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"Tales of Revenge and Sweet Snow" Reviews/Comments [ 19 ]
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 Reviewed By: asian princess 61  On: June 17, 2004 01:01 CDT
hello! reading this bc i needed a good laugh! especially with what happened to me last night.. but whatever! it just gets more funny every time i read this! hope you continue soon and just so you know are you sure 'kohaku kuruma' [i almost typed 'kurama' :P] means 'little white car'? bc 'kohaku' means 'amber'.. but anyways just curious. ja ne.. you know.. we need to get an amusing r.p. going... hiei needs a g.f.!
 Reviewed By: Realdrawer80 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 17, 2004 23:42 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
When are you going to update? I do believe I haven't read anything from you since god knows when! PLEASE?!? No more torturing reviewers, right?
 Reviewed By: asian princess 61  On: April 29, 2004 15:43 CDT
gah!! they deleted part of my review!! the part where it said 'UPDATE!' but yea do continue soon and like i said if you want any kind of help with the next chapter email what you have written to me and i'll add something to see if you might like it ok?
 Reviewed By: asian princess 61  On: April 29, 2004 15:31 CDT
AAAAHHHHH!!! JESSCHEAUX YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!! why dont you along with the challenges and such make the next chapter ultra fluffy! cute fluff for everyone and their bishonen/bishoujo!! just a thought and if you need help with that i'd love to help! i'm in a helping mood and even though my stupid mentor told me i should change all my sentence patterns for my fic FOR ALL 10 CHAPTERS >.
 Reviewed By: Portal-girl  On: April 19, 2004 21:30 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really love this fic. I had to reread Botan's Revenge, cause I had forgotten it. Plus, I was getting bored. Please update soon. I'm dying for the next chapter! I'm sure everyone else is too. I can supply embarrassing stuff for Jessica and Jin. ^^ Just e-mail me, and let me know if you want it. Ja ne! ~Portal-girl
 Reviewed By: ZamKenobi  On: March 23, 2004 14:38 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Aw! Poor Jesscheaux! I know how you feel! Evil ff.net deleted one of my stories too! Though I don't really see how your's breaks the rules....
 Reviewed By: RyuJoobachi aka Dragon Queen  On: March 23, 2004 09:51 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I feel your pain. 'they' deleted my best stroy. Bishi Mania. WHY! I worked so hard on it and for some reason its not saved on my computer. hmm... I'll have to check with that father of mine. Anyway. I still like yur story, even if I lag with reviewing, I still read it!!!! I really should start reviewing stories. hmmm....... BYE! I need to glomp my adorable Hiei-kun. Hiei: Stop calling me that. Ryu: HIEI!!!!! *glomps Hiei* Hiei: Its going to be a long nigt. Ryu: You have no idea.heeheehehahahahMWUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!! Err. *sweatdrop*
 Title: WOO HOO!!!
Reviewed By: Ace-chan (AKA Shekahla the freakin' weirdo)  On: March 21, 2004 13:16 CST
YES AND TAlES OF REVENGE AND SWEET SNOW IS BACK!!!! ^^ I'm so glad that it's back Jessi-chan!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Ja ne and congrads! *waves bye*
 Title: boo
Reviewed By: Demon Ashika  On: March 19, 2004 16:21 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*stabs ff.net with a stick* NUUU deleting! ^^ I revuw fo you! XP
 Reviewed By: A.S.  On: March 19, 2004 12:31 CST
A.S.: YES!! IT LIVES!!! TALES OF REVENGE AND SWEET SNOW IS BACKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Yuki: 0_o A.S...... breath......breath....breath in....breath out.....stay calm.... A.S.: *Dancing around* it's back; it's back!! Hiei: A.S.! Get down from that fountain this instant!!! A.S.: *Currently on top of a fountain singing, a mix between "I'm Singing in the Rain!!!" and "Hallelujuah"...... Kuwabara: *Staring at himself in the mirror* Jess: Kuwabara! You've been doing that for HOURS now! Kuwabara: I'm so bish, Jess! Do you not like me being bishie? *Sniffle* Jess: AW! I love you either way! *huggles Kuwabara* A.S: *sees Kurama* KURAMA!!! Yuki: Oh no `ya don't!!! *Chasing Kami* A.S.: Kura-kura-maaaa!!! (-Trying to get out of Yuki's grasps..... Yuki is holding her back-) Yuki: Gosh...... -_- She's always been a Kurama fan.... .WHY must she become a severe Kurama fan again????? A.S.: ^_^ `Cuz I just remembered Kurama rocks hard core much more than other bishies! I've always been a Kurama fan at heart! (-peace sign-) Yuki: (-sweatdrops-) I know, I know.... (-shakes head-) Kurama: 0_o Jess: 0_o Kuwabara is so much better than Kurama. Humph. A.S.: Nu-uh, sista'.... *Does a snapping thing* Jess: Oh no, you didn'!! A.S.: Uh huh! Talk to da' hand cuz' IIII don't wanna' hear it! Yusuke: (-freaked out-) Jess: OHHHH!!! You SO did not do that! Yukina: (-Walks in-) Hello. ^_^ Jess: (-turns to Yukina with flames in her eyes-) A.S.: Anyways, I'm SO GLAD your story is back! See ya'! _A.S.
 Title: -spoken in a creepy Jack Nicolson voice- It's baaaack...
Reviewed By: Nellas aka Pewter  On: March 19, 2004 09:19 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
EEE! It's back! I'm so glad you can continue this fic here, because it's just TOO funny. I know I probably said this before, but maybe you could fit the hobbits in there somewhere(not Gollum, though...he's dead), maybe in the Botan house. Then everyone would be cursing Timeshares, no? Update soon, peas? Do the hamster dance...at the circus!
 Title: lol
Reviewed By: Rei Tsukino  On: March 18, 2004 16:12 CST
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!! *can't wait to glomp Hiei*
 Reviewed By: Kaden Amano  On: March 18, 2004 12:26 CST
*points down to her review* Dude look it's like the size of Mama Cass!
 Title: Beware the Bishie Whipper!
Reviewed By: Kaden Amano  On: March 18, 2004 11:34 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Whoooooo yeah it's back! Glad you decided to re-post this awesome work of brilliance, Homie-J! Dude I haven't got to review you for a while! TORA Sweet Snow is da bomb! I LURVE this fic *grinz like a fool* I even re-read the whole thing cuz I'm like, you know, totally obsessive 'n stuff ok! Fanfiction.net is soooooo lame for deleting this, WE MUST SMITE THEM!! *shakes fist* I swear they're just jealous! I mean what other explaination is there? Gahhh, oh well. The fic lives on, EAT IT FF.NET!! EAT IT WITH A SILVER SPORK AND A FIG NEWTON ON TOP!! ^___^ | Kurama: O_O; Well I see somebody is in dire need of counseling...may I suggest my therapist? | Kade: It never works on ME, foo'! | Hiei: Hn, yes this pathetic ningen is hopeless. And she annoys me to no end! | Kade: Oh Hiei, I luv you too *glompage* | Yami: Grrr...that wexa fire demon again. I'll Mind Crush him! | Kade: O.O Uh-oh! *releases Hiei* YAMS!! *jumps into his arms* I'm so glad you're okay! | Yami: *confused* Okay? Of course, why wouldn't I be? | Kade: Because of THAT BAKA MARIK! | Kurama: You mean Malik? | Kade: NO! His stupid-moronic-yet-totally-hott yami, MARIK! Grrr...don't you remember Yami, when you got knocked out because of him!? AND then who got near you when you were lying on the ground unconscious? *growl* HER!! IT!! THE THING!! I'm gonna MURDERLIZE HER! | Jess: Yeah! Then we'll destroy THAT ICE WENCH too! *grabs bazooka of DOOOOM!!* | Hiei: *glare glare glare* I won't allow you to harm her, baka ningen! | Jess: You don't have a choice, unless you want some of this! *points bazooka of DOOOOM!! in his direction* | Hiei: *smirk* You won't live long enough to pull the trigger! *suddenly notices a bowl in the corner filled with a suspiciously familiar substance* What...is...that...? *eyes grow wide with...excitement?* | Bowl: *begins to slide away, being pulled (or pushed) by an invisible force* | Hiei: *gasp* GET BACK HERE! MY SWEET SNOW! *runs after the bowl* | Kurama: *sweatdrop* Well that was odd... *suddenly spies the woman of his dreams* JESSCHEAUX!! You've come to see ME haven't you? *bats eyelashes and glomps her* | Jess: GAH! 'Rama, not again! | Kurama: Oh darling I just LURVE your new nickname for me! *swoons* It's as loverly as you are! NOW WILL YOU FINALLY MARRY ME!? *hopeful smile* | Jess: Kurama you know I can't, I've told you a BAZILLION freakin' times already! I'm engaged to Kuwabara! | Kurama: *shifty eyes* Well I don't see him around here anywhere, hmph! | Jess: Hm yeah that's odd...he said he'd be here any minute, I wonder what's keeping him? | Kurama: *trying to hide a devious grin* See darling, you deserve a man who will ALWAYS keep his word and be there when you need him, like...oh I can think of somebody, ME! *glomps again* | Jess: No, get off! | Mysterious Voice: Release the lady now, you fiendish fox! | Kurama: What? *blinks and looks up* Oh no it's you! DRAGON GUY! | Shiryu: Yes it is I! And though sadly I am blind at the moment, all my other senses are heightened and I can see exactly where you are! *points menacingly to a telephone pole* | All: *sweatdrop* | Kurama: Err...I'm over here. | Shiryu: *slight blush* I KNEW THAT! *pounces on Kurama* Now you shall perish! | Jess: *sparkly eyes* Oh it's Shiryu, GO SHIRYU! | Kenshin: *strides in and sees his brother and the Dragon Guy engulfed in a cloud* *shakes his head* I don't know what's gotten into my dear brother lately, de gozarou...ORO! @__@ | Jess: Kenshin! *hugs* | Kenshin: Oh hello there Miss Jesscheaux! ^_^ Have you re-considered my proposal, by any chance? | Jess: Um, well... | Kenshin: *sigh* That's alright, I understand...but my love for you shall never die! | Jess: Oh that's so sweet, Kenshin! | Kurama: *stops fighting with Shiryu* KENSHIN!! *horrified* HOW DARE YOU TRY TO MOVE IN ON MY LOVE! | Kenshin: She is not your love, that she isn't! And you should be at home doing your homework, that you should! | Kurama: Grr you're not the boss of me! | Kenshin: As your older brother, I certainly am! | Kurama: *pulls on his hair* For the last time, you are NOT the older twin, it's ME! | Kenshin: Lies! | Kurama: No, it's true! You can even ask mother! | Kenshin: I will not lower myself to your level by continuing this argument, little brother. | Kurama: *seethes and stomps out of the room* | Shiryu: Alright, where is he? *swinging his fists around blindly* LEMME AT HIM! | Hyouga: Dude he's like not here, man. | Kade: HYOUGA YAY! *glomps him* | Roger: *charges in* No time for idle banter, I must win Jessi's heart and then whisk her off to live in my expensive house with all my rich, expensive stuff! | Lupin: Not if I can help it you won't! *tackles Roger before he can glomp Jess* | Jess: Aww, they're fighting over ME! | Ginji: *comes into the room with Kuwabara in tow* Hey, Jessi I think this belongs to you...I 'got it back' for you! ^_^ | Jess: *turns around* KAZUMA!! There you are! *glomps* What happened? | Kuwabara: *hugs her back* Well I'm not sure...last thing I remember is being bonked over the head with a hard object and then I woke up tied to a chair in a closet! | Jess: GRRR WHO DID IT? WHO!? Wait a sec...what was that LOOK in Kurama's eyes? I bet it was him! | Kuwabara: GRR I BET IT WAS TOO! That dumb fox, always butting in and trying to steal you from me! | Jess: He'll never succeed, you know that! | Kuwabara: Yeah...I know. Aishiteru, koishii *kisses her* | Everyone: AWWWWWWWWW! | Kade: *tackle-glomps Ginji* You're so loveable, and such a hottie! | Ginji: *blush* Hey thanks! Maybe sometime, if you want, you and I can-- | Yami: *clears his throat loudly* | Ginji: --um, play chess! | Kade: *sweatdrop* Okay sure, why not? ^_^ | Yusuke: DAMMIT WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO SHOW UP IN A REVIEW!? *whines* Kaaaaaaaade I thought you liked me! I'm on the Lurve List aren't I? | Kade: Well yeah, but... | Bakura: And what of me? I'm Thief King Bakura-sama, I DESERVE TO BE IN HERE TOO! | MEAN Yami: *laughs evilly* And I am MEAN Yami, I am MEAN! | Malik: DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME! *wink* I thought you liked my Rod! | Kade: *angry glare* It's YOU! Grr don't even THINK you can show your face around me right now, Malik Ishtar! After what you did! | Malik: *shocked* ME!?!?! I didn't do it, it was MARIK! | Kade: Well you could have at least TRIED to stop him! | Malik: WHAT?!?! Don't you think I DID try? THAT FREAK HAD FULL CONTROL, THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO DAMMIT!! | Kade: Psshhhh whatever! My poor poor Yami! *sniffle* | Yami: *comforts her* I'm really alright, Kade. | Joey: 'ey guys, whatta 'bout me? *sad* I can't believe Jess is gonna cut me from her bishie list. | Jess: Oh Joey don't be sad! *hugs* | Joey: *feels a little better, but still sad* Nah it's ok...I'll get over it eventually... | Koenma: *stomps in* THERE you all are! I demand this review end immediately, it has gone on long enough and YOU'RE ALL SLACKING OFF! | Yusuke: Oh great here's Pacifier Breath again... | Genkai: *WHAPS Yusuke upside the head and grabs him by the ear* He's right, SLACKER! You're coming with me! | Yusuke: *tortured moan* Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... *is dragged off to train* | Kade: Okay everyone, seeing how this is "Tales of Revenge and Sweet Snow" I'm reviewing, how 'bout we all go for some ice cream? | Hiei: *back in the room in like half a nano-second* SWEET SNOW!? HN! *already sugar-high from the previous bowl of ice cream--I mean Sweet Snow* | All: *sweatdrop* | Jess: Let's blow this popsicle stand! | Kade: Kotoba yo! | Jess: Dude that's MY line! | Kade: *laughs* Cha, I lurve it! |||| And they all went out for Sweet Snow and got incredibly hyper, then caused havoc around the whole town! Mwaha! ...And then some other stuff happened and the whole day was just like, totally fab, yo! LONG LIVE TORA SWEET SNOW!! *waves flags* ^___^ This fic is awesome, Homie-J! *gangsta handshake* You ever need any help, or anything at all, all ya gotta do is ask...hehe, reminds me of a song, but I'm not sure what *sweatdrop* YAYZ! Catch ya later Jess, ODAIJINI! *peace sign*
 Reviewed By: Thiny  On: March 18, 2004 05:00 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Yaye! It's back it's back, IT'S BACK! Now I'm going to go all crazy.. no wait.. today's Thursday... I'm going to hell.. WAIII!! NOOO!! I wanna stay at my mom's! *pout pout* I really hate my dad and he lost his job like two weeks ago (I think I told you this) so now he's all like EHHHHHHHHH... yeah.. hi... er.. *looks to the right* Oo, gotta go!
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