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Characters: Kuroneko, Legato Bluesummers, Meryl Stryfe, Millie Thompson, Millions Knives, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Rem Saverem, Vash Stampede Trigun - Description/Synopsis No one really knows what the 60 billion dollar-wanted-man named Vash really looks like, only what damage he has been fabled to have caused. Due to over 300 insurance claims filed by the inhabitants of the cities Vash the Stampede has supposedly demolished, the FIA has sent two claims inspectors - Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson - to find Vash and investigate / fine him for all the damage he has caused. Now Vash must not only deal with merciless bounty hunters, but hounding insurance companies too in a setting very reminiscent of such American westerns as Bonanza or Gunsmoke.[ Back To Top ] [ Oct 9, 2003 9:47 ] Malik-chan No One has the Right to take the life of another I personaly Can't get Enought of Trigun. I love it. I think the Characters are Well Made up. and For the fact they have Different Back Grounds and Yet they can get along. [ Sep 11, 2003 22:32 ] Usagi MaxwellI think the story line is good. And the Animation Isn't Bad either. +-winks-+ Overall I give it a Ten out of a Ten. +-Hugs Vash and Wolfwood plushies-+ =P Trigun kicks major @$$!!!!!!!! [ Jun 19, 2002 22:36 ] Carbuncle25Love & Peace! As with most reviews - treat with caution - possible spoilers [ Mar 16, 2002 12:14 ] TrickleKittySometimes I like to think that I know a good anime when I see one, and in theory I have my friend to thank for introducing me to the "Humanoid Typhoon" aka Vash the Stampede. Bearing in mind that my friend and I shared a common interest in Manga/Anime, I was kindly allowed to borrow her VCDs of the entire series. Very cool coverart, rocking music in the intro... then it struck me... I couldn't understand a single word the characters were saying. I mean, Japanese dialogue and Catonese subtitles and me, plain english speaking... hmm, go figure. Anyways, so there was a language barrier. Still that didn't stop me from enjoying one of the most rare and enjoyable animes I have ever seen in my life! Set in a desolate world with a Western feel, and where ever man and woman carries a gun - Vash the Stampede is the legendary $$60,000,000 man. The series follows the wanderings of this character, in search of the "elusive mayfly called love" with hords of Bounty Hunters after his head and two Insurance ladies to clear up the mess. Trigun breaks a change of direction from your Sailor Moon-esque and Mecha-robot type anime, and the change is indeed greatly appreciated. Yet don't be fooled that Trigun is another anime with a mindless plot. Quite to the contrary, it touches all aspects of life and philosophical ideas and the watcher can be certain to be touched by the warmth and meaningful words of the individuals that star. In short: See it for yourself A change in me by Trigun First of, can I just say that I love this show. Everyone says it is such a comedy and it is but it also is so much more. People think you aren't going to find anything deep in this show in in the first volume there isn't much. But after the $$60 billon man, it starts to get a plot. It becomes very deep as you realize that Vash the Stampede is very deep and has a past that hasn't been good to him. Plus, he made me take my view of life much differently. I think I'm a calmer person now and I treasure my life as well as others so much more. So, watch this show. At least give a few volumes a try. I didn't fall in love untill the third volume I saw, so just give it a try. You won't be sorry. -Love And Peace!!! [ Aug 4, 2001 1:40 ] DawnThe Man Worth $$60,000,000,000 Warning: Spoilers :)
I popped in the third video of this series, borrowed from a good friend. I have been curious with the show, but I wasn't curious enough to spend 30 dollars on one tape, so I borrowed. By the end of the last episode on that tape I was completely hooked. I absulotely loved the show. Sure- it was kind of evil watching the show in a not-so-chronological order, but I didn't care. The show cracked me up, and the characters were GREAT! Namely Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Vash the Stampede reminded me of Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. A stranger, a wanderer, a man sworn to not kill, someone with a strange past. Unlike Kenshin, Vash has managed NOT to kill anyone- although he is hundreds of years old, he had survived a cruel world without staining his own hands with blood. Interesting character, no? I thought so. Vash appealed to me- he's such a tough guy yet he's the biggest dork in the whole universe. A couple of Insurance Girls- Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson- could easily bonk him over the head for being annoying. Those kinds of bishounens are always appealing, aren't they? ^_~ Nicholas D. Wolfwood- a priest carrying a giant cross that's packing with ammo, what more can you ask for? Wolfwood challenges Vash in every way. Although they may seem to get along and act a like, they had different way of living. Their relationship becomes very interesting as the series went on. In 26 episodes, the show manages to touch on so many different complicated philosophies of life. Here's one of my favorite qoutes: "Well I'll be. I'm actually suprised you can smile like that." "What do you mean?" "You had me kinda worried. I noticed you always smile and seem really friendly, but the way you smiled was so empty it hurt to watch you. You hurting like crazy inside, yet you grin and bear it." - A conversation started by Wolfwood to Vash That's just a touch of what the show is about. That's why it appealed to me so much. There were so much emotions coming from each of the characters that they were almost real. You get to know the characters in just a few episodes, but you don't feel rushed getting to know them. If you don't pay attention, you won't even notice that you attach yourself to them. Especially Vash- he was so passionate about preserving life. Although, he was being quite naive, you wanted to cheer for him. Vash was not human. He was very different, and what's worst, he's worth a LOT of money that people want him for. Yet, somehow, he finds a place in the people's hearts that he encounters. Well, who can resist such a cute, broomhead, idiot who's always getting into trouble and carries the words of love and peace around, neh? It's a very unique show, and it's my top favorite anime- nothing has matched it so far. A very inspiring show. ^_^ It saddened me when I finished the series, but like a friend said, "It was like eating a good meal." The show was satisfying. [ Back To Top ] |