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"The Journey to the City of Endless Night" Reviews/Comments [ 281 ]
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 Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 10, 2006 12:57 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter. I loved all the action in it. Keep up the good work and update soon because I can't wait for more of this awesome story!! ^_^
 Title: Wow! Great chapter!!
Reviewed By: doggieearlover [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 10, 2006 07:49 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow! Another great chapter! Miroku was so intense in his actions to try and help InuYasha, to get him to revert before he was too far gone. And Sesshomaru showing publicly such a tender side with Rin after she had been frightened so by Kouga. And of course Kouga was his arrogant self, just assuming because he wanted Kagome that he should have her, in spite of what she obviously wanted. Anyway, I really did love how this chapter gave the outsider's viewpoint from Miroku's point of view, going through his actions as he frantically tried to find a way to bring InuYasha back, and his observations of everything going on around him in the process. Of course Sango would jump to the conclusion to think he thought her weak, when all he was trying to do was keep her and especially Shippou out of harm's way. It's a good thing InuYasha ordered him to go and make up before she had a chance to sit and stew over it any longer, otherwise, things probably would have been worse. And, I'm wondering, is InuYasha going to keep his markings? Is he still aggitated, or just powered up? In any case, I can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens. This one was really good, and worth the wait.
 Reviewed By: Sexy Neko Gal [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 10, 2006 04:45 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
FINALLY! WOOT! UPDATE! YAY! I know how it feels trying to write Miroku. Man, I'm loving him...NOT! Okay, I love the scene with Inuyasha and Miroku and what Miroku thought of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. They do look the same if you look closely. The 'brother' scene was touching for the two characters. Almost cried. On a random note, my friend gave me this book, saying I didn't read much. Guess which one it was? Not very hard! Turns out she gave me book one of the Belgariad series. Also, I found out just moments ago that my dad owns all five books of The Belgariad and Malloreon series, Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress. Lots of reading to do! Have you read David Eddings, The Tamuli Series? Just found them in the millions of books my parents own and was wondering if you have read them. If you have, please give me feed back. Well I think that's a long review, loved the chapter and PLEASE, for the sake of my sanity (what ever is left of it), update soon! Not like last time! Till Next Time Neko Gal :D:D
 Title: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 24, 2006 12:05 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Prances.. I was right! I'm out doing myself!! Squeals!! Part 4. cont Chap 23: I loved Sesshoumaru's thought about Kagome having Inuyasha under her control.. while not even realizing Rin has him under her control. It's too cute! I love the way this story is going! So far 23 chapters and the flow, the thrill, the smoothness and the interest for the story has not faded nor diminished in anyway! I'm still hooked and thrilled and eager to read like from the first few chapters! Thank you!! I love the affronted pride Inuyasha is putting forth. Again I love how they get togetjer and share the information they have to allow everyone to understand the situation better. Oh my, I can sense forshadowing here with this line: "Zedar most likely will use tricks of the mind." Nice to hear word about the Vale.. but did you miss Jaken? Or is what was discussed at a different part of the Vale away from him? Card game.. Oh my.. I dread the results of that! SIlk will deface Kagome's property without a shred of decency or regret. Though having Rin holding the cards was really sweet... Kagome is dense there with the card game. Never play with cheaters. All in all that was a nice way to end the chapter! I look forward to my next 3 chapter reading session and to reviewing! I can't wait! Please keep up the most excellent work! This is really Awesome!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for sharing this story with us and for writing it!! You Totally Rock!!
 Title: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 24, 2006 11:41 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm back!! And ready for more reviewing fun!! I think I might break my record!! Here we go Chap 23: Poor Sesshoumaru.. His High Opinion of his Glory and Rank has been shot to Hell! Boy was he taken down a notch or two or three...giggles. Blinks rapidly... Did Sesshpumaru just get an Epiphany??!!! OMG!! OMG!OMGG!! Sesshoumaru is having an Enlightenment!! That is TOOOOO Cool!! This is Brillant!! Amazing and in an obscure way.. very funny! Bows to her Literary Goddess! I really love this Eye-Opening moment for Sesshoumaru. Is he finally coming to realize what his father had been trying to tell him about? Belgarath doesn't know Naraku like the others do. Naraku can pull a True monkey habit - flinging the poops around. Am I close that Naraku used his words/influence on Zedar? lol! Belgarath pacing like Inuyasha would do! lol! Funny.. Belgarath scolding Polgara about going on with her What If's. Poor Inuyasha, having his human night and Kagome being disrepectful of his need/desire to keep it hidden from others. Wish I could whack her across the head. I am curious to know if Kikyou will pop up with her poker face and cause one heck of a stink and Angst Guilt trip? Don't think she'll take this too lightly. And Sesshoumaru.. did he just pull an Inuyasha stunt? charging into the tent? lol!! I love the brothers interactions with each other! They're so cute when they fight/argue. I see a revealing and bit of soul searching brother bonding going to happen. Inuyasha just sulked with his hood! Okay.. Inuyasha is being pretty immature here. Kudos!! You kept him in character!! Yep!! Revealation time! Thank you for having Inuyasha open up to his brother! This is Awesome! I love that Sesshoumaru is showing some outward emotion. "Rather he wanted me or not I made him an outcast.." I don't understand what Inuyasha was trying to say here. Inuyasha always has a freeing mouth during his human nights. Hooray for Sesshoumaru! Love that he smacked Inuyasha out of his self loathing and downward spiral. I guess Sesshoumaru need to see what his actions and words results had from a different perspective. Sesshoumaru realizing their fighting is really very belittling to each of them. Groans.. Inuyasha.. you baka! Kagome you baka! Agreed she should have known! Inuyasha is still very strong in human form. That must have surprised Sesshoumaru along with the sucker punch. I am still very curous about Kagome getting the gold specks in her eyes. Is pondering will answer come up in futue? HUGE Fawning Rabid FanGirl Glossy Eyes!! Sesshoumaru went into protective mode for Inuyasha!!!.. (momentarily pauses to squeal repeatedly and huggle her Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru plushies..) lol!! They may say they are not 'babysitting' Inuyasha but that is exactly what they are doing!! Am I wrong or is Kagome not only doing her homework for school but also as a means to distract Inuyasha? Him with his nose in the air.. It's so darm cute even without his ears!! I love this story! I love how you msaterfully gather up all genres and blend them into this work of art!! Bravissimo!! Kudos! Those two fight as much as the two brothers. LOl!! I can't seriously see RT drawing the scene out and having Sango whispering to Sesshoumaru to stay out of it. Though I do agree with him.. the immaturity and pettiness is mind boggling.. That was the stupidest thing Inuyasha could have done to Kagome. After all they have been through. Nice.. Now Kagome will be worried that Inuyasha thinks she wants Koga. Really dumb move. The voice of Logic! Sesshouamru.. yep.. those two are going to draw everyone into their tent with their fighting after all the trouble they have gone through to ensure the secret is secure. Bangs head onto desk!! Oh Inuyasha... you wanted secrecy and you go and parade yourself off. At least it was only Polgara who found out. Well at least Inuyasha got his attitude back in place. lol! I have never seen/read Sesshoumaru sigh so much in any other story! I love it!
 Title: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 23, 2006 22:19 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Here is Part Two!! Chapter 21- Liked how Shippou asked if it was one of Koga's. But shouldn't he know what Koga's wolves look like? They are all the colouring and build. Oh my! Sesshoumaru trying to curb his urge to drive the wolf away for Rin!! Bravo!! I love how you have him protecting Rin, thinking about Rin. Sesshoumaru I know really doesn't like having secrets kept from him. It makes him cranky! They are having a staring contest! I love how you are weaving this story!! It's so full so vibrant! It really grasps the reader and pulls them into the story! Will Sesshoumaru let Belgarath know why he hates wolves? Belgarath should be careful when pushing a subject like this with Sesshoumaru. It won't end in his favour. Rin is a brave little girl! I commend her on her bravery! That was an Amazingly executed scene with Rin, Sesshoumaru and the she-wolf! I was on edge til Rin made the comment her tongue is wet!! What a truly gifted writer you are!! I love that! I love being brought into a story an made a part of it! Bravo!! and Kudos!! Inuyasha is so wonderful in those tender just he and Kagome moments I love it! I whole-heartedly agree with his sentiment. No interfernces! Love the way they greet each other! So sweet! Lol!! The Bra and Panty bit!! He is so pouty over those!! Will this be an ongoing little "war" with the two of them? and who'll win? LOL! Just like Inuyasha! Fight, quality time with Kagome and eating!! Thank you for keeping so true to character! Inuyasha has forgotten the she-wolf already.. well I guess with all that has occurred so far. It would have slipped his mind. Inuyasha so does love his meals! giggles! Chap 22- Touching how Kagome rode with Rin, Sesshoumaru flanking her and Inuyasha on the other side. The boys protecting their loves. Again Inuyasha's back in the saddle! I still find that funny!! Dog-boy on horse. Oh dear! his human night is coming!! Ergh! Silk and Miroku making fast. Ergh! I pity anyone they come across! I Pity Sango! I think she might be at the end of a ploy that she won't want to be. I had forgotten about the sacrifices. This isn't going to be pleasant. Especially for those with very sensitive noses. That must really be bad if the others are smelling it too! I can only image it! Oh no not more Hounds! I am on the edge of my seat again!! Literary Goddess This is Some Good Writing/reading!! Yes!! Thank you! Inuyasha understood the wolf! Thank you! Thank you for adding Inuyasha into that! A Trap! shivers run down spine! Wow! Shippou listening to Inuyasha without making any nasty remarks! Awesome! Amazing! Is Sesshoumaru also on a horse? What an masterful description of the scene! Just like what I would read in David Eddings novel! So close to his! Amazing! I missed something.. What did Inuyasha do to the Alter? Again I love how you have exquistely written the tow Inu brothers fighting as a team! I love that so much when they fight together! I love how they compliment each other with their techniques! Amazing work! Zedar is back.. what a Naraku! Poldera. That's her name. I couldn't think of it before. Again you made references to Inuyasha intelligence both with saving his brother and with Poldera! I love that! Thank you for keeping Inuyasha smart! I love the way you ahve written the magic "word" fight! I love your fight scenes as much as I love your love scenes! Inuyasha is going to have a headache from that noise. That "growth" scene must have amazed everyone not familiar with it. Coolness! Cravo!! Bravissimo! ... please please please... let Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru, Rin all get a chance to learn and gain more powers, strengths and abilities from all this!! Oh great.. there the two go at it again.. sibling fight! Inuyasha at least was much better at it this time and pointed out why he did what he did. (Sesshoumaru can go sulk.) And I must paue here. I need to get to bed before I collapse. I will finish my review in the morning!
 Title: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 23, 2006 21:18 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hi!! Back again for some more reviews!! So Literary Goddess let me take up from where we left off. Chapter 21 - Well, I like the little warning.. giggles.. I think that would be nice! Heh!! lol!! Inuyasha is back on his horse!! I can't tell you how much it amuses me to read about him riding a horse! I can picture him in full pout mode! Oh my.. Kagome thinking Inuyasha was ill because he was concerned about her. Silly girl. I guess that the rush and emotional roller coaster she had been on finally caught up with her. I love Polgara! She really knows how to take command! She Rocks!! This Story Rocks!! and I'm only into the first couple of paragraphs! I love how easy Inuyasha is around Kagome while she's tired and getting all blushy and stubborn! That was sweet of Feldegast to offer up that suggestion. I guess I missed something. Kagome reached for Inuyasha and opened her eyes. Did Inuyasha set her down? or rest her against a tree before he went to set up the tent? Though I did really love the thought.. Her pillow wasn't where she wanted him to be!! Too cute!! Stay put!! giggles!! Another sweetly cute moment!! I wonder if Inuyasha will tease her about this later on? I don't think Inuyasha would have been comfortable with having Kagome in that position if they were back at the camp. Especially with Miroku. Tired Kagome? I don't she's That tired. I admire a girl who goes after what she wants!! I love the kiss! You write kisses so masterfully and beautifully!! sighs happily!! Kagome knows Inuyasha's weakness a great ear rub! Were they kissing with their eyes open... that's kind of weird... I think it's so cute and touching when they nuzzle each other. I love the way you use your words and create this brillant tale!! Bravo!! Bravo!! Kagome whined!! lol!! I wonder if Inuyash will comment about that later on.. Kagome making puppy noises! I really like how you build the up to the love scene! Nice and slow and realistic! I wonder if that will be Inuyasha's downfall... the Bra!! lol!! Poor Inu! And Panties!! they confound him so much.. it's too cute.. Just don't let his brotehr find out!! Kagome gets to see Inuyasha without bandages or nasty wounds. She deserves it! He caught her staring at him.. That will be a teasing tidbit for use later on! I love how tender you have Inuyasha with his lovemaking! That was one of the sweetest love scenes! I love those kinds.. soft, sweet, loving and tender. (It seems only my Literary Goddesses can achieve this height this beauty of love scenes.) Sesshoumaru!! Did Sesshoumaru put up a tent or did he get one that was already up? Shippou has a Gameboy??!! And With Sesshoumaru's curiosity!! Oh dear!! The phrase Shippou made was not nice. Inuyasha clobbers him because he (most of the time) pushes Inuyasha's buttons on purpose. What game are there playing? Adn I loved the bafflement in Sesshoumaru when he was told he "died" and Rin's puzzlement too!! That was so funny! (Another great way to break the tension!!!) Again Sesshoumaru is mystified by Kagome!! LOL!! How did Sesshoumaru put up the tent? ... is getting a really bizzare image of Sesshoumaru on one leg using mouth, teeth, arm, and other leg to set up the tent.... That was nice of Shippou to let Rin play... then again... He is a Miroku-ish type of character(going after girls whenever he meets them..) A wolf!! Oh no poor little Rin will get frightened!! I loved how Sesshoumaru went into protect Rin mode! Belgarath knows the wolf.. It's his wife isn't it!?! Thank you! I like how you have Sesshoumaru understand the wolf. Does this mean that on some level Inuyasha would know the language as well? Is that why he gets super ticked off with Koga and his wolves. He can understand what they are saying? I liked how Belgarath had invited the wolf to supper.. Custom! Very nice! So far Rin hasn't seen the she-wolf. Poor Rin.. she saw the wolf!! I loved how Sesshoumaru rested his hand upon her head. I wonder if he realizes he does this?
 Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 17, 2006 11:29 PDT
This is a very good stories. Keep up the good work!
 Title: interesting
Reviewed By: wildthundakat [not signed in]  On: September 13, 2006 12:18 PDT
i like ur story so far. i've only read the first chapter but i like it so far. seems very interesting. i love ur details, wonderfully written. i liked that he decided to help wash dishes. the way u wrote ur fic, makes me very intersted in this other series. normally i'm not that into SciFiFantasy books, but there a few that catch my eye. so, i'll keep reading ur fic.
 Reviewed By: poerocks  On: September 03, 2006 17:25 PDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Ilove this story and ilove how you kept all the inuyasha characters personalities the way there supposed to be and ilove where this story is going(iv read chp.1-63 so far)keep it up and please update soon.
 Reviewed By: ahunmaster  On: August 30, 2006 17:17 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I absolutely love your story...I sad that you took your story off FanFic...it's hard to find your name on MediaMiner for me...so I have to go to FanFic to get here Please update the story soon...I want to see what happens after Kouga came and all...keep up the good work
 Title: Review part three
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 26, 2006 14:45 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
..embarrassed..okay..this is going to be a three parter..chap 20 con't-It seems that Sesshoumaru has been stumped(sorry-bad pun at Sesshoumaru.) again about the engima that is Kagome. I like that! I enjoy how you have him reflecting upon every thing that had occured that evening and about Kagome's behaviour/courage. Coolness!! You had him acknowledge his respect for Kagome to himself! That is awesome! and very Sesshoumaru!! Very RT!! If only he knew.. it isn't just the time in which she came from(though that is a big factor.) it is her heart, being brought up to accept everyone for who they are inside not what they are. I had to laugh.. Inuyasha and his adversion to bandages. Ah! That explains why Miroku. He acts like a living conscious for Inuyasha when he refuses to acknowledge his own. Amazing how you had them all talking about what happened with Inuyasha.. civilly. Kudos!! Whoot!Woot!! This story rocks!! Great how smoothly you had Blegarath shift the conservation away from Inuyasha and his growing guilt about transforming to the Grolims, Hounds and Torak. Good old Barak, he does loves a good Kick the enemies butt session. lol!! Belgarath just had to say it.. Alorns! Okay.. I think I will stop here for now.. before I overwhelm you. I will see if I can get another in before the weekend is over. Please keep up the most excellent and astoundingly amazing work!!! Thank you soo much for sharing it with us!! You Totally Rock!!
 Title: reviews part two
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 26, 2006 14:15 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Chapter 20- My heart is in my throat! Poor Inuyasha! Poor Kagome!! Poor Rin!! Neither Kagome nor Rin seem to be taking this too well. I can feel their pain and anguish as if it was own. You rock!! How you weave readers into the story! A true sign of an Gifted and Talented writer! Poor Kagome.. She is even more crushed when she saw his hood. The barrels of Angst overflow! This Rocks! It so exquisitely written! Amazed and in Awe of Sesshoumaru trying to help Kagome ease her troubled and guilt ridden mind. I am thrilled! This is one of my favourite Epic stories I had the pleasure and honour of reading!! Thank You Literary Goddess!!! And you kept Kagome so true in character, that even if someone told her it wasn't her fault she would still feel the guilt. Until Inuyasha can awaken and reassure her. And that little scene with Rin, Kagome, the Fire Rat Haori and her thanking Inuyasha for protecting her from the wolves that was a tear jerker for me. Then for Rin to put her hand into Sesshoumaru's hand that also very touching!! I am gushing with joy!! How you described Inuyasha's scent. It's how I envisioned his scent to be sometimes. Earthy! Forests! Another question. Why the placing of wet cloths on the heads? Is puzzled. My heart leapt in my throat when I read the describe of Inuyasha looking pale and fragile. Goddess!! You have the Gift!! I again will say I love the influence Polgara has on Kagome. She is the just what Kagome needs to have in her life. And you had Kagome react in her very typical Kagome manner- run away. Wonders if Kagome will ever stop running? ? Very nice having Beldin go and speak with Kagome. She needs it right now. To hear it from a "stranger". Ohh! Love the way they tried to put what into perspective with using Barak's going berserk and transforming! Very smoothly done! Awesome how Sesshoumaru smoothly got into the conversation when Kagome was feeling so lowly about herself. And is so happy that Miroku also got into the discussion and helped to explain. It was so expertly and masterfully done! Thank you for making it so realistic! For having everyone be sombre, serious and shaken by what they saw. They didn't just shrug it off like an everyday event. I fall more and more for this story!! Totally Awesome!! Kagome is so real, so RT!! I love the way you made her Angst so viable. How she silently looked to Polgara and showed the hood. She seemed so tiny and child like at that moment, awaiting her punishment. What a tender scene that was with Kagome cleaning Inuyasha's face of the blood so gently and carefully. I held my breath when Inuyasha awoke and he saw the blood on her clothes and when Kagome answered him in such emotionless way it tore at me. You wrote Inuyasha's horror so perfectly-he saw the blood on his hands and realized he transformed then Kagome wouldn't answer him. Standing ovation!! Thank you so much for making Kagome's sobs and speech even to Inuyasha's super hearing incomprehensible. I'm still curious about the gold flecks in Kagome's eyes. My heart weeped for the two of them. How Kagome was so frightened and guilty and Inuyasha grief over his transformation. Kagome reacted like anyone would after a traumatic experience she needed to feel Inuyasha, to kiss him. That was beautiful how Inuyasha was slowly reassuring Kagome it wasn't her fault. It was the fault of the Hounds. Your attention to details is positively genius! Nothing is left or added as an after thought to explain this or that. Like Inuyasha sheathing his sword, checking his body for broken bones. It seems Kagome and Inuyasha had found a way to reassure each other of their fears and guilt. lol! And Polgara walked in on them in a delicate postion. chuckles!! That is a wondrous touch. Perfectly inserted to lessen up the high flying emotions. Then to switch over to Sesshoumaru's thoughts! Again you never cease to amaze me or inspire me! It is all done perfectly. No scene/situation is written too soon or too late.
 Title: reviews chap 19-21 part one
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 26, 2006 11:46 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Reviews for chapters 19-21. I am so excited to be reviewing again. Let's start with Chapter 19! Oh my! Our favourite Inu Youkai(Hanyou) are going to meet the Hounds of Torak!! What a dog fight this will be! Is eagerly awaiting!! Silk was smart and knew what his fight skills would be at the moment and put himself in a position where he was best needed. Chuckles at Belgarath question 'can they handle' something the size of a horse or little more. He don't know our boys too well!! I think it's time they all got to see our beloved boys in action!! Go Inuyasha!! Go Sesshoumaru!! Whip those fake dog's butts!! I like the way you had Belgarath make up a quick plan on dealing with these "dogs". Very nice!! I really liked that. Combining all strengths and skills instead of having one character be the "Soul Saviour" of the group. I so dislike that in other stories. You have maintained the strengths and abilities of each character. That noise must really cause sensitive ears to ring painfully. Great description of the Hound. Though, Is Sesshoumaru only triple the size? I kind of pictured him as about 5X the size of a horse sized creature. Then again, I wasn't great in maths. Again the silent communication between the brothers! I love it when you do this! Whoot!!Woot!! Thank you Garion!! For offering up that information!! Great teamwork!! How smoothly you have blended both worlds/both series of characters together!! It is truly awesome!! Poor sensitive Inu ears. Wondering if Inuyasha is going to have a headache after all this. Well, at least this time Inuyasha only got threatened of being eaten and not killed because of his heritage. I can picture and hear the creepiness that this Hound is speaking with. Why did this howl this time affect Rin so much? And that Hound really pushed buttons in Sesshoumaru it isn't going to be a pretty ending for that Hound. Thank you! You have again shown Inuyasha's intelligence!! Having him lead the Hound away from the rest of the group! Kudos!!! That Rocks!! Awesome!!Again the silent communications. I can't say how much I love it when you write like this!! Making everything so realistic so attention and heart grabbing!! You capture the reader and draw them into the story so effortlessly and smoothly!! This is really an exciting and actioned filled powerfully written fight sequence!! Loved Sesshoumaru's transformation and how you drew attention to him after!! I can't even begin to write nor express my thrilled pleasure at the skill in which you have written this scene! Do I detect a slight bit of smug pride when Inuyasha spoke about his brother and his transformation. I think I did. Giggles. I have question. I may have missed something unless there is an explanation? When Sesshoumaru drools his poison it causes a deadly Miasma to form. Why is there no Miasma? I laughed at Belgarath's disgruntled comment about warning them next time. I really loved how he dispatched that Hound. And I can see a battle coming up between the brothers. When Inuyasha gets something in his mind that he wants to know about he is super stubborn. He "Stomped", Sesshpumaru Stomped!! ROLMAO!! He sooo pulled an Inuyasha!! Sweet Saints!! Inuyasha was attacked! By two more Hounds! How come they didn't scent there was more than one? I liked how Sesshoumaru was fighting with his emotions! You really have captured them all!! Ah,I see why Rin got so scared! Thank you for answering my question. Inuyasha transformed and Sesshoumaru trying to kept Kagome away from him. He doesn't know Kagome can help. Good for Kagome to get away! I loved the fight scene with Youkai Inuyasha! He is so sexy that way! Loved that you had Inuyasha know Kagome! He kissed her!! Alright!! Too cool!! It took Belgarath grumbling to get the sword over to Inuyasha! Kagome used the sit command to bring him back! Loos like a very long review session this time!! Right on!!
 Reviewed By: Suzy Q 001 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2006 12:12 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have read stories where Kagome has the ability to restore Sesshomaru's arm and I think that what Rin is learning that she might be able to Kagome could please consider that.
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