him if he did, Auron braced his hands on her hips and thrust his against her roughly, probably leaving a bruise. He sat up, lessening the impact against her, and kissed her full, wine-colored lips. She opened her mouth just a small amount, and Auron dipped his tongue inside as he began to feel the insistent urgency of passion tightening its hold on them both. He pushed himself deeper into her core and only barely heard the loud cries echoeing into his throat from hers.
Soon enough they quit breathing altogether, focusing on each one's peak, Auron stiffened with a strangled groan and fell back to the dusty ground, completely spent of all his energy. Lulu captured his lips possessively and murmured, "I think I have moved on now."
"Mm-hmm. Now I have a new reason to visit the Farplane."
A/N: I'm back! Did you miss me and all my lemony glory?
by Andromache
an erotic fanfic
Disclaimer: Take heed, copyright gods, and know that I do this for no profit and do not own the characters contained herein unless they are originals.
She brushed her ebony hair until it shone darker than a starless night and wrapped it up in an unconventional bun, leaving four long pieces out. Lulu did not leave these free and bound them with beads at the very ends of her soft, black hair. Inserting adornments into her bun, she inspected her face in the mirror in the travel agency in the middle of the Thunder Plains. She smoothed soft powder over her skin and applied the dark berry lipstick to her full lips that caused her to look so severe and fierce.
Adjusting the decolletage of her dress over her breasts, Lulu nodded her approval at her reflection in the glass and stood up. She brushed her hands over her dark leather dress with its myriad of belts and flower accents. Now that she was done with her appearance, it was time to deal with her psyche.
She made the journey to the Farplane as dutifully as a widow to a grave. Well, after all, she was almost a widow with the death of Chappu, her fiancee. Sometimes it pained her to look at Wakka since the family resemblance was so strong between them. When Tidus arrived in their midst, it was almost too much to bear, but she hid her reaction well with a sharp tongue and insults to cushion the blow to her heart.
The world was safely ensconced in the arms of the Eternal Calm, blissfully unaware of the agony that Lulu had and was still enduring. She couldn't forget about him. That would be a sin, just a little one, but the guilt would eat away at her until she hurried to the Farplane in Guadosalam to offer her apologies for the slight.
She had forgotten Chappu for a moment during the celebration at Luca, and so now she was leaving the agency to prostrate herself to him once again. Lightning struck numerous times beside her feet, but Lulu was too used to this journey and nimbly dodged each deadly bolt. She always knew what the gathering of mist on the ground meant and was amply prepared to jump out of the way. Any creatures she dealt with along the way were dead as soon as she cast a Water-based spell on them.
Entering Guadosalam was depressing. The Guado people were still afraid of the outside world. Maester Seymour had not been the best example of the race, and so they were still a target for hatred from the people beyond the plains in either direction from their town. They looked at her with fearful eyes until she showed no threat to them. They let her pass into the corridor to the Farplane in peace.
She waited outside the entrance until she was sure that she could be alone. Lulu always performed her contrition without an audience. She swept into the Farplane without another thought.
Walking forward to the edge of the rocky platform, she knelt down and called up her memories of Chappu. His spirit appeared as quickly as the bolts of lightning, and Lulu began.
"I'm sorry, Chappu. I forgot about you again. I know I promised never to let your memory stray too far from my thoughts, but I was too caught up in the moment. Nothing is more important than you to me."
During her speech, tears reluctantly gathered and fell from her violet eyes. Her eyes became red-rimmed, and, bowing her head, she wiped them away with the embroidered edge of her right sleeve.
Lulu lifted her head and in a raw, wavering voice, continued, "Chappu, I love - Sir Auron, what are you doing here? Where is Chappu?"
The reserved former guardian remained behind the misty barrier between the living and dead and tilted his head so slightly, giving her a silent exam with his singular eye. After the awakening of the fayth, he had been restored to his appearance when he had died in the Calm Lands ten years ago without the blood, of course. Auron had been rather handsome, if severe and ascetic, when he was younger. He still wore his smoky sunglasses though and covered the scarred socket of his blind eye.
Auron stepped forward, his rich crimson robes flowing as he moved into the realm of the living once again. He craned his head down to look at her bloodshot violet eyes and answered her question, "Chappu was never here."
"What?" Lulu responded angrily. "You're lying!" Her voice was hoarse with pent up tears. Was he saying that she had been wasting her life by visiting the Farplane? She sat back in the dust and put her arms around her knees, staring at her skirt in disbelief.
"I never lie, Lulu. Withhold the truth, yes, but I never lie. What you saw were the pyreflies gathering in sympathy for you and for everyone who comes to mourn here."
"And how do I know that you are really here?"
"Because I can do this." Auron sat down on the ground beside her and at her feet. He put his callused palm on top of her slim fingers and squeezed her hand lightly. "I am still here on this plane, Lulu."
Distracted from her own woes for a moment, Lulu whispered, her curiosity piqued, "Why? Why are you not with Jecht and Braska?"
"Something still keeps me here." He allowed a small smile to creep onto his lips which Lulu could barely see over the massive collar of his clothing. "Those are the rules of the Unsent."
"You know how annoying you can be, right?" she murmured bitterly.
Auron let a soft laugh escape. "Tidus reminded me of that several times."
Changing his tone, he addressed her solemnly, "Move on, Lulu. Chappu already has, and even then he did not forget about you. Do the same for him, and live your life." But don't forget about me either, he amended silently.
She peered over his dark sunglasses at his eyes, discovering that his one working eye was piercing through the facade of control she maintained. He seemed to plead with her that she take his advice, and yet in the same dark pool, Lulu saw an invitation to stay, to share a little companionship and perhaps And so she did.
She leaned into his embrace which he gave without protest, enfolding her in his arms as if she were his welcome lover. The fabric of his coat rustled pleasingly under her cheek as she placed her hand on the leather shoulder piece. Lulu pressed Auron down so that he lay supine on the dust of the Farplane. She cushioned her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of a man that should not be there, spicy and earthy, and feeling the beating of a long immobile heart.
Auron was not oblivious to any of this. Her own heady, intoxicating perfume caught in his nostrils, and he inhaled, her scent making him drunk and dizzy. He had enough sense still to remember to remove his coarse leather glove and cast it to the side. Wrapping his arms around her bare shoulders, the guardian nuzzled her glossy black hair.
Lulu clung closely to Auron, opening his collar so she could get a better look at the strong jawline that was usually hidden by his clothing. She ran her fingers over his rough stubble and smoothed his warm lips which had curved into a contented smile.
"What's that for?" she said, licking her lips.
"Hmm?" Auron answered lazily. He let his hands slip down her back, unlacing her corset with a drowsy look of innocence.
Lulu swatted him, but far from remaining blameless herself, she slid his belts free of their clasps and removed his coat from him. A silken cord of black hair caught her attention. Sitting up, she picked up the tail and tickled Auron's nose with it. He wrinkled his nose like he was about to sneeze and promptly did.
"What's this?" she waved the cord of hair back and forth.
"My hair obviously. Girls liked playing with it, so I hid it." Auron's eye widened in comprehension as Lulu used her nail to tear the leather tie that held it. She never knew that he had this much hair hidden away as a fine, black curtain spread out on her lap. It seemed like it would fall just beneath his shoulders when he stood up.
Turnabout is fair play as the saying goes, and so Auron finished unlacing the complex corset ties and pulled off the stiff garment, laying it on top of his glove. There were more laces that had hid beneathe the corset, and as he began work on them, he bravely ventured to capture Lulu's lips with his own.
A little shocked, Lulu closed her eyes and returned the kiss, removing his upper body armor as she did. She leaned over him and caressed the battle scars that laced his chest. Being a guardian certainly qualified you for hazard pay, she knew, but it seemed that Auron had gone beyond the call of duty on this one. He must have opened his eye and seen the look of anguish that flitted over her features because he pulled his lips away from hers and answered her unspoken question of how: "Yunalesca gave them to me."
She smiled wryly and commented, "I never liked that bitch."
Auron laughed, a sound she'd rarely heard on Yuna's pilgrimmage. Lulu wrapped her arms around his neck, both to kiss him again and touch those rough yet soft lips of his and to allow Auron opportunity to finish unlacing the back of her dress. The garment hung loose on her body, brushing against her sensitive breasts.
He pushed himself up against her, keeping his lips in contact with hers, breathing only her breath as she exhaled into him. She cradled his face in her hands as he hurriedly removed his boots. Lulu felt Auron's breath catch in his throat as she brushed one hand down to tease his heated arousal then tugged at the waistband of his pants. In turn, Auron shifted himself upwards into the palm of her hands, blinding passion tugging at the back of his mind.
He grazed the tips of his calloused fingers over her shoulders and down her back, insistently pulling her dress down to reveal her full breasts which betrayed her own desire with their sharp rosy peaks. Auron pulled his face away from her hands, placed his hands firmly in the delicate small of her back, and lay her down on the ground. He bent his head to her right breast and gently licked her nipple, sucking it and grazing it a little with his teeth. He licked the sensitive skin on the underside of her breast, eliciting an impatient sigh from Lulu.
Auron refrained from asking her what the sigh meant with his only response a feral grin. Lulu glared at him and reached down an ivory hand to tug on his loose silvery-raven hair. Grabbing a handful of his fine locks, she urged his head upwards so she could kiss him, licking his lips with her tongue.
Raggedly, Lulu forced Auron to look at her burning violet eyes. With her other hand, she waved a slim finger in front of his face. She murmured huskily, "Not yet."
His eyebrow rose above the rim of his sunglasses. Auron brushed her hand away and tenderly kissed her lips, her chin, her jaw, her throat. He placed an open mouthed kiss at the hollow of her throat. He whispered with a noticeably mischievious look in his eye, "You have waited far too long."
"The best things take time." She lifted his chin and lowered her mouth to his, forcing his lips open with her slick and hungry tongue. Letting go of his hair, she brushed her fingers down his bare, battle-scarred chest, lightly pinching him. He let a low groan reverberate in her mouth and bit her bottom lip gently in return. Auron gripped her shoulders with one arm and the small of her back with the other, rolling over on his back with Lulu astride his waist.
Her breasts grazed his torso as she drew herself down his body, her pale skin a stark contrast against his darker tone. He drew in his next breath with a hiss when she licked the taut skin above the waistband of his pants which constricted his arousal painfully. Lulu was all too aware of this as her face was flush with the heat of her own desire. She lay her face alongside his shaft as she pulled the waistband lower and lower over his hips, paralyzing him and causing him to writhe under her hands at the same time. Placing kisses lower and lower on his stomach as she inched the clothing off of him, Lulu delighted in the desperate look on Auron's face. He silently pleaded with her to put him out of this taunting, delicious agony.
She slid one finger under the waistband and tugged it upwards, hinting that he should lift himself up. Auron complied, lifting his hips upwards, and Lulu sat back as she pulled the garment down and off of his body completely. She knew it was probably not good form to gauge how endowed the former guardian was, but she snuck a glance anyways. Adequate, she thought. More than adequate, she amended with a lust-filled smile.
Lulu knelt forward and licked a seductive trail up Auron's right inner thigh. It felt like lightning was assaulting his senses as he twisted away from her tongue. She braced his hips with her hands, steadying his body so she could take his heated arousal into her warm, wet mouth. Licking the underside of the shaft, marveling at the salty taste of the skin, Lulu kept her violet eyes locked on Auron's face. He had thrown back his head and was bucking his hips against her mouth. Suddenly, she withdrew her mouth as he started to reach for his climax.
Auron gasped and muttered, "That's not fair." Blackness had already encroached on his vision with the denied esctacy. He took a deep breath and saw Lulu smiling smugly at his feet. She still wore her dress below her shapely waist. He rolled forward and caught her in his arms. Auron roughly kissed her while he dealt with the frustration of all those damned belts. They were easier than he had originally thought, and soon her grey dress joined the pile of discarded clothing. He left her stocking on since they didn't get in the way and were fairly enticing as well. He stroked one hand over her rounded hips and bottom.
He lay back down on the ground with Lulu in his arms, straddling him again. Auron let one hand roam down to the tangle of soft black curls nestled between Lulu's thighs. He felt the pulsing heat with his fingertips and extended a finger to brush the source of the heat. His finger dipped into her moistening folds and inside the silken walls of her being. He stroked his fingertip against her core and was rewarded with a surprised moan out of Lulu's throat. Next, he rubbed his thumb over her sensitive nub and felt her back straighten under the arm that held her close to his body.
She rocked her hips against his hand and felt another finger join the one already inside of her. Lulu gasped as he found a spot that made her shut her eyes and contain a scream that threatened to come out and announce how much she liked what he was doing to her. She felt her thighs clenching around his hand, and a snake of electricity shot up her spine as he brought her closer and closer to her peak. Just as she felt herself reach the edge, Auron stopped his ministrations completely.
"Now it's fair."
The look she gave him was almost murderous. Realizing that he had merely stopped moving his fingers and thumb, Lulu began to rock back and forth to bring herself to that denied climax. Auron relaxed, watching her pleasure herself on his motionless hand with the fascination of a cat watching a bird of paradise. Her breath started to come in quick little gasps, signaling the advent of her climax.
He swiftly removed his hand at the point of climax and just as swiftly buried himself deep inside of her. Lulu gasped at the act, fearing that he was going to deny her pleasure yet again. Perhaps out of fear of what she would do to him if he did, Auron braced his hands on her hips and thrust his against her roughly, probably leaving a bruise. He sat up, lessening the impact against her, and kissed her full, wine-colored lips. She opened her mouth just a small amount, and Auron dipped his tongue inside as he began to feel the insistent urgency of passion tightening its hold on them both. He pushed himself deeper into her core and only barely heard the loud cries echoeing into his throat from hers.
Soon enough they quit breathing altogether, focusing on each one's peak, Auron stiffened with a strangled groan and fell back to the dusty ground, completely spent of all his energy. Lulu captured his lips possessively and murmured, "I think I have moved on now."
"Mm-hmm. Now I have a new reason to visit the Farplane."
A/N: I'm back! Did you miss me and all my lemony glory?