Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Getting It. (Desires - Book one.) ❯ 1. Boys in Army Boots ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Around other people Shane had always kept a happy-go-lucky mood, but this was one time that he didn't feel so much like smiling.
His boots sunk into the muck up to his ankles, and his face was covered in dry mud. The water particles in the humid air clung to his hair as sweat dripped down his terrified face. He'd lost his helmet, and felt highly vulnerable out by himself behind enemy lines. He held his rifle close to him, ready to shoot anything that moved. He was lost, the other soldiers were nowhere in site and he had no idea which way was back to the base. He was afraid to move, afraid that if he tried to make a run for it, he'd be shot sooner or later.
“Damn it,” He cried to himself throwing his head back against the large, thick molding tree that he was hiding by. He just wanted to start crying, but it'd been so long since he had he felt he'd forgotten how. In three days he was going to be headed back home, back to the safety of his own apartment, but that was only if he was present when the planes left. He shut his eyes tightly, finally feeling a tear run down his cheek. What would happen to Natalie if he was killed? Shane was possibly the last thing in life that she had left. He couldn't just leave her with his grouchy, selfish uncle all his life, this was his sixteen-year-old sister. But what could he do, there were eight general directions he could go, but only one of them would take him back to base.
Suddenly his eyes popped open when he heard a rustling sound from behind him. He was partly afraid to look, and gripped his gun tightly, trying to decide whether to stay put and hope whoever it was didn't come near him, or jump out and try to defend himself. The sound only got louder as the man grew nearer. As Shane listened he could tell that the footsteps were human, but there was no way he could tell whether the person was on his side or against him. He listen for a few more moments before making up his mind, he'd have to show himself and catch the person by surprise, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see his possible opponent before having to shoot.
Just as he was about to turn around he heard a loud splash that seemed very close to him. Out of curiosity he forgot his small plan and peeked around the tree to see a man in a uniform similar to his own, lying face down in the mud. Before leaving his hiding place to help the guy Shane, made sure he was alone, also noticing the bright red blood that was gushing out of the man's leg. He swallowed, feeling helpless; somehow he'd have to get them both back to base, but he couldn't just drag the guy around in his current state, he'd have to fix him up a bit which meant he'd need a safe place to do so. He looked around for some sort of shelter or place that they could hide, he saw nothing. However he heard the ocean smashing against the shore. He remembered when they'd first landed and the large rocks that lined the ocean in certain places. He also remembered how there were places in between the giant rocks that a grown man could fit, or maybe even two.
Thinking of no other possibility he tucked his rifle down the back of his pants, knowing he'd need both hands to carry the guy. He stayed in a crouching position as he scurried over to the boy, making sure to stay low and as quiet as possible.
Shane first moved the boy onto drier land so he'd be able to breath without his face in the mud. The victim knew something was going on, but he was barely conscious and could do nothing, so he just let himself be dragged along the ground. There was already a piece of fabric wrapped around the gunshot wound that looked as though it had been through together in a hurry. It was small though, and already mostly soaked in blood, he'd need something larger. Thinking fast he practically tore his jacket off and through it to the side. He wiped his hands on his pants and pulled his dark-green shirt over his head and tore it along the seam to make it wider. He lifted the boy's leg and began wrapping the shirt around the wound, making sure it was overlapped thick enough to actually soak up some blood. The boy groaned loudly as he tied the two ends of the fabric together just tight enough to stay on.
“It's all right man, you'll be fine,” Shane encouraged in the most comforting voice he could find himself to use in the current situation. After the wound was fixed up as well as it would ever be, Shane rolled the boy onto his back as gently as possible. He pulled his jacket back on and rolled his sleeve over his hand, whipping the mud off the boy's face. Shane felt terrible, the kid looked as though he couldn't have been more than eighteen years old. Shane paused just too look at him, moving his hair out of his face; he was beautiful.
“Damn,” He whispered to himself reaching a hand out to touch the boys cheek. But before his hand came in contact he heard voices, and wherever they were coming from, they certainly weren't American. He went into slight panic but kept his wits about him, tucking his hands underneath the boy's body. He did struggle slightly to get to his feet, but for the most part the boy was light, and easy to carry once he was standing upright. As fast as he could with the young soldier in his arms he made his way in the direction that he heard the ocean smacking violently against the rocks. His heart raced and his breath picked up, but he made sure to keep it quiet despite it's fast pace. He heard a small groan as the boy lifted his head only to see who it was that was carrying him. His face showed no expression, he was too tired and dizzy due to blood loss to really acknowledge the fact that he was being done an undeserved favor. His head dropped again, this time he fell conscious, but Shane could hear him still breathing.
To his luck, and as he suspected, the shore was lined with oversized rocks, most taller than he was. Now all he had to do was find a crack in between some of them to hide in. He looked back to see two figures slowly heading his way, they didn't look like they'd seen him, and he wanted to keep it that way so he stepped out onto one of the rocks. He practically had to jump from one top to the other since they were so far apart. He'd have to find two that were close together at the top and further apart at the bottom. At one point he lost balance and let out a yelp as he leaned backward to regain footing. He heard the voices again, and this time they were louder, and it seemed as though they had heard his stressful cry.
He quickened his pace and tightened his grip on the boy, looking back every once in a while. They were on their way, seemingly coming straight towards him, he had to get out of site soon before they could see him in plain site.
Feeling as though he had no other choice he jumped down onto a shorter rock, and into the water. It was louder, but faster and more promising, which is what he needed at the moment. As he ran along the sides of the rocks he finally came across a crack that both of them would have fit comfortably, at least for a good amount of time until the enemy soldiers were gone, assuming that's what they were. He knew it wouldn't serve as a very good shelter for very long, but at least they wouldn't be so out in the open.
Shane crawled into the small cave-like crack and lay the small boy on his back, making sure every part of him was invisible from the top. The ground was wet, but the water wasn't too cold, and he had no better place to hide. He thought about using the water to wake the boy, but because it was salt water he thought it unwise to splash it onto the boy's face. So he pulled out his canister and trickled a small stream of the water onto the boy's face. He twitched a bit, but his eyes stayed shut and he still seemed completely unconscious. Shane froze when he heard the voices again, they were right above him, they didn't sound German at all, but he wasn't about to take any chances. Slowly he bent his neck back and looked up, seeing the bottom of a black boot and above them through the crack. He backed himself against the wall as far as he could to avoid being seen.
Shane's heart was beating rapidly, and only sped up as the two soldiers above him lingered around, never thinking to look down. They said a few words to each other, and eventually continued on. Shane sighed in relief; this was his first time so close to the enemy, even though he'd been in their territory for five years.
“All right kid, come on,” He fell to his knees and patted the boy's cheeks, trying to knock him awake. It was useless at first, but with a little more pressure, the kid's eyes pried open. Shane smiled and looked around for the kid's canteen, but found nothing.
“You thirsty?” He asked thoughtfully. The boy's lips parted, but only a small squeak came out, so he nodded. Shane nodded back and pulled out his canteen, lifting the boy's head and putting the opening in his mouth, tilting it backward slightly so he could drink. He liked the idea of caring for someone; somehow it made him feel a little more important.
After he'd finished drinking, the boy let out a sigh, relieved to be able to speak without a dry throat. “Jason Canton, pleased to meet you.” He introduced himself politely as it was the first thing any decent person would do when meeting another.
“Shane Fulmer,” Shane smiled in a humorous manner and shook the boy's hand in greeting. “Nice to meet you,” He added.
“Where am I?” Jason asked, sitting up onto his elbows.
“To be honest, I don't really know, we're by the ocean but I think you could have figured that out. Once your leg's better we can start heading back to the base, but until then we should find a better shelter, when you're up to walking,” Shane replied, taking a drink himself. He put the canteen away, the water was half gone, and he'd have to save it until they found another source.
“How'd I get here?” Jason looked around, and shifted his weight to one side, realizing his back was wet. “Wear's your shirt,” He squinted seeing Shane's bare skin through the unzipped jacket.
“Around your thigh. You fell face down in the mud with a bullet in your leg, hon, I had to do something,” Shane pointed to his leg. He figured it was best to leave the soldier part out, it wasn't important, and he didn't want to sound high on himself.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks for that. I think I could walk a little ways now, you won't have to carry me,” Jason sat up completely and grabbed a piece of the rock to hold himself. He let out a painful cry as he moved his leg into a more comfortable position.
“All right, I'd better clean that first though, then we'll get going,” Shane suggested. Jason nodded with a still pain-filled expression coming over him. Shane moved down to his leg and started to untie the bandage. “Just relax, hon,” He advised. Jason nodded again and tried to do so as best he could. Shane set the blood-soaked shirt aside in a dry spot, and rolled up Jason's pant leg to get a better view of the wound. He couldn't see the bullet, and figured it was best for him to leave it in there for the time being than to try and dig it out. He coated his sleeve in salt water from the ocean and held it near the wound.
“This'll sting,” He warned before pressing the sleeve against the wound. Jason groaned in pain, grasping the upper part of his pant leg to relieve the stress. “Shh,” Shane comforted, unable to hold back a smile. He wasn't enjoying Jason's pain, but something about the groan just forced a smile to appear on his face. Once he'd pretty much coated the wound in salt water, and washed the majority of the still oozing blood away, he picked up his stained shirt again. He figured it would have to do for a little longer, after all he couldn't just keep removing pieces of their clothing to use as dressings, he had to save them, hopefully his shirt was the only one they'd need. He made sure that the already soaked side faced out as he tied it around the bare leg.
“You sure know what you're doing,” Jason said thankfully as Shane rolled his pant leg back over the wound.
“Well, I'm going by my own logic, but I doubt I'm so horribly illogical that it'll kill you,” He chuckled in sarcasm. Jason sat back down comfortably letting out a sigh that substituted for another groan.
“Well it looked right to me,” He complimented. Shane sat down against the edge of their little hideout and sighed. Thinking that they had to be home in three days or he'd have to spend another three months there. Not to mention, if he got Jason back by the deadline he'd probably be sent home too due to injury, suddenly he wanted to get going right away.
“I'm not going to rush you or anything man, but it'd be nice if we could get back to base before the planes show, just in case you think you're up to walking,” Shane said, just to make him aware of the current situation. Jason bent his right leg and brought himself slowly to his feet to test his balance and over all see if he could walk.
“I'll try,” Jason said putting equal weight on both his legs. He took a step forward, holding his breath as his foot hit the ground. It was somewhat painful, but better than before Shane had helped him. Jason naturally felt that he owed something to Shane, and knew he had to at least give it a shot.
“I could go a ways,” He said confidently, stepping out of the rocks and to the edge of the water. Shane couldn't help but look him up and down and all over, concentrating on his most striking features. He'd never been much of a pervert until then, and didn't much like the feeling of it. Eventually he forced himself to look away, maybe some day he'd be able to touch it, but he'd have to be patient.
“Cool, Guess we should head out then,” Shane stood up as well, stepping straight passed Jason and into the water. “It'd be best not to soak the thing I would think, so just for precaution, maybe I'd better carry you through the water so it doesn't slip off,” Shane suggested. Half of him was telling the truth, but the other half just wanted the boy in his arms again. Jason was reluctant, but took the idea into consideration, he didn't want to be a burden, but it did seem like the right idea.
“I think I might be able to climb up without stepping in the water,” Jason put his right foot up on one of the higher rocks and grabbed two others. He tightened his grip and started to pull his injured leg up. Shane was scared stiff that he was going to fall back and crack his head open, so he stood with his arms open, ready to catch him I he did. Skillfully, and with only three working limbs, Jason pulled himself to the top of the mass. Shane stared up at him, now slightly even more attracted to him than before. He was definitely a strong kid, and could have probably looked out for himself, but Shane wanted some company anyway.
Shane climbed up after word, the bottom of his pants soaking wet as he squirmed and struggled on his belly to get to the top. Jason reached a hand down for him when he was most of the way up and pulled him the rest of the way.
“You're good,” Shane said breathing rather heavily due to the effort. He couldn't believe he even considered trying to carry the boy back up.
“Thanks, I did a lot of rock climbing in high school. This way to base,” Jason pointed to his right and began walking forward with a limp in his step, but with good speed.
“How do you know?” Shane asked jogging up to walk next to him.
“It's my best guess,” He replied. Shane shrugged and simply continued to follow him, he had no better ideas.
The two of them were sure to be extremely cautious and silent as they made there way through the forest that seemed to never end. They were pretty much quiet most of the way, and minded their own business, walking at a steady pace. Shane kept his focus on what was around him in order to keep it off Jason. It wasn't that hard, but every once in a while he found himself checking the younger boy out in various places. He kept a close eye on his own crotch as his dick felt as though it were waking up every once and a while. He didn't want the other boy to notice it, but so far it hadn't been visible through his pants.
They had come a long way, so they had a long way to go to get back. It had taken the Army a day and a half to get to where they'd gotten, and it seemed that they'd only arrived to retreat. Of course they had been unaware that they'd left two soldiers on their own; two young men out in the woods together, with no idea where to go, and no means of self-defense against a large amount of enemies. If they would have been seen, it was hopeless.
“It's getting dark,” Jason said under his breath, squinting up at the sky. “Don't you think we should stop and rest?” He asked, half tired of limping for miles on end.
“If you need to, but we'd better find a less wide open place to sleep first, let's go a bit further and see if there's anything up there,” Shane suggested. He was actually having a good time with his new buddy, and felt a lot like just walking straight through the night, however he wasn't the one with a bullet in his leg.
“Aright,” Jason replied taking another step and forcing himself into the same walking pattern he'd had before. He suddenly felt a cringe in his leg and he was forced to bend his right knee and fall forward. Luckily Shane caught him before he went down, wrapping an arm around his waste. Jason froze, feeling Shane pull their bodies together. Shane hadn't meant to, he was only trying to help, but it was somewhat like an automatic reaction, catching the boy the way he did.
“…Shane?” Jason said awkwardly putting a hand on a tree to keep his own balance. “I'm okay now, you can let go,” He assured putting a hand on Shane's and prying it off. Shane suddenly realized what the scene looked like and pulled away.
“Sorry,” It was all he could really say as he turned his head away. He wanted Jason to know how he felt, but he wasn't up to simply saying it out loud, not yet. “You sure you're okay, babe?” Shane asked in attempt to change the subject.
“Maybe I should sit down— babe?” Jason questioned. Shane shrugged, things like this simply rolled off his tongue no matter whom he was addressing.
“Nothing, just the way I refer to people sometimes. Hon, babe, all that shit…” He gave Jason a crooked smile, but when all he got back was a confused glare, he made sure to look away. “So I guess we'll be bunking here, eh?” He said looking around. It didn't seem too bad, after all what German would wonder this deep into the woods in the middle of the night.
“If it's all right with you,” Jason leaned against a tree and slid down it, landing on his but with his left knee in the air and his right leg stretched out.
“Yeah, it's fine, whatever you want. You sit tight, I'm gonna get some firewood,” Shane said. He needed to get away from this kid, after he'd pulled the that body into his, his entire groin came to life, and his erection began to rise. Not to mention, he was going to need wood for a fire anyway.
He whistled as he went picking up sticks, tossing the wet ones and securing the dry under his arm. He didn't know what song he was whistling; it had been so long since he'd heard any real music that he barely knew any titles. But it sounded to him like a happy little tune by the notes, and he simply continued.
When he came back he found that Jason hadn't been sitting around the whole time like Shane had advised. He'd dragged two large boulders over and made a small circle of smaller rocks for the fire. Shane smiled gratefully and set the wood down in a pile, approaching Jason who was sitting on the smaller of the two boulders. He took a seat on the other and picked up a couple of sticks, tossing them into the fire.
“And I thought I was working hard,” He said examining Jason's neat little fireplace he'd put together while Shane was gone. He pulled out a lighter and picked up a handful of dry leaves, setting them on fire and tossing them into the circle of rocks.
“Yeah, well I got bored,” Jason replied. The sky was almost fully dark, and the mosquitoes were bothersome, but they'd fly off once the fire really started. Shane tossed a few of the smaller sticks into the fire, and waited for them to catch on before throwing a thicker one in to keep it going. He had to relight it a few times, and used up a lot of leaves, but eventually it was able to keep itself alive.
The night was growing cold even with the fire burning, and from the corner of his eye Shane cold see Jason shaking. All he could think of it was that he wanted to go over and hold him to keep him warm. But maybe if he would have, he as well ought to have just invited the kid to sleep with him too. He was being so quiet and mysterious, and Shane couldn't help but stare now, wondering what was on his mind. Jason didn't seem to mind or even notice the heated stare; but that may have been only because he was good at hiding it.
“Well,” Shane suddenly started into conversation “I think we're doing pretty good for two guys out in the middle of nowhere, don't you?” Shane implied as he tossed another log-like stick into the fire. Jason shivered and his voice shook.
“Yeah. I'm a little hungry though,” He said. `A little' wasn't the word for it though, he felt starving, and his stomach was roaring for food. He didn't feel all that weak, but he would have killed for something to eat. Shane hadn't really noticed his own hunger until Jason had brought it up, but he was feeling the same way.
“I am too, but don't worry about it, we'll find some food, or if things go well we'll get back to base in a short amount of time and get some of that slop they serve,” Shane murmured sarcastically. Jason scooted closer to the fire; the cold seemed more horrible than ever especially because he was so hungry.
Shane could see the reflection of the fire flickering in Jason's dull grey eyes as he gazed into them from the side. Jason was beginning to feel uncomfortable, other than the cold and the hunger, though he couldn't immediately point out why. He cautiously turned to Shane, who quickly moved his gaze to the fire when he saw the movement. Jason felt a chill run down his spine as Shane casually tossed an unneeded log into the flames.
“Thirsty?” He asked, pulling his canteen out again. Jason was hesitant to answer, but feeling a dry throat he nodded and reached a hand out for the water. Shane confused him, he was so friendly but it seemed as though he had a hidden agenda or an evil plot up his sleeve. It was only when they weren't talking or saying anything that he got this feeling, so he decided he'd keep some sort of conversation going. Not to mention it would keep his mind off the cold and his hunger. He took a short drink of the cool water and handed it back to Shane, what he really needed was food. Shane took a sip as well and put the canteen back in its holster.
As much as he wanted to he tried not to look at Jason. Not only was the kid most likely straight, but also he looked so much younger, then again that was why Shane found him so appealing. He wasn't ashamed or confused by the fact that he was attracted to guys so much younger than himself, they were hot, and he was fine with any age as long as they had looks and personality.
“Hey—Sh-shane?” The words bounced out of his mouth as he pondered over whether or not he was about to say what he wanted to say. He licked his lips as they were dry and gave the question a bit of thought. “Can I ask you a random and possibly—awkward question?” He stuttered. Shane suddenly all together refused to look at him; he half knew what this `awkward' question was going to turn out to be. He needed time to decide whether he was going to lie or not.
“I got nothing to lose out here, shoot,” Shane replied confidently, looking up at him again but turning back to the ground as soon as they made eye contact. Jason had beautiful eyes, but with the expression they held at that time, and what was behind them, Shane didn't want to look at him. Jason mouth went dry and he clenched his fists, it wasn't like him to be this coy around anyone, and he wasn't used to the feeling. Somehow Shane made him feel different, he'd noticed it ever since they met but he really hadn't put a finger on the cause of the odd feeling until then.
“Are you---,” Jason paused stopping himself when he heard the shake in his voice. He swallowed and tried again; “Are you gay?”
Shane kept his head down for a moment and made no reaction, no movement, and nothing to even acknowledge he'd hear what the kid had asked him. He knew he'd have to answer eventually and figured it was his best move to just get it over with.
“Took you long enough to figure that one out, knucklehead.” Shane replied.
A/n- I revamped the format of the chapters to make them easier to read, I too, can't stand when all the paragraphs are cramped together without indentations X3. So, I put spaces between them, should be a little more enjoyable and easy to read. Reviews are very much loved.