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User Name:boiya
Last Visited On:Jun. 07th, 2003, 21:57:28, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2003
ICQ Number: 74081510
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Yahoo Handle:runelebeau
AIM Handle:kyousohma
Biography:Age/Occupation/Location(all in one!): 22 year old female computer specialist that is in the US Army from down in the southeast region of the USA.

Hobbies: Anime/manga otaku, cosplaying con junky! XD Thats the life for me! I travel hundreds or thousands of miles just to attend cons and cosplay Hisoka Kurosaki from Yami no Matsuei. I even have Hisoka's curse tattooed on my left arm so that's me. Mwahahaha!!!

Anime series: I've mainly seen everything, but I like Shaman King, Gravitation, Macross 7, Fruits Basket, and Hikaru no Go.

Author qualities: I only write SK fics though I did write one FB fic once. I can't write so bare with me since I'm told my grammer and spelling is garbage and it destroys all the stories that I write, hehe.

Stuff that I love: I love Anna Kyouyama to death and wish I had a girlfriend just like her! XD And I love Hao Asakura to death too! He's the shitznets. XD All must worship Hao-sama! I want Hao-sama's pants! I'd take him too, but too many people would want to fight me for him so I'll just take his kakkoi pants! XD In the future I plan to cosplay as Hao alot. *having evil thoughts* Then I can chase Anna around and be all evil like Hao-sama!

Other information: Feel free to write me at my e-mail addy or im sometime. I love to hear from fellow otakus. ^^


Hoshi Gumi (Shaman King site)


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