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User Name:HevensAngel
Name/Nick:Angel Waters
Last Visited On:Jan. 05th, 2007, 18:43:29, PST
Registered On:September 09, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Angel Waters here! If you want to know, here's some stuff about me!

Species: Wolf Demon
Gender: TGIF - Thank Goddess I'm Female
Age: Unknown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6
Religion: Wiccan

I love drawing, archery, reading, singing, oboe, guitar, ice skating, horses, wolves (duh!), and my friends!

Things I don't like - stuck up people who think they're better than you, squirrels (EVIL!), authors who end a chapter with the character thinking 'I wonder what will happen next?' (it just bugs the hell out of me), actors that think they can sing, spiders (too... many... legs!), people who smell (ew), sunlight (it burns!), and perky people.

Yeah, I'm picky... but i'll grow on ya!

If you're wondering how my writing's going ...

Slave Girl - I'm not sure how to continue, suggestions anyone?

A Human Gift - This one was compleatly spontainious. But I'm working on it.

The Boiling Point - I've got 40-odd chappies planned out (the number depends on who you want Kag to end up with. Ses or Inu?)

The Scent of Memory - I've been thinking about this story sence last year! So, I've finally got the first chapter up and I've got a good idea how the rest is going to turn out.

A Demons Mate - I wrote this one sooo long ago, except I never finished. So, I gave it an ending and posted it! ^_^0 Also not sure how to contiue with it.

I would like to say right here that summer vacation is comming up soon, and I plan to update my stories like crazy! :-D

That's all for now,

~Angel Waters out!
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