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Characters: Ami Mizuno: Sailor Mercury, Artemis, Chibi Usa: Sailor Chibi Moon, Haruka Ten'ou: Sailor Uranus, Hotaru Tomoe: Sailor Saturn, Luna, Makoto Kino: Sailor Jupiter, Mamoru Chiba: Tuxedo Kamen, Michiru Kaiou: Sailor Neptune, Minako Aino: Sailor Venus, Rei Hino: Sailor Mars, Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Star Maker, Setsuna Meiou: Sailor Pluto, Usagi Tsukino: Sailor Moon Sailor Moon - Description/Synopsis Fourteen year old Tsukino Usagi is your average normal eighth grader who happens to be a little klutzy and a crybaby. Then one day fate steps in in the form of a black cat named Luna, with a golden crescent on her forhead, who bestows upon Usagi a magical item that transforms her into the sailor suited senshi Sailor Moon. Together with her fellow senshi and the second crescent moon cat Artimes Sailor Moon must protect the world from evil all while dealing with friends, school, and romance.Sailor Moon consists of five seasons and three movies. [ Back To Top ] [ Apr 6, 2006 13:31 ] Something Dysfunctional Greatest Anime Ever Upon watching the dubbed version when it hit American shores back in 1995 or so, I was immediately drawn to the large eyes, magical attacks, heart-filled romances, and comedic jokes that the basic American cartoons couldn't have. However... that was then, and now upon watching the S, SuperS, and Sailor Stars and all the movies in uncut Japanese, I realized how much EXACTLY I was missing when it wasn't dubbed. Sailor Moon is THE show EVER for magical bishojou series and just wonderful in general. I am an avid fan of the original series- that means the non-dubbed version- and I will stand behind it and support it for a VERY, very long time. I'm that dedicated to it and I will fight for it if the time came if someone bashes it. It was my first Anime and I will hold it dearly to my heart. Both the manga and Anime series will make you want more and it has inspired a lot of other people to create their own manga/Anime and without Sailor Moon, I don't think it was possible. [ Mar 4, 2006 16:43 ] PharaohYamisAngel"Ai no seji no, SAILOR so bishojou senshi- SAILOR MOON!Tsuki ni kawatte OSHOKYO!" ^_^ sailor moon I just love this anime and maga it is so cool [ Feb 22, 2003 3:50 ] AkaVChanSailor Moon I have seen only the dub version, but I find that even watching only the dub, it is still a fantastic series. I have loved Sailor Moon for years, so I have only one thing to say: Sailor Moon Rules [ Mar 27, 2002 20:39 ] Dreama TsukiMy favorite and Always will be along with WeiB Kreuz! Who could not like this anime? If you have seen the origonal and read the manga you would say the same thing! Sure someone could argue that the daily plot is repetitive, but you have to look at the big picture with this one, otherwise you miss out on so much! Granted some of the characters are annoying like Chibiusa (Rini), Minako (Mina), and Ami, but some also have deeper great points like Usagi (Serena for you dubbies). If you loved Utena, then you might want to reconsider that since they both have the same director: Ikuhara-sama! All bow before Ikuhara-sama! [ Nov 26, 2001 12:46 ] Kirei Rei-samaBishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Review No anime has had a greater impact on me than BSSM (Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon). It was the one series that sparked my undying obsession of anime. I've loved it from the very first time I saw it dubbed on TV. Back than I was such a sucker for the dub but I soon got over that and considered the original version. And of course I was very upset when I realized how much of the show was edited & changed. I had no choice but to live with it. The manga to BSSM is simply a masterpiece. Takeuchi-san sure spent a lot of time with it. It's amazing how she combines differnet elements from Japanese & Chinese culture, Greek & Roman mythology, and astrology to come up with the whole story of BSSM. However, I was also very dissappointed to find so much of the manga left out when it was produced into an anime. Not only was the plot changed but some of the character's personalities were altered as well. The anime could've been more intriguing than the way it is now if that didn't happen. But despite all that BSSM continues to be popular around the world regardless of the version. I'm glad about that. I seriously do think BSSM deserves more credit than it does. Most people just think about the anime version without considering the manga. I think of the anime as just a comic relief adaptation of the original story, which isn't too bad. So in conclusion I'd like to say that BSSM is one series that I think takes the lead in its genre. It truly is a classic to behold. -Fiery Miko [ Nov 18, 2001 12:52 ] JunoBusterSailor Moon Review by FSTwista This toon, as with DBZ, is a minime, but it's a little more developed. If you watch the uncut version of this it's actually pretty good(as an anime.) The characters are hooooooooooot... The Sailor Chicks, at least. The animations rock in all scenes, but they just don't cuss enough! They just barely have enough sexuallity to keep me content, and the plot, which almost always has to do with love, is usually good. The only reason I would consider SM a minime is it's kiddyish "style." [ Aug 29, 2001 16:47 ] KonieSM in a Nutshell OK, I'll try to go through this with at little spoilers as possible. =-) I just saw the Rayearth review...and it ticked me off that it told the ending... (I'd already seen it, but still...if I hadn't...) Anyway, Sailor Moon is THE shoujo anime series! If it hadn't been for SM, there'd probably be no Card Captor Sakura, Wedding Peach, etc... This series has got everything from romance to action; strong young women and bishies. Sailor Moon is a great "gateway" anime, as it introduces a story line that in and of itself isn't too hard to follow (although it has symbolism and allusions that are fun to find!), basically a group of girls pre-destined to protect the Earth (from being princess/warriors in a past life) fight against evil to keep the Earth safe. That's the BASIC storyline, as there's so much more that goes on! I whole heartedly reccommend this series! [ Back To Top ] |