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Characters: Jiyu Nanohana, Yagyu Jubei Jubei-Chan - Description/Synopsis Yagyu Jubei was Japan\'s greatest swordsman. His skill was legendary but the one enemy he couldn\'t conquer was death. Before he died, though, he gave his disciple hope - there would be a successor, and this deserving person would receive all the power and skill of Yagyu Jubei, along with the Lovely Eyepatch. After 300 years of searching, the disciple finds Jiyu Nanohana, a rather ordinary girl who has just moved to a new town and started going to a new school. As if going to a new school weren\'t stressful enough, now Jiyu is told that she is heir to the legendary talents of Yagyu Jubei![ Back To Top ] [ Aug 9, 2002 20:04 ] zombi3d ORA ORA! one word describes this anime funny funny funny funny!! its soo funny if filled with senseless humor! you'll be shocked at how many jokes they can get out of a scene i mean the sometimes they make fun out of useless characters by drawing them crappy and the enemies are the funniest! oh man its about a girl whose nickname is jubie, she gets a eye patch that gives her powere of an old swords master plot? nope interesting? cant wait for the next ep ! funny? like hell! action? tons lovey lovey? comic love! squishy? sometimes! basicly i give it a 9/10 lightens up your mood funny funny funny! [ Back To Top ] |