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Iria: Zeiram the Animation Title: Iria: Zeiram the Animation
Genre: Sci-fi / Action
Run Time: 180 minutes
Publisher: U.S. Manga Corps
Released On: August 25, 1996
Type: n/a
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 6
Movie(s): 2
Rating:4.60 Rating          Votes: 20

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Characters: Bob, Fujikuro, Gren, Iria, Kei, Zeiram

Iria: Zeiram the Animation - Description/Synopsis
Zeiram - the most dangerous life form in the galaxy. It is virtually unstoppable - perhaps even invulnerable. The Tedan Tippedai Corporation secretly attempted to import Zeiram to be used as the basis for a powerful new bio-weapon, and now it\'s loose. Iria, a ruthless young bounty hunter whose brother was butchered by Zeiram, uncovers this information while stalking the monster - evidence that certain parties would rather have silenced. Now Iria must expose the silent conspiracy before any more innocent people are massacred by the monster. With the aid of her young sidekick, Kei, and a mysterious benefactor, Iria will avenge her brother\'s death... only who is hunting whom?

Iria: Zeiram The Animation is based on an older live action monster movie, Zeram, made in 1991. The Movie takes place far after the anime. The Animation is more of a prequel explaining how Zeiram was released and how it killed her brother, which is why she hunts it. There is also a second movie.

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