Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Mirage ❯ Darkness within ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: this version is the Lemony one ! Be warned, cleaner (not really) version found at



I must've wiped the same cup over and over again with this drying cloth, occasionally throwing glances at the door. There he stood, just parked out front and staring at the entrance to the petshop with folded arms. Making me and the animals both ponder what it was that he was doing out there.

I sigh and set the cup down on its plate then take a seat. I watch Pon-chan and T-chan stare out the door as well.

"He's pissing me off, is he coming in or not!?"

"Yeah he's being rude Count D, its tea time…" Pon-chan whined, and I scratch behind her ear.

"Who knows…our dear detective seems to be full of surprises. But I suppose I should go invite him in, don't you think?" I hear T-chan snort somewhere behind me.

"Since when? He usually invites himself in…"

"Now now, Tet-kun. Don't you forget we're still #1 on his list in terms of his work, I only wonder what it is this time that's happened. If only these imbeciles would stick to their contracts…" I mumble with gritted teeth as I make my way towards the door then stick my head out. This made the detective stir in his spot.

"My dear detective…won't you come in?" he seemed to be at a loss of words, but then folded his arms over his chest as arrogant as always.

"Why? so you could give me more nightmares?" my shoulders slump in defeat.

"Why don't you come in for some tea and we can talk about whatever it is that's bothering you…"

"Yeah tea…if that's what it really is!"

"I beg your pardon…"

"What do you put in there really? Some kind of narcotics that always seem to mess with my head, I could have you arrested for that you know!" I sigh out loud.

"Leon for Shenlong's sake lets discuss this inside. You don't have to drink my tea…" a nerve twitches on his head and he arrogantly marched into my store. He let out a 'hmph' and I rolled my eyes at him as he passed by.


"I would like to take some with me to have analyzed back at the labs…"

"As you wish…"


"Fine!" he then falls quiet and seemed to unconsciously stare into his tea. I roll my eyes again.

"I can assure you that there's nothing in there, detective. You've been coming by here for tea practically forever and complain about the same thing. You haven't found anything then, and you certainly will not now" he falls quiet again then sighs.

"Okay okay, keep your dress on…just keep me from falling asleep anymore here, I always get these weird dreams around you. But then again weird shit always happens around you" he mutters then takes a sip out of his tea anyway. I shake my head at his antics with a small smile.

Well…his words were true; I could be blamed for those 'incidents' where he would come close to discovering certain truths about me. In a way I sort of amuse myself by doing so because of the comical reactions I get out of him. But I also educate him this way since he so stubbornly accepts any other explanations of how the world thinks and works.

And by exposing him to these little wonders of mine, teaches him something new every time. But how to explain whether what he sees is reality or not, I simply taunt him by saying it was only a dream.

After all…in dreams anything is possible.

His eyes are suddenly planted on me firmly and I watch blonde brows knit together. I draw in a little breath.

"You look…nevermind"


Aahh. Nothing like a warm, soothing bath to ease away my thoughts and cleanse my soul, and this wine was absolutely splendid. I feel very much alive and rejuvenated and a surge of excitement was rushing through my veins.

It was amazing how the herbs I put into the tub were making me feel. I sleek my hair back and draw in the wonderful aroma that filled the bathroom. After a wonderful stretch I arch back and pour myself some more wine, then lazily watch a few petals swirl within the foamy water.

Dead silence.

My mind was at ease but my new found energy had me yearning for some excitement. I shake my head and try to relax. There was some thing stuck at the back of my mind. I knew what it would be but I choose to ignore it.

But that young man…

The detective…

And those memories that will forever stay fresh on my mind. I just don't know what it is about him that gets me so frustrated.

My grandson…how dare he come in here and think he could disgrace my grandchild so. We do not feel such emotions as these humans would. It is not in our nature to care for them either. I will show him…I will teach him a lesson.

A sip of wine felt like velvet over my tongue, reminding me of another velvety sensation that I enjoyed so much just yesterday. I drank some more while reliving the moment. And I wondered what would have happened had I not tapped into his memories, had I not felt the presence of my grandchild in his heart. Would I have made him my prey?, would I have made him mine

Aah yes I can see it now… those hands on my body, that velvet tongue playing over me…

And that masculine body pressed firmly against mine…

And I deserve a little treat after all my hard work. I am a man of stellar, always projecting myself out into the unknown to gather knowledge of extraordinary beasts and legends. And when I happen to cross paths with one, I go to any ends just to acquire such phenomena. So I only deserve a little 'release' after so long.

My free hand rakes down my body hard, feeling my head about to explode should I not manage this surging energy within me. It then stops at a tension between my thighs, and it almost shames me to be thinking of such thoughts that humans would do for release. But this energy churned and my developing animosity towards the detective wasn't helping one bit. Instead, it made me envision his strong hands around me, taking this aching discomfort and releasing it after long, powerful strokes.

My empty goblet crashed to the ground as I busied my other hand with myself. My breathing came hard and rapid and my damp hair fell over my eyes to block the shame that I've brought myself to.

But its been so long since I've had to endure such…pleasure, so long that it was taking me quite a while to satisfy my hunger. My hands moved faster and a cry escaped my throat. My head was swirling so I gritted my teeth to stop the room from spinning around me, but as I grew so… achingly… close…


I gripped the side of the spacious tub and finally released myself long and hard. With satisfaction I watched my pearly white seed…my life…mingle in with the foamy waters.

After the throbbing had subsided I lay back into the tub and fought to gain control of my breathing again. Despite my appearance I figured I was getting a little too old for this. Or maybe because its been too long…I don't know.

But next time…I thought to myself with a grin, it will be you. Next time I will have a reason to be a bit more motivated.

"My dear detective…"

After I had managed to regain some of my composure again and ended my bath finally. Knees still shaking, I look around the dimmed halls and stop in my tracks. Soft towel still draped around my shoulders. It was quiet and calm despite the many animals that we carry, I stare for a moment then groan to myself.

What was there to do next?

I sigh out loud and decide to go join my grandson for some tea.

I feel very depressed knowing that I cannot be of any use here.

But my footsteps grew slower as my ears picked up the voice of another accompanying my heir. I plant myself against the wall and peer through the drapes at the end of the corridor out to where they both sat. My grandson and that blonde man from yesterday. My eyes widen.

He's here…again, and sitting awfully too close. They were speaking in low tones, eye to eye, hands then reaching out for the blonde man's narrow face. The gesture was slow and sweet but his blue eyes seemed troubled. I lean in to catch some of their words while tucking my damp hair behind my ear. Unaware of when my breathing had become so rapid again.

"Leon…you could tell me"

"I know, sometimes I feel like I could tell you everything…"

"Then if you must, do so. You know how I hate to see you so troubled"

"Yeah but damn D…there's my dignity you know."

And now they're laughing together. I don't know why this was making my blood boil.

And they seemed to have forgotten, well the young gentlemen anyway, that they were this close. Too close.

And their eyes met again…and not another word was spoken. And somehow…surely yet slowly…the distance between them was getting shorter, or perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me.

My grandson would allow this?

But a hiss escapes my throat as my grandchild's fingers trail down that angular face. I still remember how that skin felt rough under my own. I froze in my place, torn between stopping this moment from leading to something worse or…just let it be since I could feel how fluttery my grandson's heart is. This is obviously making him happy but if I don't do anything about this now, I can assure him that this can only lead him to an eternity of heartache, and we are far above that! We do not share such humanly characteristics. We are far better than that…

I feel my own breath constricting as if I were the one aiming for those dry lips instead of my grandson. I search frantically around the room for anything, anything I can do to stop this from leaving a print on my child's mind…his memories. Cursing him for the rest of his life.

Then suddenly as if it were a sign for me, I hear a string of unpleasant gibberish coming from down the hall and I bite my lip in guilt.

Guilt flooding me, because one, I'm about to making my grandson most likely very unhappy, and two… I am about to harm one of the most cherished pets in the shop just for this act. I hide further into the shadows of the dark corridor, and am very thankful this creature was immersed in his banter. I waited until it grew closer, and closer…then suddenly…


A loud, blood hurtling scream sounded off from the dark hallway and a mass of honey brown hair came flying into the den and straight into my arms. Forcing Leon and I apart. T-chan was crying hysterically while writhing in pain.

"Hey what's wrong with the goat!?!"

"T-chan? T-chan !! What happened?" but he was crying too much to even answer me. I threw a glance towards the direction in which he came from and found nothing there. But he seemed to be hurt really badly.

"C-count…it hurts it…my leg, h-hurts…"

"T-chan what happened? Who did this to you?" he squinted his eyes in pain but shook his head for an answer. I look to Leon and he seemed to be pretty frantic despite T-chan being his least favorite animal here. I examined his wound and immediately began to gather medical supplies for him.

More than an hour had past and T-chan was finally beginning to settle down. I managed to mend the broken bone and allowed the Totetsu to sleep off his injury. Meanwhile Leon sat quietly the entire time, watching me tend to his side quietly.

"I'm all done, sorry about lunch" he put up his hands in protest.

"No no, this is more important. Poor thing, I almost feel sorry for it" he mumbles but I smile anyway. I knew he didn't mean it. I saw how concerned he was in his eyes.

"Maybe I'll bring Chris by tomorrow, he'll be happy to see him" he said and I open my mouth in protest. Somehow bringing Christopher here didn't seem like a good idea with my grandfather staying here. But poor T-chan was really upset, and I think the young one will help cheer him up considering how well they get along.

"I guess I better get going then…" his words woke me from my thoughts and I grab him by his arm unintentionally. He eyes me for a moment and I feel uneasy. The tension that mounted between us before we had almost…well…you know, was returning.

"S-so soon?" I cleared my throat to play off some of that tension. He only shrugs after a moment.

"Yeah, I um…have some errands to get to, and besides" he points to T-chan and I let go of his arm, feeling slightly disappointed.

"He needs you…" he said and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"D…hey? You gonna be alright man?" but I shake my head and turn my back to him. I tend to get very emotional when ever one of my animals are badly injured for no reason. I hear him sigh behind me then feel hands plant on my shoulders after a short moment.

"He'll be okay D, I see how you take care of these guys, you're good" I smile to myself, his words were comforting somehow.

"Thank you…" and for a brief moment I wondered if we were going to go back to that 'moment' again.

"Well I'll see ya later then…" he mutters when I turned back around. I frown while sitting back down slowly on the sofa.

"Yeah…later" the bell to the store had sounded and I am left alone in the den. It became too quiet again, as if my very thoughts had quieted down along with the surroundings. It was starting to get to me…

I slowly brought T-chan's head into my lap and began running my fingers through his hair, and my other hand stroked his tear-stained face softly.

Succumbing to the silence I let my mind drift away, feeling a sudden weight on my heart that sleep alone could probably ease. I close my eyes, blue orbs flashing before me and the weight grew heavier and heavier. I recalled the last moments with him and the many questions that ran through my mind at the time that seemed to be only answered through a kiss.

Just one kiss…

…to let me know.

Just one kiss for me to find out what it is that this one human was making me feel. And what a right time for such thing…what if my grandfather had walked in on us?

What would he think?

What would he do?

I smile anyway, I would worry about him later. What mattered now was what I was beginning to feel for this human. Whatever it was, it made me feel…good.

And as long and tedious as this existence of mine had been, as much people managed to cross paths with me somehow, never before have I felt such feeling…

Why you…my dear obnoxious detective?

Why now?

D-sama…I apologize for back there…

It's quite alright T-kun…I only wish for your speedy recovery. Don't blame yourself for what I'm feeling now…

These feelings of yours…they're so intense…

But you will get another chance…

You think so T-kun?

Yes…if I know the idiot better than anyone here, then you will.
