InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 24

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone. Everything else belongs to me
Shuukaku: harvest
Kusari yūrei: Chained specter
Naosu: To restore to health
Chapter 24
Naosu sat next to a covered fume hood, hands hidden in the `arms' that allowed her to manipulate the contents inside the sterile compartment. She mounted a cover slip over the blood smear she just Stained using the Wayson method. Coating the edges with nail polish, she impatiently waited for it to dry before pushing it underneath her microscope. Gazing into the eye piece, she rapidly brought into focuse the blue dyed blood and shook her head. The results defied explanation.
It was rife with chains of rod-like coccobacilli. She could see the cell walls stained almost black with the dye, a characteristic trademark of gram negative bacterium. There was no doubt about it; she was seeing a case of pneumonic plague. If she had to make a guess though, the disease had already progressed to that seen at around 18 hours versus the three the miko had now been exposed to according to the taiyoukai.
If her antibiotic cocktail didn't kick in soon, there was little chance for Kagome's survival. She had done a quick and dirty search for facts against the plague and 90% of humans succumbed to the disease if they weren't successfully treated within 24 hours. Only 75% evaded death if they were.
Naosu rubbed the bridge of her nose. There had to be something more she could do then just sit here and pray for a miracle. Sighing, she changed slides and gazed into the microscope again, content that Shippou seemed to be responding well to his treatment. Another day and he should be cured of the pest though his wounds would take longer to repair themselves. How that kitsune could still be alive after being a quarter eaten was beyond her comprehension.
Still, she would have to keep a close watch on him until he could be officially moved out of containment. Switching to the last set of slides, she nodded in satisfaction. The girl seemed to be unharmed from the ordeal besides mental fatigue and a few bruises. Whoever kidnapped the girl at least kept her well, if not healthy. If only she had been able to get more information out of the kitsune before he drifted back into unconsciousness, or had been able to glean more from Sesshoumaru himself.
Shaking her head again, Naosu continued looking at the slides, double checking and triple checking the results while her brain ran in circles trying to think of a new solution, a better treatment to improve the odds of Kagome's survival. It look like a long night was ahead of her.
Snow was falling, weighing down her head and spotting her eyelashes with the thick grey flakes. She could taste them as they fell on her lips, and wondered if it was ash that tinted the soft water with lifelessness. It was a bitter taste though nourishing, soothing her parched throat though it chilled her inside and out.
Her tattered dress fluttered in the wind, a stark contrast to the dark world surrounding her. All she could do was continue to trudge through the drifts, to fight the wind. She had to because a corner of her mind, the part that drove her forward, was warning her that there was danger nearby that was threatening her friends, destroying her kin.
With dread overwhelming her spirit, how could she stop?
Her eyelids grew heavy with the weight of snowflakes. Brushing them away with blue-cast fingers, she rubbed her exposed arms, trying to warm them by friction alone; there was no heat left in her blood to warm her skin. She could feel the fluid become viscous, a slurry that threatened to clog her arteries and end her agonized misery as pins shot through her legs with every step forward.
She hated this world she was thrown into.
And the silence, the silence that encompassed her nearly drove her mad. Better voices that whispered, voices that taunted, then the never ending silence that swallowed her tears and muffled her own heartbeat from her ears. She wondered if she was even alive.
As the wind buffeted her body, she pulled her arms closer, choking on a sob she knew she could not hear. She was all alone again, and she hated that feeling. She was always alone and if not alone, then the people she cared about, the people she could depend on, where taken away from her. Life was cruel, and she was still learning what new depths it could go to make a living hell out of her dreams.
One step brought her a measure of a strength, two steps made her weep with determination, three found her sinking, sinking into the silent snow bank, her screams swallowed whole by the night.
Chaos erupted in the hospital wing, startling Sesshoumaru from his reverie at Kagome's bedside. She wasn't getting any better, and her whimpers of pain made him want to tear apart everything around him. This feeling of hopelessness, of despair was something he thought long since behind him.
Shaking off his ire, he stepped to the observation window under strict orders not to leave the containment room. His golden eyes watched as a new set of doctors scurried by carrying a wounded patient. They narrowed as Inuyasha followed close behind them, yelling and cursing at the doctors who threw disgusted looks his way.
His heart plummeted, wondering at what new twist of fate was at hand. Did they kill the rat or where they defeated by him? He watched the corridor long after they disappeared from his view, his keen hearing unable to discern their distance through the heavy seals surrounding the room. All he could hear was Kagome's unceasing whimpers and the whirl of fans as the air was constantly recycled, the taste stale against his tongue from overuse.
It was plague after all; a disease which carried on the wind to unsuspecting victims. He gritted his teeth though his face remained otherwise cold and impassive. Tearing his eyes from the empty corridor, he returned to the miko's side and tentatively grabbed her hand. It felt light in his own, small and soft from the last few years doing little more then wield a pencil. She was unfit for battle, though her instincts made her a warrior any could be proud to stand next to.
He gingerly settled into the seat that had been provided for him, stretching his legs in front of him in seeming relaxedness though his muscles were wound tight as he fought the desire to squeeze her hand senseless. There were few times he needed to hold onto something, but loosing this girl when he finally knew he had her acceptance nearly broke his spirit.
Inside, he was howling in fear, howling in anger with a matching thirst for blood, but he was stuck here, helpless at her side while his brother went off fighting. Now he did not know what to think. At least earlier he had hope, but now he had none. The taijiya was injured; Inuyasha acting like a rash, brazen fool.
He closed his eyes against the disconcerting sight in front of him. He needed to speak with the hanyou, but dared not leave in case something happened whilst he was gone. He would wait, wait for Inuyasha to come find him. There was noting else he could do. He could not, would not leave the room.
He was a mess. Inuyasha rubbed his eyes as he watched Sango get wheeled into the operating room, far beyond his reach at the moment. He could still feel the hostility coming from the doctors and the nurses because of his ranting.

He shrugged. Sango just pissed him off for doing something so incredibly stupid and unnecessary like throwing herself on the rat's damn blade! It was like she wanted to die. Didn't she know that there were people here would miss her?
Apparently not.
He stifled the growl that threatened to break free once again. He really needed to reign in his temper. Just as his fingers began to relax from the fist they were held in, a nurse walked to the window and haughtily looked down her nose at him as she pulled the shades shut.
Muffling his curse, he turned away from the irritating sight and stomped down the hall. People were really trying to piss him off tonight! Cursing underneath his breath, he felt his nostrils flare at the effort he was exuding to control his temper. He wouldn't redeem himself, either, if he gave into his desire to smash the equipment lining the hallway.
A scent finally penetrated his anger-tinted thoughts causing him to pause in mid-step. `Shit,' he thought as he rushed to the nearby door. He had forgotten that Kagome was injured as well.
Nearly tearing the door off its hinges, he took satisfaction at the resounding crash as it hit the wall before stepping into the chemically sanitized room. He could see Sesshoumaru sitting tensely in front of Kagome, her hand delicately held in his through the window. Blinking, he gazed over his shoulder to see a similarly built window showing a clear view into the corridor he left behind.
At least they were taking the threat of disease seriously.
Closing the door behind him, he walked a little more calmly to the window and knocked on the pane, noting the sealed door standing between him and his brother and best friend. It was locked by a number pad too, curse them.
Sesshoumaru's eyes snapped open, glaring at the grinning hanyou on the other side of the glass. He swiftly rose and walked to the window, using one clawed finger to press a button on the keypad next to it.
His deep voice filtered over the radio system. “Is he dead?” he asked coldly, making Inuyasha shiver from the imagined lack of heat.
He found his own speaker box next to him and pressed the corresponding button to converse across the vacuum between them. “Yeah, we got the bastard, but Sango decided to be stupid and distract the rat by falling on his blade.”
Sesshoumaru eyes widened a fraction, the surprise evident to only the few who knew how to look for it. “What are her chances at survival?” he asked, knowing now why Inuyasha had been yelling so forcefully as he passed his window.
He rubbed the nape of his neck, concern leaking into his eyes. “I think so. The blade pierced her lungs though so it's just a matter of time to see if the reduced oxygen levels have any lasting effects. At least that's what the stupid guy told me before they disappeared into the operating room.”
Sesshoumaru nodded, relaxing minutely that at least one person might be saved tonight. Inuyasha looked up and captured his half-brother's eyes. “What about Kagome and Shippou?” he asked hesitantly, afraid to know the answer.
Silence descended. Inuyasha nearly tore the pad off the wall as the tension mounted with every passing moment. “Shippou will be fine. He sustained serious wounds from the rat army, but he will recover. His youkai blood is proving to be as strong as always, clearing the disease from his system and regenerating new flesh to cover that which he lost.”
Sesshoumaru paused again as his eyes flicked to the side, catching Kagome's prone body in the corner as he tilted his body ever so slightly. “It is up to Kagome if she survives this attack. Dr. Nasou tells me her disease prognosis is strange, however. The number of bacteria in her system does not correspond to the projected dividing rate. The number keeps increasing exponentially despite the cocktail of drugs she is taking.”
Inuyasha's body drooped in defeat. “At least we got the Shikon no Tama back.” He reached into his haori, pulling at the dark purple sphere from its folds. “I was hoping we could make a wish on it, to cure Kagome, but with it looking like this, there's no way I'd risk it.”
The taiyoukai nodded, understanding the defeat clouding his aura. Kagome was too precious to lose, but would life granted be better with the jewel tainted so? “She will cure herself. She is a strong woman, and would not let such a thing defeat her.”
Inuyasha's jaw dropped. `That's just great,' he thought, internally rolling his eyes and making a rude gesture. `Trust the bastard to make a statement like that. Only the strong are worthy of him, blah blah blah. Bastard. “Kagome may be strong, but sometimes even the strong fall!”
Inuyasha failed to realize his last thought was verbalized while his finger continued to press the `speak' button.
Sesshoumaru turned sharply back to his half-brother, anger overriding his concern. This was no time to let tempers loose! Barely controlling his ire from showing outwardly other then the flash of crimson lighting his eyes, he softly spoke. “Don't presume, dear brother. She will get better, or else I'll tear this hospital apart with my bare hands.”
Gulping was the immediate reaction followed by backing up a few steps. He remembered the last time Sesshoumaru thought he lost the miko, and it was not a pleasant memory. It had taken years before anyone would trust Sesshoumaru's control again.
Sensing Sesshoumaru still retained a firm leash on his beast, Inuyasha crept forward a few steps. “I'm sure she'll get better, but do you think that even in her state she could purify this thing? I think its having a bad effect on us all.”
The jewel twinkled in amusement at that statement making both narrow their eyes. Inuyasha held the thing at arms length in disgust. “There's an exchange chamber below the speaker box,” Sesshoumaru said reluctantly. He wasn't sure he wanted the jewel anywhere near Kagome at the moment but knew what dangers the jewel could bring. “Press the button to sanitize the compartment before placing it in there.”
Inuyasha followed the directions swiftly, tapping his foot impatiently as the air was recycled, filtered, and cleansed while a mist of disinfectant obscured his view of the narrow chamber. When the light turned green, and the door clicked as it unsealed itself, he pulled it open and thrust the jewel inside.
Sesshoumaru watched it all, and with his clean hearing noted when the outside door resealed before pulling his side open. Gingerly picking up the jewel with the tip of his claws, he turned away from Inuyasha and paced the eight steps to Kagome's side.
Reluctantly, slowly, he picked up her lax hand, cringing at the whimpers still coming from her strained throat. Dropping the black washed jewel onto her palm, he was thrown back as her hand jerked closed and her body was awash in a brilliant aura of pink, blue, and white light as her miko energy coalesced and the purification began. He was powerless to do anything as Kagome's eyes snapped open showing the white of her eyes.
She screamed.
Pain ripped through her body, as though a million shards of ice were wedged into her skin, slicing it open with uncaring ease. She was swallowed whole by the snow, surrounded by an inner glow of brilliance as she floundered in panic.
Her breath became labored as she continued to scream with her absent voice. Her hands clawed at the frigid walls as her body plummeted down, down, down. The dark sky above her became a hollow vision, barely seen as the brilliance of light reflected a million times within the snow bank, within the endless pit she found herself in. It hurt her eyes, made her squeeze them shut as the light bombarded them to tears.
Sweat adorned her brow with the adrenalin running through her body, and her heart beat with the passion of a hundred drums. It's rhythm increased 5-fold, resulting in nervous shaking as she continued to claw out huge chunks of ice in an attempt to halt her downward plummet.
Just when the night sky above was swallowed by the whiteness leaving her in a world of clashing colors, she felt her feet break through into empty air. Her gasp was swallowed whole as she felt her body join it, leaving her to float in an endless vacuum of space with nothing but the brilliant whiteness of the snow above her and a sea of warmth below.
Throat convulsing, lips trembling, Kagome finally heard something in the void. She heard her own voice screaming. Eyes snapping open, unaware she had ever closed them, she stared unseeingly at the vision before her as the light coalesced from the halo surrounding her body to a small area surrounding her clenched fist. The light dissipated in a flash, sending a wave of light motes to float to the white sheets and the tan tiled floor.
She blinked, focusing on the stunned expression of a hanyou pressed up against a glass window and Sesshoumaru's disbelieving gaze as it matched her own. She smiled wearily at the open expression adorning his face before fainting back onto her pillows, her hand relaxing its grip to show nothing but grey dust coating her hands.
Nasou squealed, falling backwards out of her chair nearly tearing the vacuum seal around the gloves her hands had been encased within. Swiftly following her thud to the floor, was a resounding crash of metal objects landing beside her, objects she had upturned in her attempt to halt her backwards descent.
It wasn't possible. Unbelievable. It had happened so quickly. She had been sitting there, watching as the bacterium in her microscope divide in ten minute intervals, faster even then E. coli. But then the rate doubled, tripled, quadrupled before the cells just burst in a fantastic display of pyrotechnics as a pink light engulfed them. She recognized the aura; she recognized the metallic taste of miko energy, but she did not understand it.
Gasping, she clambered to her feet, still staring at the Petri dish filled with nutrient rich broth before her heart skipped a beat. Running out of the laboratory, she ran to her patient, leaving her coworkers to stare in stunned bemusement at her billowing lab coat as she flashed past them.
Dashing into the room, Nasou glanced at the hanyou still pressed to the glass and the taiyoukai just beyond. She was stunned to find Sesshoumaru holding Kagome's body tightly in his arms with his face pressed into her neck. It was the first moment of weakness she had ever seen him display. Not even when they were treating the miko had she sensed any.
Clearing her throat, she whispered, “What happened in here!”
Inuyasha turned around to stare wide-eyed at the neko demoness before him. He gasped, sucking in air he forgot he needed. “Kagome—something happened to Kagome. She was just purifying the jewel when she woke up and passed out again.”
The doctor shook her head in confusion. There was only one thing left to do. She'd have to suit up and check the girl. Walking to a door separating the two rooms, she keyed in her access code, waiting for the little room just inside to sanitize itself before it would allow her to enter. Stepping through, she pulled one of the biohazard suits off the rack and slipped it efficiently on. Pressing the seals, checking for tears, she nodded her head in satisfaction and stepped to the door that would lead her into the room Kagome rested in. Keying in a different access code, she entered the room, waiting for the door to seal once more behind her.
“Sesshoumaru,” she firmly stated, trying to capture his attention. When only a slight twitch of his tail acknowledged her presence, she stepped forward before saying his name again. “Sesshoumaru, please let me inspect Kagome. I must figure out what caused her aura to flare.”
Sesshoumaru growled as he struggled to push aside his protective instincts. It nearly caused his heart to stop when he thought the energy it took for her to neutralize the Shikon no Tama had taken her life with it. “She fulfilled her duty,” he said softly, brushing his finger tips along her face, checking once more for her breath.
Nasou rolled her eyes and took another step forward, careful to skirt his lashing tail until she was face to face with him, or would be if he looked up. “Sesshoumaru, the energy I just felt killed the bacteria I was studying. I need to know if it also got rid of the ones in her system.”
His nose twitched, inhaling the miko's clean, pure scent. “She no longer has the scent of illness around her,” he stated, unwilling to relinquish his hold on the girl.
“I know that, but I must verify what our senses are telling us,” she gently assured, reaching into the drawer next to her for antiseptic and a sterile needle. “Just let me get a little bit more of her blood, and I can tell you if she will be well and can be moved to another unit.”
Slowly, the taiyoukai backed away from the resting miko and allowed the neko to gather her blood and check Kagome's vital signs. He took satisfaction out of the stray looks the doctor kept sending his way which he met with a silent warning and a growl to hurry up. Nasou took it in stride, not letting the taiyoukai bother her besides a slight trembling of her limbs. Not wanting to spend any time more then necessary in the same room with him, she quickly left, forcefully taking Inuyasha with her.
Alone at last with Kagome, he returned to her bedside, cradling her in his arms. Nuzzling her hair, he breathed deeply her death free scent, luxuriating in the sense of calm it gave him. Long moments passed as he sat there, holding her. Long moments in which he vowed to protect her as long as she lived, as long as she would let him.
Reluctantly separating their bodies, knowing that it was not seemly for him to act like a love sick puppy without her permission, he gently laid her back down on the bed, running a hand down her slowly cooling skin. As his fingertips tickled her palm, he felt the hand tighten around his own, effectively capturing it in a firm grip.
“Sesshoumaru,” she whispered, eyes fluttering against the bright light of the room.
Sesshoumaru knelt on the side of the bed, sliding his fingers more firmly into her own. “Kagome,” he answered, afraid to say any more least the lump in his throat choke him. For once, he was speechless.
“Sesshoumaru,” she smiled focusing in on his face, the features softened with worry. “I'm glad you're here,” she whispered, weak from an immune system that was still kicked into overdrive. “How are Shippou and Ayumi?”
He looked at her, drinking in her smiling features and wondered how she found the strength to smile after she survived such a gruesome ordeal. The woman constantly amazed him. “Shippou is doing well. He suffered some serious wounds but it's nothing time won't heal. We're still waiting to find out if Ayumi will suffer some residual psychological effects although her body is healthy.”
Kagome nodded happily, squeezing his fingers tightly as she closed her eyes with the intent of drifting back into slumber land. Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow in amazement. “Aren't you going to ask about yourself?” he wondered out loud.
Kagome laughed, opening her eyes once more to his delight. “With you here, nothing can go wrong,” she said with conviction.
“Good, because I want to stay here forever, but since you won't ask, Shuukaku is dead, and you destroyed the Shikon no Tama.”
He held his breath as Kagome struggled to comprehend his underlying meaning. She was tired, and needed sleep that did not drown her dreams. “I did what?” she murmured, struggling to sit up as his words repeated in her mind.
Sesshoumaru carefully lifted her torso and plumped the pillows behind her so she could recline on the bed. “When we placed the jewel in your hand, you purified it to dust, and somehow healed yourself in the process.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. He never was much of a talker, usually. Her brow furrowed as she struggled to remember what else he said just a minute ago.
I want to stay here forever.
Her eyes widened as the meaning sank in. “Sesshoumaru?” she queried, dredging up her courage. “Are you willing to let me stay with you?”
Sesshoumaru smiled softly as he brushed the hair back from her face. “I would be honored if you'd agree to be my mate and fill my life with all the memories you wish,” he whispered before brushing her lips with his own, afraid to tax her strength anymore then necessary.
He was greeted with shocked eyes when he pulled back, her lips parted in a silent `oh.' He waited for her answer, assured at least in her love for him, if not necessarily the speed with which she'd agree to act on it. Squealing, she flung her arms around him, kissing him with a force that stunned him. Sinking into the intoxicating feeling of lips pressed against lips, he felt the world fade around him, content at last with his life and an end to the fear which had hounded him ever since Inuyasha foolishly barged into her school and life some few weeks ago.
Author's Note:
Surprise! There's an epilogue that got posted right along with this last chapter even though it's exceedingly short. Go! Shoo! Read it and let me know if you think the end worth reading 100,000 words to reach it. Also check out the accompanying one-shot to Torn Apart dealing with how Inuyasha and Kouga became `friends' as hinted in Chapter 19. The fic is entitled, Howling at the Moon.
Last Review Comments:
I know no longer allows review comments, but since it's the last chapter, and about a week after they changed policy, I figure it'd be okay.
Me: I think you're right, she is in a depression. I guess it just comes because I never really see her dealing with her grief. She just buries it until she has to face it. Meh. But I hope this ending was worth all your time and effort!
Blueyesangel1186: I guess I even surprised myself with how quickly I got this out. You may thank the holidays for letting me get away with fewer hours at work this week.
Thanks also need to go to Sheri Maxell, Sotsugyou, Sess'sLov, ptbear, and Niamh. It's been wonderful hearing from you this last chapter and many of the previous ones.