El Hazard Fan Fiction ❯ MrWhat's "El-Hazard" drabbles ❯ The Cat Around Him ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
TITLE: The Cat Around Him
BLURB: Millions of fan-boys wish they were you.
BASED ON: El-Hazard OVA / Oh My Goddess!
TYPE: Humor; cross-over; 100 words ("drabble")
AUTHOR: Eric Adcock <adcockea@echoalpha.com>
DATE: June 2002
ARCHIVE: http://echoalpha.com/fanfic/

This is an outtake from episode 2 of the first El-Hazard OVA series.

El-Hazard (c) AIC / Pioneer LDC / Geneon.
Oh My Goddess! (c) Kodansha / TBS / KSS Films / AnimEigo / Pioneer LDC.


The Princess Rune Venus gave the command. The strange creature jumped at Makoto, and wrapped itself around him. And purred...

"He's a little young for me... but he is kinda cute..."

Makoto turned several shades of red as he protested. "I thought I was supposed to be protected by URA, not URD!"

Urd smiled seductively and tickled his chin. "Aw, c'mon, kid. Millions of fan-boys wish they were you, right now."

Rune sighed. "Oh... that reminds me of how Alielle always clings to Fatora..."

Londs nodded. "He looks even more like Princess Fatora when he has the nymphomaniac around him."
